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.fo HIPPOtm Documen⌠ ª Program≤ (c⌐ 198╡ Happ∙ Maε Corporation
Thσá Happ∙á Investorstmö Persona∞ Portfoli∩á Organize≥á (HIPPOtm⌐ ì
support≤á you≥ investmen⌠ decisioε makinτ witΦ accurate¼á timel∙ ì
report≤ oε you≥ securities«á I⌠ provide≤ thσ basic≤á -- curren⌠ ì
prices¼á earnings¼á anΣá dividenΣá yield≤ -- bu⌠ als∩á ha≤á man∙ ì
uniquσá feature≤á tha⌠ makσ i⌠ ß powerfu∞ too∞ fo≥á thσá seriou≤ ì
investor«á HIPPOtmö act≤ a≤ you≥ faithfu∞ anΣ experienceΣ clerk¼ ì
s∩ you'l∞ bσ glaΣ yo⌡ hireΣ ou≥ HIPPO!
Likσ othe≥ gooΣ portfoli∩ trackinτ systems¼ HIPPOtm reports:
==> Ticke≥ symbols¼ names¼ dividenΣ yields¼ anΣ securit∙ types
==> Thσ lates⌠ pricσ anΣ it≤ percentagσ change
==> Tota∞ cost¼ numbe≥ oµ shares¼ anΣ valuσ of eacΦ security
==> Thσ date¼ numbe≥ oµ shares¼ anΣ valuσ oµ eacΦ purchase
==> ┴á summar∙ givinτ you≥ portfolio'≤ tota∞á value¼á includinτ ì
ááááácash¼ anΣ thσ valuσ anΣ tota∞ cos⌠ oµ you≥ securitie≤ alone
ExperienceΣ investor≤ wil∞ finΣ HIPPO'≤ specia∞ feature≤á usefu∞ ì
t∩á maximizσ profit≤ anΣ minimizσ taxes╗á novice≤ wil∞ finΣ theφ ì
increasingl∙ valuablσ a≤ the∙ develo≡ thei≥ investmen⌠ skills.
==> ┴á comparisoεá oµá eacΦ security'≤ pricσá witΦá it≤á short¼ ì
ááááámedium¼ anΣ long-terφ averagσ levels
==> EacΦá purchase'≤ valuσ t∩ cos⌠ ratio¼á anΣ ß simila≥á rati∩ ì
áááááfo≥ ß marke⌠ index¼á showinτ it≤ changσ iε thσ samσ period¼ ì
áááááhelping you learn from both successes and mistakes.
==> Codinτ long-terφ purchase≤ t∩ hel≡ yo⌡ minimizσ you≥ taxes
==> Codinτ t∩ warε yo⌡ oµ purchase≤ becominτ long-terφ shortly¼ ì
ááááás∩ yo⌡ remembe≥ t∩ takσ actioε needeΣ t∩ reducσ you≥ taxes
==> Reportinτ alphabeticall∙ b∙ typσ anΣ name¼ o≥ b∙ namσ alone
==> Locatioε codes¼ s∩ yo⌡ kno≈ who'≤ holdinτ you≥ certificates
==> Calculatioε oµ brokersº commission≤ giveε thei≥ discount≤
==> Automatiπ creditinτ oµ dividend≤ t∩ casΦ oε thei≥ ex-dates
==> Cros≤ total≤ b∙ typσ oµ securit∙ (a≤ ß percentagσ oµá tota∞ ì
ááááávalue⌐ t∩ hel≡ yo⌡ contro∞ you≥ portfolio'≤ diversification
è==> Cros≤á total≤á b∙ certificatσ locatioε t∩ limi⌠á you≥á risδ ì
áááááshoulΣ ß broke≥ g∩ broke
.cp 25
.pn 1
.fo Page # HIPPOtm Copyright 1985 Happy Man Corporation Page #
Licensee≤á oµá thσá ful∞ HIPPOtmö packagσ wil∞ receivσá ßá clear¼ ì
printeΣá manual¼á whicΦ wil∞ makσ everythinτ easie≥á still¼á bu⌠ ì
thesσ fe≈ page≤ arσ reall∙ al∞ aε experienceΣ compute≥ use≥á anΣ ì
investo≥ need≤ t∩ ge⌠ started. Have fun!
T∩ usσ Happ∙ Investorstmö Persona∞ Portfoli∩ Organize≥ (HIPPOtm)¼ ì
yo⌡ ente≥ informatioε int∩ fou≥ programs«
HIPinit Iεá thσá ful∞ system¼á yo⌡ usσ thi≤ prograφá firs⌠á t∩ ì
ááááácreatσá you≥á portfoli∩á file≤á anΣ t∩á ente≥á ßá portfoli∩ ì
áááááheading«á Iε thi≤ freσ dem∩ system¼á yo⌡ caε onl∙ selec⌠ ß ì
ááááásortinτá option«á HIPini⌠ als∩ set≤ you≥ casΦ balancσá anΣ ì
ááááádail∙ casΦ increment«
HIPsecur Thi≤á friendl∙á prograφ enter≤ securitie≤ yo⌡á owεá o≥ ì
áááááwan⌠ t∩ watch¼á record≤ purchases¼á anΣ enter≤ sales« (Thσ ì
ááááádemonstratioεá versioεá i≤ limiteΣ t∩ fou≥á securitie≤á anΣ ì
áááááeigh⌠ purchases¼á enougΦ fo≥ thσ smal∞ investor¼á wh∩ can'⌠ ì
áááááafforΣ $9░ fo≥ HIPPOtm¼ t∩ usσ happil∙ unti∞ hσ grows.)
HIPedit Wheεá yo⌡ neeΣ t∩ ente≥ stocδ dividend≤ o≥ splits¼á o≥ ì
ááááát∩ edi⌠ purchasσ o≥ securit∙ records¼ usσ thi≤ program«
HIPprice Ruεá thi≤á quicδá anΣ eas∙ prograφá t∩á ente≥á curren⌠ ì
áááááprice≤á oµ securitie≤ anΣ value≤ oµ marke⌠ indices¼á anΣ t∩ ì
áááááente≥ dividends¼ ex-dividenΣ dates¼ anΣ earning≤ pe≥ share«
HIPreprt theε use≤ thσ pricσ filσ createΣ b∙ HIPpricσ t∩á updatσ ì
you≥ portfolio¼ anΣ prepare≤ you≥ printeΣ portfoli∩ report«
EacΦá HIPPOtmöá prograφá i≤ simplσ t∩ use«á I⌠ prompt≤á yo⌡á fo≥ ì
informatioεá straightforwardl∙á anΣ show≤ yo⌡ ho≈ t∩á ente≥á thσ ì
data« AnΣ whilσ it≤ clarit∙ discourage≤ mistakes¼ HIPPOtmö make≤ ì
theφ eas∙ t∩ fi° wheε the∙ d∩ occur.
.cp 2
Happ∙á Investor'stmö Persona∞ Portfoli∩ Organize≥á almos⌠á alway≤ ì
display≤á iε parentheses(⌐ aε appropriatσ responsσ tha⌠ yo⌡ caε ì
chosσ simpl∙ b∙ pressinτ RETURN.é Wσ cal∞ i⌠ "thσ default."
T∩á exi⌠á an∙á HIPPOtmö program¼á o≥ t∩ g∩á bacδá t∩á correc⌠á aε ì
erroneou≤ entry¼ pres≤ BACKSPACE¼ CTRL/H¼ o≥ DELETE.é Thesσ key≤ ì
bacδ yo⌡ u≡ successivel∙ througΦ previou≤ prompts.
.cp 2
Note¼á a≤á yo⌡ ente≥ securitie≤ int∩ you≥ portfolio¼á tha⌠á typσ ì
code≤ B¼á N¼á T¼á anΣ ñ mus⌠ bσ reserveΣ fo≥ bonds¼á notes¼ tax-ì
exemp⌠ bonds¼á anΣ casΦ equivalents¼á sincσ thei≥ prices¼ unlikσ ì
othe≥ securities'¼ arσ quoteΣ a≤ percentage≤ oµ facσ value.è
.cp 2
Thσ HIPPOtmö systeφ compare≤ thσ performancσ oµ eacΦ purchasσ yo⌡ ì
makσá witΦ thσ performancσ oµ ß selecteΣ marke⌠ inde° durinτ thσ ì
samσ period« Fo≥ thi≤ featurσ t∩ work¼ yo⌡ mus⌠ ente≥ thσ valuσ ì
oµá you≥ choseε comparisoε inde° oε thσ datσ oµá eacΦá purchase« ì
Yo⌡á caε d∩ thi≤ iε HIPsecu≥ a⌠ thσ timσ yo⌡ ente≥ thσ purchase¼ ì
o≥ late≥ usinτ HIPedir«á Becausσ i⌠ caε bσ an∙á index¼á HIPPOtmö ì
call≤á i⌠á *INDX╗á mos⌠ investor≤ usσ thσ Valuσá Linσá Compositσ ì
Averagσ o≥ thσ Dow-Jone≤ Industria∞ Average«
Becausσá Happ∙á Maε Corporatioε doe≤ no⌠ makσ it≤ mone∙á sellinτ ì
peoplσ securitie≤ prices¼á wσ havσ buil⌠ int∩ HIPpricσ ßá quick¼ ì
eas∙á wa∙á t∩á creatσ ß ne≈ pricσ filσ eacΦ da∙ beforσá yo⌡á ruε ì
HIPreprt«á Sincσá yo⌡á caε ente≥ closinτ quote≤ a≤ fas⌠á a≤á hσ ì
speaks¼á you≥á broke≥ wil∞ welcomσ thσ chancσ t∩ spenΣ ßá minutσ ì
witΦ yo⌡ eacΦ day«á Iµ yo⌡ prefe≥ no⌠ t∩ usσ hi≤ freσ services¼ ì
yo⌡á caε usσ thσ afternooε pape≥ o≥ ß privatσ quotσ service¼á o≥ ì
ge⌠ you≥ pricσ filσ froφ ß timesharinτ servicσ b∙ modem«
.cp 2
HIPreprt¼ ruε afte≥ HIPprice¼ use≤ thσ pricσ filσ t∩ updatσ you≥ ì
portfoli∩ file≤ whilσ i⌠ print≤ ß detaileΣ report«
.cp 2
You≥á portfoli∩á repor⌠ wil∞ looδ likσ thσá illustratioεá below« ì
Becausσ s∩ mucΦ usefu∞ informatioε i≤ presented¼á i⌠ ma∙á appea≥ ì
cluttereΣ a⌠ first«á An∙ confusioε wil∞ sooε pas≤ a≤ yo⌡ becomσ ì
familia≥á witΦá thσ repor⌠ anΣ gro≈ t∩ appreciatσ thσá powe≥á i⌠ ì
give≤ you« Remembe≥ tha⌠ i⌠ isn'⌠ harΣ t∩ master¼ jus⌠ new.
.cp 2
EacΦá securit∙á o≥ marke⌠ inde° iε you≥ portfoli∩ ha≤á onσá maiε ì
line of information, which we have emphasized below:
.cp 7
.cw 10
%Di÷ Tk≥ %EP╙ Pricσ Da∙ Shr⌠ MeΣ Lonτ Securit∙ Name ToVa∞ ╘ Cs⌠ Shares Ex-Date
PurDatσ ╠ Share≤ Valuσ └ V/├ Mrk⌠ PurDatσ ╠ Share≤ Valuσ └ V/├ Mrkt
4.╕ NT╥ 18.╖ 6.62╡ +1.▒ +0.┤ +5.▒ +8.╢ Nutri/Systeφ ╢ ≤ ╡ 900 21jun84
05jul84 400 2650 M 1.13 1.07 09aug84 500 3313 M 1.06 0.98
.cp 2
%Div DividenΣ yield¼á thσ indicateΣ annua∞ dividenΣ a≤ ß percenì
ááááátagσ oµ thσ price« Updatσ thσ dividenΣ figure¼ wheneve≥ i⌠ ì
changes¼ witΦ HIPprice.
.cp 2
Tkr Ticke≥ symbol¼á entereΣ witΦ HIPsecu≥ wheε yo⌡ createΣá thσ ì
áááááne≈á securit∙ record«á Ticke≥ symbol≤ caε bσ changed¼á bu⌠ ì
no⌠ iε thσ demonstratioε package«
.cp 2
%EPS Earning≤ yield«á Thi≤ i≤ thσ las⌠ 1▓ monthsº earning≤á pe≥ ì
ááááásharσ a≤ ß percentagσ oµ thσ pricσ -- thσ reciproca∞ oµ thσ ì
price/earning≤ (P/E⌐ ratio« Thσ earning≤ yielΣ expressioε make≤ ì
i⌠á easie≥ t∩ comparσ securitie≤ anΣ interes⌠ rate≤ thaε thσ P/┼ ì
rati∩ does« Updatσ earnings¼ wheε the∙ change¼ witΦ HIPprice.
.cp 2
Priceá Curren⌠ pricσ oµ thσ security«á Yo⌡ caε updatσá you≥ ì
áááááprice≤ dail∙ witΦ HIPprice, easily and quickly.
Day Thσ percentagσ changσ iε pricσ sincσ thσ previou≤ report.è
.cp 2
Shrt,Med,Lng Percentagσ changσ iε pricσ versu≤ short¼á medium¼ ì
áááááanΣ long-terφ movinτ averages«á Thesσ takσ timσ t∩ develo≡ ì
ß history« Thσ manua∞ explain≤ ho≈ t∩ givσ theφ ß heaΣ start.
.cp 2
Security Name Thσá namσ oµ thσ security¼á a≤ yo⌡ entereΣ i⌠á iε ì
áááááHIPsecur« In the full package, names can be changed.
.cp 2
ToVal Thσá tota∞ valuσ oµ you≥ holding≤ oµ thi≤ securit∙á a⌠ ì
áááááthσ curren⌠ price¼ iε thousand≤ oµ dollars.
.cp 2
T Typσá oµ security¼á sucΦ a≤ ╙ fo≥ stock≤ anΣ ┬á fo≥á bonds« ì
áááááThσá typσá codσá i≤á entereΣá fo≥á ne≈á securitie≤á througΦ ì
HIPsecur anΣ caε bσ changeΣ later witΦ HIPedit«
Cst Tota∞á cos⌠á oµá you≥á holding≤ iεá thousand≤á oµá dollars.
.cp 2
Shares Thσ tota∞ numbe≥ oµ share≤ yo⌡ owε oµ ß stock¼á o≥ thσ ì
ááááátota∞ facσ valuσ oµ you≥ bonds.
.cp 2
Ex-Date Thσ datσ oε whicΦ thσ share≤ begiε tradinτ withou⌠ thσ ì
ááááádividend« Price≤ caε movσ sharpl∙ oε thσ ex-dividenΣ date.
.cp 2
Directl∙á belo≈á eacΦ securit∙ listing¼á al∞ oµá you≥á purchase≤ ì
appea≥ iε tw∩ columns. We have emphasized one column below.
.cp 7
.cw 10
.uj off
%Di÷ Tk≥ %EP╙ Pricσ Da∙ Shr⌠ MeΣ Lonτ Securit∙ Name ToVa∞ ╘ Cs⌠ Shares ExDate
PurDatσ ╠ Share≤ Valuσ └ V/├ Mrk⌠ PurDatσ ╠ Share≤ Valuσ └ V/├ Mrkt
4.╕ NT╥ 18.╖ 6.62╡ +1.▒ +0.┤ +5.▒ +8.╢ Nutri/Systeφ ╢ ≤ ╡ 900 21jun84
05jul84 400 2650 M 1.13 1.07 09aug84 500 3313 M 1.06 0.98
.cw 12
.uj on
PurDate Datσ oµ thσ purchase.
.cp 2
L Long-terφ code║ thi≤ spacσ i≤ blanδ unti∞ si° week≤ beforσ ì
áááááß purchasσ become≤ long-term¼ wheε aε asterisδ (*⌐ appears« ì
Afte≥á thσ purchasσ i≤ long-term¼á thσ asterisδ change≤ t∩ aε L« ì
Thσá asterisδá codσ wil∞ aler⌠ yo⌡ iε casσ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ wai⌠á fo≥ ì
morσá favorablσ ta° treatmen⌠ beforσ sellinτ a⌠ ßá gain¼á o≥á t∩ ì
sel∞á thσá share≤á whilσ yo⌡ caε stil∞ takσ ßá short-terφá loss« ì
Thi≤ littlσ memory-jogge≥ caε pa∙ fo≥ HIPP╧tm quickly!
.cp 2
Shares Thσ numbe≥ oµ share≤ purchased«á Thi≤ wil∞ usuall∙ bσ ì
áááááß wholσ numbe≥ but¼á iµ yo⌡ arσ iε ß dividenΣá reinvestmen⌠ ì
plaε o≥ ß mutua∞ fund¼ yo⌡ caε ente≥ decimal fractions.
.cp 2
Value Thσ purchase'≤ valuσ a⌠ thσ security'≤ curren⌠ price.
.cp 2
@ Locatioεá code║á you≥á madσ up¼á one-lette≥á codσá fo≥á thσ ì
ááááálocatioε oµ you≥ stocδ certificates«á (Thσ "Mó showε migh⌠ ì
stanΣ fo≥ Merril∞ Lynch.)
.cp 2
V/C Value/Cos⌠ ratio║ thσ curren⌠ valuσ oµ thσ purchasσ divideΣ ì
áááááb∙ it≤ cost« I⌠ show≤ ho≈ you'vσ donσ -- highe≥ i≤ better.
è.cp 2
Mrkt Marke⌠ inde° ratio║á thσ curren⌠ valuσ oµ *IND╪ divideΣ b∙ ì
áááááit≤á valuσ oε thσ purchasσ date«á Thus yo⌡ caε comparσ thσ ì
performancσ oµ you≥ purchase¼ indicateΣ b∙ thσ Value/Cos⌠ ratio¼ ì
above¼ t∩ thσ market'≤ performancσ durinτ thσ samσ period« Thi≤ ì
unique featurσ help≤ yo⌡ learε faster froφ your experience.
You'l∞á sooε seσ ho≈ clea≥ ou≥ program≤ arσ withou⌠ thσ documenì
tation« They'l∞ bσ bette≥ ye⌠ witΦ thσ ful∞ HIPPO'≤ brief¼ wel∞ ì
organized¼á printeΣ manual«á Becomσ ß happie≥ investo≥ toda∙ -- ì
orde≥ Happ∙ Investor'stmö Persona∞ Portfoli∩ Organizer!é
Ou≥á 8-bi⌠á versioε require≤ thσ CP/M-8░ o≥á TurboDO╙á operatinτ ì
system≤ runninτ oε thσ Z8░ processo≥ (thσ mos⌠ commoε one)¼á anΣ ì
64╦ oµ memory.
Ou≥ 16-bi⌠ versioε require≤ thσ PCDO╙ o≥ MSDO╙ operatinτ system≤ ì
runninτá oε thσ 808╕ o≥ 808╢ processor≤ (thσ mos⌠ commoεá ones)¼ ì
anΣ 128╦ oµ memory.
Excep⌠á fo≥á unusua∞ disδ format≤ requirinτ specia∞á effort¼á wσ ì
shi≡á withiεá onσ weeδ oµ receivinτ you≥ checδ anΣá orde≥á form« ì
You'l∞ bσ happy¼ dealinτ witΦ Happ∙ Maε Corporation!
.paè.cw 14
.cw 12
.bp off
.bp on
Product Refundable Shipping Total
ô Price____▀ Handlingô Check_____
Happy Investor's Personal Portfolio
Organize≥ diskettσ (HIPPOTM⌐ $ 82 ñ 8 ñ 90
(Wσ arσ requireΣ b∙ thσ Statσ t∩ collec⌠ sale≤ tax¼á 7.9Ñ oµ thσ tota∞ ì
amoun⌠ oε Washingtoε Statσ order≤ anΣ deliveries«á $7.1▒ sale≤ ta° oε ì
thσá softwarσ bring≤ thσ tota∞ valuσ t∩ $97.11.)
Please senΣ you≥ checδ to:
Happ∙ Maε Corporation
11╣ Alohß Street
Seattle, WA 98109-3799
HIPPOTMöá i≤ personalized¼á s∩ iµ yo⌡ arσ givinτ i⌠ t∩ aε investo≥á yo⌡ ì
love¼á pleasσ bσ surσ t∩ providσ hi≤ o≥ he≥ name¼ thσ wa∙ he'Σ likσ t∩ ì
seσ it« Wσ wil∞ shi≡ thσ packagσ t∩ yo⌡ unles≤ yo⌡ reques⌠ otherwise¼ ì
bu⌠ wσ d∩ neeΣ thσ recipient'≤ addres≤ too.
Person(s) Ordering HIPPOTM Recipient(s) of Gift
Name _____________________________ ____________________________
Street ___________________________ ____________________________
City, ST _________________________ ____________________________
Zip Code _________________________ ____________________________
Phone ____________________________ ____________________________
Pleasσá bσ surσ t∩ providσ al∞ oµ thσ informatioε below¼á s∩á wσá wil∞ ì
kno≈ wha⌠ yo⌡ need.
Computer Make (eg., IBM, Philips, AT&T, Osborne) _______________
Compute≥ Mode∞ (eg.¼ XT¼ 2012¼ 6300, Vixen⌐ ____________________
Microprocessor if known (eg., Z80, 8088) _______________________
Disk Format (eg., 5.25" 360K, 8" CP/M) _________________________
Operating System (eg., CP/M-80, MSDOS, PCDOS) __________________
Excep⌠ fo≥ unusua∞ disδ format≤ requirinτ specia∞ effort¼ wσ shi≡ les≤ ì
thaεá ß weeδ afte≥ receivinτ you≥ checδ anΣ orde≥ form«á Yo⌡ caε kno≈ ì
you'l∞ bσ happ∙ dealinτ witΦ Happ∙ Maε Corporation!