Text File
267 lines
Size (recs) CRC Version Author/Latest Issue Disk
D15.COM 4k (30) 4AD0 1.6 Gene Pizzetta 12/89 Z3COM4
1- Syntax/Options 2- Installation 3- Notes 4- Examples of Use
D provides a number of features not provided by other directory utilities.
The display is in lowercase, which makes it more readable to most people. In
addition, it shows total disk capacity, the total number of bytes used by the
displayed files, the number of bytes remaining on the disk, and the number of
remaining directory entries. It also shows SYS, ARC, R/O, and other file
attributes, and displays files from all user areas in a single listing.
Written for CP/M 2.2 and above, it is designed to give most of the information
a user requires, while remaining under 4K in size.
D was originally written for CP/M 3.0, but it has been revamped to work
with version 2.2 under ZCPR3.3. Original program by Hank Blake (1984).
Syntax D {dir:}{<{afn.aft}>} {{/}<options>}
If a DU or DIR is omitted, the current drive and user are assumed. If a
filename is omitted then all files (*.*) is assumed. If a filetype is given
without a filename, D wildcards the filename. If no option is given then all
non-system files are displayed.
Options must be preceded by a space and slash (/), unless a DU or DIR
specification and/or a filename or filetype is given. Several options may be
included without intervening spaces. A filename mask may include slashes, but
if it begins with a slash, then the mask must be preceded by a DIR or DU
specification, or simply a colon.
If no files are found that match the given options or ambiguous filename, D
will set the program error flag. That will allow to detect the existence of
particular types of files and act on their absence or presence using the IF
ERROR command.
D is re-entrant and may be used with the "GO" command.
The number of columns used for the display varies, depending on the number
of files, the options chosen, and the width of your screen.
Options A archived files only
B include both non-system and system files
C comprehensive, complete file control block information
F suppress file sizes
M put number of matching files in registers 18 and 19
N no preliminary formfeed to printer
O only read-only files
Q quiet operation with no display
P send to printer
R reset disk system
S only system files
U include files from all user areas
W only read/write files
X do not sort
Z only non-archived files
All options are specified after a space and slash. If two successive
slashes are used, then a brief usage message is displayed.
Explanations of Options - 1/5
Some options, particularly those that regulate the display, are mutually
exclusive. If two or more such options are given in the command line,
generally the more comprehensive options take precedence. Unknown options
are ignored.
A Archived files only. This filters for files with the Archive bit
set and only those files are displayed. (The Archive attribute is a
CP/M 3.0 feature that has also been implemented by ZRDOS, ZSDOS and
other 2.2 replacements). See also Z option.
B Both system and non-system files included. This option turns off
the system file filter and displays all files on the disk, whether
they are system or non-system. System files are highlighted,
however. See also S option.
Explanations of Options - 2/5
C Comprehensive file information. Displays the complete directory
entry for the selected files. The files are unsorted but the
filters work normally (the default is all non-system files. All
file attributes, including F1 through F8, are shown using high-
lighting on the corresponding characters of the filename.
F File sizes suppressed. Displays files without file size informa-
tion, resulting in a more compact display, with one additional
column of filenames.
M Put number of matching files in user registers 18 and 19. The low
byte is put in 18. Some programs, for instance, don't work if they
have to deal with more than 255 files. You can detect this by
checking for a non-zero value in register 19. The registers used
can be changed at the REG equate and the source code reassembled.
(Remember that ZDE uses registers 16 and 17.)
Explanations of Options - 3/5
N No formfeeds. If the P option is specified, this option causes
formfeeds to be suppressed. Without the P option, N has no effect.
O Read-only files only. This filters for files that have the RO
attribute set, and only those files are displayed. See also the W
P Printer echo. Sends the directory to the printer, as well as to the
screen (but there is no page pause if the screen fills). Normally
the printer listing is paged (every 4 lines less than your page
length) and a final formfeed is sent when the listing is completed,
but see also the N option.
Q Quiet operation. Suppresses the screen display, useful if your are
using D for simple file detection with the error flag, or if you are
using the M option, ina SUBMIT or ZEX batch file. As a side effect,
printer output is also suppressed.
Explanations of Options - 4/5
R Reset disk system. The disk system is reset before the directory is
read, so that the correct disk space is given under CP/M 2.2 compat-
ible systems if the disk is changed. This option should not be
necessary under CP/M Plus.
S System files only. This filters out non-system files and displays
only system files. See also the B option.
U All users included. Displays files from all user areas of a disk in
a single listing.
W Read/write files only. This option displays only files that are not
read-only. See also R option.
X Cancel sort. The directory files is not sorted in the display.
This is handy to find out the order that the filenames appear in the
directory. Some files with multiple directory entries that are not
sequential will be listed more than once.
Explanations of Options - 5/5
Z Non-archived files only. This filters for files that do not have
the Archive bit set and allows you to determine how many files need
to be backed up. See also the A option.
Installation is no longer required with version 1.2. Alternate video,
which is used for some displays, is now determined by the TCAP. The width and
length of your screen and the page length of your printer are determined from
your environment descriptor..
There are two assembly-time options that may be set in the source file.
Set DskLbl to True if you'd rather display CP/M Plus disk labels, than ZCPR3
directory names. Set RevVid to True if you use reverse video for highlight-
D Notes - 1/6
a. DISPLAY FEATURES: The directory display is fairly obvious, but a few
items might need clarification.
- The default filter excludes system files.
- Sorting the file entries alphabetically by filename is also a default.
Files, sorted or unsorted, are displayed in a columnar format.
- System files are displayed in alternate video (dim or reverse),
whether the B or S option is used, if alternate video is supported by
your TCAP.
- Following the file size is either a k (for kilobytes) or an r (for a
read-only file). The size is always in kilobytes, regardless of the
letter. If the letters are uppercase (K or R) then the corresponding
file has the Archive bit set.
- The characters in the filename display are reverse-cased. Most
filenames will be in lowercase, but a filename in lowercase (it's easy
to do with MBASIC) is displayed in uppercase.
- If a directory entry has a non-printable character in it, the
character is replaced by a question mark (?).
D Notes - 2/6
- If the C option is used, any space characters with an attribute bit
set are replaced with an asterisk (*), so the attribute can be
displayed using dim video.
b. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Be cautious when the disk in question is read-
only. Incredibly spurious results can occur, especially under CP/M 3.0.
For that reason D will display a "Disk is Read Only" message, so you can
treat the results with a grain of salt. You can also use the R option
(reset disk system) to eliminate the problem.
- If you use CP/M 3.0, you may have noticed that single-letter program
names followed by the name of a file on another disk confuses the CCP.
That is, if you type (from the prompt) A>d b:*.bar the CCP can't find
D and reports an error. This is a bug in the CCP and there are public
domain patches available to fix it. If your CCP isn't patched, I
recommend renaming single-letter programs like D to something else
under CP/M 3.0. Try something like DD.COM. Or you can use any single
character name above P.
D Notes 3/6
- CP/M 3.0 also supports disk labels, which are a directory entry under
user 32. If D is assembled with the DSKLBL label TRUE, then D looks
for a user 32 entry and, if it finds one, lists it as the disk name
just after the user/drive callout. User 32 is not available to D under
any other circumstances. This feature remains as an assembly-time
option because it is probably more useful for users of floppy drivers
under CP/M Plus than named directories. If users of CP/M 2.2 desire
such labels on their disks, they must find a way to install a directory
label entry in user 32. Any disk utility, such as DU, could be used to
do this by modifying a null (0K) directory entry to user 32. Only
experienced users should try this. The regular version of D displays
ZCPR3 named directories instead of disk labels.
D Notes - 4/6
c. Vs 1.6 updates (Gene Pizzetta 12/89)
- now sets error flag if no matching files are found or if D runs out of
- adds M option to store number of matching files in user registers.
- adds Q operation to suppress screen output.
d. Vs 1.5 updates (Gene Pizzetta 10/89)
- corrected problem with file mask, DU, and options selection that only
occurred under BGii.
- now needs environment to determine nr of lines on screen, nr of screen
columns, and nr of lines on printer page.
- now re-entrant for use with "GO" command.
e. Vs 1.4 updates (Gene Pizetta 9/89)
- horizontal lines in dim video.
- added equate for reverse video version.
- revamped command l ine parser: slash (/) no longer required before
options, if option list is second token on the command line; and if a
filetype is given, but not a filename, the filename is automatically
D Notes - 5/6
f. Vs 1.3 updates (Gene Pizzetta 8/89)
- no longer sends initial formfeed to printer, but sends formfeed after
every 62 lines and a final formfeed after printing directory, unless
"N" option is used.
- changed "Ext" to "Typ" in display.
- now prints ZCPR3 named dir following du spec, if the DSKLBL label
below is set to FALSE, otherwise looks for CP/M Plus disk label.
g. Vs 1.2 updates (Gene Pizzetta, 7/89)
- now searches for filenames containing slashes, but not ones begginning
with a slash unless it is preceded by a DU or DIR spec
- added R option to reset disk system
- renamed old R option to O option.
- added TCAP support for dim or reverse video; no installation required
h. Vs 1.1 updates (Gene Pizzetta, 6/89)
- added du/dir support for ZCPR3, "//" help screen.
- option delimiter changed from "[" to "/". "G" (specified user area
option eliminated)
Examples of Use
A0>d b: /a displays all the archived files from the current user area
(0) on drive B.
A0>d e4: displays all non-system files from user 4 on drive E.
A0>d /so displays all the read-only system files from the current
user area and drive (A0).
M0>d edit:foo.* displays all non-system files named FOO from the named
directory EDIT.
A0>d c23:.bar displays all files, both system and non-system, from user
23 on drive C with a filetype of .BAR.
B1>d :/*.* u displays all filenames beginning with a slash in all user
areas of drive B (the default drive).