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Date: Tuesday, 27 August 1985
From: Ken Turkowski <ken%turtlevax.uucp>
To: net.micro
Re: FIFO chips
In article <5904@utzoo.UUCP> henry@utzoo.UUCP (Henry Spencer) writes:
>I'm seeking a particular variety of IC that I can't find in my own
>databook collection (which is substantial but by no means complete).
>What I want is a FIFO, at least 16x8, +5 only, with tri-state outputs.
>No single-source chips need apply. It doesn't need to be terribly fast.
>Extra capacity is welcome but not very important. In a pinch I'd be
>willing to put a pair of compact ...x4 chips side-by-side, but the tri-state
>outputs and the single power supply are necessary.
>I've got some leads, but nothing at all definite. I'd like to hear
>about anything that might be suitable. More specifically... Is there
>a second source for TRW's 1030? Is the Z8060 a real part (my Zilog
>databook is kind of old) with a second source? Does the number "2812"
>ring a bell, and if so, who makes it?
No, no one else makes the TRW 1030. The Z8060 is a real part but
slo-ooow (over a microsecond cycle time). 2812 sort of sounds like an
Intel number.
After years of domination of the FIFO market by MMI with their dinky
64x4 and 64x5 bubble-through FIFO's, the market has finally stabilized
on an good FIFO architecture with good performance:
Mostek 4501 512x9 200, 150, 120, 80 ns access time
IDT 7201 512x9 120, 80, 65, 50 ns
7202 1024x9 120, 80, 65, 50 ns
For reference the MMI parts are the 67401 (64x4) and 67402 (64x5),
with similar parts made by Cypress, Fairchild, and National. TI's got
some 16x4 and 16x5's (74LS222, 224, 227, 228, 74S225), but they are
Here's some prices, current as of about April of 1984 (slightly old):
DEPTH WIDTH CYCLE MFR PART (100) (500) (1000)
16 4 125ns RCA CB40105BE
16 4 100ns Fairchild 74F403
16 4 100ns Signetics N9403
16 4 84ns TI SN74LS222 - - 10.00
16 4 84ns TI SN74LS224 - - 8.57
16 4 50ns TI SN74LS227 - - 10.00
16 4 50ns TI SN74LS228 - - 8.57
16 5 100ns TI SN74S225 7.00 5.00 4.70
64 4 100ns Fairchild 74F43
64 4 100ns Fairchild 74F433
64 4 100ns MMI C67401 29.95 29.95
64 4 100ns National DM87S401
64 4 100ns National DM87S401A
64 4 67ns MMI C67401A 31.01 31.01
64 4 60ns MMI C67401B 35.33 35.33
64 4 125ns Fairchild 9423C
64 5 100ns MMI C67402 26.19 26.19
64 5 100ns National DM87S402
64 5 67ns MMI C67402A 38.76 38.76
64 5 67ns National DM87S402A
64 5 60ns MMI C67402B 43.34 43.34
64 5 29ns MMI C67413A 50.00
64 9 67ns TRW TDC1030 75.00?
256 8 205ns TI TMS9650 ?
512 9 228ns Mostek 4501-20 27.50 26.00 17.07 stock
512 9 175ns Mostek 4501-15 30.00 27.50 17.27 stock
512 9 140ns Mostek 4501-12 31.00 29.50 20.12 1Q85
512 9 - Mostek 4501-10 - - - 15.40 10K December
512 9 - Mostek 4501-8 - - - -
64-4K - 125ns Signetics 8X60 20.50 20.50 FIFO RAM controller
A related product is the dual-port RAM:
Synertek SY2130 1024x8 100 ns
SY2131 1024x8 100 ns
SY2132 512x8 100 ns
SY2133 512x8 100 ns
IDT 7130 1024x8 120, 100, 90 ns
7132 2024x8 120, 100, 90 ns
Ken Turkowski @ CADLINC, Menlo Park, CA
UUCP: {amd,decwrl,hplabs,seismo,spar}!turtlevax!ken