Text File
174 lines
Size (recs) CRC Version Author/Latest Issue Disk
10k (73) 70BC 6.0g Hal Bower 2/89 Z3COM17
1- Syntax 2- Operation 3- Configuration 4- Notes 5- Examples of Use
MCAT and its companion program, XCAT, form a powerful system for cataloging
and accessing a data base of files and disks. With the addition of a single
file name on a disk, the entire contents of the disk directory, and members of
Library files, may be captured for later retrieval. MCAT builds and modified
the data base while XCAT permits customized queries of the contents.
Version 6 expands date support to include ZSDOS and CP/M Plus type of Date/
Time stamps, as well as providing automatic support for ZCPR3 environment
features (screen addressing and attributes, named directory support, etc.). No
installation is necessary under any ZCPR version 3.0 or later.
Syntax XCAT <-- Enter interactive mode
XCAT o[o..] <-- Immediate Execution
Options $[d][u] <-- Show dates[d] users[u]
<[d][u] <-- Get MAST.CAT from DU:
>[d][u] <-- Put output file to DU:
[P][C][F] <-- Output to Printer, Console, File
+[>,<,=][date] <-- Date comparison and spec
[fn.ft] <-- File names to find
[nnn] <-- Match only this disk #
In addition to the re-designed user interface similar to that in MCAT6,
XCAT also includes retrieve-by-date facilities, and the ability to display
library files and their members. This latter feature is automatically
included, and uses two methods to signify that a file entry is a library
member. First, the last character is displayed in reverse video, if available
under ZCPR3, and secondly, the first location entry consists of the parent
library name enclosed in angle braces (<>).
XCAT is invoked by entering its name followed by optional parameters. If
no arguments are detected, the interactive mode of operation is selected, and
XCAT will pause after painting the screen. You may then change parameters and
re-execute the program successively as desired. If arguments are passed on
the command line, the screen will be painted as in the interactive case, but
execution will immediately begin according to the interpreted parameters. The
XCAT screen appears as follows:
|Catalog X-Ref Pgm V6.0 (ZSDOS) 05 Feb 1989 09:02:41 |
| ^Search : (???) ????????.??? ^Log MAST.CAT : C8: |
| ^Dates : = ??/??/?? ^Z-Redraw |
| ^Output : Console |
| ^Format : User Date |
|For Help, reboot then type : XCAT // |
| |
|READY - (^C = Abort, Space or <cr> = Continue) : _ |
| |
| |
XCAT Commands - 1/3
Six commands are available to adjust data presentation and search criteria.
Five of these are also available from the command line mode. Changing of an
option is done by holding down the "Control" key and pressing the letter for
the command. This is shown symbolically by the letter prefixed by the up
arrow as in "^C" for Control-C which is the entry to exit XCAT. The available
commands are:
S - Set Name and Disk Search criteria. Two entries may be entered. The
first is for a disk specification which expects a one to three character
entry to select a specific, or group of disk IDs. If an unambiguous ID
is entered, the data is displayed in a "Directory" type display similar
to that produced by a normal directory list routine. An ambiguous entry
uses the normal XCAT type file oriented display. The second entry is for
a filename and type, which may also be ambiguous or unambiguous. If the
first character of the name is unambiguous, XCAT will terminate reading
of the Master Catalog when no further matches are possible, thereby
speeding operation. These options are available from the command line
mode as well.
XCAT Commands - 2/3
D - Select Date Search criteria. Boolean operators are available for date
specification as: before (<), equal (=) and after (>). The date may be
ambiguously or unambiguously specified with the normal CP/M "?" and "*"
operators and numbers. This option is also available from the command
line mode.
O - Select Output Device. Output from XCAT can be directed to the Console,
Printer or to a disk file. If file output is selected, the default name
of MAST.LST may be used, or a different name entered. The specification
may also be preceeded by a drive and user designation for complete
flexibility. This option is also available from the command line mode.
F - Select Format of display. This entry controls display of the optional
User area and Date fields of MAST.CAT entries. If the format of the data
base does not match that set in the header, a warning will be issued, and
you will have the options of Changing the program settings to match the
data base, Aborting the operation and returning to the command prompt, or
Proceeding with the settings in the program. This option is available
from the command line mode as well.
XCAT Commands - 3/3
L - Log in Drive/User for MAST.CAT. This permits selecting a different
drive and user there a catalog should be found. In this way, different
catalogs may be maintained for specialized purposes, and easily accessed.
This option is available from the command line mode as well.
Z - Redraw the screen. This command is used to re-draw the screen in case
something messed it up. One such case where this is desired in with
BackGrounder ii(tm) where no screen driver is installed to retain the
current display when swapping tasks. When the XCAT context is restored
from a swap, Control-Z may be used to restore the proper screen. This is
not available nor needed from the command line.
XCAT Command Line Options
Command line arguments may be intered in any sequence, but must be separated
by one or more spaces to be properly deciphered by XCAT. The list of
parameters recognized by XCAT is:
$[U][D] Desired output contents with Users(U)/Dates (D)
<[D][U] Get MAST.CAT from the Drive/User in DU form
>[D][U] Put output file to Drive/User in DU form
-[P][C][F] Output device is (P)rinter, (C)onsole, or (F)ile
,[nnn] Select list for disk with following 1-3 char ID
+[<,>,=]dd List only files Older ("<"), Newer (">") or Same ("=")
as the following date specification (dd), or default
date spec if none listed
fn[.ft] Match this file specification
File specifications, disk IDs, and date specifications may be entered with
ambiguous characters in the standard manner with "*" and "?". The asterisk
will cause the remainder of the field to be filled with the single-character
ambiguous match, the question mark.
XCAT is easily configured using Al Hawley's excellent ZCNFG tool, Vs 1.3 or
later. Options and default settings are contained in the XCAT6.CFG file.
Configuration should be relatively self-explanatory, and Help is available for
from within ZCNFG.
For those who desire a graphics string to generate a horizontal line
instead of a single character, a method of defining a character string of up
to 16 characters by using the file CAT6GPH.Z80. This file defines a flag
value and the user-supplied string at the needed address in the header section
of XCAT6. It should be assembled to a HEX file and overlayed on the programs
with MLOAD or a debugger such as DDT.
XCAT Notes
a. If no recognizable clock driver is found (Plu*Perfect Systems' Date-
Stamper (tm), ZSDOS or CP/M Plus) when executing either MCAT or XCAT,
you will be prompted to enter the current month, day and year. When a
catalog including Date information is updated with MCAT, the current
date is then added to the pseudo file '+++nnnk.FRE' which shows the
number of free kilobytes on the disk. By examining this entry in the
Master Catalog, the date of cataloging is then known. With XCAT, this
current date is presented in printed and file output listings. As a
side effect, if a disk is cataloged on different days with no
intervening changes, you will observe that one file is deleted, and one
added in the second operation.
Examples of Use
a. XCAT <B8 ,50? *.BIN +<*.*.87
- searches a MAST.CAT in user area 8 of drive B for all files of type
".BIN" on disks 500-509 and 50A-50Z with a date earlier than 1987.