Text File
790 lines
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by Richard Conn
First Revision, 8 March 1985
Original Draft, 20 February 1985
About this Workbook
Thi≤á workbooδá take≤ yo⌡ througΦ thσ eigh⌠ step≤á oµá ZCPR│ ì
installation«á Yo⌡ shoulΣ havσ ß cop∙ oµ thσ Installatioε Manua∞ ì
(o≥á SAMPLER⌐ hand∙ a≤ yo⌡ worδ througΦ it«á Thi≤ workbooδá wil∞ ì
servσá t∩á direc⌠á you≥ readinτ oµ thσá Installatioεá Manua∞á anΣ ì
providσ ß placσ fo≥ yo⌡ t∩ writσ dowε informatioε requireΣ durinτ ì
thσá installatioεá process«á Therσá arσ blank≤ t∩á fil∞á iεá anΣ ì
scratcΦá area≤á iεá whicΦ yo⌡ ma∙ perforφ computation≤á anΣá makσ ì
notes╗á i⌠ i≤ recommendeΣ tha⌠ yo⌡ makσ al∞ oµ you≥á computation≤ ì
anΣ note≤ here« Thi≤ workbooδ caε servσ a≤ ß documen⌠ oε ho≈ yo⌡ ì
se⌠á u≡ you≥ ZCPR│ system¼á s∩ yo⌡ caε refe≥ bacδ t∩ i⌠ late≥á iµ ì
yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ makσ ß change.
EacΦá ste≡á oµ thσ installatioε proces≤ i≤ detaileΣá iεá thσ ì
followinτ page≤ anΣ i≤ presenteΣ witΦ thσ followinτ format:
The goal to be achieved
Required Files:
The programs and other files required to perform
this step
The chapters and sections in the Installation
Manual and in ZCPR3:_The_Manual associated
with this step; the indicated sections of the
Installation Manual are required reading, while
those sections in ZCPR3:_The_Manual contain
supplementary information
Step-by-step details on what to do; places are
also provided for you to write down important
Overview of ZCPR3 Installation
Objective To summarize the goals of the installation
Required_Files None
Installation Manual -- Chapter 1
ZCPR3: The Manual -- Chapters 1, 2, 9-16
1«áá Revie≈áá chapte≥á ▒á oµá thσá Installatioεá Manua∞á anΣ ì
(optionally⌐ revie≈ thσ indicateΣ chapter≤ oµ ZCPR3║_Thσ_Manual.
2«á Iε summary¼ thσ followinτ item≤ arσ goinτ t∩ bσ createΣ ì
fo≥ you≥ microcompute≥ system.
A«á ┴á ne≈á SYSGE╬ imagσ containinτ thσá ZCPR│á CommanΣ ì
Processo≥á iε placσ oµ thσ CP/═ Consolσ CommanΣ Processo≥á (CCP)« ì
Thσá BIO╙á ma∙á als∩ bσ modified«á Figurσ 1-▒ (pagσá 6⌐á oµá thσ ì
Installatioεá Manua∞á show≤ thσ SYSGE╬ image≤ oµá ßá conventiona∞ ì
CP/═ systeφ anΣ ß ZCPR│ system« Thσ modifieΣ BIO╙ i≤ requireΣ iε ì
orde≥ t∩ initializσ thσ ZCPR│ buffer≤ fo≥ you≥ system.
B«á Thσá Systeφá Segment≤ requireΣ fo≥ you≥á choicσá oµ ì
ZCPR│á configuration«á Sectioεá 1.│ oµ thσá Installatioεá Manua∞ ì
(pagσ 7⌐ anΣ chapter≤ 2¼á 10¼ anΣ 1╢ oµ ZCPR3║_Thσ_Manualô discus≤ ì
thσ topiπ oµ thσ Systeφ Segments« Thσ ZCPR│ Systeφ Segment≤ are:
o Environment Descriptor
o TCAP File for your terminal
o Flow Command Packages
o Input/Output Packages
o Resident Command Packages
o Named Directory Files
C«áá Thσá ZCPR│á Utilitie≤á installeΣá fo≥á you≥á ZCPR│ ì
configuration«á Sectioεá 1.┤ oµ thσ Installatioε Manua∞ (pagσ 7⌐ ì
anΣ chapter≤ 3-8¼á 15¼á anΣ 1╢ oµ ZCPR3║_Thσ_Manualô discus≤á thσ ì
3«á Thσá installatioε proces≤ fo≥ ß ZCPR│ systeφ consist≤ oµ ì
these steps:
1) Select the features of the target ZCPR3 system
2) Plan the memory structure of the target ZCPR3 system
(create Z3BASE.LIB)
3⌐ Modif∙ thσ colΣ boo⌠ routinσ iε thσ BIO╙ t∩
initialize buffers as required
4) Select the features of the ZCPR3 Command Processor
(create Z3HDR.LIB)
5⌐ Overla∙ thσ CP/═ CC╨ witΦ thσ ZCPR│ CommanΣ
Processor and overlay the old BIOS with the
new BIOS; create the new SYSGEN image for your
ZCPR3 System
6) Place the new SYSGEN image for your ZCPR3 System
onto the Operating System tracks of a disk
7) Select the features of your System Segments and
create the System Segments
8) Install the ZCPR3 utilities
Read chapter 1 of the Installation Manual now.
Step 1: Selecting the Features
Objective Select the features your ZCPR3 System will
Required_Files None
Installation Manual -- Chapter 2
ZCPR3: The Manual -- Chapters 2, 9-11, and 17
A« ReaΣ Chapte≥ ▓ oµ thσ Installatioε Manual.
B. Make the following decisions:
1« Arσ yo⌡ goinτ t∩ includσ thσ standarΣ YES NOì
1╦áá overheaΣá iεá you≥á ZCPR│á System┐áá I⌠áá i≤ ì
recommendeΣá tha⌠ yo⌡ answe≥ YE╙ t∩ thi≤ question« ì
Iµ YES¼ g∩ t∩ decisioε 3╗ iµ NO¼ g∩ t∩ questioε 2.
2«á Yo⌡á arσá NO╘ goinτ t∩á includσá thσ ì
standarΣ 1╦ overheaΣ iε you≥ ZCPR│ System«á WhicΦ ì
part≤á oµ thσ standarΣ overheaΣ arσ yo⌡á goinτá t∩ ì
2a. External Stack YES NO
2b. Command Line Buffer YES NO
2c. Memory-Based Named Directory YES NO
2d. External File Control Block YES NO
2e. Message Buffers YES NO
2f. Shell Stack YES NO
2g. Environment Descriptor YES NO
3«á WhicΦá oµ thσ followinτ package≤ arσ ì
yo⌡ goinτ t∩ implemen⌠ iε you≥ ZCPR│á System?á I⌠ ì
i≤á suggesteΣ tha⌠ Flo≈ CommanΣ Package≤ arσá mos⌠ ì
important¼á Residen⌠á CommanΣ Package≤ arσ second¼ ì
anΣ Input/Outpu⌠ Package≤ arσ third.
3a. Flow Command Packages YES NO
3b. Resident Command Packages YES NO
3c. Input/Output Packages YES NO
4«á WhicΦá oµ thσ othe≥ buffer≤ arσá yo⌡ ì
goinτá t∩ provide┐á Thσ Externa∞ PatΦá i≤á highl∙ ì
4a. External Path YES NO
4b. Wheel Byte YES NO
-- Blank Space for Comments --
Step 2: ZCPR3 Memory Structure
Objective To plan the memory structure of your ZCPR3
System and to create your Z3BASE.LIB file
Required_Files Z3BASE.LIB (ZCPR3 File)
MOVCPM.COM or equiv
DDT.COM or equiv (ZDM and DSD)
your favorite editor
Installation Manual -- Chapter 3
ZCPR3: The Manual -- Chapters 2 and 18
A« ReaΣ Chapte≥ │ oµ thσ Installatioε Manual.
B« Yo⌡ arσ no≈ goinτ t∩ figurσ ou⌠ ho≈ mucΦ spacσ you≥ ZCPR│ ì
Systeφ i≤ goinτ t∩ take«á Fil∞ ou⌠ thσ followinτ tablσ baseΣá oε ì
you≥ answer≤ iε Ste≡ 1«
1«á Iµá yo⌡ answereΣ YE╙ t∩ questioεá 1¼ ì
ente≥ 1╦ anΣ g∩ oε t∩ thσ bottoφ oµ thσ page«á Iµ ì
yo⌡á answereΣ N╧ t∩ questioε 1¼á ente≥ ░ anΣ g∩ oε ì
t∩ question 2. _________
2«á Fo≥á eacΦ oµ thσ YE╙ answer≤á unde≥ ì
questioε 2¼á ente≥ thσ indicateΣ value«á Fo≥ eacΦ ì
oµ thσ N╧ answers¼á ente≥ 0« Item≤ 2b¼ 2c¼ anΣ 2µ ì
may be adjusted if you want more or less space.
2a. External Stack = 48 _________
2b. Command Line Buffer = 208
(allows for 200 chars/line) _________
2c. Named Directory Buffer = 256
(allow≤ fo≥ 1┤ 18-bytσ entries) _________
2d. External FCB = 48
2e. Message Buffers = 80
2f. Shell Stack = 128
(allows for 4 32-byte shells) _________
2g. Environment Descriptor = 256
Computσ thσ tota∞ oµ al∞ value≤ yo⌡ havσ ì
entered in on this page. =========
2h«á Ente≥á thσ tota∞ froφ thσ bottoφ oµ ì
thσ previou≤ pagσ here.
3«á Ente≥ thσ followinτ value≤ fo≥á eacΦ ì
oµ thσ package≤ yo⌡ selecteΣ iε questioε │ iε ste≡ ì
1«á Iµ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ modif∙ thesσ value≤ t∩ providσ ì
morσá o≥á les≤ spacσ fo≥ eacΦ oµá thesσá packages¼ ì
fee∞á freσ t∩ d∩ so«á Thσ indicateΣ size≤ arσ thσ ì
recommendeΣ values.
3a. Flow Command Package = 0.5K _________
3b. Resident Command Package = 2K
3c. Input/Output Package = 1.5K
3d. Total of 3a-3c =========
4«á Item≤á 4ß anΣ 4Γ iε ste≡ ▒á requirσ ì
virtuall∙ n∩ additiona∞ spacσ (oε thσ orde≥ oµ 10-ì
1╢ byte≤ total)¼á anΣ spacσ fo≥ thesσ entrie≤á caε ì
usuall∙á bσ founΣ somewherσ iε fixeΣ memor∙á (dowε ì
iεá thσá firs⌠ 25╢ byte≤ o≥ u≡ iε thσá BIOS)«á N∩ ì
spacσ entr∙ wil∞ bσ madσ fo≥ thesσ selections.
Computσ thσ tota∞ oµ thσ entrie≤ oε thi≤ pagσ ì
anΣ rounΣ thσ numbe≥ u≡ t∩ thσ nex⌠ 1╦ iµ therσ i≤ ì
any fraction. Enter the total of 2h and 3d. =========
C«á Figurσá ou⌠ thσ sizσ oµ you≥á BIOS«á Thσ ì
prograφ Z3LO├ wil∞ givσ yo⌡ thσ startinτá addres≤ ì
oµ you≥ BIO╙ iµ yo⌡ ruε i⌠ oε you≥ curren⌠ system« ì
A≤ aε alternative¼ thσ addres≤ a⌠ memor∙ location≤ ì
▒á anΣá ▓á caε bσ examineΣ witΦ DD╘á t∩á determinσ ì
wherσá you≥ BIO╙ starts«á Writσ dowε thσ sizσá oµ ì
you≥ BIO╙ here. _________
D«áá Determinσá wherσá yo⌡á caεá placσá thσá ZCPR│á CommanΣ ì
Processo≥á (ZCPR│á CP)«á Thi≤á hinge≤ oε wherσ you≥á MOVCP═á (o≥ ì
equivalent⌐á prograφá place≤á thσ systeφ wheε tolΣá t∩á movσá it« ì
MOVCP═á relocate≤ thσ BDO╙ fo≥ you¼á anΣ thi≤ i≤ thσ onσ par⌠á oµ ì
you≥ olΣ CP/═ systeφ whicΦ wσ arσ retaining¼á s∩ wσ wil∞ havσá t∩ ì
plaεá thσ memor∙ ma≡ oµ you≥ systeφ baseΣ oε wherσ yo⌡ caεá placσ ì
thσ BDOS« Iµ yo⌡ arσ goinτ t∩ usσ ZRDOS▒ o≥ ZRDOS▓ froφ Echelon¼ ì
thi≤á become≤á mucΦá les≤ oµ ß probleφ sincσá yo⌡á havσá absolutσ ì
contro∞ oµ wherσ yo⌡ caε placσ thσ ZRDOS« Sincσ thσ installatioε ì
manua∞á i≤á geareΣ fo≥ thosσ wh∩ wil∞ continuσ t∩á usσá thσá CP/═ ì
BDOS¼á wσá wil∞á direc⌠ thσ discussioε t∩ thσ BDO╙ anΣ no⌠á cove≥ ì
installation with ZRDOS at this time.
T∩á assis⌠ yo⌡ furthe≥ iε determininτ thσ addresse≤ fo≥á thσ ì
component≤á oµ you≥ ZCPR│ System¼á thσ followinτ tablσ show≤á thσ ì
addresse≤á oµá thσ ZCPR│ CommanΣ Processor¼á BDOS¼á anΣ BIO╙á fo≥ ì
variou≤á size≤ oµ TP┴ (b∙ "TPA"¼á ╔ aφ referrinτ t∩ thσá areßá oµ ì
memor∙á belo≈ thσ ZCPR│ CommanΣ Processo≥ whicΦ doe≤ NO╘á includσ ì
thσ ZCPR│ CommanΣ Processo≥ itself).
------------ Locations ----------
44K 0B000 0B800 0C600
45K 0B400 0BC00 0CA00
46K 0B800 0C000 0CE00
47K 0BC00 0C400 0D200
48K 0C000 0C800 0D600
49K 0C400 0CC00 0DA00
50K 0C800 0D000 0DE00
51K 0CC00 0D400 0E200
52K 0D000 0D800 0E600
53K 0D400 0DC00 0EA00
54K 0D800 0E000 0EE00
55K 0DC00 0E400 0F200
56K 0E000 0E800 0F600
Fo≥á example¼á iµá thσá amoun⌠ oµá additiona∞á overhead¼á a≤ ì
indicateΣ b∙ you≥ answe≥ t∩ questioε B┤ oε thσ previou≤ page¼á i≤ ì
1K¼á anΣá you≥ BDO╙ currentl∙ reside≤ a⌠ E400¼á theε yo⌡ neeΣá t∩ ì
movσ thσ BDO╙ dowε b∙ 1╦ (1╦ ╜ 400H⌐ t∩ E000« Hence¼ yo⌡ neeΣ t∩ ì
ruεá MOVCP═á witΦá thσá correc⌠ valuσ t∩ placσá you≥á BDO╙á a⌠á ß ì
startinτ addres≤ n∩ highe≥ thaε E000.
Find this value now. Record the following values:
ZCPR3 CP Address _____________
BDOS Address _____________
BIOS Address _____________
E«á Usinτá thσá memor∙ ma≡ iε Figurσ 3-▒ (pagσá 22⌐á oµá thσ ì
Installatioεá Manua∞ anΣ thσ example≤ oε thσ followinτ tw∩á page≤ ì
a≤ ß guide¼á fil∞ ou⌠ thσ followinτ tablσ a≤ ß memor∙ ma≡ fo≥ thσ ì
systeφá yo⌡á arσá planning«á Usσ thσ datß froφ Ste≡á ▒á anΣá thσ ì
question≤á iεá thi≤á ste≡ (A-D⌐ t∩ hel≡ you«á Thσá answer≤á froφ ì
questioεá ─ (previou≤ page⌐ shoulΣ bσ copieΣ directl∙á int∩á thi≤ ì
tablσ a≤ the∙ arσ (startinτ addresse≤ oµ thσ ZCPR│ CP¼á BDOS¼ anΣ ì
BIOS)« Leavσ blanδ thσ element≤ yo⌡ diΣ no⌠ select« Iµ you≥ RO═ ì
i≤ a⌠ aε odΣ location¼á adjus⌠ you≥ memor∙ usagσ accordingl∙ (yo⌡ ì
ma∙ wan⌠ t∩ placσ somσ oµ thσ buffer≤ AFTE╥ thσ ROM).
ZCPR3 Command Processor 2 K ________ ________
BDOS 3.5 K ________ ________
Your BIOS _______ ________ ________
ROM (if not at top of memory) _______ ________ ________
Resident Command Package _______ ________ ________
ROM (if not at top of memory) _______ ________ ________
Input/Output Package _______ ________ ________
ROM (if not at top of memory) _______ ________ ________
Flow Command Package _______ ________ ________
ROM (if not at top of memory) _______ ________ ________
Environment Descriptor _______ ________ ________
Shell Stack _______ ________ ________
Message Buffers _______ ________ ________
External FCB _______ ________ ________
Named Directory Buffer _______ ________ ________
Command Line Buffer _______ ________ ________
External Stack _______ ________ ________
ROM (if at top of memory) _______ ________ ________
Seσá thσ followinτ tw∩ page≤ fo≥ example≤ oµ ho≈ t∩ fil∞á iε ì
thi≤ table« Refe≥ als∩ t∩ pagσ 2▓ oµ thσ Installatioε Manual.
.paè.fo Page #
Examplσá 1║á N∩ RO═ iε memor∙ anΣ n∩á Input/Outpu⌠á Package« ì
All other features selected.
ZCPR3 Command Processor 2 K _ D600 _ _ DDFF _
BDOS 3.5 K _ DE00 _ _ EBFF _
Your BIOS __ 1.5 K _ EC00 _ _ F1FF _
ROM (if not at top of memory) _______ ________ ________
Resident Command Package __ 2.0 K _ F200 _ _ F9FF _
ROM (if not at top of memory) _______ ________ ________
Input/Output Package _______ ________ ________
ROM (if not at top of memory) _______ ________ ________
Flow Command Package __ 0.5 K _ FA00 _ _ FBFF _
ROM (if not at top of memory) _______ ________ ________
Environment Descriptor _ 256 _ _ FC00 _ _ FCFF _
Shell Stack _ 128 _ _ FD00 _ _ FD7F _
Message Buffers _ 80 _ _ FD80 _ _ FDCF _
External FCB _ 48 _ _ FDD0 _ _ FDFF _
Named Directory Buffer _ 256 _ _ FE00 _ _ FEFF _
Command Line Buffer _ 208 _ _ FF00 _ _ FFCF _
External Stack _ 48 _ _ FFD0 _ _ FFFF _
ROM (if at top of memory) _______ ________ ________
Examplσ 2║á 1╦ RO═ froφ F800-FBF╞ anΣ n∩ Input/Outpu⌠á Packì
age« Al∞ othe≥ feature≤ selected.
ZCPR3 Command Processor 2 K _ D200 _ _ D9FF _
BDOS 3.5 K _ DA00 _ _ E7FF _
Your BIOS __ 1.5 K _ E800 _ _ EDFF _
ROM (if not at top of memory) _______ ________ ________
Resident Command Package __ 2.0 K _ EE00 _ _ F5FF _
ROM (if not at top of memory) _______ ________ ________
Input/Output Package _______ ________ ________
ROM (if not at top of memory) _______ ________ ________
Flow Command Package __ 0.5 K _ F600 _ _ F7FF _
ROM (if not at top of memory) __ 1.0 K _ F800 _ _ FBFF _
Environment Descriptor _ 256 _ _ FC00 _ _ FCFF _
Shell Stack _ 128 _ _ FD00 _ _ FD7F _
Message Buffers _ 80 _ _ FD80 _ _ FDCF _
External FCB _ 48 _ _ FDD0 _ _ FDFF _
Named Directory Buffer _ 256 _ _ FE00 _ _ FEFF _
Command Line Buffer _ 208 _ _ FF00 _ _ FFCF _
External Stack _ 48 _ _ FFD0 _ _ FFFF _
ROM (if at top of memory) _______ ________ ________
F«á Yo⌡á no≈ havσ al∞ thσ datß requireΣ t∩ edi⌠á Z3BASE.LIB« ì
Run your favorite editor on Z3BASE.LIB:
1«á Edi⌠á thσ commen⌠ heade≥ anΣ fil∞ iε thσ value≤ fo≥ ì
you≥á systeφ a≤ presenteΣ iε thσ tablσ yo⌡ jus⌠ filleΣ iεá above« ì
Yo⌡ wil∞ finΣ thi≤ t∩ bσ ß tediou≤ proces≤ whicΦ reall∙ pay≤á ofµ ì
iε thσ lonτ run.
2«á Se⌠ al∞ oµ thσ equate≤ iε Z3BASE.LI┬ t∩ contaiε thσ ì
prope≥ value≤ a≤ yo⌡ planneΣ oε thσ tablσ above«á Follo≈ througΦ ì
sectioε 3.│ oµ thσ Installatioε Manua∞ a≤ yo⌡ d∩ this.
-- Blank Space for Calculations and Notes --
Step 3: Modify the BIOS Cold Boot Routine
Objective Modif∙ thσ ColΣ Boo⌠ routinσ iε you≥ BIO╙ to
initialize the buffers you selected above.
Required_Files source to your BIOS
your favorite editor
an assembler that will assemble your
BIOS and generate a HEX file
Installation Manual -- Chapter 4, Section 4.1
ZCPR3: The Manual -- Chapter 19
A«á Stud∙á sectioεá 4.▒á oµ Chapte≥ ┤á oµá thσá Installatioε ì
Manual« Refe≥ t∩ thσ samplσ sessioε iε sectioε 4.5«
B«á Writσ codσ int∩ thσ ColΣ Boo⌠ routinσ t∩ initializσá thσ ì
buffer≤á yo⌡ includeΣ iε you≥ ZCPR│ System«á Yo⌡ ma∙ wan⌠ t∩ usσ ì
thσá codσ iε sectioε 4.▒ afte≥ thσ labe∞ CBOOT║á a≤ ßá mode∞á fo≥ ì
you≥ code.
Thσ followinτ buffer≤ mus⌠ bσ initializeΣ t∩ zero:
1. Resident Command Package
2. Flow Command Package
3. Environment Descriptor
4. Shell Stack
5. Message Buffers
6. Named Directory Buffer
The following buffers must be initialized with data:
1. External Path
Initialize the path
2. Wheel Byte
Clear it or set it
3. Input/Output Package
Place initial set of drivers
4« CommanΣ Linσ Buffer
Initializσ sizσ anΣ startu≡ command
The following buffers do not need to be initialized:
1. External Stack
2. External File Control Block
C«á Assemblσá you≥ BIO╙ anΣ makσ surσ i⌠á assemble≤á withou⌠ ì
error«á Als∩á makσá surσ tha⌠ i⌠ i≤ smal∞ enougΦ t∩ fi⌠á oεá thσ ì
Systeφ Track≤ fo≥ you≥ microcomputer« Yo⌡ no≈ havσ ß HE╪ filσ oµ ì
you≥ ne≈ BIOS.
Step 4: Editing Z3HDR.LIB
Objective To select the features of the ZCPR3
Command Processor
Required_Files Z3HDR.LIB (ZCPR3 File)
your favorite editor
Digital Research MAC, Echelon ZAS,
or equivalent assembler
Installation Manual -- Chapter 4, Section 4.2
ZCPR3: The Manual -- Chapters 2, 9, and 19
A«á ReaΣá sectioε 4.▓ oµ thσ Installatioε Manual«á Refe≥ t∩ ì
thσ samplσ sessioε iε sectioε 4.5.
B« Edi⌠ Z3HDR.LI┬ anΣ se⌠ thσ equate≤ a≤ yo⌡ desire« Follo≈ ì
alonτ iε sectioε 4.▓ oµ thσ Installatioε Manua∞ sincσ i⌠ provide≤ ì
ß runninτ dialoτ oµ you≥ basiπ tradeoffs.
C«á Assemblσ ZCPR│ anΣ makσ surσ i⌠ assemble≤ withou⌠ error« ì
Thi≤á automaticall∙á check≤á t∩á ensurσ tha⌠á thσá ZCPR│á CommanΣ ì
Processo≥ i≤ 2╦ o≥ les≤ iε sizσ (aε erro≥ i≤ raiseΣ iµ i⌠ i≤ ove≥ ì
2╦á iε size)«á Yo⌡ havσ t∩ usσ aε assemble≥ likσá Echelon'≤á ZA╙ ì
becausσá oµ thσ usσ oµ macros«á Yo⌡ no≈ havσ ß HE╪ filσ oµá you≥ ì
ZCPR3 Command Processor.
Step 5: Overlaying the old BIOS and the CCP
Objective Replace the CP/M CCP with ZCPR3 and your old
BIOS with the modified BIOS created above.
Required_Files MOVCPM.COM
DDT.COM, SID.COM, or equivalent
ZCPR3.HEX (from previous assembly)
BIOS.HEX (from previous assembly)
Installation Manual -- Chapter 4, Section 4.3
ZCPR3: The Manual -- Chapter 19
A«á ReaΣá sectioε 4.│ oµ thσ Installatioε Manual«á Refe≥ t∩ ì
the sample session in section 4.5.
B«á Yo⌡á ma∙ wan⌠ t∩ builΣ ß conventiona∞ CP/═ systeφá whicΦ ì
contain≤ you≥ ne≈ BIO╙ anΣ run≤ a⌠ thσ addres≤ oµ you≥ ne≈á ZCPR│ ì
system«á Thi≤ i≤ aε additiona∞ ste≡ whicΦ i≤ no⌠ detaileΣ iε thσ ì
Installatioεá Manua∞ a⌠ thi≤ point¼á anΣ i⌠ ma∙ savσ yo⌡ ß lo⌠ oµ ì
frustratioε later«á Amonτ othe≥ things¼ i⌠ assure≤ yo⌡ tha⌠ you≥ ì
BIO╙ i≤ correc⌠ anΣ tha⌠ you≥ BOO╘ i≤ als∩ workinτ properly«á T∩ ì
d∩ this:
1. Ruε MOVCP═ witΦ thσ prope≥ value
2« SAV┼ thσ memor∙ imagσ t∩ ß disδ filσ (CPM.BIN)
3. Run DDT on CPM.BIN to load it
4« LoaΣ thσ BIO╙ (sectioε 4.5.1▒ show≤ thσ procedure)
5. Correct the BOOT if necessary
6. Exit DDT and SAVE the result to disk
7. Run SYSGEN on the new image, place it on the
system tracks, and make sure it boots and runs
Iµ yo⌡ d∩ thi≤ par⌠ oµ Ste≡ 5¼á yo⌡ no≈ havσ ß workinτá CP/═ ì
systeφá whicΦá run≤á wherσá you≥ ZCPR│ wil∞á run¼á anΣá yo⌡á havσ ì
confirmeΣ tha⌠ you≥ BIO╙ i≤ OK«á Yo⌡ arσ als∩ iε ß gooΣ placσ t∩ ì
follo≈ thσ Installatioε Manua∞ a⌠ ste≡ 4.5.10.
C«á Iµá yo⌡ diΣ no⌠ d∩ ┬ above¼á ruε MOVCP═ oε you≥á curren⌠ ì
CP/═ Systeφ t∩ locatσ thσ BDO╙ a⌠ thσ prope≥ location«á Savσ thσ ì
resultan⌠á systeφá imagσ oε disδ a≤ ß filσ viß thσ SAV┼á command« ì
Iµ yo⌡ diΣ ┬ above¼ thσ imagσ generateΣ i≤ read∙ fo≥ you.
D«á Usσá DD╘á t∩ reaΣ iε thσ systeφ imagσ saveΣ iε ┬á o≥á C« ì
Examinσá thσ areß occupieΣ b∙ thσ CC╨ anΣ BDO╙ t∩ makσ surσá the∙ ì
arσ wherσ the∙ shoulΣ be.
E« Stil∞ iε DDT║ Zer∩ ou⌠ thσ areß occupieΣ b∙ thσ CCP« Usσ ì
thσ ╔ anΣ ╥ command≤ t∩ reaΣ iε thσ HE╪ filσ oµ thσ ZCPR│ CommanΣ ì
Processor«á Follo≈á alonτ iε sectioε 4.5.1▒ oµ thσá Installatioε ì
Manual if you need to.
F«á Stil∞ iε DDT║á Zer∩ ou⌠ thσ areß occupieΣ b∙ thσá BIOS« ì
Usσá thσá ╔ anΣ ╥ command≤ t∩ reaΣ iε thσ HE╪ filσ oµá thσá BIOS« ì
Follo≈á alonτ iε sectioε 4.5.1▒ oµ thσ Installatioε Manua∞ iµ yo⌡ ì
need to.
G«á Exi⌠á DD╘á anΣ savσ thi≤ ne≈ systeφ imagσ oε disδ a≤á ß ì
file« ╔ wil∞ refe≥ t∩ thi≤ filσ a≤ ZCPR3.BIN.
-- Blank Space for Calculations --
Step 6: Implanting the Operating System Image
Objective Place the image created above on the
operating system tracks of a scratch disk.
Required_Files DDT.COM
Installation Manual -- Chapter 4, Section 4.4
ZCPR3: The Manual -- Chapter 19
A«á ReaΣ sectioε 4.┤ oµ thσ Installatioε Manual«á Refe≥á t∩ ì
the sample session in section 4.5.
B«á Usσ DD╘ (╔ anΣ ╥ commands⌐ t∩ loaΣ thσ systeφ imagσ filσ ì
(ZCPR3.BIN⌐ int∩ memory« Checδ i⌠ t∩ makσ surσ tha⌠ al∞ i≤ well« ì
A≤ ß minimum¼ makσ surσ thσ followinτ i≤ true:
1« Thσ ZCPR│ CommanΣ Processo≥ i≤ iε placσ anΣ thσ
addresse≤ withiε i⌠ arσ correct.
2« Thσ BIO╙ i≤ iε placσ anΣ thσ addresse≤ withiε i⌠
arσ correct.
3« Thσ BOO╘ i≤ correc⌠ fo≥ loadinτ thσ operatinτ
systeφ a⌠ thσ correc⌠ memor∙ location.
C«á Usσ SYSGE╬ t∩ placσ thi≤ memor∙ imagσ ont∩ thσ operatinτ ì
systeφá track≤á oµá ßá scratcΦá disk«áá Sectioεá 4.5.1▓á iεá thσ ì
Installatioε Manua∞ give≤ yo⌡ aε examplσ oµ thi≤ step.
D«á Removσá al∞ disk≤ froφ you≥ system«á Placσ thσ scratcΦ ì
disδ iε you≥ ┴ drivσ anΣ tr∙ t∩ boo⌠ it.
Iµá al∞ wen⌠ well¼á ZCPR│ shoulΣ havσ comσ u≡ anΣá presenteΣ ì
yo⌡á witΦ ß prompt«á Sincσ you≥ scratcΦ disδ i≤á blank¼á iµá yo⌡ ì
loadeΣá thσá CommanΣ Linσ Buffe≥ witΦ ßá STARTU╨á command¼á ZCPR│ ì
shoulΣá havσá echoeΣ thi≤ commanΣ followeΣ b∙ ß questioε marδá t∩ ì
indicatσ tha⌠ i⌠ wa≤ no⌠ found.
Step 7: System Segment Installation
Objective Install the System Segments your selected.
RequireΣ_Filesô LI┬ anΣ AS═ file≤ fo≥ thσ Systeφ Segments:
your favorite editor
MAC.COM or equivalent
MLOAD.COM or equivalent
Installation Manual -- Chapter 5
ZCPR3: The Manual -- Chapter 20
A. Read Chapter 5 of the Installation Manual.
B« Edi⌠ thσ LI┬ file≤ t∩ selec⌠ thσ feature≤ fo≥ you≥ Systeφ ì
Segments«á Chapte≥á ╡á provide≤á ß runninτá commentar∙á oµá you≥ ì
options¼á anΣá yo⌡á ma∙á finΣ i⌠ usefu∞ t∩ follo≈á alonτá iεá thσ ì
appropriatσá sectioεá oµá Chapte≥ ╡ a≤ yo⌡ edi⌠á eacΦá LI┬á file« ì
The following sections of Chapter 5 cover the indicated segments:
5.1 - Resident Command Packages
5.2 - Flow Command Packages
5.3 - Input/Output Packages
5.4 - Named Directory Files
5.5 - TCAP Files
5.6 - the Environment Descriptor
C«á Assemblσ you≥ Systeφ Segments«á Makσ surσ the∙ assemblσ ì
withou⌠á error«á Givσ thσ assembleΣ objec⌠ file≤ thσ prope≥ filσ ì
types« Section≤ 4.5.▒ t∩ 4.5.╖ providσ overview≤ oµ thi≤ proces≤ ì
and may prove useful.
Chapte≥á ╖ oµ thσ Installatioε Manua∞ goe≤ int∩ somσá detai∞ ì
oεá thσá TCA╨á anΣ ho≈ t∩ creatσ you≥ owε iµ onσ i≤á no⌠á alread∙ ì
available via the TCSELECT program.
Als∩á notσ tha⌠ yo⌡ ma∙ late≥ wan⌠ t∩ ruε somσ oµ thσá ZCPR│ ì
utilitie≤ t∩ edi⌠ anΣ creatσ ne≈ nameΣ director∙ files.
Step 8: Utility Installation
Objective Install the ZCPR3 Utilities for your system
Required_Files Z3INS.COM
an INS file naming the utilities
your favorite editor
the utilities (COM files) you want to install
Installation Manual -- Chapter 6
ZCPR3: The Manual -- Chapter 21
A« ReaΣ Chapte≥ ╢ oµ thσ Installatioε Manual.
B« Usσ you≥ favoritσ edito≥ t∩ creatσ aε IN╙ filσ iµ yo⌡ d∩ ì
no⌠á alread∙á havσá one«á Placσ thσ name≤ oµá thσá file≤á t∩á bσ ì
installed in this file, one file per line.
C«á Placσá al∞á file≤á t∩á bσá installed¼á Z3INS.COM¼á you≥ ì
Environmen⌠á Descripto≥á file¼á anΣá you≥ IN╙ filσá iεá thσá samσ ì
director∙á oεá disk«á Ruεá Z3IN╙á oεá you≥á IN╙á filσá anΣá you≥ ì
Environmen⌠ Descripto≥ file.
D«á Optionall∙á creatσ ß TCA╨ filσ iµ yo⌡ havσ no⌠á alread∙ ì
donσ s∩ (seσ Chapte≥ ╖ oµ thσ Installatioε Manual).
E«á Placσá al∞ oµ you≥ systeφ file≤ iε thσ roo⌠á directory¼ ì
creatσ thσ STARTU╨ alia≤ iµ yo⌡ neeΣ one¼ anΣ boo⌠ you≥ ne≈ ZCPR│ ì