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Assembly Source File
487 lines
IF NOT lasm
.printx * CPXCOM.ASM *
ENDIF ; NOT lasm
; KERMIT - (Celtic for "FREE")
; This is the CP/M-80 implementation of the Columbia University
; KERMIT file transfer protocol.
; Version 4.0
; Copyright June 1981,1982,1983,1984,1985
; Columbia University
; Originally written by Bill Catchings of the Columbia University Center for
; Computing Activities, 612 W. 115th St., New York, NY 10025.
; Contributions by Frank da Cruz, Daphne Tzoar, Bernie Eiben,
; Bruce Tanner, Nick Bush, Greg Small, Kimmo Laaksonen, Jeff Damens, and many
; others.
; This file contains part common code required for most if not all
; systems. Specifiacally, SYSINIT, INIADR, MOVER, and DELAY to name
; the most important ones.
; revision history:
; edit 1, 21st July 1987 by OBSchou. Regretably, I have had to include
; some system dependent IFs, mainly for CRT, TORCH and OSI. Inclusion
; here means simpler family files later on. (Regrettably, the delay
; loop for APMMDM differs too.)
; Set the fuzzy timeout value. Range is 1 (VERY short) through 0ffffH to zero
; (maximum). The actual duration is a function of the loop length and the
; processor speed. For now, we'll make it zero for everybody, but feel free
; to change it for your system.
; [OBS] make it a little less than max, say 1000H. More useful.
fuzval EQU 1000H
; System-dependent initialization
; Called once at program start.
; [13] Had to move this call to here, as the prtstr routine needs this
; before the config message is sent out. It has only been moved.
call iniadr ;Initialize the BIOS addresses
mvi c,gtiob ;Get current I/O byte
call bdos ;From CP/M
sta coniob ;Remember where console is
mvi c,getvnm ; get the BDOS version number (e.g. 22H, 31H)
call bdos
mov a,l
sta bdosvr ; and store it away for future reference
lxi d,cfgmsg ; "configured for "
call prtstr
lxi d,sysver ; get configuration we're configured for
call prtstr ; print it.
; If we're set up to do special terminal handling, say what kind
; of terminal we expect... (unless it's the generic 'crt')
IF termin
lxi d,witmsg ; " with "
call prtstr
lxi d,ttytyp ; terminal type
call prtstr
call prcrlf ; print CR/LF
; now, to work...
; locate large buffer for multi-sector I/O
; What we want to do here is find the ccp. Space between ovlend and the ccp
; is available for buffering, except we don't want to use more than maxsec
; buffers (if we use too many, the remote end could time out while we're
; writing to disk). maxsec is system-dependent, but for now we'll just
; use 8Kbytes. If you get retransmissions and other protocol errors after
; transferring the first maxsec sectors, lower maxsec.
maxsec EQU (8*1024)/bufsiz ; 8K / number of bytes per sector
lxi h,ovlend ; get start of buffer
shld bufadr ; store in linkage section
mvi a,maxsec ; get size of buffer, in sectors
sta bufsec ; store that, too.
call sysxin ; call system specific init code
ret ; return from system-dependent routine
bdosvr: ds 1 ; space to save the BDOS version number
IF NOT iobyt
coniob: ds 1 ; space to save copy of IO byte
ENDIF ;NOT iobyt
; This one is hopefully the last "improvement" in view of GENERIC
;Kermit. It uses for Character-I/O the BIOS-routines ( instead of the
;"normal" BDOS routines. What does it give us (hopefully) : More speed,
;higher chance of success ( I/O byte implemented in BIOS [if at all]),
;but no "extra" device handling - that's done by BDOS.
; How do we "get" the call-adresses? Location 0 has a JMP Warm-Boot
;in CP/M which points into the second location of the BIOS JMP-Vector. The
;next three locations of the JMP-Vector point to the CONSTAT,CONIN,CONOUT
;BIOS-routines. CONOUT wants the character in C.
;- Bernie Eiben
iniadr: lhld 1 ;get BIOS Warmstart-address
lxi d,3 ;next adress is CONSTAT in BIOS
dad d
shld bconst+1 ;stuff it into the call-instruction
lxi d,3 ;next adress is CONIN in BIOS
dad d
shld bconin+1 ;
lxi d,3 ;next adress is CONOUT in BIOS
dad d
shld bcnout+1
lxi d,3 ;next address is LIST in BIOS
dad d
shld blsout+1
lxi d,10*3 ; get printer status routine
dad d
shld bprtst
ret ;And return
bconst: jmp $-$ ;Call BIOS directly (filled in by iniadr)
bconin: jmp $-$ ;Call BIOS directly (filled in by iniadr)
bcnout: jmp $-$ ;Call BIOS directly (filled in by iniadr)
blsout: jmp $-$ ; ....
bprtst: jmp $-$ ; Call BIOS directly for printer status
IF NOT apmmdm ; Shame about this, but the Apple needs a different delay
;[cjc] Delay routine. Called with time (hundredths of seconds) in A.
; The inner loop delays 1001 T-states, assuming no wait states are
; inserted; this is repeated CPUSPD times, for a total delay of just
; over 0.01 second. (CPUSPD should be set to the system clock rate,
; in units of 100KHz: for an unmodified Kaypro II, that's 25 for
; 2.5 MHz. Some enterprising soul could determine whether or not the
; Kaypro actually inserts a wait state on instruction fetch (a common
; practice); if so, the magic number at delay2 needs to be decreased.
; (We also neglect to consider time spent at interrupt level).
; called by: sendbr
; destroys BC
delay: mvi c,cpuspd ; Number of times to wait 1000 T-states to
; make .01 second delay
delay2: mvi b,70 ; Number of times to execute inner loop to
; make 1000 T-state delay
delay3: dcr b ; 4 T-states (* 70 * cpuspd)
jnz delay3 ; 10 T-states (* 70 * cpuspd)
dcr c ; 4 T-states (* cpuspd)
jnz delay2 ; 10 T-states (* cpuspd)
; total delay: ((14 * 70) + 14) * cpuspd
; = 1001 * cpuspd
dcr a ; 4 T-states
jnz delay ; 10 T-states
ret ; grand total: ((1001 * cpuspd) + 14) * a
ENDIF ; NOT apmmdm
; Set up screen display for file transfer
; called with kermit version in DE
sysscr: push d ; save version for a bit
lxi d,outlin ; clear screen, position cursor
call prtstr ; do it
pop d ; get Kermit's version
IF NOT (osi OR crt) ; got cursor control?
call prtstr ; print it
mvi e,'[' ; open bracket
call outcon ; print it (close bracket is in outln2)
lxi d,sysver ; get name and version of system module
call prtstr
lxi d,outln2 ; yes, print field names
call prtstr
lda dbgflg ; is debugging enabled?
ora a
rz ; finished if no debugging
lxi d,outln3 ; set up debugging fields
call prtstr
ENDIF;NOT (osi OR crt)
; Calculate free space for current drive
; returns value in HL
lda bdosvr ;cpm3's alloc vect may be in another bank
cpi 30H ;cpm3 or later?
jm cp2spc ;no: use cp/m 2 algorithm
lda fcb ;If no drive, get
ora a ; logged in drive
jz dir180
dcr a ;FCB drive A=1 normalize to be A=0
jmp dir18a
dir180: mvi c,rddrv
call bdos
dir18a: mov e,a ;drive in e
mvi c,getfs ;get free space BDOS funct
call bdos ;returns free recs (3 bytes in buff..buff+2)
mvi b,3 ;conv recs to K by 3 bit shift
dir18b: xra a ;clear carry
mvi c,3 ;for 3 bytes
lxi h,buff+3 ;point to addr + 1
dir18c: dcx h ;point to less sig. byte
mov a,m ;get byte
rar ;carry -> A -> carry
mov m,a ;put back byte
dcr c ;for all bytes (carry not mod)
jnz dir18c
dcr b ;shift 1 bit 3 times
jnz dir18b
mov e,m ;get least sig byte
inx h
mov d,m ;get most sig byte
xchg ;get K free in HL
; the rest are CP/M 2.2 systems, so use the alloc vector
cp2spc: mvi c,getalv ;Address of CP/M Allocation Vector
call bdos
xchg ;Get its length
lhld bmax
inx h
lxi b,0 ;Initialize Block count to zero
dir19: push d ;Save allocation address
ldax d
mvi e,8 ;set to process 8 blocks
dir20: ral ;Test bit
jc dir20a
inx b
dir20a: mov d,a ;Save bits
dcx h
mov a,l
ora h
jz dir21 ;Quit if out of blocks
mov a,d ;Restore bits
dcr e ;count down 8 bits
jnz dir20 ;do another bit
pop d ;Bump to next count of Allocation Vector
inx d
jmp dir19 ;process it
dir21: pop d ;Clear Allocation vector from stack
mov l,c ;Copy block to 'HL'
mov h,b
lda bshiftf ;Get Block Shift Factor
sui 3 ;Convert from records to thousands
rz ;Skip shifts if 1K blocks
dir22: dad h ;Multiply blocks by 'K per Block'
dcr a
jnz dir22
; +----|----|----|----|----|----|----|...
; 1 |
; 2 | Kermit-80 v4.0 [system]
; 3 |
; 4 |Number of packets: ____
; 5 |Number of retries: ____
; 6 |File name: ____________
; 7 |<error>...
; 8 |<status>...
; 9 |RPack: ___(if debugging)...
; 10 |
; 11 |SPack: ___(if debugging)...
; 12 |
; 13 |Kermit-80 A:> (when finished)
; For the PX-8, the display looks like:
; 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
; +----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----
; 1 |Kermit-80 v4.05 [Epson PX-8] Number of retries: ____
; 2 |Number of packets: ____ File name: ________.___
; 3 |<error>...
; 4 |<status>...
; 5 |RPack: ___ (if debugging)...
; 6 |
; 7 |SPack: ___ (if debugging)...
; 8 |
; 9 |Kermit-80 A:> (when finished)
IF NOT px8 ; [29]
nppos EQU 4*100h+20
rtpos EQU 5*100h+20
fnpos EQU 6*100h+12
errlin EQU 7
stlin EQU 8
rplin EQU 9
splin EQU 11
prplin EQU 13
IF px8
nppos EQU 2*100h+20
rtpos EQU 1*100h+59
fnpos EQU 2*100h+51
errlin EQU 3
stlin EQU 4
rplin EQU 5
splin EQU 7
prplin EQU 9
ENDIF ; px8 [29]
IF NOT (osi OR crt );[26]
scrnp: lxi b,nppos
jmp csrpos
scrnrt: lxi b,rtpos
jmp csrpos
scrfln: lxi b,fnpos
call csrpos
lxi d,tk
jmp prtstr
screrr: lxi b,errlin*100H+1
call csrpos
jmp clreol
scrst: lxi b,stlin*100H+1
call csrpos
jmp clreol
rppos: lxi b,rplin*100H+8
call csrpos
jmp clreol
sppos: lxi b,splin*100H+8
call csrpos
jmp clreol
; [29] Modify scrend to make the cursor line conditional on use of debugging
; This means that in most cases the entire file transfer will fit on PX-8 lcd
scrend: lda dbgflg
ora a
jz scr1nd
lxi b,prplin*100H+1 ; debugging in use [29]
jmp scr2nd
scr1nd: lxi b,rplin*100H+1 ; no debugging
scr2nd: call csrpos
clreos: lxi d,tj
jmp prtstr
; [29] and nop out the rest for now...
;scrend: lxi b,prplin*100H+1
; call csrpos
;clreos: lxi d,tj
; jmp prtstr
ENDIF;NOT (osi OR crt ) [26]
IF osi OR crt ; no cursor control
scrnp: mvi e,' '
jmp outcon
scrnrt: mvi e,' '
call outcon
mvi e,'%'
jmp outcon
scrend: jmp prcrlf ;Print CR/LF [Toad Hall]
rppos: lxi d,prpack
jmp prtstr
sppos: lxi d,pspack
jmp prtstr
ENDIF;osi OR crt
; Some frequently-used routines (duplicates of those in CPSMIT):
; prcrlf - output a CR/LF
; prtstr - output string in DE
; rskp - return, skipping over error return
prcrlf: lxi d,crlf
; [17] added this to avoid prtstr.. emulate function 9 call.
; Works on most machines.
IF (torch OR px8 OR z80mu)
; Modified print string as the CP/N (for Nut) system traps control
; characters in a function 9 call.. rot its cotton socks.
push h
push d
push b
ldax d
inx d
cpi '$' ; if a dollar then end of string
jz prtst2
push d
mov e,a
mov c,a ; also to c if its via conout in BIOS
call outcon ; send it to the screen
pop d
jmp prtst1
prtst2: pop b
pop d
pop h
ret ; regs restored.. just in case
ENDIF ;(torch OR px8 OR z80mu)
IF NOT (torch OR px8 or z80mu) ;ie any machine that can send ctrl chrs via dos call 9
push b
mvi c,9 ; Dos call 9 (print a string)
call bdos
pop b
ret ; all done for good machines
ENDIF ;NOT (torch OR px8 OR z80mu)
; rskp - return to calling address + 3.
rskp: pop h ; Get the return address
inx h ; Increment by three
inx h
inx h
; Copy block of data
; source in HL, destination in DE, byte count in BC
; called by: cpxsys, mfname
;IF NOT z80 ; 8080's have to do it the hard way
;OBS assume its an 8080 for now - this will work on Z80s anyway.
mov a,m
stax d
inx h
inx d
dcx b
mov a,b
ora c
jnz mover
;IF z80
; db 0EDh,0B0h ; Z80 LDIR instruction
; Miscellaneous messages
crlf: db cr,lf,'$'
cfgmsg: db 'configured for $'
witmsg: db ' with $' ; Its included if we get here ('with terminal')
IF NOT (osi OR crt OR px8) ; [29] got cursor control?
outln2: db ']',cr,lf,cr,lf,'Number of packets:'
db cr,lf,'Number of retries:'
db cr,lf,'File name:$'
ENDIF;NOT (osi OR crt OR px8)
IF px8 ; [29]
outln2: db '] Number of retries:', cr, lf
db 'Number of packets: File name:$'
ENDIF ; px8 [29]
IF NOT (osi OR crt) ; [29]
outln3: db cr,lf,cr,lf ; debugging messages
db cr,lf,'Rpack:'
db cr,lf ; Blank line in case of long packet
db cr,lf,'Spack:$'
ENDIF ; NOT (osi OR crt) [29]
IF lasm
ENDIF ;lasm