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Assembly Source File
463 lines
IF NOT lasm
.printx * CPXVDU.ASM *
; KERMIT - (Celtic for "FREE")
; This is the CP/M-80 implementation of the Columbia University
; KERMIT file transfer protocol.
; Version 4.0
; Copyright June 1981,1982,1983,1984
; Columbia University
; Originally written by Bill Catchings of the Columbia University Center for
; Computing Activities, 612 W. 115th St., New York, NY 10025.
; Contributions by Frank da Cruz, Daphne Tzoar, Bernie Eiben,
; Bruce Tanner, Nick Bush, Greg Small, Kimmo Laaksonen, Jeff Damens, and many
; others.
;edit 6, 12-Oct-1990 by MF. Added a semicolon to the comment "If we
; need cursor ..." so it isn't seen as an undefined symbol
; edit 5, 20 July by OBSchou. Put in the cursor positioning code for
; all the terminal supported, and moved the vtval EQUs and defesc EQUs
; here if the system requires andn external terminal. If the system
; has a 'built in' terminal (ie own scrteen driver) you will not come
; to this file, so you must declare these three lables etc in your
; own code.
; This will allow only those systems requiring a terminal to require
; CPXVDU.ASM during assembly.
; edit 4, 16 July, 1987 by OBSchou for will Rose.
; Added code for Ampro 230 terminal
; edit 3, 15 July, 1987 by OBSchou for David Moore. Added adm22 terminal
; codes.
; edit 2 21 May, 1987 by OBSchou. Added in definitions for Hazeltine 1500
; submitted by Colin Burns of the Institute of Neurological Sciences
; in Glasgow.
; edit 1 ??? date. Split the terminal codes off from the CPXSYS.ASM file
vduver: db 'CPXVDU.ASM (6) 12-Oct-1990 $' ;file, edit version,, date.
; First, print out what terminal (if any) we are assembling for
IF crt
.printx * generic CRT selected *
IF adm3a
.printx * ADM3A selected *
IF adm22
.printx * ADM22 selected *
IF smrtvd ;[7]
.printx * Netronics Smartvid-80 selected *
ENDIF ;[7]
IF tvi912
.printx * TVI912/920 selected *
IF tvi925
.printx * TVI925 selected *
IF vt52
.printx * VT52 selected *
IF vt100
.printx * VT100 selected *
IF am230
.printx * Ampro 230 terminal selected *
IF wyse
.printx * Wyse 100 terminal selected *
; If we need cursor positioning, here is the code to do it
; Screen manipulation routines
; csrpos - move to row B, column C
; csrpos for terminals that use a leadin sequence followed
; by (row + 31.) and (column + 31.)
IF NOT (vt100 OR crt OR h1500)
csrpos: push b ; save coordinates
lxi d,curldn ; get cursor leadin sequence
call prtstr ; print it
pop h ; restore coordinates
mov a,h ; get row
adi (' '-1) ; space is row one
mov e,a
push h
call outcon ; output row
pop h
mov a,l ; get column
adi (' '-1) ; space is column one
mov e,a
jmp outcon ; output it and return
ENDIF;NOT (vt100 OR crt OR h1500)
; csrpos for ANSI terminals
IF vt100
csrpos: push b ; save coordinates
lxi d,curldn ; get cursor leadin sequence
call prtstr ; print it
pop h ; peek at coordinates
push h ; then save away again
mov l,h ; l = row
mvi h,0 ; hl = row
call nout ; output in decimal
mvi e,';' ; follow with semicolon
call outcon ; print it
pop h ; restore column
mvi h,0 ; hl = column
call nout
mvi e,'H' ; terminate with 'move cursor' command
jmp outcon ; output it and return
;Definition for Hazeltine 1500 does things a little strange.
IF h1500
csrpos: push b ; save coordinates
lxi d,curldn ; get cursor leadin sequence
call prtstr ; print it
pop h ; restore coordinates
mov a,l ; get col
; adi (' '-1) ; space is row one
mov e,a
push h
call outcon ; output row
pop h
mov a,h ; get row
adi (' '-1) ; space is column one
mov e,a
jmp outcon ; output it and return
ENDIF; h1500
IF crt ; systems without cursor positioning
csrpos: ret ; dummy routine referenced by linkage section
; Now for the rest of CPXVDU.ASM
IF crt ;Set flags etc for systems with CRT selected
defesc EQU '\'-100O ;Still Control-\ (just ran out of room...)
vtval EQU 0FFH ; we can't support VT52 emulation
ttytyp: db 'Generic (Dumb) CRT Terminal type selected $'
IF vt52 ; DEC VT52
ttytyp: db 'VT52$'
IF vt52
vtval EQU 0 ; we don't need VT52 emulation
defesc EQU '\'-100O ;Still Control-\ (just ran out of room...)
outlin: db esc,'H',esc,'J',cr,lf,tab,tab,'$'
erascr: db esc,'H',esc,'J$' ;Clear screen and go home.
eralin: db cr,esc,'K$' ;Clear line.
curldn: db esc,'Y$' ;cursor leadin
ttab: ;Table start location.
ta: db esc,'A$',0 ;Cursor up.
tb: db esc,'B$',0 ;Cursor down.
tc: db esc,'C$',0 ;Cursor right.
td: db esc,'D$',0 ;Cursor left
te: db esc,'E$',0 ;Clear display
tf: db esc,'F$',0 ;Enter Graphics Mode
tg: db esc,'G$',0 ;Exit Graphics mode
th: db esc,'H$',0 ;Cursor home.
ti: db esc,'I$',0 ;Reverse linefeed.
tj: db esc,'J$',0 ;Clear to end of screen.
tk: db esc,'K$',0 ;Clear to end of line.
IF adm22
vtval EQU 1 ; we can do VT52 emulation
defesc EQU '\'-100O ;Still Control-\ (just ran out of room...)
ttytyp: db 'ADM22$'
outlin: db 1ah,cr,lf,tab,tab,'$'
erascr: db 1ah,'$' ;Clear screen and go home.
eralin: db esc,'>$' ;Clear line.
curldn: db esc,'=$' ;Cursor lead-in
ttab: ;Table start location.
ta: db 0BH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor up.
tb: db lf,'$',0,0 ;Cursor down.
tc: db 0CH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor right.
td: db bs,'$',0,0 ;Cursor left
te: db 1ah,':$',0 ;Clear display
tf: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Enter Graphics Mode
tg: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Exit Graphics mode
th: db 1EH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor home.
ti: db 0BH,'$',0,0 ;Reverse linefeed.
tj: db esc,'Y$',0 ;Clear to end of screen.
tk: db esc,'T$',0 ;Clear to end of line.
IF am230
; Select initial setting for VT-52 emulation flag.
vtval EQU 1
defesc EQU '\'-100O ;The default is Control-\ -- it's easier
ttytyp: db 'Am230$'
outlin: db 'Z'-64,0,0,cr,lf,'$'
erascr: db 'Z'-64,0,0,'$' ;Clear screen and home
eralin: db esc,'R$',0 ;Erase line
curldn: db cr,esc,'=$' ;Cursor lead-in
ttab: ;Table start location ;(MUST be 4 bytes each)
ta: db 'K'-64,'$',0,0 ;Cursor up, stop at top
tb: db 'V'-64,'$',0,0 ;Cursor down, stop at bottom
tc: db 'L'-64,'$',0,0 ;Cursor right, stop at right
td: db 'H'-64,'$',0,0 ;Cursor left, stop at left
te: db 'Z'-64,0,0,'$' ;Clear display (2 pad nulls)
tf: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Enter Graphics mode
tg: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Exit Graphics mode
th: db 1EH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor home
ti: db esc,'j$',0 ;Reverse linefeed, scroll
tj: db esc,'Y$',0 ;Clear to end of sreen
tk: db esc,'T$',0 ;Clear to end of line
IF vt100
ttytyp: db 'VT100$'
IF vt100
; Note that we cannot support Graphics Mode or the H19 erase-screen command
; (<esc>E), because the sequences are more than three bytes.
defesc EQU '\'-100O ;Still Control-\ (just ran out of room...)
vtval EQU 0 ; we probably don't want VT52 emulation
outlin: db esc,3CH,esc,'[H',esc,'[J',cr,lf,tab,tab,'$'
erascr: db esc,'[H',esc,'[J$' ;Clear screen and go home.
eralin: db cr,esc,'[K$' ;Clear line.
curldn: db esc,'[$' ; Cursor leadin
ta: db esc,'[A$' ; Cursor up.
tb: db esc,'[B$' ; Cursor down.
tc: db esc,'[C$' ; Cursor right.
td: db esc,'[D$' ; Cursor left
te: db '$',0,0,0 ; (can't) Clear display
tf: db '$',0,0,0 ; (don't) Enter Graphics Mode
tg: db '$',0,0,0 ; (don't) Exit Graphics mode
th: db esc,'[H$' ; Cursor home.
ti: db esc,'M$',0 ; Reverse linefeed.
tj: db esc,'[J$' ; Clear to end of screen.
tk: db esc,'[K$' ; Clear to end of line.
IF gener or cpm3
sysver: db 'Generic CP/M-80$'
ENDIF;gener or cpm3
IF soroq ;[29] Should this not be with terminals.....
ttytyp: db 'Soroc IQ-120$'
outlin: db 1EH,esc,'Y',cr,lf,tab,tab,'$'
erascr: db 1EH,esc,'Y$' ;clear screen and home cursor
eralin: db cr,esc,'T$' ;clear line
curldn: db esc,'=$' ;cursor lead-in string
delstr: db bs,' ',bs,bs,'$' ;??adjust for echoing delete
ttab: ;table start location
ta: db 0BH,'$',0 ;cursor up
tb: db 0AH,'$',0 ;cursor down
tc: db 0CH,'$',0 ;cursor right
td: db 08H,'$',0 ;cursor left
te: db esc,'*$',0 ;clear display (homes cursor)
tf: db esc,')$',0 ;enter inverse video mode
tg: db esc,'($',0 ;exit inverse video mode
th: db 01EH,'$',0 ;home cursor
ti: db 0BH,'$',0 ;reverse linefeed (insert line)
tj: db esc,'Y$',0 ;clear to end of screen
tk: db esc,'T$',0 ;clear to end of line
IF crt
outlin: db cr,lf,'Starting ...$'
erascr equ crlf ;"Home & clear" (best we can do).
eralin: db '^U',cr,lf,'$' ;Clear line.
prpack: db cr,lf,'RPack: $'
pspack: db cr,lf,'SPack: $'
ttab equ 0 ; no VT52 table
IF tvi912
vtval EQU 1 ; we do emulation
defesc EQU '\'-100O ;Still Control-\ (just ran out of room...)
ttytyp: db 'TVI912/920$'
outlin: db 'Z'-64,0,0,cr,lf,'$'
erascr: db 'Z'-64,0,0,'$' ;Clear screen and home
eralin: db esc,'Y$',0 ;Clear to end of sreen
curldn: db cr,esc,'=$' ;Cursor lead-in
ttab: ;Table start location ;(MUST be 4 bytes each)
ta: db 'K'-64,'$',0,0 ;Cursor up, stop at top
tb: db 'J'-64,'$',0,0 ;Cursor down, stop at bottom
tc: db 'L'-64,'$',0,0 ;Cursor right, stop at right
td: db 'H'-64,'$',0,0 ;Cursor left, stop at left
te: db 'Z'-64,0,0,'$' ;Clear display (2 pad nulls)
tf: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Enter Graphics mode
tg: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Exit Graphics mode
th: db 1EH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor home
ti: db esc,'j$',0 ;Reverse linefeed, scroll
tj: db esc,'Y$',0 ;Clear to end of sreen
tk: db esc,'T$',0 ;Clear to end of line
IF tvi925
;(incidentally, works fine for Freedom 100 also [Toad Hall])
;adm3a entry and tvi925 entry separated to remove warning message.
vtval EQU 1 ; we VT52 emulation
defesc EQU '\'-100O ;Still Control-\ (just ran out of room...)
ttytyp: db 'TVI925$'
outlin: db 'Z'-64,0,0,cr,lf,'$'
erascr: db 'Z'-64,0,0,'$' ;Clear screen and home
eralin: db esc,'Y$',0 ;Clear to end of sreen
curldn: db cr,esc,'=$' ;Cursor lead-in
ttab: ;Table start location ;(MUST be 4 bytes each)
ta: db 'K'-64,'$',0,0 ;Cursor up, stop at top
tb: db 'V'-64,'$',0,0 ;Cursor down, stop at bottom
tc: db 'L'-64,'$',0,0 ;Cursor right, stop at right
td: db 'H'-64,'$',0,0 ;Cursor left, stop at left
te: db 'Z'-64,0,0,'$' ;Clear display (2 pad nulls)
tf: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Enter Graphics mode
tg: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Exit Graphics mode
th: db 1EH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor home
ti: db esc,'j$',0 ;Reverse linefeed, scroll
tj: db esc,'Y$',0 ;Clear to end of sreen
tk: db esc,'T$',0 ;Clear to end of line
IF adm3a
defesc EQU '\'-100O ;Still Control-\ (just ran out of room...)
ttytyp: db 'ADM3A$'
outlin: db 'Z'-64,0,0,cr,lf,'$'
erascr: db 'Z'-64,0,0,'$' ;Clear screen and home
eralin: db esc,'Y$',0 ;Clear to end of sreen
curldn: db cr,esc,'=$' ;Cursor lead-in
ttab: ;Table start location ;(MUST be 4 bytes each)
ta: db 'K'-64,'$',0,0 ;Cursor up, stop at top
tb: db 'J'-64,'$',0,0 ;Cursor down CTRL-J
tc: db 'L'-64,'$',0,0 ;Cursor right, stop at right
td: db 'H'-64,'$',0,0 ;Cursor left, stop at left
te: db 'Z'-64,0,0,'$' ;Clear display (2 pad nulls)
tf: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Enter Graphics mode
tg: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Exit Graphics mode
th: db 1EH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor home
ti: db 'K'-64,'$',0,0 ;Reverse linefeed
tj: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Clear to end of screen
tk: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Clear to end of line
IF smrtvd ; [7] new terminal
vtval EQU 1 ; we do VT52 emulation
defesc EQU '\'-100O ; escpae character, ok?
ttytyp: db 'Smartvid-80$'
outlin: db esc,'+',cr,lf,tab,tab,'$'
eralin: db cr,esc,'T$' ;Clear to end of line.
erascr: db esc,'+$' ;Clear screen and go home.
curldn: db esc,'=$' ;Cursor lead-in
ttab: ;Table start location.
ta: db ('K'-100O),'$',0,0 ;Cursor up.
tb: db 12O,'$',0,0 ;Cursor down.
tc: db ('A'-100O),'$',0,0 ;Cursor right.
td: db ('H'-100O),'$',0,0 ;Cursor left.
te: db ('L'-100O),'$',0,0 ;Clear screen and home cursor
tf: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Enter Graphics mode
tg: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Exit Graphics mode
th: db ('Z'-100O),'$',0,0 ;Cursor home.
ti: db ('K'-100O),'$',0,0 ;Reverse linefeed.
tj: db esc,'Y$',0 ;Clear to end of screen.
tk: db esc,'T$',0 ;Clear to end of line.
IF h1500
vtval EQU 1 ; we can do VT52 emulation
defesc EQU '\'-100O ;Still Control-\ (just ran out of room...)
ttytyp: db 'Hazeltine$'
outlin: db 7eh,1ch,7eh,12h,'$'
erascr: db 7eh,1ch,7eh,12h,'$' ;Clear screen and home
eralin: db 7eh,13h,'$',0 ;Clear to end of sreen
curldn: db 7eh,11h,'$',0 ;Cursor lead-in
ttab: ;Table start location ;(MUST be 4 bytes each)
ta: db 7eh,0ch,'$',0 ;Cursor up, stop at top
tb: db 7eh,0bh,'$',0 ;Cursor down CTRL-J
tc: db 10h,'$',0,0 ;Cursor right, stop at right
td: db 8h,'$',0,0 ;Cursor left, stop at left
te: db 7eh,1ch,'$',0 ;Clear display (2 pad nulls)
tf: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Enter Graphics mode
tg: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Exit Graphics mode
th: db 7eh,0ch,'$',0 ;Cursor home
ti: db 7eh,0ch,'$',0 ;Reverse linefeed
tj: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Clear to end of screen
tk: db 7eh,0fh,'$',0 ;Clear to end of line
IF wyse ;[gv]
vtval equ 1 ; we can do VT52 emulation
defesc EQU '\' ;Still Control-\ (just ran out of room...)
ttytyp: db ' [Wyse 100]',cr,lf,'$'
outlin: db esc,'+$',0 ;Clear screen and home
erascr: db esc,'+$',0 ;Clear screen and home
eralin: db esc,'Y$',0 ;Clear to end of sreen
curldn: db cr,esc,'=$' ;Cursor lead-in
ttab: ;Table start location ;(MUST be 4 bytes each)
ta: db 03h,'$',0,0 ;Cursor up, stop at top
tb: db lf,'$',0,0 ;Cursor down, stop at bottom
tc: db ff,'$',0,0 ;Cursor right, stop at right
td: db bs,'$',0,0 ;Cursor left, stop at left
te: db sub,0,0,'$' ;Clear display (2 pad nulls)
tf: db '$',0,0,0 ;Enter Graphics mode NONE
tg: db '$',0,0,0 ;Exit Graphics mode NONE
th: db 1eh,'$',0,0 ;Cursor home
ti: db esc,'v$',0 ;Reverse linefeed, scroll ???
tj: db esc,'Y$',0 ;Clear to end of sreen
tk: db esc,'T$',0 ;Clear to end of line
ovlend equ $ ; End of overlay
IF lasm ;Not really needed, as M80 ignores END in include files
ENDIF ;lasm