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title ' Modem Supervisor for Compupro MPM 8-16'
; MSUP - Modem SUPervisor ;
; ;
; Version 1.1 08/22/84 <AKS> ;
; ;
; Copyright (C) 1984 Alex Soya, PO Box 121, Melbourne Beach, ;
; Fl, 32951 ;
; ;
; MSUP is released to the public domain. Anyone who wishes to ;
; USE MSUP on his system may do so. The author assumes no ;
; responsibility or liability for use of MSUP. ;
; ;
; The author, Alex Soya, has sole rights to this program. MSUP ;
; may not be sold without the express, written permission by ;
; the author. ;
; ;
; Purpose: ;
; To intercept Console I/O functions to the XIOS and ;
; handle them localy. To supervise the allocation of Comunication ;
; channels to modem programs. ;
; ;
; This version is for the CompuPro interfacer 3/4 ;
; serial board. Up to two boards (max 16 devices) are supported ;
; The boards must have interrupt jumpers and switches set ;
; as per CompuPro's instructions. The received data is buffered ;
; in a local queue structure. This RSP can also be used with any ;
; standard terminal if a modem is not connected. The only ;
; difference is that the received data does not have the ;
; parity bit removed which is infact an annoying feature in the ;
; XIOS by CompuPro. ;
; ;
; The mapping of MPM console numbers to Interfacer 3/4 ;
; relative user nos uses the same translation as that of ;
; CompuPro for compatibility reasons: ;
; ;
; Interfacer 3/4 relative user: MPM Console: MPM Printer: ;
; F ----------------------------- ------------ ------------ ;
; I 7 1 - ;
; R 6 2 - ;
; S Interfacer 3 & 4 5 - 1 ;
; T 4 - 0 ;
; --------------------------------------------------------- ;
; B 3 3 - ;
; O Interfacer 3 only 2 4 - ;
; A 1 5 - ;
; R 0 6 - ;
; D ;
; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; S 8 - 2 ;
; E Interfacer 3 & 4 9 7 - ;
; C 10 8 - ;
; O 11 9 - ;
; N ---------------------------------------------------------- ;
; D 12 10 - ;
; Interfacer 3 only 13 11 - ;
; B 14 12 - ;
; O 15 13 - ;
; A ;
; R ;
; D ;
; ;
; To customize this map change the CTRMAP AND RTCMAP tables. ;
; ===== ;
true equ -1
false equ not true
cr equ 13 ; Carriage Return
lf equ 10 ; Line Feed
eof equ 1ah ; End Of File marker
xon equ 'Q'-40h ; ^Q
xoff equ 'S'-40h ; ^S
; Consoles handled by RSP:
lowcon equ 1 ; Lowest Console number handled
highcon equ 13 ; Highest Console number handled
lowprnt equ 0 ; Lowest Printer handled
highprnt equ 2 ; Highest Printer handled
qdepth equ 128 ; Lenght of circular que buffers
; Interrupt Vector addresses:
; The interfacer 3/4 uses VI2 for receive and VI3 for transmit. The particular
; Usart or device that interrupted must be determined in the corresponding
rint2 equ (40h+2)*4 ; Receive interrupt vector address VI2
tint3 equ (40h+3)*4 ; Transmit interrupt vect. address VI3
; Flags used by this RSP:
; flags 30h through 50h are used by this rsp and should not be used by any
; other processes.
fbase equ 30h ; lowest flag used
fwait equ fbase ; Flag to wait for ever
; fbase+1h through fbase+16 are for receive
; ready, fbase+17 through fbase+32 are for
; transmit ready on devices 1 - 16
; MPM function numbers
f_open equ 15 ; Open Disk File Function
f_close equ 16 ; Close Disk File
f_rseq equ 20 ; Read Sequential from Disk file function
f_dmao equ 26 ; Set DMA Offset
f_dmab equ 51 ; Set DMA Base
f_poll equ 131 ; Poll Device
waitf equ 132 ; Wait for selected flag to set
setf equ 133 ; Set selected flag to wake up waiting process
f_mkque equ 134 ; Make a Que
f_opque equ 135 ; Open Que
f_wrque equ 139 ; Write Que
getsys equ 154 ; Get sysdat segment to ES
; SYSDAT offsets
supentr equ 0 ; Supervisor entry offset
xiossys equ 28h ; offset to XIOS entry in system data area
dispsys equ 38h ; offset to dispatcher entry address
; Interrupt controller comands
nseoi equ 20h ; none specific End of Interrupt
; This is for the PICs located on the
; System Support 1 board. If you use
; a different Interrupt Controller you need
; to modify any of the PIC dependent routine
; (service) for your environment
; System Support I PIC ports:
ss1base equ 50h ; System Support I base port
mpic0 equ ss1base+0 ; Master PIC port 0
mpic1 equ ss1base+1 ; Master PIC port 1
spic0 equ ss1base+2 ; Slave PIC port 0
spic1 equ ss1base+3 ; Slave PIC port 1
; CompuPro Interfacer 3/4 ports:
i4base equ 10h ; Interfacer 3/4 base port
i4data equ i4base ; Data port
i4stat equ i4base+1 ; Status port
i4mode equ i4base+2 ; Usart mode register
i4comd equ i4base+3 ; Usart Command register
i4tint equ i4base+4 ; Transmit interrupt status register
i4rint equ i4base+5 ; Receive Interrupt status register
i4slct equ i4base+7 ; Relative user select register
; Status port bit maps (on read):
i4tbmt equ 01h ; Transmit buffer empty
i4dav equ 02h ; Data available
i4txem equ 04h ; Change in DSR or DCD or Transmit shift empty
i4pe equ 08h ; Parrity error on character received
i4or equ 10h ; Overrun error
i4fe equ 20h ; framing error
i4dcd equ 40h ; Data Carrier Detect condition
i4dsr equ 80h ; Data Set Ready Condition
; Set up file constants:
lnlen equ 80 ; max line length of COMCH, TTYS or LPRS entry
; exec: Rsp execution entry. ;
; ;
; The RSP starts executing here. Here the COMCH, TTYSC and LPRSC ;
; files are read and used to set up the interrupt masks for the ;
; Interfacer 3/4 board. ;
; ;
; The Mutual eXclusion ques MXmodem1 through MXmodem8 are made ;
; and written to if the corresponding console number in the ;
; COMCH file exists. The modem program must open the MXmodemN ;
; ques with N beeing the number of a Comm. channel. If the modem ;
; program reads from the que it effectively blocks any other ;
; process to gain access to that que and thus the corresponding ;
; Communication Channel. ;
; ;
; Also the XIOS entry point is moved to the local XIOS function ;
; intercepter. ;
; ;
exec: mov ax,cs ; set up 8080 model (cs=ds)
pushf ; disable interrupts while messing
cli ; with stack regs
mov ss,ax
mov sp,offset lstack
mov ds,ax
mov cl,146 ; Attach Console so Shell does not
int 224 ; grab it.
mov cl,getsys ; Get SYSDAT to ES
int 224
pushf ; stop interrupts again
cli ; while changing interrupt vectors
push ds ; set up interrupt vector addresses
mov ax,0 ; vectors are in segment 0
mov ds,ax
mov word ptr .rint2,offset i4rxint ; receive interrupt handler
mov word ptr .rint2+2,cs ; and our segment
mov word ptr .tint3,offset i4txint ; transmit interrupt handler
mov word ptr .tint3+2,cs ; and segment
pop ds
mov ax,es:.xiossys ; get current XIOS offset
mov xios,ax ; build real xios dispatch address
mov ax,es:.xiossys+2 ; get segment of real xios
mov xios+2,ax
mov ax, offset xintcpt ; overlay xios interceptors address
mov es:.xiossys,ax ; to old xios vectors
mov ax,cs
mov es:.xiossys+2,ax
mov ax,es:.supentr+2 ; get segment of MPM supervisor
mov supvsr+2,ax ; and keep to us
mov ax,es:.dispsys ; Now get dispatchers offset
mov disp,ax
mov ax,es:.dispsys+2 ; and its segment
mov disp+2,ax
popf ; now we can resume with interrupts
call rdsetup ; set up MXmodemN ques and prepare
; masks for interfacer 3/4
mov cl,9 ; send message: 'we are active' to
mov dx, offset hellomsg ; system console
int 224
mov cl,147 ; detach from Console, so Shell can
int 224 ; get a hold of it.
forever:mov cl,waitf ; CODE MAY BE ADDED HERE TO ALLOW
hellomsg db cr,lf,' Msup - Modem Supervisor active. (C) Alex Soya'
db cr,lf,'$'
; ;
; rdsetup: Read the set up files TTYSC, LPRSC, and COMCH ;
; ;
; These files contain the parameters for the Consoles, ;
; Printers, and Comunication Channels. ;
; They are read in here to determine which channels ;
; on the Interfacer 3/4 board are used so that the proper ;
; Interrupt mask can be set up. ;
; ;
; The files TTYSC and LPRSC are as per COMPUPROS specs for ;
; their TTYS and LPRS files used by SHELL. ;
; ;
; The file COMCH is used to determine which Interfacer 3/4 ;
; device is used as a Communications Channel for the ;
; Modem. Proper Mutual EXclusion Ques are set up depending ;
; on the COMCH file entries. ;
; ;
; The COMCH format is as: ;
; ;
; N: Comment <CR><LF> ;
; ;
; Where N = the Console number corresponding to the ;
; Modem Port. ;
; ;
; eg: ;
; 2: Phone line 1 ;
; 3: Phone line 2 ;
; ;
; will turn consoles 2 and 3 into Comm. channels. DO NOT ;
; include these into the TTYS and TTYSC files as they will ;
; then be grabed by the shell. ;
; ;
mov fopflg,0 ; File is still closed
nxcom: mov dx,offset comfcb ; Open COMCH file and prepare to read
call getline ; one line.
jne ttyf ; No more in ComCH file.
call parscom ; proccess one line
jmps nxcom ; and get next line
ttyf: mov fopflg,0 ; File Closed now
nxtty: mov dx,offset ttyfcb ; now process the TTYS file
call getline
jne lprf
call parstty
jmps nxtty
lprf: mov fopflg,0 ; File Closed again
nxlpr: mov dx, offset lprfcb ; and finaly the LRPS file
call getline
jne done
call parslpr
jmps nxlpr
done: ret
; getline: Get one line from file of which the FCB is in DX. ;
; If fopflg = 0, the file is closed and is opened first ;
; to read the next line. ;
; Closes file if no more data available. ;
; ;
; Entry -> DX = FCB offset ;
; fopflg = 0 if file closed, Not 0 if file already open ;
; ;
; Return -> lnbuff contains one physical line including cr,lf to ;
; indicate the end of the line. ;
; ;
; fopflg = FFh after file was opened. ;
; ;
push dx ; save FCB offset
mov di, offset lnbuff ; point to line buffer
mov si,dmasrc ; get dma posit from last move
mov bx,dmaoff ; and the count
cmp byte ptr fopflg,0 ; first line we are getting ?
jne search ; no, see whats in dma buffer
mov dx, offset dmabuf ; Yes, open file first
mov cl, f_dmao
int 224
mov dx,cs ; Set DMA Segment address
mov cl, f_dmab
int 224
pop dx ! push dx ; get FCB offset
mov cl, f_open ; open the file
int 224
mov di, offset lnbuff ; init line buffer offset
cmp al,0ffh
jne rdnxt ; if open successfull, read record
or al,al
pop dx
ret ; else return to caller
rdnxt: mov fopflg,-1 ; the file is open now
beatme: pop dx ! push dx ; Read next record of file
mov cl, f_rseq
int 224
xor bx,bx
or al,al
mov si, offset dmabuf ; start at beginning of buffer
je srterm ; if good read, move one line to line
jmp clcom ; buffer, else close file.
srterm: mov ax,ds ; force es=ds
mov es,ax
search: cmp dmabuf[bx],lf ; search for end of line marker
je lf_fnd ; or until end of buffer is reached
cmp dmabuf[bx],eof ; is it the end of the file
je clcom ; that means we are done
cmp bx,127 ; end of buffer reached ?
je en_buf
inc bx
jmps search ; nope... keep looking
en_buf: inc bx
mov dx,si
sub dx, offset dmabuf
mov cx,bx ; get # of bytes to move
sub cx,dx ; adjust for last move
rep movsb ; copy part of line over to lnbuffer
jmp beatme ; get rest of line and copy it.
lf_fnd: inc bx
mov dx,si
sub dx, offset dmabuf
mov cx,bx
sub cx,dx
rep movsb
pop dx ; get back FCB
xor al,al ; tell caller new line is ready
mov word ptr dmasrc,si ; save si for next time round
mov word ptr dmaoff,bx ; same with bx
clcom: pop dx ; close file
mov cl, f_close
int 224
mov al,-1 ; and indicate to caller
or al,al ; that its all over
ret ; and all done
parscom:mov al,lnbuff ; get first charcter in line
cmp al,30h+1 ; is it in range ?
jl pdn
cmp al,30h+8 ; we support up to 8 com channels
jg pdn
mov qpdnam+7,al
mov cl,f_mkque ; and make the que
push bx
sub al,30h ; Form interrupt mask
call formsk
dec al
rol al,1 ; compute que descriptor
mov bl,al ; offset
mov bh,0
mov dx,qdtbl[bx]
pop bx
int 224
mov cl,f_opque ; open the que
mov dx, offset mxqpb
int 224
mov cl,f_wrque ; Write to que
mov dx, offset mxqpb ; so now its available
int 224
pdn: ret
mov al,lnbuff ; get the first char in a line
cmp al,30h+lowcon
jl ttyld
cmp al,30h+9 ; in range ?
jg ttyld ; nope... skip it
sub al,30h ; make device number
call formsk ; yeap, add to interrupt mask
call protc ; determine protocoll used
ttyld: ret ; done with this line.
mov al,lnbuff ; get the first char in a line
cmp al,30h+lowprnt
jl lprld
cmp al,30h+highprnt ; in range ?
jg lprld
sub al,30h-highcon-1 ; make a device number
call formsk
call protc ; determine protocoll used
lprld: ret
; ;
; formsk: Form Interrupt Mask ;
; ;
; Entry -> al = device number (1 to 16) ;
; ;
; return -> imask = imask or (bit corresponding to device number) ;
; ;
formsk: push ax
push cx ; save'm
mov cl,al ; convert to exact user number
call conctr
mov ax,1 ; make mask for this user number
rol ax,cl
or word ptr imask,ax ; or mask into present mask
pop cx
pop ax ; get'm back
ret ; and we are done
imask dw 0 ; mask to enable interrupts on I3/4 Interrupt
; mask registers
; low byte = first board
; high byte = second board
; ;
; protc: Determine the protocol used on device ;
; ;
; entry -> al= device number ;
; lnbuff = input line from set up file TTYSC or LPTSC ;
; ;
; return -> fills in table hndshk for the device ;
; ;
protc: push ax
push bx
push ax
mov bx, offset lnbuff ; point to line buffer and
call fndel ; and find first delimiter
call fndel ; find second delimiter
inc bx ; now we should have handshake value
mov al,byte ptr [bx]
pop bx ; bx=device number
xor bh,bh ; make 16 bit index
sub al,30h ; got handshake, deasccie
cmp al,3 ; in range ?
jg def ; nope, use default
cmp al,0
jb def
mov byte ptr hndshk[bx],al ; and stuff handshake argument
pop bx
pop ax
def: mov byte ptr hndshk[bx],0 ; default is no handshake
pop bx
pop ax
fndel: inc bx ; skip first one
cmp byte ptr [bx],':' ; match ?
jne fndel ; Nope, try next one
delfn: ret ; yeap.. return to caller, bx=match
hndshk db 0,0,0,0 ; hand shake table 0= no hand shake
db 0,0,0,0 ; 1 = DTR
db 0,0,0,0 ; 2 = Xon Xoff
db 0,0,0,0 ; 3 = DTR & Xon Xoff
db 0 ; bit 7 indicates X-ON awaited
db 0 ; for device 1 through 16 (0 handled in XIOS)
qdtbl dw offset mxqd1 ; Que descriptor table
dw offset mxqd2
dw offset mxqd3
dw offset mxqd4
dw offset mxqd5
dw offset mxqd6
dw offset mxqd7
dw offset mxqd8
quebuf rb 10 ; que descriptors must be unique in RSPs
mxqd1 dw 0 ; Mutual exclusion que descriptior
dw 0
dw 3 ; a Mutual exclusion que that can not be
db 'MXmodem1' ; be deleted
dw 0 ; message lenght is 0
dw 1 ; 1 message at a time
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
dw offset quebuf ; must point to buffer for RSP
mxqd2 dw 0 ; Mutual exclusion que descriptior
dw 0
dw 3 ; a Mutual exclusion que that can not be
db 'MXmodem2' ; be deleted
dw 0 ; message lenght is 0
dw 1 ; 1 message at a time
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
dw offset quebuf ; must point to buffer for RSP
mxqd3 dw 0 ; Mutual exclusion que descriptior
dw 0
dw 3 ; a Mutual exclusion que that can not be
db 'MXmodem3' ; be deleted
dw 0 ; message lenght is 0
dw 1 ; 1 message at a time
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
dw offset quebuf ; must point to buffer for RSP
mxqd4 dw 0 ; Mutual exclusion que descriptior
dw 0
dw 3 ; a Mutual exclusion que that can not be
db 'MXmodem4' ; be deleted
dw 0 ; message lenght is 0
dw 1 ; 1 message at a time
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
dw offset quebuf ; must point to buffer for RSP
mxqd5 dw 0 ; Mutual exclusion que descriptior
dw 0
dw 3 ; a Mutual exclusion que that can not be
db 'MXmodem5' ; be deleted
dw 0 ; message lenght is 0
dw 1 ; 1 message at a time
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
dw offset quebuf ; must point to buffer for RSP
mxqd6 dw 0 ; Mutual exclusion que descriptior
dw 0
dw 3 ; a Mutual exclusion que that can not be
db 'MXmodem6' ; be deleted
dw 0 ; message lenght is 0
dw 1 ; 1 message at a time
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
dw offset quebuf ; must point to buffer for RSP
mxqd7 dw 0 ; Mutual exclusion que descriptior
dw 0
dw 3 ; a Mutual exclusion que that can not be
db 'MXmodem7' ; be deleted
dw 0 ; message lenght is 0
dw 1 ; 1 message at a time
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
dw offset quebuf ; must point to buffer for RSP
mxqd8 dw 0 ; Mutual exclusion que descriptior
dw 0
dw 3 ; a Mutual exclusion que that can not be
db 'MXmodem8' ; be deleted
dw 0 ; message lenght is 0
dw 1 ; 1 message at a time
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
dw offset quebuf ; must point to buffer for RSP
mxqpb dw 0 ; MXmodemn Que Parameter Block
dw 0
dw 1
dw offset quebuf
qpdnam db 'MXmodem '
comfcb db 1,'COMCH ' ; dr,f1-f8
db ' ' ; t1-t3
db 0 ; ex
db 0,0 ; cs,rs
db 0 ; rc
db 0,0,0,0,0 ; d0
db 0,0,0,0,0 ; d5..
db 0,0,0,0,0 ; d10
db 0 ; dn
db 0 ; cr
db 0,0,0 ; r0,r1,r2
ttyfcb db 1,'TTYSC ' ; dr,f1-f8
db ' ' ; t1-t3
db 0 ; ex
db 0,0 ; cs,rs
db 0 ; rc
db 0,0,0,0,0 ; d0
db 0,0,0,0,0 ; d5..
db 0,0,0,0,0 ; d10
db 0 ; dn
db 0 ; cr
db 0,0,0 ; r0,r1,r2
lprfcb db 1,'LPRSC ' ; dr,f1-f8
db ' ' ; t1-t3
db 0 ; ex
db 0,0 ; cs,rs
db 0 ; rc
db 0,0,0,0,0 ; d0
db 0,0,0,0,0 ; d5..
db 0,0,0,0,0 ; d10
db 0 ; dn
db 0 ; cr
db 0,0,0 ; r0,r1,r2
fopflg db 0 ; fopflg to flag if first time access to file
dmabuf rb 128 ; dma buffer
dmasrc dw 0 ; filled in later
dmaoff dw 0 ; same with him
lnbuff rb lnlen ; 80 byte line buffer.
; xintcpt: Intercept calls to the xios and pass control to internal ;
; handler. ;
; ;
; Entry -> al = XIOS function number ;
; cx = First Argument ;
; dx = Second Argument ;
; ;
; Return -> ax = bx - return value or error code ;
; ;
xintcpt:push ds ; save DS of caller (saved on his stack)
push es ; es must be the same when returning to SUP
mov bx,cs ; we need our own DS here
mov ds,bx
mov bl,al ; Get Xios function number
xor bh,bh ; make 16 bit
rol bx,1 ; compute index into jump table
jmp functbl[bx] ; call the function
; ;
; realxios: If a function is to be handled by the real xios ;
; this routine passes control to the real xios after ;
; restoring the DS and ES register of the calling process. ;
; ;
; Entry -> al = XIOS function number ;
; cx = First Argument ;
; dx = Second Argument ;
; ;
; Return -> is from XIOS as per XIOS return parameters. ;
; ;
pop es
pop ds ; get them back
jmpf dword ptr xios
; ;
; retcpt: Return from localy handled xios function. ;
; ;
; Entry -> ax = return argument ;
; ;
; Return -> To calling process with bx=ax as per XIOS specs ;
; DS poped of local stack and thus restored to callers ;
; value ;
; ;
retcpt: pop es ; return last users Data segment
pop ds ; and extra segment
mov bx,ax ; bx=ax return values
retf ; and back to caller
; conin: ;
; const: Test if device is handled localy for input, status ;
; conout: and output service. If not jumpt to corresponding ;
; lstout: function in the real XIOS ;
; lstst: ;
; polldev: ;
conin: cmp cl,lowcon ; Check if the console is handled
jb realxios ; localy. If not, let the XIOS handle
cmp cl,highcon ; it
jg realxios
call inchr
jmp retcpt
const: cmp cl,lowcon
jb realxios
cmp cl,highcon
jg realxios
call qst
jmp retcpt
conout: cmp dl,lowcon
jb realxios
cmp dl,highcon
jg realxios
call outchr
jmp retcpt
lstout: cmp dl,lowprnt
jb realxios
cmp dl,highprnt
jg realxios
add dl,highcon+1 ; make device number
call outchr
jmp retcpt
lstst: cmp cl,lowprnt
jb realxios
cmp cl,highprnt
jg realxios
call stlst
jmp retcpt
cmp cl, 0 ; intercept Poll devices 0 to 15
jb realxios
cmp cl, 15
jg realxios
call pdsr ; valid port, so go an poll it
jmp retcpt
; ;
; functbl XIOS function table. Each entry in this table contains ;
; the offset for the corresponding function number. ;
; ;
; You may intercept your own XIOS functions here if you wish ;
; by changing the corresponding entry to the offset of your ;
; local handler. If a function is to be handled by the actual ;
; XIOS enter the offset of REALXIOS. ;
; ;
; ;
; ;
functbl dw offset const ; 0 Console status
dw offset conin ; 1 Console input
dw offset conout ; 2 Console output
dw offset lstout ; 3 List output
dw offset realxios ; 4 Punch output
dw offset realxios ; 5 Reader input
dw offset realxios ; 6 Home
dw offset realxios ; 7 Select disk
dw offset realxios ; 8 Set track
dw offset realxios ; 9 Set sector
dw offset realxios ;10 Set DMA address
dw offset realxios ;11 Read a record
dw offset realxios ;12 Write a record
dw offset lstst ;13 List status
dw offset realxios ;14 Sector translation
dw offset realxios ;15 Set DMA segment
dw offset realxios ;16 Get segment table
dw offset polldev ;17 Poll selected device
dw offset realxios ;18 Enable tick clock
dw offset realxios ;19 Disable tick clock
dw offset realxios ;20 Return max. number of consoles
dw offset realxios ;21 Return max. number of list devices
dw offset realxios ;22 Select memory
dw offset realxios ;23 Idle
dw offset realxios ;24 Flush buffers
; ;
; inchr: Input a character from que. If que is empty wait for a ;
; character to be put into it by ISR. ;
; ;
; Entry -> cl = MPM Console Number ;
; ;
; Return -> al = Character input ;
; ;
inchr: call mapctq ; map console to que offset
call qempt ; Check if there is anything in the que
jne inchr1 ; al=ff and NZ if a character is ready
push cx ; save console number
mov dl,fbase
add dl,cl ; wait for flag corresponding to this
mov cl,waitf ; console to be set indicating a char
call supif ; has arrived
pop cx ; restore console number
jmp inchr ; in case of erroneous flag set
inchr1: pushf ; No interrupts now ......
call qdel ; get a character from the que
ret ; and exit back to caller
; ;
; qst: Return Status of Que for corresponding Console ;
; The first call to here will also enable the interupt mask ;
; register on the Interfacer 3/4 board. This way any console ;
; not in the TTYS file can still be enabled if so required. ;
; Done here, because on the CompuPro system all internal set up ;
; is done before entering Multi User Mode. Here we can be ;
; relatively sure that all is done by the SHELL before we stick ;
; our stuff in. ;
; ;
; Entry -> cl = MPM Console Number ;
; ;
; Return -> al = 00 if no character ready ;
; ff if character ready ;
; ;
qst: cmp setmsk,0 ; Is Interrupt mask already set ?
jne qst1 ; yeap, so just get the status.
xor al,al ; first select first board
out i4slct,al
mov ax,word ptr imask
out i4rint,al ; now we got the mask set up
or byte ptr setmsk,al
mov al,8 ; and the second board
out i4slct,al
xchg al,ah
out i4rint,al
or byte ptr setmsk,al ; flag that we dont do it again
qst1: call mapctq ; find que for this console
call qempt ; check if anything is in the que
; al = 0 if no character is ready
; al = ff if character is waiting to be
ret ; picked up.
setmsk db 0 ; 0 indicates mask not set up yet.
; ;
; outchr: Output a character to console ;
; ;
; Entry -> cl = character ;
; dl = device number ;
; ;
; Return -> none ;
; ;
outchr: push cx ; save the character
mov cl,dl ; get device number
call conctr ; Convert to Interfacer 3/4 user #
xor dh,dh ; make 16 bit device number
mov bx,dx ; make index
test byte ptr hndshk[bx],3 ; using DTR or XON/XOFF handshakes ?
je nhnd ; nope ignore it
call pdsr ; yeap, see if dsr indicates ready
or al,al ; Device busy ?
jne nhnd ; nope it ok.
push bx
push cx ; yeap, then put us on poll list
push dx
mov dl,cl ; set up for MPM poll function
mov cl,f_poll
call supif ; will return when dsr is ready
pop dx
pop cx ; now we are ready
pop bx
nhnd: mov ch,cl ; user port in ch, console in dl
mov ax,cx
pop cx ; get back character
mov ch,ah
xchg ch,cl ; ch= character, cl = exact user
pushf ; cant have interrupts now
call select ; select proper usart
in al,i4stat ; get USART status
test al,i4tbmt ; ready to send a char ?
jnz i4out ; yeap send him out..
push cx ; keep'm
mov ax,1 ; set twmask to wait
shl ax,cl ; compute mask
or word ptr twmsk,ax
mov ax,word ptr twmsk ; send currently active masks
xor cl,cl
call select
out i4tint,al ; to enable interrupts on first board
mov cl,8
call select
mov al,ah
out i4tint,al ; and the second board
push dx
add dl,fbase+16 ; compute flag
mov cl,waitf ; Wait for Tx flag to set
call supif
pop dx
pop cx
i4out: pushf ; cant have interrupts now
mov al,ch ; get character
call select ; select uart
out i4data,al ; send character
popf ; interrupts ok again
ret ; and back to caller
; ;
; stlst: Return List device output status ;
; ;
; entry -> cl = list device number ;
; ;
; return -> al = ffh if device ready ;
; 0 if device not ready ;
; ;
stlst: add cl,highcon+1 ; make device number
call conctr ; convert to i4 user number
pushf ; no interrupts now
call select ; select proper port
in al,i4stat ; get status
popf ; interrupts ok now
test al,i4tbmt ; ready ?
jnz lstrdy ; yeap.. go say so
xor al,al ; nope
lstrdy: call pdsr ; USART is ready, but what about the
ret ; printer itself ?
; pdsr: Poll DSR. This is Xios function 17 which is not used ;
; in the CompuPro XIOS. Used by MSUP to poll the DSR line ;
; for DTR handshaking, and Xon/Xoff status. ;
; Other systems which need to use Poll device numbers that ;
; are not assigned yet. ;
; ;
; Entry -> CL = Device number 0 through 15 beeing ports 0 through 15 ;
; on Interfacer 3/4 board. ;
; ;
; Return -> AL = FFh if device ready ;
; 00h if not ready ;
; ;
pdsr: pushf ; disable interrupts
call select ; select USART
in al,i4stat ; get status
popf ; we can have interrupts again
push bx
push cx ; save'm
push dx
call conrtc ; make device number
mov bl,cl ; make it index to handshake table
xor bh,bh
mov dl,byte ptr hndshk[bx] ; get handshake status
and dl,2+128 ; XOFF active ?
cmp dl,2+128
mov dl,0ffh ; assume its not active
jne podsr ; Nope, not active for sure
xor dl,dl ; it is active, so device not ready
podsr: test byte ptr hndshk[bx],1 ; are we using DTR handshake ?
je dsrset ; nope so DSR is set anyway
test al,i4dsr ; dsr set ?
jne dsrset ; yeap go set flags
xor al,al ; nope, not ready say so
jmps pdtdn
dsrset: or al,0ffh ; its ready, say so
pdtdn: and al,dl ; mask in XOFF status
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx ; restore'em
ret ; poll is done
; ;
; mapctq: Map Console to Que offset ;
; ;
; Entry -> cl = Console Number ;
; ;
; Return -> si = Que offset ;
; ;
mapctq: push bx ; save him
mov bl,cl ; make 16 bit console number
xor bh,bh
sub bx,lowcon ; first handled console gets first que
rol bx,1 ; *2 so its index into table
mov si,quetbl[bx] ; get que offset to si
pop bx
quetbl dw offset que1 ; Table containing Que offsets
dw offset que2
dw offset que3
dw offset que4
dw offset que5
dw offset que6
dw offset que7
dw offset que8
dw offset que9
dw offset que10
dw offset que11
dw offset que12
dw offset que13
dw offset que14
dw offset que15
dw offset que16 ; we could have up to 16 input devices !
; ;
; i4rxint: Interfacer 4 vector for receive data interrupts. ;
; ;
push dx ; save him here.. restored by service
mov dx,offset i4risr ; address of actual ISR
jmp service ; jump to ISR via service
; ;
; i4txint: Interfacer 3/4 vector for transmit ready interrupts. ;
; ;
push dx ; save her
mov dx,offset i4tisr ; Transmit ready ISR offset
jmp service ; and service it
; ;
; i4risr: Interfacer 3/4 Interrupt service routine. ;
; Determines which console caused an interrupt to occur ;
; and reads the character into the corresponding que. ;
; Sets proper flag to wake up sleeping proccess. ;
; ;
; ;
i4risr: mov cl,15 ; start with highest exact user
rescan: call select ; select user to be scanned
mov bx,1 ; make mask for this port
rol bx,cl
test word ptr imask,bx ; valid device ?
je nxtsn ; nope... skip it
in al,i4rint ; get receive interrupt status
cmp cl,7 ; is this the second board ?
jg rscnd ; yeap, test that mask
and al,bl ; did interrupt occur here ?
je nxtsn ; No, Scan next user
jmps rget ; yes, go get the sucker
rscnd: and al,bh ; did interrupt occur on second board?
je nxtsn ; nope, scan next one
rget: call getchr ; yes, get character to que
nxtsn: dec cl ; next relative users turn
jne rescan ; go and scan him
getchr: in al,i4data ; Read the character
push cx ; save for later
call conrtc ; convert exact user to device #
mov bl,cl ; make index
xor bh,bh ; to handshake table
test byte ptr hndshk[bx],2 ; XON-XOFF handshaking active ?
je noxoff ; nope... dont filter XON/XOFF
cmp al,xoff ; handshaking active, is it Xoff?
jne xontst ; nope test for Xon
or byte ptr hndshk[bx],128 ; yeap, set xoff received flag for dev.
xontst: cmp al,xon ; is it XON ?
jne noxoff ; nope... just a character
and byte ptr hndshk[bx],7fh ; yeap, clear xoff flag
jmps getd ; and we are done
noxoff: call mapctq ; get offset for q
call queins ; insert the character into que
mov dl,fbase ; compute flag for this console
add dl,cl
mov cl,setf ; and set to wake up proccess waiting
call supif ; call MPM supervisor interface
getd: pop cx ; restore relative user
; ;
; i4tisr: Transmit buffer empty Interrupt Service Handler ;
; Determines which device has pending output and ;
; sets flag to wake up the task waiting for the ;
; USART Transmit buffer to clear. ;
; ;
i4tisr: mov al,8 ; read from second board first
out i4slct,al ; read from it
in al,i4tint ; get interrupt status
mov ah,al ; make it high byte of mask
xor al,al ; now its the first boards turn
out i4slct,al
in al,i4tint ; gotcha
and ax, word ptr twmsk ; mask only those that are wanted
mov dx,1 ; dx = mask
mov bl,0 ; bl = exact user
tscn: test ax,dx ; is he ready
jnz txver ; yeap... go get him
rol dx,1 ; next port
inc bl
cmp bl,16 ; all done ?
jb tscn ; nope, keep going till we got the one
txver: not dx ; set bit to NOT active for this port
and dx,word ptr twmsk
mov word ptr twmsk,dx ; update mask
mov al,8 ; second board first
out i4slct,al
mov al,dh ; and tx int mask on port
out i4tint,al
xor al,al ; now first board
out i4slct,al
mov al,dl
out i4tint,al
mov cl,bl ; now set flag
call conrtc ; for this device
mov dl,fbase+16
add dl,cl
mov cl,setf
jmp supif
twmsk dw 0 ; bit map keeping track of which device
; is waiting for transmit to clear
; ;
; conrtc: Convert Exact user to Console number ;
; The conversion is not always a MPM console number. ;
; If a exact user port is a Printer port then the a console ;
; Number returned is equal to HIGHCON + PRINTER NUMBER ;
; as the hardware handling of printer and consoles is ;
; identical, the same routines may be used without having to ;
; make exceptions for printer devices. THUS --> IF THE ;
; ;
; Entry -> cl = exact Interfacer 3/4 user number ;
; ;
; Return -> cl = Corresponding Console/Device number ;
; ;
conrtc: push bx ; save him
mov bl,cl ; make 16 bit of user number
xor bh,bh
mov cl,rtcmap[bx] ; get corresponding console number
pop bx
rtcmap db 6 ; exact user 0 --> console 6
db 5 ; exact user 1 --> console 5
db 4 ; exact user 2 --> console 4
db 3 ; exact user 3 --> console 3
db 14 ; exact user 4 --> printer 0 (uses que 14)
db 15 ; exact user 5 --> printer 1 (uses que 15)
db 2 ; exact user 6 --> console 2
db 1 ; exact user 7 --> console 1
db 16 ; exact user 8 --> printer 2 (uses que 16)
db 7 ; exact user 9 --> console 7
db 8 ; exact user A --> console 8
db 9 ; exact user B --> console 9
db 10 ; exact user C --> console 10
db 11 ; exact user D --> console 11
db 12 ; exact user E --> console 12
db 13 ; exact user F --> console 13
; ;
; conctr: Convert Console to exact user number. ;
; Performs the inverse function of conrtc. ;
; ;
; entry -> cl = Device/Console number ;
; ;
; return -> cl = Interfacer 3/4 user number ;
; ;
conctr: push bx ; save'm
xor bx,bx
sub cl,lowcon ; compute 16 bit index to table
mov bl,cl
mov cl,ctrmap[bx] ; get user number from the table
pop bx
ret ; and we are done
ctrmap db 7 ; Console 1 ---> exact user 7
db 6 ; Console 2 ---> exact user 6
db 3 ; Console 3 ---> exact user 3
db 2 ; Console 4 ---> exact user 2
db 1 ; Console 5 ---> exact user 1
db 0 ; Console 6 ---> exact user 0
db 9 ; console 7 ---> exact user 9
db 10 ; console 8 ---> exact user 10
db 11 ; console 9 ---> exact user 11
db 12 ; console 10 --> exact user 12
db 13 ; console 11 --> exact user 13
db 14 ; console 12 --> exact user 14
db 15 ; console 13 --> exact user 15
db 4 ; Printer 0 ---> exact user 4
db 5 ; Printer 1 ---> exact user 5
db 8 ; Printer 2 ---> exact user 8
; ;
; select: Selects relative user on Interfacer 3/4 board ;
; ;
; Entry -> cl = relative user number ;
; ;
; Return -> none ;
; ;
select: push ax
mov al,cl ; send relative user number to
out i4slct,al ; select port
pop ax
; qempt: Checks if que is empty. ;
; ;
; entry -> si = que offset ;
; ;
; return -> Que empty: al = 0, Z is Set ;
; Char in que: al = FF, Z not set ;
qempt: push bx ; lets not destroy anything other than al
mov bx,cs:word ptr 2[si] ; get rear of que
cmp cs:word ptr[si],bx ; if front = rear then
mov al, 0
je qstat ; que := empty
mov al, 0ffh ; else que:= not empty
qstat: pop bx
or al,al
; qfull: test if que is full. ;
; ;
; entry -> si = que offset ;
; ;
; return -> NZ = ok, Z = que FULL ;
; ;
qfull: mov bx,cs:word ptr[si] ; if front + 1 = rear then
call incqptr ; que=full
cmp bx,cs:word ptr 2[si]
ret ; Z = full, NZ = ok
; incqptr: Increment the Que pointer. Takes care of wrap arround ;
; if end of que area is reached ;
; entry -> BX = pointer ;
; return -> BX = pointer + 1 increment ;
incqptr:inc bx ; point to next que offset
cmp bx,qdepth ; end of que area reached ?
jne incd ; if not we are done
xor bx,bx ; yeap... lets wrap
incd: ret
; queins: insert a character into que. If que is full the character ;
; is just droped. ;
; ;
; entry -> al = character ;
; si = que offset ;
; ;
; return -> none ;
queins: push ax
call qfull ; find out if the que is full
pop ax ; Z -> ok, NZ -> full
je qind ; if que is full then loos data
mov bx,cs: word ptr[si] ; else que[front]=item
mov cs:byte ptr 4[si+bx],al
call incqptr ; front = front + 1
mov cs:word ptr[si],bx
qind: ret
; qdel: delete a character from que ;
; ;
; entry -> si = que offset ;
; ;
; return -> al = character ;
qdel: call qempt ; anything in the que ?
je qdeld ; nope, so nothing we can get out...
mov bx,cs:word ptr 2[si] ; al = que[rear]
mov al,cs:byte ptr 4[si+bx]
call incqptr ; rear = rear+1
mov cs:word ptr 2[si],bx
qdeld: ret
que1 dw 0 ; front of que
dw 0 ; rear of que
rb qdepth ; here is the que area.
que2 dw 0 ; front of que
dw 0 ; rear of que
rb qdepth ; here is the que area.
que3 dw 0 ; front of que
dw 0 ; rear of que
rb qdepth ; here is the que area.
que4 dw 0 ; front of que
dw 0 ; rear of que
rb qdepth ; here is the que area.
que5 dw 0 ; front of que
dw 0 ; rear of que
rb qdepth ; here is the que area.
que6 dw 0 ; front of que
dw 0 ; rear of que
rb qdepth ; here is the que area.
que7 dw 0 ; front of que
dw 0 ; rear of que
rb qdepth ; here is the que area.
que8 dw 0 ; front of que
dw 0 ; rear of que
rb qdepth ; here is the que area.
que9 dw 0 ; front of que
dw 0 ; rear of que
rb qdepth ; here is the que area.
que10 dw 0 ; front of que
dw 0 ; rear of que
rb qdepth ; here is the que area.
que11 dw 0 ; front of que
dw 0 ; rear of que
rb qdepth ; here is the que area.
que12 dw 0 ; front of que
dw 0 ; rear of que
rb qdepth ; here is the que area.
que13 dw 0 ; front of que
dw 0 ; rear of que
rb qdepth ; here is the que area.
que14 dw 0 ; front of que
dw 0 ; rear of que
rb qdepth ; here is the que area.
que15 dw 0 ; front of que
dw 0 ; rear of que
rb qdepth ; here is the que area.
que16 dw 0 ; front of que
dw 0 ; rear of que
rb qdepth ; here is the que area.
; ;
; Service: Called from interrupt routines to save the state of ;
; the machine and call the selected interrupt service ;
; routine. After completion of the service routine ;
; it restores the state of the machine and jumps to ;
; the dispatcher to return from the interrupt. ;
; ;
; Entry -> Old DX pushed on the stack ;
; DX = Address of the interrupt service routine ;
; ;
service:push ds ;Save machine state
mov cs:word ptr intss,ss
mov cs:word ptr intsp,sp
mov cs:word ptr axsave,ax
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax ; 8080 model cs=ds
mov ss,ax ; Set up local stack
mov sp,offset istack
push word ptr axsave ; Save all the registers
push bx
push cx
push bp
push si
push di
push es
call dx ; Call ISR
mov al,nseoi ; Send End Of Int. to PIC's
out mpic0,al ; Master PIC
pop es ; Restore machine state
pop di
pop si
pop bp
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
mov ss,word ptr intss
mov sp,word ptr intsp
pop ds
pop dx
jmpf cs:dword ptr disp ; Jump to MP/M dispatcher
; ;
; supif: Call MP/M supervisor. ;
; ;
; Entry -> CX = Function # ;
; DX = Parameter ;
; ;
; Return -> AX = Return value ;
; BX = AX ;
; CX = RTM error code ;
; ;
supif: mov ch,0 ;Clear high byte of function number
push es
push ds
mov ds,word ptr sysdat
mov si,.68h
mov es,ds:10h[si] ; get uda of current proccess
callf cs:dword ptr supvsr
pop ds
pop es
xios dw 0 ;Offset address of XIOS
sysdat dw 0 ;Segment of XIOS and system data segment
supvsr dw 3 ;Entry to the supervisor = offset 3
dw 0 ;Segment filled in later
disp dw 0 ; MPM dispatcher offset
dw 0 ; and segment
axsave dw 0 ; save area for AX
intss dw 0 ; SS
intsp dw 0 ; and SP for ISRs
rb 128
istack db 0 ; Stack for interrupt service
rb 128 ; Make sure to allow enough stack space
lstack db 0 ; stack for MSUP execution entry point
org 0h ; 0 if used as RSP
; RSP header
sdatseg dw 0,0,0
dw 0,0,0
dw 0,0
org 10h
pd dw 0,0 ;Link,thread
db 0 ;Status
db 190 ;Priority
dw 5 ;Flags
db 'Msup ' ;Name
dw offset uda/10h ;Uda seg
db 0,0 ;Disk,user
db 0,0 ;Load dsk,usr
dw 0 ;Mem
dw 0,0 ;Dvract,wait
db 0,0
dw 0
db 0 ;Console
db 0,0,0
db 0 ;List
db 0,0,0
dw 0,0,0,0
org 40h
uda dw 0,0,0,0 ;0
dw 0,0,0,0
dw 0,0,0,0 ;10h
dw 0,0,0,0
dw 0,0,0,0 ;20h
dw 0,0,0,0
dw 0,0,offset stack,0 ;30h
dw 0,0,0,0
dw 0,0,0,0 ;40h
dw 0,0,0,0
dw 0,0,0,0 ;50h
dw 0,0,0,0
dw 0,0,0,0 ;60h
org 140h
dw 0cccch,0cccch,0cccch
dw 0cccch,0cccch,0cccch
dw 0cccch,0cccch,0cccch
dw 0cccch,0cccch,0cccch
dw 0cccch,0cccch,0cccch
stack dw offset exec ;Start offset
dw 0 ;Start seg
dw 0 ;Init flags