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Assembly Source File
562 lines
IF NOT lasm
.printx * CPXPRO.ASM *
; KERMIT - (Celtic for "FREE")
; This is the CP/M-80 implementation of the Columbia University
; KERMIT file transfer protocol.
; Version 4.0
; Copyright June 1981,1982,1983,1984,1985
; Columbia University
; Originally written by Bill Catchings of the Columbia University Center for
; Computing Activities, 612 W. 115th St., New York, NY 10025.
; Contributions by Frank da Cruz, Daphne Tzoar, Bernie Eiben,
; Bruce Tanner, Nick Bush, Greg Small, Kimmo Laaksonen, Jeff Damens, and many
; others.
; revision history:
;edit 2, 16-Oct-1990 by MF. Reformatted speed tables according to
; current usage and reworked sysspd routine accordingly.
; Also eliminated cursor-positioning routines as we now link to
; cpxvdu.asm. Reworked version message according to current usage.
;edit 1, 17 November, 1987, by OBSchou. Extracted Compupro code
; from CPMPRO.ASM and massaged fort CP/M kermit V4.09
; Modifications to KERMIT-80 for use with Compupro Interfacer 3/4 "[gv]"
; Guy Valiquette, M.D.
; Black Bldg. Rm 322
; Dept. of Neurology
; College of Physicians & Surgeons
; Columbia University
; 630 W. 168th Street
; New York, NY 10032
; (212) 694-3965
; I/O routines for Interfacer 3/4 board
; Allow sending break with <ESC> B while CONNECTed
; Terminal control sequences for Wyse Technology WY-100
; Add calls to "hangup" subroutine in EXIT and BYE to hang-up phone if
; using a smart modem by disabling UART (and withdrawing DTR signal)
; Using KERMIT with Compupro Interfacer 3/4:
; - Set compro below to TRUE, all other to FALSE
; - Select the ABSOLUTE USER number you want with the user EQUate
; - Select the terminal control string set needed (or write your
; own if not there)
; - Note that I had to use a kludge to get the signon message right.
; Code in KERMIT as I found it did not, nor could it, work. Search
; for the section of code under: IF compro AND wy100 and imitate.
; - If you have a smart modem, CONNECT puts you in contact with your
; modem. Use your usual "wake-up" character sequence to dial out.
; You can CONNECT and return to KERMIT repeateadly without hanging up
; UNLESS you change the baud rate, execute the BYE command or EXIT.
; - Baud rate set up in code to use 1200 baud as default. Can easily
; be changed to 300 (or whatever). The byte defined at label "baudrt"
; is the mode register 2 used to initialize the UART on first CONNECT.
; The low order nibble of this byte is the baud rate. Refer to the
; Compupro manual to set whatever default baud rate desired by changing
; this low nibble at baudrt db 0011$xxxxb.
; Note: "Wrapup" work (outlined below) to clean up code not done since
; new version of KERMIT is due out in a few weeks (says fdc)
; - outchri modification done for IF inout ONLY
; - stchr routine implemented for IF inout ONLY
; and used by outchr only
; Keep module name, edit number, and last revision date in memory.
family: db 'CPXPRO.ASM (2) 16-Oct-1990 $'
; Assembly time message to let me know I'm building the right version.
; LASM generates an 'S' error along with the message, which is messy, but
; better than trying to put everything inside a IF m80 OR mac80 conditional,
; because LASM doesn't like nested IF's, either.
IF compro
.printx * Assembling Kermit-80 for Compupro Interfacer 4 (or 3) *
iobyte EQU 03H ;Location of I/O byte
IF compro
if4 EQU 10H ;standard base address of Interfacer 4/3 board
datap EQU if4+0 ;data port (read/write)
stat EQU if4+1 ;status port (read/write)
mode EQU if4+2 ;mode registers (read/write)
command EQU if4+3 ;command register (read/write)
txint EQU if4+4 ;transmit interrupts status/mask (read/write)
rxint EQU if4+5 ;receive interrupts status/mask (read/write)
; if4+6 not used
usersel EQU if4+7 ;absolute user number select register
output EQU 1
input EQU 2
; Note: tested with CP/M Ver2.2, and Racal-Vadic Auto Dial VA212 modem
; and USRobotics Password modems. [gv]
user EQU 7 ;ABSOLUTE user number on IF4 or IF3
; Also remember to select a terminal!!!
sysxin: ;system initialisation not covered by sysinit
ret ; return from system-dependent routine
; system-dependent termination processing
; If we've changed anything, this is our last chance to put it back.
; system-dependent processing for start of CONNECT command
; syscls - system-dependent close routine
; called when exiting transparent session.
; sysinh - help for system-dependent special functions.
; called in response to <escape>?, after listing all the
; system-independent escape sequences.
lxi d,inhlps ; we got options...
call prtstr ; print them.
db cr,lf,'D - drop the line'
db cr,lf,'B - send a break'
db cr,lf
db '$' ;[hh] table terminator
; sysint - system dependent special functions
; called when transparent escape character has been typed;
; the second character of the sequence is in A (and in B).
; returns:
; non-skip: sequence has been processed
; skip: sequence was not recognized
ani 137O ; convert lower case to upper, for testing...
cpi 'D' ;Disconnect modem?
jnz intc00 ;no
hangup: xra a ;get a null byte
out command ;disable UART
sta ckdialf ;pull down flag to reinitialize UART
ret ;most smart modems will hang up on loosing DTR
cpi 'B' ; Send a reak?
jz sendbr
;send a break
sendbr: mvi a,user ;select our UART
di ;quiet
out usersel ;select it
in command ;get current command byte
ori 00001000b ;set "send break" bit
out command ;send to UART
;now for 300 msec timing loop (at 4 MHz, 0 wait state)
mvi a,30 ;[obs] call delay for 300 ms
call delay
mvi a,user ;now, go back to UART
di ;quiet
out usersel
in command ;get current command
ani 11110111b ;reset "send break" bit
ori 00010000b ;and set "reset errors" command bit (in case)
out command ;send back to UART
jmp rskp
lda ckdialf ;check flag that forces reinitialization
ora a ;test it
jz ckdial0 ;must redo it
mvi a,user ;user number
out usersel ;select it
in command ;get current command register
ani 00000111b ;mask for normal operating mode
;(DTR on, RX and TX both enabled)
cpi 00000111b ;is it?
jz rskp ;UART is on, start terminal emulation
; else initialize UART...
mvi a,user ;select user
out usersel
mvi a,0001$0000b ;reset errors command
out command ;send to command register
out command
out command ;...make sure it got it
in command ;confirm
lda moderg1 ;get mode register 1
out mode ;send it
lda moderg2 ;get mode register 2
out mode ;send it
mvi a,0011$0111b ;command register to start things
out command ;send it
ei ;turn interrupts back on
mvi a,0ffh ;get a non-zero byte
sta ckdialf ;pull down flag
jmp rskp ;start terminal emulation
; sysflt - system-dependent filter.
; called with the character in E.
; preserves bc, de, hl.
; note: <xon>,<xoff>,<del>, and <nul> are always discarded.
mov a,e ; get character for testing
; mdmflt - modem filter [30]
; called with character to be sent to printer in E
; with parity set as appropriate.
; return with accumulator = 0 do do nothing,
; <> 0 to send char in E.
mov a,e ;[30] get character to test
; prtflt - printer filter [30]
; called with character to be sent to printer in E
; returns with a = 0 to do nothing
; a <> 0 to print it.
; this routine for those printer that automatically insert
; a lf on cr, or cr for lf. Should this be shifted to
; the system indep. stuff, in say 4.06?
mov a,e ; [30] get character to test
; system-dependent processing for BYE command.
; for apmmdm, heath, and lobo, hang up the phone.
call hangup
; This is the system-dependent command to change the baud rate.
; DE contains the two-byte value from the baud rate table; this
; value is also stored in 'speed'.
IF compro
lda speed ;[MF]Get requested baud-rate
mov b,a ;Save the number.
lxi h,baudrt ;point to current baud rate
mov a,m ;get it
ani 0f0h ;keep high nibble
ora b ;merge back baud rate
mov m,a ;store back
xra a ;clear A
sta ckdialf ;put up flag to force reinitialization
ret ;...at next connect
; Speed tables
; (Note that speed tables MUST be in alphabetical order for later
; lookup procedures, and must begin with a value showing the total
; number of entries. The speed help tables are just for us poor
; humans.
; db string length,string,divisor (2 identical bytes or 1 word)
; [Toad Hall]
spdtbl: db 8 ;[MF]8 entries in speed table
db 3,'110$'
db 02h,02h ;[MF]110 baud
db 4,'1200$'
db 07h,07h ;[MF]1200 baud
db 5,'134.5$'
db 03h,03h ;[MF]134.5 baud
db 3,'150$'
db 04h,04h ;[MF]150 baud
db 4,'1800$'
db 08h,08h ;[MF]1800 baud
db 5,'19200$'
db 0fh,0fh ;[MF]19200 baud
db 4,'2000$'
db 09h,09h ;[MF]2000 baud
db 4,'2400$'
db 0ah,0ah ;[MF]2400 baud
db 3,'300$'
db 05h,05h ;[MF]300 baud
db 4,'3600$'
db 0bh,0bh ;[MF]3600 baud
db 4,'4800$'
db 0ch,0ch ;[MF]4800 baud
db 2,'50$'
db 00h,00h ;[MF]50 baud
db 3,'600$'
db 06h,06h ;[MF]600 baud
db 4,'7200$'
db 0dh,0dh ;[MF]7200 baud
db 2,'75$'
db 01h,01h ;[MF]75 baud
db 4,'9600$'
db 0eh,0eh ;[MF]9600 baud
sphtbl: db cr,lf,'50 75 110 134 150 300 600 1200'
db cr,lf,'1800 2000 2400 3600 4800 7200 9600 19200$'
ckdialf:db 0 ;force UART initialization on entry
baudrt: db 0011$0111b ;default baud rate: 1200 baud
moderg1:db 0100$1110b ;default mode register 1:
; -asynch, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit,
; -parity odd, disabled
moderg2 EQU baudrt
; The following conditionals were once a huge if not statement. There
; wasn't enough room to add the lobo to the list, so it had to be broken
; into 2, which you can't do with an if not. I redid it as two ifs and
; applied them to those that wouldn't set baud. [Hal Hostetler]
; This is the system-dependent SET PORT command.
; HL contains the argument from the command table.
; Port table not applicable
prttbl EQU 0
prhtbl EQU 0 ;
; selmdm - select modem port
; selcon - select console port
; selmdm is called before using inpmdm or outmdm;
; selcon is called before using inpcon or outcon.
; For iobyt systems, diddle the I/O byte to select console or comm port;
; For Decision I, switches Multi I/O board to console or modem serial
; port. [Toad Hall]
; For the rest, does nothing.
; preserves bc, de, hl.
; Get character from console, or return zero.
; result is returned in A. destroys bc, de, hl.
mvi c,dconio ;Direct console I/O BDOS call.
mvi e,0FFH ;Input.
call BDOS
; Output character in E to the console.
; destroys bc, de, hl
mvi c,dconio ;Console output bdos call.
call bdos ;Output the char to the console.
; outmdm - output a char from E to the modem.
; the parity bit has been set as necessary.
; returns nonskip; bc, de, hl preserved.
;************************System Dependent****************************
; Addition by [gv], 16/7/84
; Return the status of the modem port:
; Z flag set if NO input available
; C flag set in NOT output ready
; Destroys A and flags, preserves all other registers
mvi a,user
out usersel
in stat
ani output
in stat
jz outmdm ;not output ready, try again
; else...
di ;no interrupts
mvi a,user
out usersel
mov a,e ;get back character
out datap
; get character from modem; return zero if none available.
; for IOBYT systems, the modem port has already been selected.
; destroys bc, de, hl.
mvi a,user
out usersel
in stat
ani input ;test for input status (C flag reset by ANI n)
rz ; no input available
;************************System Dependent****************************
; Addition by [gv], 16/7/84
; get a character "raw" (i.e. just get it in A)
; Note: MUST have character ready before call, use stchr
mvi a,user
out usersel
in datap
; flsmdm - flush comm line.
; Modem is selected.
; Currently, just gets characters until none are available.
flsmdm: call inpmdm ; Try to get a character
ora a ; Got one?
jnz flsmdm ; If so, try for another
ret ; Receiver is drained. Return.
; lptstat - get the printer status. Return a=0 if ok, or 0ffh if not.
xra a ; assume it is ok.. this may not be necessary
; outlpt - output character in E to printer
; console is selected.
; preserves de.
push d ; save DE in either case
call prtflt ; go through printer filter [30]
ana a ; if A = 0 do nothing,
jz outlp1 ; [30] if a=0 do nothing
mvi c,lstout
call bdos ;Char to printer
outlp1: pop d ; restore saved register pair
IF inout
ENDIF ;inout
IF compro AND inout
mvi a,user
out usersel
in stat
ENDIF;compro AND inout
IF (NOT compro) AND inout
in mnprts ;Get the output ready flag.
ENDIF;(NOT compro) AND inout
IF inout
ani output ;Is it set?
jz prtout ;If so, loop until it isn't.
ENDIF ;inout
IF compro AND inout
mvi a,user
out usersel
mov a,e
out datap
ENDIF;compro AND inout
IF (NOT compro) AND inout
mov a,e ;Get the char to output.
prtou2: out mnport ;Output it.
ENDIF;(NOT compro) AND inout
; Screen manipulation routines
; delchr - make delete look like a backspace. Unless delete is a printing
; character, we just need to print a backspace. (we'll output clrspc
; afterwards)
; For Kaypro and Vector General, delete puts a blotch on the screen.
; For Apple and Osborne 1, delete moves but doesn't print.
mvi e,bs
call outcon
; erase the character at the current cursor position
clrspc: mvi e,' '
call outcon
mvi e,bs ;get a backspace
jmp outcon
; erase the current line
clrlin: lxi d,eralin
jmp prtstr
; erase the whole screen, and go home. preserves b (but not c)
clrtop: lxi d,erascr
jmp prtstr
IF compro; [gv]
sysver: db '[Compupro IF4-',user+'0',']$'
IF lasm
ENDIF ;lasm