Text File
685 lines
Vers equ 14
SubVers equ ' ' ; revision level
; A ZCPR33+ utility to create null disk labels.
; DSKNUM {dir:}{label}{.num} {{/}options}
; If a DIR or DU specification is not given, the current drive and/or
; user is assumed, unless an internal default user is installed. If
; no label name is given, an internal default is used. If no disk
; number is given, the internal next number is used. If no option is
; given, DSKNUM labels a single disk and exits. By default DSKNUM
; saves the last number used internally, so you won't have to remember
; what it was.
; OPTIONS: Slash not required if option is second token.
; M Multiple label mode.
; S Do not save last disk number.
; Numerous configuration options are available in the first sector of
; the program COM file. See documentation for more information.
; Let me know if there are any problems.
; Gene Pizzetta
; 481 Revere Street
; Revere, MA 02151
; Voice: (617) 284-0891
; Newton Centre Z-Node: (617) 965-7259
; GEnie: E.Pizzetta
; Version 1.4 -- July 28, 1990 -- Gene Pizzetta
; Complete rewrite. Requires ZCPR 3.3 or higher. Name changed to
; DSKNUM from DISKNUM. Labels a single disk from command line.
; Still labels multiple disk interactively. Accepts label name
; from command line in lieu of internal default label name. Accepts
; disk number from command line in lieu of internal stored number.
; Label attributes configurable. Gets its own filename and directory
; location from external file control block on first invocation.
; Name is stored for subsequent execution with GO command. Has
; type 3 header. Resets only target disk instead of entire disk
; system under Z3PLUS and ZSDOS. Configurable to reset disk or not
; when saving last number internally (resets not needed for hard
; drives). Accepts target user area from command line or configurable
; to use internal default user. Aborts if label already exists on disk.
; Sets ZCPR3 error flag if an invalid DU is given (2), if the disk
; number exceeds 999 (9), if the disk is out of directory space (11),
; if a label already exists on the disk (16), if an invalid option
; is given (19), or any other error (4). ^C aborts to operating
; system at any prompt. Brief usage screen if "//" is given.
; Configurable with ZCNFG 1.6 or higher.
; Version 1.3 -- March 3, 1989 -- Gene Pizzetta
; Minor bug correction.
; Version 1.2 -- February 28, 1989 -- Gene Pizzetta
; Corrected several file handling problems in CP/M 2.2 version.
; Added user area support.
; Version 1.1 -- December 26, 1987 -- Gene Pizzetta
; Added CP/M 2.2 support.
; Version 1.0 -- December 24, 1987 -- Gene Pizzetta
; Original release for CP/M-Plus.
; Developed with SLRMAC and SLRNK+.
; System addresses . . .
CpmFcb equ 05Ch ; default file control block
CpmDma equ 080h ; default DMA buffer
; Character codes . . .
CtrlC equ 03h ; ^C
BEL equ 07h ; bell
TAB equ 09h ; tab
CR equ 0Dh ; carriage return
LF equ 0Ah ; linefeed
ESC equ 1Bh ; escape
; BDOS service functions . . .
CpmVer equ 12 ; CP/M version request
ResSys equ 13 ; reset disk system
FSrchF equ 17 ; search for first match
SetAtt equ 30 ; set file attributes
ResDrv equ 37 ; reset individual drives
DosVer equ 48 ; ZRDOS, ZSDOS version request
MACLIB Z80 ; this is extended Intel
; Routines from VLIB, Z3LIB, and SYSLIB . . .
ext bdos,epstr,crlf,pafdc,cout,cin,isdigit,comphd,eval10,phl4hc
ext retud,logud,initfcb,setdma,f$open,f$mopen,f$close,r$write
ext zsyschk,z33chk,z3vinit,gzmtop,tinit,dinit,getefcb,pfn1
ext prtname,puter2
ext stndout,stndend
; TYP3HDR.MAC, Version 1.1 -- Extended Intel Mnemonics
; This code has been modified as suggested by Charles Irvine so that
; it will function correctly with interrupts enabled.
; Extended Intel mnemonics by Gene Pizzetta, April 30, 1989.
Entry: jr Start0 ; must use relative jump
db 0 ; filler
db 'Z3ENV',3 ; type-3 environment
Z3EAdr: dw 0FE00h ; filled in by Z33
dw Entry ; intended load address
; Configuration area . . .
db 'DSKNUM' ; default name for CFG file
db Vers/10+'0',Vers mod 10+'0' ; version for CFG file
db 'ROFLG>' ; set read-only attribute in label
ROFlg db 0 ; ..0 = no, non-zero = yes
db 'SYSFLG>' ; set system attribute in label
SysFlg: db 0 ; ..0 = no, non-zero = yes
db 'ARCFLG>' ; set archive attribute in label
ArcFlg: db 0 ; ..0 = no, non-zero = yes
db 'RSTFLG>' ; reset drive before saving number
RstFlg: db 0 ; ..0 = no, non-zero = yes
db 'LBLTAG>' ; first character of label
LblTag: db '#' ; "!" or "#" recommended
db 'DFTLBL>' ; default disk label, if not given
DftLbl: db 'DISK <' ; ..(7 upper-case characters)
db 'LBLUSR>' ; user area for label, or FF to use
LblUsr: db 0FFh ; ..current or given user
LstNum: dw 0 ; last number written to disk
Start0: lxi h,0 ; point to warmboot entry
mov a,m ; save the byte there
di ; protect against interrupts
mvi m,0C9h ; replace warmboot with a return opcode
rst 0 ; call address 0, pushing RetAddr onto stack
mov m,a ; restore byte at 0
dcx sp ; get stack pointer to point
dcx sp ; ..to the value of RetAddr
pop h ; get it into HL and restore stack
ei ; we can allow interrupts again
lxi d,RetAddr ; this is where we should be
xra a ; clear carry flag
push h ; save address again
dsbc de ; subtract -- we should have 0 now
pop h ; restore value of RetAddr
jz Start ; if addresses matched, begin real code
lxi d,NotZ33Msg-RetAddr ; offset to message
dad d
xchg ; switch pointer to message into DE
mvi c,9
jmp 0005h ; return via BDOS print string function
db 'Not Z33+$' ; abort message if not Z33-compatible
; Messages . . .
MsgUse: db 'DSKNUM Version '
db Vers/10+'0','.',Vers mod 10+'0',SubVers
db ' (loaded at ',0
MsgUs1: db 'h)',CR,LF
db 'Usage:',CR,LF,' ',0
MsgUs2: db ' {dir:}{label}{.num} {{/}options}',CR,LF
db 'Options:',CR,LF
db ' M Multiple label mode',CR,LF
db ' S Don''t save last number',0
MsgNxt: db 'Next Label: ',0
MsgDot: db ' .. ',0
MsgDsk: db ' .. Press any key (ESC = Quit) .. ',0
MsgRng: db BEL,'Next number out of range',0
MsgBad: db BEL,'Bad disk number',0
MsgIOp: db BEL,'Invalid option',0
MsgExs: db BEL,'Label exists',0
MsgFDr: db BEL,'No directory space',0
MsgIDr: db BEL,'Invalid directory',0
MsgWEr: db BEL,'File write error, ',0
MsgNSv: db 'Not saved',0
MsgZ33: db BEL,'ZCPR33+ required',0
MsgPrg: db BEL,'Can''t find ',0
MsgAgn: db ' .. Any key to try again .. ',0
MsgAbt: db 'Aborted',0
MsgDne: db 'Saved',0
; Start of program . . .
Start: lhld Z3EAdr
call z3vinit
call z33chk ; check for ZCPR33+
lxi h,MsgZ33
jnz epstr ; (it's not)
sspd OldStk ; save old stack pointer
lxi h,OldStk
sphl ; ..and set up new stack
lda PrgNam ; is this a rerun?
cpi ' '
jrnz Start1 ; (yes, it is)
call getefcb ; get external FCB address
inx h ; increment it to filename (EFCB+1)
lxi d,PrgNam ; ..and move program name to storage
lxi b,11
inx h ; point to program user (EFCB+13)
mov a,m ; ..and move to storage
sta PrgUsr
inx h ; point to program drive (EFCB+14)
mov a,m ; move program drive to storage
dcr a ; make A=0
sta PrgDrv
Start1: call ScanOp ; scan for options
lda CpmFcb+15 ; valid directory?
ora a
jrz Skip1
mvi a,2 ; set error code (invalid directory)
sta ErCode
lxi h,MsgIDr
jmp Exit ; (nope)
Skip1: call tinit ; initialize terminal
call retud ; get default DU
mov a,b ; store drive
sta TgtDrv
lda CpmFcb ; get drive, if any
ora a
jrz Start2 ; (no drive, use default)
dcr a
sta TgtDrv
Start2: lda LblUsr ; check for default user
cpi 32
jrc Start3
lda CpmFcb+13 ; get user
Start3: sta TgtUsr
mov c,a ; put user in C
lda TgtDrv ; put drive in B
mov b,a
call logud ; log into target DU
lda LblTag ; move label tag to FCB
sta LblFcb+1
lxi h,CpmFcb+1 ; check for filename (label)
mov a,m
cpi ' '
jrz Start4 ; (none, use default)
cpi '/'
jrz Start4
mov b,a ; see if tag was given
lda LblTag
cmp b
jrnz Start5 ; (no)
inx h ; point past tag
jr Start5
Start4: lxi h,DftLbl ; move default disk label to FCB
Start5: lxi d,LblFcb+2
lxi b,7
lxi h,CpmFcb+9 ; check for filetype (number)
mov a,m
cpi ' '
jrz Start6 ; (none, use default)
call isdigit
jrnz BadNum ; (not a digit, so abort)
call eval10 ; get number
mov a,m ; get terminating character
xchg ; move from DE to HL
ora a ; was character a null?
jrz Start7 ; (yes, okay)
cpi ' ' ; a space?
jrz Start7 ; (okay, too)
BadNum: mvi a,9 ; it's a bad number
sta ErCode
lxi h,MsgBad
jmp Exit
Start6: lhld LstNum ; get last number
call NumChk
inx h ; increment it
Start7: shld CurNum ; save it as current number
lxi d,LblFcb+9 ; insert it into FCB
call mhl3dc
lda OpMFlg ; check for mode
ora a
jrnz MMode ; (multiple label mode)
; Single label module . . .
call PrtNxt ; print next label
lxi h,MsgDot
call epstr
call DskRst ; reset disk
call ChkDup ; labelled already?
jnz Exit ; (yep)
call MakFil ; create label
jnz Exit ; (space error)
call FilAtt ; set attributes
lda OpSFlg ; do we save last number?
ora a
jrnz NoSave ; (no)
lhld CurNum ; get last label number used
shld LstNum ; ..and store in data sector
call DskSav ; save last number
jmp Finish
; Multiple label module . . .
MMode0: call crlf
MMode: call PrtNxt ; print next label
lxi h,MsgDsk ; press any key ...
call AskOpr
cpi ESC ; quitting?
jrz MMode1 ; (yes)
call DskRst ; reset disk
call ChkDup ; labelled already?
cnz epstr
jnz MMode0 ; (yep)
call MakFil ; create label
cnz epstr
jnz MMode0
call FilAtt
lhld CurNum ; get last label number used
shld LstNum ; ..and store in data sector
call NumChk
inx h ; increment it
shld CurNum ; save it as current number
lxi d,LblFcb+9 ; insert it into FCB
call mhl3dc
jr MMode0 ; ..and loop
MMode1: lda OpSFlg ; are we saving number?
ora a
jrnz NoSave ; (no)
call DskSav ; yes, go do it
jmp Finish
; Common exit routines . . .
NoSave: lxi h,MsgNSv
jr Exit
Finish: lxi h,MsgDne
jr Exit
Abort: lxi h,MsgAbt
mvi a,4 ; set error code
sta ErCode
Exit: call epstr
call dinit ; clear terminal
lda ErCode
call puter2
lspd OldStk
; Subroutines . . .
; DskSav -- Save data sector to disk.
DskSav: call DskRs0 ; reset disk system
lxi h,PrgNam ; put program name in FCB
lxi d,LblFcb+1
lxi b,11
lda PrgDrv ; log into program DU
mov b,a
lda PrgUsr
mov c,a
call logud
DskSv1: lda RstFlg ; do we reset drive?
ora a
cnz DskRst ; (yes)
lxi d,LblFcb
call initfcb
call f$open ; open ourselves
jrnz GetDsk ; we can't find ourselves
lxi h,Entry ; set dma address to our 1st record
call setdma
lxi h,0 ; set record number
call r$write ; write record
jrnz DskErr ; (error)
call f$close ; close file
GetDsk: call crlf
lxi h,MsgPrg ; request program disk
call PrtNx1
lxi h,MsgAgn
call AskOpr
jr DskSv1 ; ..and try again
DskErr: call crlf
lxi h,MsgWEr ; file write error
call epstr
jmp Abort
; FilAtt -- Sets label attributes based on configuration bytes.
FilAtt: lda ROFlg ; check read-only flag
ora a
jrz FilAt1 ; (no, skip read-only)
lda LblFcb+9 ; set read-only attribute
ori 80h ; ..Read Only
sta LblFcb+9
FilAt1: lda SysFlg ; check system flag
ora a
jrz FilAt2 ; (no, skip system)
lda LblFcb+10 ; set system attribute
ori 80h
sta LblFcb+10
FilAt2: lda ArcFlg ; check archive flag
ora a
jrz FilAt3 ; (no, skip archive)
lda LblFcb+11 ; set archive attribute
ori 80h
sta LblFcb+11
FilAt3: lxi d,LblFcb
mvi c,SetAtt
call bdos
; DskRst -- resets current drive only under ZSDOS and CP/M-Plus;
; otherwise, resets disk system. (Based on Carson Wilson's RCPR v1.5
; for Z34RCP.)
DskRst: mvi c,CpmVer ; get CP/M version
call bdos
cpi 30h ; CP/M Plus?
jrnc DskRs1 ; (yes)
mvi c,DosVer
call bdos ; ZRDOS or CP/M?
mov a,h
ora a
jrnz DskRs1 ; (no, assume function 37 is bug-free
DskRs0: mvi c,ResSys ; reset disk system
call bdos
; reset single drive
DskRs1: call retud ; get current drive
mov a,b ; put it in A
inr a ; shift range to 1..16
lxi h,1 ; map drive "A:"
DskRs3: dcr a ; done yet?
jrz DskRs4 ; (yes)
dad h ; shift vector to next drive
jr DskRs3
DskRs4: xchg ; put vector in DE
mvi c,ResDrv ; reset single drive
call bdos
; MakFil -- create, open, and close a zero-length file. Return
; Z if okay, NZ if no directory space.
MakFil: lxi d,LblFcb
call initfcb
call f$mopen ; create and open file
jrnz MakFi1 ; (no directory space)
call f$close ; close file
MakFi1: mvi a,11 ; set error code (directory full)
sta ErCode
lxi h,MsgFDr
; ChkDup -- checks for an existing filename beginning with the
; tag character. Returns Z if not found, NZ if found.
ChkDup: lda LblTag ; stuff label tag into FCB
sta CpmFcb+1
lxi h,WildNm ; fill rest with ?'s
lxi d,CpmFcb+2
lxi b,10
lxi d,CpmFcb
call initfcb
mvi c,FSrchF ; does it exist?
call bdos
inr a
mvi a,16 ; set error code (duplicate filespec ?!?)
sta ErCode
lxi h,MsgExs ; say label exists
; ScanOp -- scan command line for options
ScanOp: xra a ; initialize option flags
sta OpMFlg
sta OpSFlg
sta ErCode ; ..and error code
lxi h,CpmDma+1 ; point to command line
call EatSpc ; jump past spaces
inx h
ora a
rz ; (no more)
cpi '/' ; option flag?
jrz GetOpt ; (yes)
ScanO1: mov a,m ; get past filespec
inx h
ora a
rz ; (no more)
cpi ' '
jrz ScanO2
cpi TAB
jrnz ScanO1
ScanO2: call EatSpc
ora a
rz ; (no more)
cpi '/'
jrnz GetOpt
inx h
GetOpt: mov a,m ; get option
ora a
rz ; (no more)
cpi '/' ; help request?
jrz Usage
cpi 'M'
jrz SetMOp
cpi 'S'
jrz SetSOp
inx h
cpi ' '
jrz GetOpt
mvi a,19 ; set error code (invalid option)
sta ErCode
lxi h,MsgIOp
jmp Exit
SetMOp: mvi a,0FFh
sta OpMFlg
inx h
jr GetOpt
SetSOp: mvi a,0FFh
sta OpSFlg
inx h
jr GetOpt
Usage: lxi h,MsgUse ; print usage message
call epstr
lxi h,Entry ; print load address
call phl4hc
lxi h,MsgUs1
call epstr
call prtname
lxi h,MsgUs2
jmp Exit
; EatSpc -- Gobbles up spaces and tabs
EatSpc: mov a,m
inx h
cpi ' ' ; is it a space?
jrz EatSpc ; (yes)
cpi TAB ; it it a tab?
jrz EatSpc ; (yes)
dcx h
; AskOpr -- get response from user
AskOpr: call epstr
call cin ; wait for character
cpi CtrlC ; ^C ?
rnz ; (nope)
jmp Abort
; MHL3DC -- Store HL as 3 decimal characters in 3-byte memory buffer
; pointed to by DE (based on Carson Wilson's SMHL5DC+ module in ZSLIB 2.1).
MHL3DC: push psw ; save regs
push b
push h
push d ; for output
mvi b,0 ; B=0 for no leading spaces
lxi d,100 ; store 100's
call MHDC1
MHDC6: lxi d,10 ; store 10's
call MHDC1
mov a,l ; store 1's
adi '0' ; convert to ASCII
call MHDC8
popix ; restore regs
pop h
pop b
pop psw
; Divide HL by DE and store quotient with leading spaces
MHDC1: xra a ; set count
MHDC2: ora a ; clear carry
dsbc de
jrc MHDC3 ; done if carry set (further borrow)
inr a ; increment count
jr MHDC2
MHDC3: dad d
ana a ; check for zero
jrnz MHDC4
ora b ; 0 = no leading spaces (A=0, A or B = 0 if B=0)
jrz MHDC4
mvi a,' ' ; store space
jr MHDC8
MHDC4: mvi b,0 ; turn off leading spaces for rest of output
MHDC7: adi '0' ; convert to ASCII
MHDC8: pushix ; get storage address
pop d
call MOUT
; MOUT - Store A to memory at DE (from Carson Wilson's ZSLIB 2.1)
; Entry: A = value to store
; DE = address of memory buffer (1 byte)
; Exit: DE = address of byte after output
; Uses: DE
MOUT: stax d
inx d
; NumChk -- checks if number is 999 and, if so, aborts.
NumChk: lxi d,999
call comphd
lda OpMFlg ; check mode
ora a
cnz crlf
mvi a,9 ; set error code (bad numerical expression)
sta ErCode
lxi h,MsgRng
jmp Exit
; PrtNxt -- Print next disk label
PrtNxt: lxi h,MsgNxt ; report next label
PrtNx1: call epstr
call stndout
call retud ; get current DU
mov a,b ; put drive in A
adi 'A' ; make it printable
call cout
mov a,c ; put user in A
call pafdc
mvi a,':' ; print colon
call cout
lxi d,LblFcb+1 ; print label
call pfn1
call stndend
; Data . . .
PrgNam: db ' ' ; program name storage
PrgDrv: db 0 ; program drive location
PrgUsr: db 0 ; program user location
WildNm: db '??????????' ; for existence test
; Uninitialized data . . .
OpMFlg: ds 1 ; non-zero = option M (multiple labels)
OpSFlg: ds 1 ; non-zero = option S (don't save)
CurNum: ds 2 ; current label number
TgtDrv: ds 1 ; default drive
TgtUsr: ds 1 ; default user
ErCode: ds 1 ; error code
ds 50 ; stack
OldStk: ds 2 ; stack pointer storage
LblFcb: ds 36 ; label file control block