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141 lines
; B5C-SB.INS - Clock routine for SB-180
; Uses the the wallclock data area of the BIOS to return the current
; time to BYE5. The first time check after midnight will automatically
; update the BYE5 date area, but since the SB-180 does not store the
; current date, this area must first be intitialized to the correct date
; by some other means.
; (Dec 16 1986) Initial release for BYE510 and above. Note that
; this insert uses the Z80 "LDIR" instruction to
; minimize the time that interrupts are disabled.
; Since all SB-180s use the HD64180 CPU chip, this
; should be no problem.
; -- Stuart Rose
; This clock insert uses BCDBIN and BINBCD subroutines. It requires that
; configuration tags BCD2BIN and BIN2BCD as well as CLOCK be set to YES.
; Note: This is an insert -- not an overlay
WBOOT equ 0000H ; address of warm boot vector
CENTURY equ 19H ; current century (19xx) in BCD
TIMOFF equ 33 ; offset to time routine in BIOS jump table
TIME: call getclk ; get the time from the system clock
lda TMPBUF+2 ; get hours (binary)
sta CCHOUR ; save as current hour
call BINBCD ; convert to BCD
sta RTCBUF ; and store BCD hours in RTCBUF
lda TMPBUF+1 ; get minutes (binary)
sta CCMIN ; save as current minute
call BINBCD ; convert to BCD
STA RTCBUF+1 ; and store tore BCD minutes in RTCBUF
lda TMPBUF ; Get seconds (binary)
call BINBCD ; convert to BCD
STA RTCBUF+2 ; and store BCD seconds in RTCBUF
lda OLDHRS ; get old system hours
mov B,A ; save it
lda TMPBUF + 2 ; get new system hours
sta OLDHRS ; store it
sub B ; day rollover?
rnc ; nope
mvi A,CENTURY ; yep, get current century
sta RTCBUF+3 ; and store in RTC buffer
lda RTCBUF+6 ; get the day of the month (BCD)
adi 1 ; bump up ...
daa ; adjust to BCD ...
sta RTCBUF+6 ; store the new day ...
mov B,A ; and save
lxi H,monmap ; point to the month map
lda RTCBUF+5 ; get the month of the year (BCD)
call BCDBIN ; convert to binary
dcr A ; remove offset (for base zero)
call chkly ; check for leap year
adc A ; multiply by 2 (with carry for ly)
mvi D,0 ; and create an offset
mov E,A ;
dad D ; add offset
mov A,M ; get number of days this month
sub B ; rollover?
rnc ; nope
mvi A,01H ; yep reset the day of the month
sta RTCBUF+6 ;
lda RTCBUF+5 ; get the month of the year (BCD)
adi 1 ; bump up ...
daa ; adjust to BCD ..
sta RTCBUF+5 ; store the new month ...
cpi 12+1 ; rollover?
rc ; nope
mvi A,01H ; yep reset the month of the year
sta RTCBUF+5 ;
lda RTCBUF+4 ; get the year (BCD)
adi 1 ; bump up ...
daa ; adjust to BCD ...
sta RTCBUF+4 ; and store the new year
ret ; done
; This routine checks for leap years. If the current year is a leap
; year, then this routine returns with the CARRY set.
chkly: lda RTCBUF+4 ; get the year (BCD)
call BCDBIN ; convert to binary
mov B,A ; save it
ani 0FCH ; year = year mod 4
cmp B ; same as original?
cmc ; set CARRY if so
; This routine will read from the SB-180 wallclock data area
getclk: call biosclk ; point to BIOS RTC data area
lxi D,TMPBUF ; point to temporary buffer
lxi B,3 ; moving 3 bytes
di ; disable interrupts
db 0EDH,0B0H ; Z80 LDIR instruction
ei ; enable interrupts
ret ; done
; This routine will call the BIOS time routine and return with the
; the <HL> register pair pointing to the BIOS RTC data area
biosclk:lxi H,WBOOT+1 ; point to warmboot vector
lxi D,TIMOFF ; get offset to BIOS time routine
dad D ; add offset
pchl ; and jump to it
; This is a month map for the number of day in each month of the
; year. The first value is for a standard year, the second for a
; leap year. Note all values are in BCD.
monmap: db 31H,31H ; January std,lpyr
db 28H,29H ; February std,lpyr
db 31H,31H ; March std,lpyr
db 30H,30H ; April std,lpyr
db 31H,31H ; May std,lpyr
db 30H,30H ; June std,lpyr
db 31H,31H ; July std,lpyr
db 31H,31H ; August std,lpyr
db 30H,30H ; September std,lpyr
db 31H,31H ; October std,lpyr
db 30H,30H ; November std,lpyr
db 31H,31H ; December std,lpyr
OLDHRS: db 0 ; remember hours from last call
TMPBUF: db 0 ; temporary storage for the seconds
db 0 ; temporary storage for the minutes
db 0 ; temporary storage for the hours