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[Supplement to VDE.DOC]
Instuctions for VINSTALL 2.66 (06/88)
Installation Utility for Video Display Editor
(c)1988 E. Meyer
As distributed, VDE is set up for a basic Generic Terminal, and VDE-M is
set up for an Osborne Executive. Unless you have an Executive, you will want
to re-"install" VDE(M) before using it. The "Generic" VDE installation may
run on many different computers, but it is very slow.
VDE can now be installed for ANY terminal; if improperly installed, the
display may be a mess, but there are no other side effects. VDE-M requires a
computer with memory-mapped video; if improperly installed, it may crash.
Most users should be able to install VDE simply by going to the Terminal
Installation and choosing the <L>ist option to select from a menu of terminals
already built into VINSTALL. The list is not exhaustive, but it includes most
basic types: for example, the "LearSiegler ADM3" data should do well enough on
Qume, Wyse, Freedom and many other terminals, as well as many computers, that
emulate an ADM3 terminal. Check your manual to see whether your machine
emulates one on the menu, or comes close. Once you have VDE basically
working, you may want to go through the detailed <E>dit procedure to fine tune
things; the better the installation, the faster and more attractive the
display will be.
NOTE: the installation of arrow keys affects VDE's command behavior. If
the keys ^J,^K,^L are in use as arrow keys, as in many of the CP/M defaults,
they will not function as Wordstar synonyms.
Installing VDE for your computer should not be difficult. If you find
that it was, please send me a note with the details of what was required, so
that future versions of VINSTALL can be improved.
Terminal installation, while necessary, is only one part of VINSTALL.
There are also a number of User Options affecting the operation of VDE that
you can select or modify to suit your taste, and a default set of Macro Keys.
The default printer installation is a basic Teletype (no special codes
enabled); VDE assumes only that the printer responds normally to Backspace (if
^PH is used), Linefeed, and Formfeed. You will probably want to redo this, so
you will have access to your printer's special features.
============================= RUNNING VINSTALL =============================
VINSTALL SYNTAX: A>vinstall {d:}vdename{.com} {instfil} "{}"=optional
Typically, you can use VINSTxx to modify VDExx.COM (of course, feel free
to rename these files more conveniently) simply by typing:
and selecting the values you want to change. If you have to do a manual
installation of VDE for your computer, you may want to create an "installation
file" which you can use (and give to others) to supplement the built-in
terminal list of VINSTALL. This is done by specifying another filename:
VINSTALL will load and use (or create) the file TERMNAME.VDE (or .VDM), and
update it as well as VDE.COM when you exit. The installation file is very
small, containing just terminal parameters (no user options, etc).
It is also possible to create "key files" of VDE macro key definitions.
These work just the same way, except they must have a filetype of ".VDK", and
this must be specified on the command line, eg:
There are also "printer files" of type ".VDP", which store your printer
installation data, and work the same way:
(No, you can't specify more than one supplemental file at once.) The version
numbers of VDE(M), VINSTALL, and any ".VDx" files must "agree" or you will get
an error. The match need not be exact, as there may be a new release of VDE
without modifying the installation areas.
VINSTALL's Key (".VDK") files are compatible with MSDOS versions of VDE
as well (except that the MSDOS version allows up to 1K for definitions).
VINSTALL is largely self-documenting, and steps you through each item
individually. If this is your first time running the program, take advantage
of its "Help" option before you start in, for some basic instructions. You
may also find a good ASCII chart helpful. VINSTALL uses several different
types of data entry:
TEXT - Just type in the character(s).
LOGICAL - Yes/No. Just type "Y" or "N".
DECIMAL - Enter a number from 0 to 255.
HEX - Enter a two-digit hex byte value 00-FF. (Don't omit lead zeros.)
BYTE STRINGS - fixed length: enter the required number of hex bytes.
variable: enter the (hex) count for the number of bytes,
followed by the bytes themselves. Example: (02)1B3D. The max-
imum length is given in square brackets [#]. This format is
referred to below as "(#),bytes".
VINSTALL can't check for illegal values; be careful what you enter!
What follows is a more detailed explanation of installation items, in
about the same order as in the VINSTALL procedure. Most people will be using
VDE; you can try to use VDE-M instead if you have memory mapped video with:
(1) a high bit that can be used to highlight and provide a cursor; (2) an
absolute address at or above 4000h. Memory mapped video provides much faster
screen display if your hardware supports it.
============================= USER OPTIONS =================================
Create BAKup files (Y/N) - Should a backup file be made when you edit an
existing file? Choose "Y" to play safe, "N" to save disk space.
Default file mode (W/A/N) - Which of the three file modes "W","A","N"
described in VDE.DOC do you want as the default? (Originally "A".)
Auto mode select filetypes - You can specify two filetypes (or masks, using
"?" as a wildcard) to automatically set a file mode other than the
default. For example, you can declare all "ASM" files to be "N" mode, or
all filetypes "?88" to be "W", by default. If not used, fill with some
illegal character like ".".
Default insert on (Y/N) - Do you want the INSERT toggle to start out ON when
first entering VDE? (Originally No.)
Default ruler on (Y/N) - Do you want the Ruler line (^OT) to start out ON when
first entering VDE? (Originally No.)
Default HCR display on (Y/N) - Do you want Hard CR display (^OD) to start out
ON when entering a Document file ("W/A" mode)? Originally Yes. (The
default is always OFF in "N" mode.)
Enable hyphenation (Y/N) - Do you want hyphenation (^OH) to start out ON when
first entering VDE? Originally Yes.
Left and Right margin columns (1-255) - Default margin settings for "W/A"
modes. Set both to 1 to entirely disable wordwrap and reformatting.
Scroll overlap (0-255) - This is the number of lines overlap between screens
when scrolling with ^R/^C. The smaller, the larger the scroll. Keep this
smaller than your screen size!
Show system files (Y/N) - Do you want files with the SYStem attribute to show
in the VDE directory display?
Fixed drives (A-P) - This lets you specify that up to two CP/M logical drives
are nonremovable media (hard or RAM disk), so VDE won't reset them before
writing to them, speeding up some systems. Enter two drives from "A" to
"P"; to leave either blank, enter "@". (The default is "@@", or none; if
you have a RAM drive C:, enter "C@".) Caution: naming a floppy drive here
can cause serious BDOS errors on CP/M 2 systems.
Ring bell on error (Y/N) - Do you want your terminal bell to ring when a VDE
error message displays?
Enable help menus (Y/N) - Do you want to have the help menus (^J,ESC-H) avail-
able? Normally "Y". If you change this to "N", you will have about 1K
more free memory for editing.
Alternate video in header (Y/N) - Do you want the header, messages, etc to
appear in a contrasting video mode (if installed)?
Suppress header by default (Y/N) - Do you want header display (^OQ) to start
out off? Normally "N", and the header is displayed.
Clock speed in MHz (01-FF) - Set this hex value to reflect your CPU clock
speed; most Z80 computers are 4.0 MHz (use 40 here).
Horizontal scroll delay (01-FF) - This value affects the delay between
scrolling the current line and the rest of the screen, when working beyond
the right screen edge. The average value is 80; adjust up or down as you
like. (VDE-M is so fast that a value of 01 is recommended.)
Hard Tab display spacing - This determines how any actual Tabs (^I) in your
text will display. Usually 8, this can be made 2, 4, 16, or any other
power of two. Other values will produce erratic results.
Variable tab stops - Enter a list of up to 8 variable tab stop columns, in
ascending order. (Column 1 is the leftmost.) Fill unused values with
zero. Originally 5,15,35,55.
You will next be asked whether you want to continue to MODIFY DEFAULT
CHARACTERS? (Y/N) Ordinarily you will NOT; however, if a default assignment
in VDE conflicts with some special application, you can change these values.
Remember the new values if you do! When entering control codes (00-1F), avoid
standard ASCII values ^H,^I,^J,^L,^M,^Z (ASCII 08,09,0A,0C,0D,1A).
Wildcard character - Normally "_", this is the character that will be used as
a wildcard in FIND strings. Change if you wish.
Block mark character (00-1F) - Normally ^@ (00), but if you need to imbed that
code in your files for any reason you can change this.
Print toggles (00-1F) - These are the codes that will call up the four toggles
defined in your Printer installation. Normally ^B,^D,^S,^Y, corresponding
to WordStar bold, doublestrike, underline, and ribbon/italic.
Print switches (00-1F) - These are the codes that will call up the four
switches defined in your Printer installation. Normally ^Q,^W,^E,^R.
========================== TERMINAL INSTALLATION ===========================
Terminal ID - Identify the terminal you are installing. (16 characters)
Viewable screen columns (40-255) - Enter the width of your screen in columns.
The normal value is 80 for a standard screen.
Screen lines (4-255) - Enter the number of lines on your screen. Normally 24
for a standard screen. Must be at least 4.
DELete character (00-7F) - VDE always accepts DEL (7F) as a delete key. If
your keyboard can't generate this you can install an alternate value here
(example: 1F enables ^_ on an Osborne 1). Also, if you prefer to have a
destructive (deleting) Backspace, you can install ^H (08) here. Otherwise
you can leave this at the default value, FF for "not used".
Arrows up, down, right, left (00-7F) - VDE always accepts Wordstar arrows
^E,^X,^D,^S, as well as ^H (backspace) and ANSI ESC sequences. If your
terminal has arrow keys that generate different values, you can install
them as alternates here. Omit high (parity) bits; VDE strips these. Use
"FF" for "not used". The default is CP/M ^K,^J,^L, entered as 0B0A0CFF.
(Don't install ^H here.) These keys will not function as Wordstar
synonyms unless you remove these assignments.
Terminal init, deinit - Enter the codes you want sent to initialize your
screen on entry into VDE, and to deinitialize on exit, in the form (# of
bytes),bytes. Example: ^Z is (01)1A. Minimally, both sets of codes
should clear the screen.
Autowrap at line end (Y/N) - Usually Yes, as most terminals wrap down to the
next line when a character is printed at the right edge of the screen. If
yours discards characters instead, set this to No.
Clear to end of line - Enter the codes to clear to the end of the line, as
(#),bytes. Example: ESC-T is (02)1B54. If your terminal can't do this
then zero it out (00).
Alternate video on/off - Enter the codes (#),bytes to turn your favorite video
attribute (eg inverse, dim) on and off. This will be used for control
codes and (optionally) the header and messages. If your terminal has no
attributes, zero these out (00).
Use high bit for alt. video (Y/N) - If, instead, your terminal needs the high
bit set on characters to put them in alternate video, zero the above
strings out and say Yes here; otherwise, No.
Console filter (7D-FF) - This is the highest ASCII code that will be sent to
the screen. Normally 7F; if your terminal can't display codes 7F or 7E
(DEL and tilde), lower this to 7E or 7D. Characters filtered out will
display as a "?".
Cursor positioning mode (S/R/A/N) - This tells VDE how your terminal can be
made to put the cursor at any given row/column on the screen:
"S"tandard = leadin byte(s), row byte, column byte (default)
"R"eversed = leadin byte(s), column byte, row byte
"A"NSI std = ANSI standard sequences "ESC[rr;ccH"
"N"one = no absolute cursor addressing supported
Cursor positioning sequence - This is the actual sequence used to address the
cursor. IF YOU CHOSE "A" mode above, you can skip this entirely. IF YOU
CHOSE "S" or "R", then enter the 4-byte sequence for addressing the cursor
to the top left: two lead bytes, then two row/column offsets. Most
terminals use ESC,=,20h+row,20h+col, or 1B3D2020. If you have only one
lead byte, enter 00 for the second. IF YOU CHOSE "N", then you must enter
two 2-byte sequences instead: first one to home the cursor, then one to
move it right. If either is only one byte, enter 00 for the second.
Typical values are home=1Eh, right=0Ch, which would make 1E000C00.
Delay after cursor positioning (00-FF) - Normally 00. Some slow terminals
require a delay here to accomplish cursor movement; adjust this value
upwards as necessary.
Insert, Delete line - Sequences that will cause the current cursor line to be
deleted, or a new line inserted there. Most terminals can do this.
Example: on an ADM3-style terminal, ESC-E or (02)1B45 inserts a line
before the current one, while ESC-R or (02)1B52 deletes a line. For a few
terminals, you have to specify which line is to be inserted/deleted; in
this case, enter the sequences for line 1 (the second screen line). If
your terminal can't do this at all, zero these out (00).
Ins/del specific to line 1 - Usually No; set to Yes only if the ins/del
sequences you installed above are for line 1 only, rather than general.
INSTALLATION (Memory-mapped VDE-M only)
Unused columns of RAM (0-255) - Enter the number of unused bytes in video RAM
between the end of one visible line and the start of the next. Example:
many computers have 128 bytes of RAM per line, but only show 80 of them.
So there would be 48 unused columns.
Cursor on/off - Enter the codes (#),bytes to turn the regular CP/M cursor on
and off, so it won't appear on the VDE screen. If you can't do this zero
them out (00), and the cursor will remain visible at the upper corner of
the screen.
Video RAM start (4000-FFFF) - Enter the starting address of your video memory,
as four hex digits.
Video in/out code - If your video RAM is in the ordinary bank of memory (eg,
at F000), just enter "C9" here (that's a RET instruction). Otherwise, you
will need the machine-language code to switch video memory in and out.
There are 16 bytes available for each routine, and you must preserve all
the CPU registers (including A), and end with a RET. You should find the
assembler code to do this in your terminal manual; to convert it to hex,
either look up the hex values in a Z80 reference book, or use DDT or
ASM/MAC to write and assemble the code to hex form. You may find it
easier to install this code with an assembler overlay than with VINSTALL.
The addresses are 0190h (VidIN) and 01A0h (VidOUT).
CAUTION: if switching in video RAM affects the low end of memory (0000-
3FFF) in any way, you will not be able to use VDM. There is no provision
for relocating any VDM code to cope with such situations.
=========================== PRINTER INSTALLATION ===========================
VDE.LBR includes a sample printer driver: EPSON.VDP. This shows you how
to implement the basic features (emphasized, underline, etc) on an Epson FX or
LQ compatible printer. See above for how to load and use this file.
Printer ID - Identify the printer you are installing. (16 characters)
Send LF after CR (Y/N) - Normally Yes. But with some printers, which manufac-
ture their own LF on receiving a CR, you will want No here.
Page length (0-255) - Set the number of text lines to print on a page. (Does
not include the top margin or 3 extra lines for a header, if used.)
Setting to 0 disables pagination entirely.
Top margin (0-255) - Set the number of blank lines, if any, to skip at the top
of each page when printing. (Originally 0, none.)
Left margin (0-255) - Set the number of blank columns to skip at the left of
each line when printing. (Originally 0.)
Printer initialization - Enter an optional string of code (#),bytes to send to
the printer before each print job, to set margins, print modes etc.
Printer deinit - Enter another optional string (#),bytes to send to the
printer after each print job, to restore printer to desired state on exit.
Codes for toggles - Enter the actual hex codes (#),bytes to send to the
printer on encountering each of the four toggle codes, first to turn a
feature on, then off. The WordStar conventions are:
^B boldface ^S underline
^D doublestrike ^Y ribbon/italic
but you can use these however you like.
Codes for switches - Enter the actual hex codes (#),bytes to send to the
printer on encountering each of the four switches. These have no pre-
established meaning.
================================ MACRO KEYS ================================
The default macro definitions are those attached to the commands ESC-0..9
when VDE is first entered. By changing them you can configure VDE to suit
your own specialized writing requirements. (Any Keys defined with ESC-# while
running VDE override the defaults.)
VINSTALL gives you a display much like this:
MACRO KEYS: (01C6 bytes free) <---- note free bytes (up to 01F4 = 500)
<1><> <---- "<>" flag means empty
<3>^[;^C <---- normal macro key
<5><N>World Wide Widgets Inc. <---- "<N>" flag means no-rpt key
<7><Q>^QR^[B^QC^[T^[C <---- "<Q>" flag means quiet key
This is pretty straightforward; you just select the number of the Key you wish
to redefine, then type in the new definition, much as you would in VDE. All
the same rules apply (but VINSTALL will accept longer keys, up to 128 bytes).
If the new definition is too long to fit it will be rejected.
========================== FURTHER USER PATCHING ===========================
Entry to VDE is via a JP instruction at 0100h. The current value is JP
0480h. Thus, to add a user entry routine, you can instead JP to your own code
in the User Patch area, and finish it with JP 0480h. Exit from VDE is via a
JP instruction at 0103h, normally JP 0000h. To add a user exit routine, you
can instead JP to code in the Patch area, ending it with a warm boot (RST 0).
The address of the User Patch area will be given to you by VINSTALL.
This small region in VDE can be used to install any extra patch code you need.
(Example: if your video in/out routines won't fit into 16 bytes, you can jump
to the User Patch area and put more code there.) This is the ONLY such area
available, as VDE uses all available memory after its own code for editing
text. Note: if you find the User Patch area too small, you can also use up to
32 extra bytes before it. This is the Print Switch code area; you must then
avoid using the four Switch codes.
VINSTALL also tells you the addresses of the command tables in VDE/M.
You may find this useful if you need to go in and change a VDE command key
that conflicts with your computer's firmware. There are four command tables:
basic, ESC/^K, ^O, and ^Q. Each is a list of 3-byte entries, with a one byte
keycode, then a two byte address. (Examples: you will find the ^T command in
the basic table; the ^OX command appears in the ^O table, as ^X.) Find the
problem keycode, and use DDT or another utility to change it. (You will also
see the "keycodes" 00 and 80-84h in the tables; these are used internally for
arrow keys and other functions.)
============================= RESTORE DEFAULTS =============================
This option is provided in the event that someone has so mucked up your
copy of VDE that you can't sort out what's wrong. This should return VDE to
nearly the state it was distributed in: all User Options restored to their
defaults, Terminal Installation set to Generic (or Osborne Exec), printer set
to a basic Teletype, no Macro Keys, no User Patch code.
========================== GOING BEYOND VINSTALL ===========================
If your computer requires special additional code, and you know how to
use an assembler, you may want to make an overlay to add this code to VDE.
(You may also find this the easiest way to install other data, such as the
VidIN/OUT routines for the VDM Terminal Installation.) Write the overlay
file, generate a HEX file with your assembler, then merge it with VDE.COM
using MLOAD or a similar utility. (Be sure the code fits!)
Example: the following overlay adds special code for the NEC Starlet to
the User Patch area, where it is immediately executed when VDE is called up.
The Starlet has different terminal emulations and key definitions; most of
this code just ensures that it's in Soroc mode (which is what VINSTALL sets
VDE up for), and sets the cursor and DEL key definitions properly.
There is another problem: the VDE case toggle command (^^) has to be
changed, as it will conflict with one of the Soroc arrow keys. (On some other
computers, you can't generate ^^ from the keyboard at all.) Note how the
overlay finds the address of the main command menu (all the menu addresses are
stored at 010B-0112h in VDE.COM; alternatively, you can get VINSTALL to tell
you what they are), adds the appropriate offset (determine this yourself), and
then changes the command key to something else. Note the flags "*--->" for
data that may change with versions of VDE.
;NEC8401 Patch for VDE 2.64 (Z80 mnemonics)
org 0100h ;At beginning of VDE.COM,
jp entry ; jump to User Patch area
*---> org 0250h ;At User Patch area,
entry: ld c,08h ; set screen mode:
ld e,81h ; Soroc, wrap on, fnkeys off, etc
rst 10h ; call special BIOS
ld c,4Eh ; set cursor keys:
ld e,3 ; to mapped codes
rst 10h ; call special BIOS
ld c,4Dh ; set definable key:
ld de,data ; using data below
rst 10h ; call special BIOS
*---> ld hl,(010Bh) ; get address of main command menu
*---> ld de,7*3 ; offset of ^^ (this may change)
add hl,de ; point to offending ^^ code
ld (hl),'\' ; change it to a backslash instead
*---> jp 0480h ;Jump to VDE Start point
data: db 4,7Fh,0,0 ;Data to set "DEL" key as DEL (7F)
Here's another example: the Bondwell 14 will run VDE-M, but can't turn
off its own cursor with an ESC sequence. After selecting the BW14 terminal
installation from VINSTALL, you need to add small Z80 routines to turn off the
cursor on entry, and restore it on exit.
;BONDWELL 14 patch for VDE-M 2.64 (Z80 mnemonics)
org 0100h ;At beginning of VDE.COM,
jp entry ; (0100h) jump to entry routine in Patch area
jp exit ; (0103h) jump to exit routine in Patch area
*---> org 0250h ;At User Patch area,
entry: ld a,0Ah ;entry routine to turn cursor off
out 10h,a
ld a,20h
out 11h,a
ld a,0Bh
out 10h,a
xor a,a
out 11h,a ;Done...
*---> jp 0480h ;Jump to VDE start point
exit: ld a,0Ah ;exit routine to turn cursor on
out 10h,a
ld a,40h
out 11h,a
ld a,0Bh
out 10h,a
ld a,8
out 11h,a ;Done...
rst 0 ;Reboot CP/M
You can also add code like this to VDE.COM using the "a" command to enter
assembler mnemonics in a debugging utility like DDT or (Z)SID.
Eric Meyer, 427 N. Washington, Bloomington IN 47401 --- CIS [74415,1305]