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Internet Message Format  |  2000-06-30  |  11KB

  1. From: jmd@inmet.UUCP
  2. Newsgroups: net.jokes
  3. Subject: Definitive Opcode List - (nf)
  4. Date: Thu, 15-Mar-84 23:53:25 EST
  6. One collection of new opcodes was one that I collected for
  7. the Michigan Technic (at Univ. of Michigan) several years
  8. ago (which is probably where the person from U of M copied
  9. it from...)  "The Technic Guide to Assembler Language"
  10. appeared in two parts and was the "best" of some 250 opcodes 
  11. that I invented, got from friends, or found in various locations 
  12. (from the library to East Engineering Bldg bathrooms) at the 
  13. school.  The list that follows contains most of them, and a 
  14. few more that people here (at Intermetrics) have added to 
  15. the list.  Enjoy.
  17.                                   Jeff Diewald
  18.                                   Intermetrics, Inc.
  19.                                   {!harpo, !ima}!inmet!jmd
  20. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  22.         MNEMONIC                INSTRUCTION
  24.         AAC                     Alter All Commands
  25.         AAR                     Alter at Random
  26.         AB                      Add Backwards
  27.         AFVC                    Add Finagle's Variable Constant
  28.         AIB                     Attack Innocent Bystander
  29.         AWTT                    Assemble with Tinker Toys
  30.         BAC                     Branch to Alpha Centauri
  31.         BAF                     Blow all Fuses
  32.         BAFL                    Branch and Flush
  33.         BBIL                    Branch on Burned-Out Indicator Light
  34.         BBT                     Branch on Binary Tree
  35.         BBW                     Branch Both Ways
  36.         BCIL                    Branch Creating Infinite Loop
  37.         BDC                     Break Down and Cry
  38.         BDT                     Burn Data Tree
  39.         BEW                     Branch Either Way
  40.         BF                      Belch Fire
  41.         BH                      Branch and Hang
  42.         BMR                     Branch Multiple Registers
  43.         BOB                     Branch on Bug
  44.         BOD                     Beat on the Disk
  45.         BOI                     Byte Operator Immediately
  46.         BPDI                    Be Polite, Don't Interrupt
  47.         BPO                     Branch on Power Off
  48.         BRSS                    Branch on Sunspot
  49.         BST                     Backspace and Stretch Tape
  50.         BW                      Branch on Whim
  51.         CBNC                    Close, but no Cigar
  52.         CDC                     Close Disk Cover
  53.         CDIOOAZ                 Calm Down, It's Only Ones and Zeroes
  54.         CEMU                    Close Eyes and Monkey With User Space
  55.         CH                      Create Havoc
  56.         CLBR                    Clobber Register
  57.         CLBRI                   Clobber Register Immediately
  58.         CM                      Circulate Memory
  59.         CMD                     Compare Meaningless Data
  60.         CML                     Compute Meaning of Life
  61.         CNB                     Cause Nervous Breakdown
  62.         COLB                    Crash for Operator's Lunch Break
  63.         CPPR                    Crumple Printer Paper and Rip
  64.         CRASH                   Continue Running After Stop or Halt
  65.         CRB                     Crash and Burn
  66.         CRN                     Convert to Roman Numerals
  67.         CS                      Crash System
  68.         CSL                     Curse and Swear Loudly
  69.         CU                      Convert to Unary
  70.         CVG                     Convert to Garbage
  71.         CWOM                    Complement Write-only Memory
  72.         CZZC                    Convert Zone to Zip Code
  73.         DBTP                    Drop Back Ten and Punt
  74.         DBZ                     Divide by Zero
  75.         DC                      Divide and Conquer
  76.         DDC                     Dally During Calculations
  77.         DLN                     Don't Look Now...
  78.         DMNS                    Do What I Mean, Not What I Say
  79.         DMPE                    Decide to Major in Phys. Ed.
  80.         DMPK                    Destroy Memory Protect Key
  81.         DNPG                    Do Not Pass Go
  82.         DO                      Divide and Overflow
  83.         DOC                     Drive Operator Crazy
  84.         DPMI                    Declare Programmer Mentally Incompetent
  85.         DPR                     Destroy Program
  86.         DTC                     Destroy This Command
  87.         DTE                     Decrement Telephone Extension
  88.         DTVFL                   Destroy Third Variable From Left
  89.         DW                      Destroy World
  90.         EBB                     Edit and Blank Buffer
  91.         ECO                     Electrocute Computer Operator
  92.         EEOIFNO                 Execute Every Other Instruction From
  93.                                    Now On
  94.         EFD                     Emulate Frisbee Using Disk Pack
  95.         EIAO                    Execute In Any Order
  96.         EIOC                    Execute Invalid Op-code
  97.         EMPC                    Emulate Pocket Calculator
  98.         EMSE                    Edit and Mark Something Else
  99.         ENF                     Emit Noxious Fumes
  100.         EP                      Execute Programmer
  101.         EPI                     Execute Programmer Immediately
  102.         EROS                    Erase Read-only Storage
  103.         EXOP                    Execute Operator
  104.         EXPP                    Execute Political Prisoner
  105.         FLI                     Flash Lights Impressively
  106.         FSM                     Fold, Spindle and Mutilate
  107.         FSRA                    Forms Skip and Run Away
  108.         GCAR                    Get Correct Answer Regardless
  109.         GDP                     Grin Defiantly at Programmer
  110.         GFD                     Go Forth and Divide
  111.         GFM                     Go Forth and Multiply
  112.         HCF                     Halt and Catch Fire
  113.         HCP                     Hide Central Processor
  114.         IAE                     Ignore All Exceptions
  115.         IBP                     Insert Bug and Proceed
  116.         IIB                     Ignore Inquiry and Branch
  117.         ISC                     Insert Sarcastic Comments
  118.         JTZ                     Jump to Twilight Zone
  119.         LAP                     Laugh At Programmer
  120.         LCC                     Load and Clear Core
  121.         LPA                     Lead Programmer Astray
  122.         MAZ                     Multiply Answer by Zero
  123.         MBR                     Multiply and be Fruitful
  124.         MLR                     Move and Lose Record
  125.         MW                      Malfunction Whenever
  126.         MWAG                    Make Wild-Assed Guess
  127.         MWT                     Malfunction Without Telling
  128.         OML                     Obey Murphy's Laws
  129.         P$*!                    Punch Obscenity
  130.         PBC                     Print and Break Chain
  131.         PD                      Play Dead
  132.         PDSK                    Punch Disk
  133.         PEHC                    Punch Extra Holes in Cards
  134.         PFD                     Punt on Fourth Down
  135.         PI                      Punch Invalid
  136.         PNRP                    Print Nasty Replies to Programmer
  137.         POCL                    Punch Out Console Lights
  138.         POPI                    Punch Operator Immediately
  139.         PVLC                    Punch Variable Length Card
  140.         RA                      Randomize Answer
  141.         RASC                    Read and Shred Card
  142.         RCB                     Read Command Backwards
  143.         RD                      Reverse Directions
  144.         RDA                     Refuse to Disclose Answer
  145.         RDB                     Run Disk Backwards
  146.         RDS                     Read Sideways
  147.         RIRG                    Read Inter-record Gap
  148.         RLI                     Rotate Left Indefinitely
  149.         ROC                     Randomize Op Codes
  150.         ROO                     Rub Out Operator
  151.         RPB                     Read Print and Blush
  152.         RPM                     Read Programmer's Mind
  153.         RRSGWSSNK               Round and Round She Goes, Where
  154.                                    She Stops, Nobody Knows
  155.         RSD                     On Read Error Self-Destruct
  156.         RSTOM                   Read From Store-only Memory
  157.         RTS                     Return To Sender
  158.         RWCR                    Rewind Card Reader
  159.         SAI                     Skip All Instructions
  160.         SAS                     Sit And Spin
  161.         SCCA                    Short Circuit on Correct Answer
  162.         SFH                     Set Flags to Half-mast
  163.         SFT                     Stall For Time
  164.         SHAB                    Shift a Bit
  165.         SHABM                   Shift a Bit More
  166.         SLP                     Sharpen Light Pen
  167.         SMR                     Skip on Meaningless Result
  168.         SOS                     Sign off, Stupid
  169.         SOT                     Sit on a Tack
  170.         SPS                     Set Panel Switches
  171.         SPSW                    Scramble Program Status Word
  172.         SQPC                    Sit Quietly and Play With Your Crayons
  173.         SRDR                    Shift Right Double Ridiculous
  174.         SRSD                    Seek Record and Scar Disk
  175.         SRZ                     Subtract and Reset to Zero
  176.         SSJ                     Select Stacker and Jam
  177.         STA                     Store Anywhere
  178.         STROM                   Store in Read-only Memory
  179.         TARC                    Take Arithmetic Review Course
  180.         TDB                     Transfer and Drop Bits
  181.         TLO                     Turn Indicator Lights Off
  182.         TN                      Take a Nap
  183.         TPDH                    Tell Programmer to Do it Him/Herself
  184.         TPF                     Turn Power Off
  185.         TPN                     Turn Power On
  186.         TTA                     Try, Try Again
  187.         UCB                     Uncouple CPU and Branch
  188.         UER                     Update and Erase Record
  189.         ULDA                    Unload Accumulator
  190.         UP                      Understand Program
  191.         UPCI                    Update Card In Place
  192.         WBT                     Water Binary Tree
  193.         WEMG                    Write Eighteen Minute Gap
  194.         WF                      Wait Forever
  195.         WHFO                    Wait Until Hell Freezes Over
  196.         WI                      Write Illegibly
  197.         WPM                     Write Programmer's Mind
  198.         WWLR                    Write Wrong-Length Record
  199.         WSWW                    Work in Strange and Wondrous Ways
  200.         XSP                     Execute Systems Programmer
  201.         ZAR                     Zero Any Register
  202. ---------------------------------------------------------------------