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.he MEXSUM.DOC page #
MEX 1.0 Documentation Summary
Compiled by John Wical
3) Precepts
<filespec╛ ╜ [<d><u>:][<filename>][.<ext>]
<string╛ ╜ mus⌠ bσ surroundeΣ b∙ quote≤ ('"')
care⌠ ('^'⌐ prefixe≤ ß contro∞ char
'*º ╜ optiona∞ prefi° t∩ primar∙ options
';º ╜ multiplσ commanΣ separato≥ (seσ STA╘ ESC)
/╥ specifie≤ ß newlinσ (Carriagσ returε codσ only╗ samσ a≤ ^M)
/╬ specifie≤ carriage-return+linefeed
/╘ specifie≤ ß tab
/» specifie≤ thσ '/º character
/Onnε specifie≤ an∙ binar∙ valuσ (excep⌠ 0)║ nnε i≤ thσ decima∞
valuσ (al∞ threσ digit≤ mus⌠ bσ present)
4⌐ Termina∞ mode
<ESC>-┼ exit≤ bacδ t∩ commanΣ level
<ESC>-┐ print≤ ß men⌡ oµ escapσ sequences
<ESC>-╙ star⌠ copyinτ incominτ tex⌠ int∩ filσ buffe≥
<ESC>-╒ enΣ (un-start⌐ copyinτ tex⌠ int∩ filσ buffe≥
<ESC>-╨ togglσ copy-to-printe≥ on/ofµ
<ESC>-╘ transmi⌠ ß filσ t∩ thσ remotσ
(prompt≤ fo≥ ß filename)
5⌐ Single-characte≥ command≤ (Primar∙ options)
S║ SenΣ ß filσ o≥ grou≡ oµ file≤ usinτ Christenseε protocol
R║ Receivσ ß filσ o≥ grou≡ oµ file≤ usinτ Christenseε protocol
T║ Ente≥ termina∞ modσ
E║ Ente≥ termina∞ modσ witΦ echo
L║ Ente≥ termina∞ modσ witΦ local-ech∩ only
6⌐ Secondar∙ command≤ (Secondar∙ options)
--- -------- --------- ------
┴ AppenΣ E,L,╘ AppenΣ t∩ ß file
┬ BatcΦ ╥ anΣ ╙ BATC╚ filσ transfers
─ Disconnec⌠ ╥ anΣ ╙ Disconnect≤ afte≥ transfer
╠ Loca∞ T,┼ Local-characte≥ echo
╤ Quie⌠ ╥ anΣ ╙ "quie⌠ modeó filσ transfer
╥ Recv-vie≈ ╥ anΣ ╙ Show≤ received-char≤ only
╙ Send-vie≈ ╥ anΣ ╙ Show≤ trans char≤ only
╘ Terminal-modσ ╥ anΣ ╙ Ente≥ Terφ afte≥ filσ xfer
╓ Vie≈ ╥ anΣ ╙ View≤ thσ filσ transfe≥
╪ Exi⌠ ╥ anΣ ╙ Disconnect,exi⌠ afte≥ xfer
MEX 1.0 Command Summary
AL╘ <Drive><user>║ - drivσ ½ use≥ t∩ searcΦ fo≥ ME╪ LOA─ file≤
(.PHN¼ .KEY)
BY┼ - exi⌠ t∩ CP/M¼ modeφ no⌠ disconnected
CAL╠ <numblist╛ █ ú █ <retries╛ ▌ ]
- dial≤ <numblist╛ anΣ stop≤ afte≥ <retries╛
goe≤ int∩ 'T'ermina∞ modσ wheε ß compute≥
i≤ reached
- iµ n∩ argmnt¼ phonσ liΓ listeΣ
anΣ prompt≤ fo≥ numΓ t∩ call
CLON┼ <filespec╛ - save≤ ME╪ witΦ defineΣ phonσ number≤ anΣ
default filename = ' . '
COL─ - restart≤ MEX« clear≤ defineΣ phonσ number≤
anΣ keystrings
CP═ - (samσ a≤ BYE)
DE╠ - delete≤ opeε capturσ file
DIA╠ <numblist╛ █ ú █ <retries╛ ▌ ]
- dial≤ <numblist╛ anΣ stop≤ afte≥ <retries╛
return≤ t∩ COMMAN─ modσ wheε ß compute≥ i≤
DI╥ <filespec╛ - displa∙ directory
default≤ t∩ loggeΣ DU:*.*
DS├ - disconnedt≤ modeφ (no⌠ implementeΣ iε all)
ER┴ <filespec╛ [V▌ - erasσ file
- [V▌ wil∞ asδ fo≥ verificatioε beforσ
erasinτ eacΦ file
GLOBA╠ <2ndopt╛ - causσ secondar∙ optioε <2ndopt╛ t∩ bσ oε
fo≥ al∞ primar∙ options
EXI╘ - (samσ a≤ BYE)
.paèHEL╨ <topic╛ - provide≤ hel≡ informatioε oε <topic>
<topic>='?º wil∞ lis⌠ thσ availablσ topics
NOTE║ HELP.ME╪ i≤ openeΣ witΦ thi≤ commanΣ
anΣ caε bσ closσ onl∙ witΦ ß LO╟ command
I─ <string╛ - se⌠ <string╛ fo≥ MEX'≤ prompt
NOTE║ defaul⌠ length=2╕ chars
KE┘ █ <key>=█ <string╛ ▌ ]
- definσ <key╛ (▒ char⌐ t∩ <string>
iµ <string╛ i≤ omitted¼ <key╛ i≤ erased
iµ al∞ argument≤ omitted¼ <keys>≤ listed
invokeΣ iε 'T'erφ modσ witΦ '<esc><key>'
affected by STAT switch WTECHO
LOA─ <filespec╛ - loaΣ MEX'≤ LOA─ file≤ (.KEY,.PHN)
SAV┼ <filespec╛ - savσ MEX'≤ LOA─ file≤ (.KEY,.PHN)
LO╟ <du>║ - rese⌠ anΣ loτ t∩ <du>:
PHON┼ [<name>=[<number╛ [<bps>]]]
- se⌠ <name╛ equivalen⌠ t∩ <number╛ witΦ bauΣ
ratσ se⌠ t∩ <bps╛ wheneve≥ used
iµ <number╛ [<bps>▌ omitted¼ <name╛ erased
iµ al∞ argmt≤ omitted¼ phonσ <name>≤ listed
PREFI╪ [<string>▌ - se⌠ <string╛ t∩ bσ sen⌠ beforσ SENDOU╘
SUFFI╪ [<string>▌ - se⌠ <string╛ t∩ bσ sen⌠ afte≥ SENDOU╘
REA─ <filespec╛ [parmlist]
- executσ batcΦ filσ <filespec>
<filespec╛ ma∙ contaiε an∙ valiΣ ME╪
commanΣ excep⌠ READ
default ext = '.MEX' (ext='. ' illegal)
^├ aborts
executioε stop≤ whilσ iε 'T'ermina∞ mode
(seσ als∩ STA╘ variable≤ ║ EXTEND¼ SILENT)
brace≤ ({}⌐ ma∙ bσ useΣ fo≥ commanΣ linσ
paraφ t∩ includσ imbeddeΣ spaces
{<parmno>:█ <defaul⌠ parm╛ ]}
- parm≤ iε READ'≤ <filespec>
NOTE║ <defaul⌠ parm╛ doe≤ no⌠ define¼ i⌠
jus⌠ provide≤ thσ <parm╛ fo≥ thσ
occatioε i⌠ i≤ used
.paèRE╬ <newfile>=<oldfile>
- rename≤ <oldfile╛ t∩ <newfile>
botΦ name≤ mus⌠ bσ oε samσ <du>
SENDOU╘ <string╛ - send <string> to remote
affected by commands : PREFIX, SUFFUX
SE╘ - (defineΣ b∙ overlay)
SLEE╨ <no-secs╛ - invoke≤ delay« ^├ aborts
usefu∞ iε testinτ STAT'≤ CLOCK
usefu∞ iε REA─ files
STA╘ [<keyword╛ [<newvalue>▌ ]
- se⌠ <keyword╛ variablσ t∩ <newvalue>
iµ <newvalue╛ omitted¼ presen⌠ valuσ shown
iµ <keyword>='?'¼ variable≤ arσ listed
TYP┼ <filespec╛ [P▌ - displa∙ content≤ oµ <filespec╛ oε screen
iµ 'Pº i≤ present¼ STA╘ PAG┼ variablσ i≤
SYSTE═ - (samσ a≤ BYE)
WR╘ - writes¼ close≤ opeε capturσ filσ t∩ disk
MEX 1.0 STAT variables
for {on|off} variables, the 'on' option is provided
ALER╘ <val╛ - se⌠ ú oµ beep≤ madσ wheε ß connectioε witΦ
ß remotσ systeφ i≤ madσ resultinτ froφ ß
repeatinτ CAL╠ o≥ DIA╠
BAKFIL┼ {on|off² - changσ filσ t∩ backu≡
elsσ asδ fo≥ erasure
BEL╠ {on|off² - bel∞ sen⌠ a⌠ al∞ prompt≤ iε MEX
BUFFE╥ - display≤ capturσ buffe≥ stat≤ (size¼ usd¼ spc)
displays batch-filenames buffer size
TRIGGE╥ <char╛ - set≤ <char╛ t∩ wai⌠ fo≥ beforσ SENDOUT
CANCE╠ <char╛ - set≤ <char╛ t∩ continuσ SENDOU╘ until
CHA╥ - list≤ statu≤ oµ al∞ CHARacte≥ variables
CHECKSU═ {on|off² - se⌠ filσ transfe≥ verificatioε method
mutuall∙ exclusivσ witΦ CRC
CR├ {on|off² - se⌠ filσ transfe≥ verificatioε method
CI╙ {on|off² - specia∞ filσ transfe≥ protoco∞ useΣ b∙
Compuservσ iε Terφ mode
CLOC╦ <val╛ - se⌠ clocδ speeΣ iε Mhz*10
<val╛ ╜ ▒ t∩ 25╡ =╛ .▒ t∩ 25.╡ Mhz
DEBU╟ {on|off² - incominτ datß iε Termina∞ mode
displayeΣ iε DDT'≤ Dum≡ format.
disable≤ FILTE╥ anΣ CI╙ wheε 'on'
HE╪ {on|off² - se⌠ defaul⌠ radi° fo≥ MEX
includinτ SLEEP¼ VAL¼ filσ transfers
numbe≥ prefixes║ $=hex¼ #=decimal
mutuall∙ exclusivσ witΦ DECIMAL
DECIMA╠ {on|off² - se⌠ defaul⌠ radi° fo≥ MEX
ERRI─ {on|off² - prin⌠ ID'≤ strinτ a⌠ MEX'≤ prompt
EXCLUD┼ {on|off² - ignorσ SY╙ file≤ wheε <filespec╛ i≤ ambig
EXTEN─ {on|off² - causσ illega∞ ME╪ command≤ t∩ bσ
interpreteΣ a≤ REA─ commands
ES├ <char╛ - definσ Terφ modσ escapσ char
.paèFILTE╥ {on|off² - ignorσ uncommoε contro∞ char≤
(othe≥ thaε CR¼ LF¼ BS¼ TAB)
INITFIL┼ {on|off² - searcΦ fo≥ INI.ME╪ wheε bootinτ MEX
L╞ {on|off² - adΣ L╞ t∩ al∞ C╥ iε Terφ filσ transfers
LIS╘ {on|off² - enablσ LS╘ device
PAG┼ {on|off² - paginatσ TYP┼ scrolling
REPL┘ [<val>▌ - se⌠ timσ (0-25╡ secs⌐ fo≥ SENDOU╘ t∩ wai⌠
fo≥ ß repl∙ froφ remotσ system
iµ n∩ argmnt¼ presen⌠ settinτ i≤ shown
RETR┘ [<val>▌ - se⌠ SENDOUT retrie≤ (1-255⌐ beforσ aborting
WTECHO must be on
iµ n∩ argmnt¼ presen⌠ settinτ i≤ shown
RTIM┼ <val╛ - se⌠ wai⌠ (1-3░ secs⌐ beforσ timeou⌠
RU┬ {on|off² - backspace≤ sen⌠ converteΣ t∩ rubs
SEARC╚ <val╛ - se⌠ searcΦ patterε useΣ fo≥ REA─ files¼
phonσ libraries¼ keystrinτ files¼ anΣ
capturσ file≤ (witΦ AppenΣ option)
░ - loggeΣ D╒ ▓ - loggeΣ DU¼ ALT
▒ - AL╘ │ - ALT¼ loggeΣ DU
SPLI╘ {on|off² - phonσ librar∙ listeΣ ▒ pe≥ linσ witΦ bps
elsσ listeΣ ▓ pe≥ linσ withou⌠ bps
SILEN╘ {on|off² - suppres≤ ech∩ oµ REA─ filσ commanΣ lines
SWITC╚ - lis⌠ al∞ '{on|off}º variables
VA╠ - lis⌠ al∞ <val╛ variables
WCHA╥ <val╛ - dela∙ afte≥ eacΦ cha≥ (0-╣ iε 10≤ oµ ms)
WLIN┼ <val╛ - dela∙ afte≥ eacΦ linσ (0-╣ iε 100≤ oµ ms)
WTECH╧ {on|off² - verif∙ command≤ sen⌠ witΦ thei≥ echo
halve≤ transmissioε time
SE╨ <char╛ - se⌠ commanΣ separato≥ fo≥ mult« cmΣ lines
XLIN┼ {on|off² - fo≥ Terφ modσ filσ transfers
wait≤ fo≥ XO╬ afte≥ eacΦ linσ (uncommon)
XO╬ {on|off² - fo≥ Terφ modσ filσ transfers
send≤ unti∞ XOFF¼ continue≤ a⌠ XON