Assembly Source File
327 lines
; by
; Irvin M. Hoff
; copyrighted (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988
; This program assembles with ASM, LASM, M80, MAC, RMAC or SLRMAC.
; If using M80, remove the ";;" at the beginning of the ASEG line.
;; ASEG ; Needed for M80, ignore for other assemblers
; This is an universal CP/M-80 file transfer program that gets
; its I/O (and time clock, if used) information from the BYE5
; program itself - thus no hardware specific or time clock over-
; lays are needed, and no overlay libraries need to be retained.
; It uses the XMODEM protocol with either CRC or checksum. It
; supports automatic (or manual) 1k protocol. It has KMD batch
; mode that is compatible with YMODEM batch other than does not
; use date in Julian or time in octal. It is based on a 1979
; program called XMODEM by Keith Petersen, which was adapted from
; Ward Christensen's 1978 MODEM2 program. Many of the routines
; in the version used had been added by the the authors of this
; program.
; - Irv Hoff, W6FFC
; (415) 948-2166 (voice)
; (415) 948-2513 PRACSA RCPM
; Read the KMD23.UPD file to see what this and past versions have added.
; It provides you with valuable data on understanding and using the many
; support files that are available, such as FOR, NEW, KFOR, KNEW, KMDEL,
; etc.
; ------
; 1) Edit the KMD23OVL.ASM overlay for desired options. (The ones most-
; changed are marked with an asterisk '*' in the comment field).
; 2) Assemble to a .HEX file.
; 3) Use MLOAD.COM to merge KMD23.COM with your new KMD23OVL.HEX file:
; 4) Finished, ready to use, requires BYE5 (uses its I/O and time clock)
; or a slightly modified XMODEM overlay if not using BYE5.
; Selecting options:
; -----------------
; Options that are most often changed are marked with ';*' at the start
; of the comment line for that option. Simple systems not using time
; clocks, user logs, etc. will keep most of those 'NO'. RCPM systems
; running the usual bulletin board systems, etc., will change most of
; those to 'YES'.
; When finished changing whatever options are desired, use your normal
; assembler to get a .HEX file of this overlay. Then use MLOAD.COM to
; merge into the KMD.COM file with your new changes:
; MLOAD.COM is included with this overlay file, but SID.COM or DDT.COM
; may also be used to merge the KMD23OVL.HEX file with KMD23.COM if you
; then save the correct number of memory pages as the new KMDA.COM file.
; - Notes by Irv Hoff W6FFC
ORG 0100H
DS 3
; Options - change to suit your system, then assemble to get a .HEX file
MHZ: DB 4 ;*Clock speed, use integer (2,4,5,8, etc.)
MSPEED: DW 003CH ; Location of BYE5's modem speed indicator
; Normal disk systems can transfer 16k from computer to disk in 2-3-4
; seconds and less. Some very slow 5-1/4" floppy systems (such as North
; Star) may take up to 20-30 seconds to transfer 16k. This would cause
; several timeouts at 10 seconds each. If you experience any timeouts,
; change the BUFSIZ to somethng smaller, perhaps 8k or even 4k.
BUFSIZ: DB 16 ; File transfer buffer size in Kbytes
DESCRIB:DB yes ;*Yes, asks for a description of uploaded file
DRIVE: DB 'A' ; Drive area for description of upload
USER: DB 14 ; User area for description of upload
DRIVMAX:DW 003DH ; Location of MAXDRIV byte
USRMAX: DW 003FH ; Location of MAXUSER byte
WHEEL: DW 003EH ;*Location of ZCMD or ZCPR2 wheel byte. If
; using if ZCPR3, run SHOW.COM to find correct
; address for the WHEEL byte.
; The following will all be available for the SYSOP's personal use when
; the wheel byte is set in local non-zero (0FFH) mode. If not using a
; wheel byte, select manually with a YES.
NOCOMR: DB NO ; NO = change .COM to .OBJ and .PRL to .OBP
NOCOMS: DB no ;*Permit sending .COM files?
NOLBS: DB NO ; Permit sending .??# files?
NOSYS: DB NO ; Permit sending .SYS files?
ZCPR: DB yes ;*Yes, if using ZCMDR or ZCPR with WHEEL byte
; implemented. If Yes, .NDR, .RCP and .SYS
; files not received.
; Allows drive/user area to be specified for downloading. If using ZCMD
; or ZCPR, set USEMAX 'YES'. Then the answers to MAXDRV and MAXUSR are
; ignored.
; No to use MAXDRV and MAXUSR specified next
; If USEMAX above is set YES for automatic operation the following two
; are ignored. If set NO, the following will be used.
MAXDRV: DB 4 ; Number of disk drives used
MAXUSR: DB 12 ; Maximum user area allowed
; Selects the drive/user area for uploading private files for the SYSOP.
; This permits experimental files, replacement files and proprietary
; programs to be sent to the SYSOP.
PRDRV: DB 'B' ; Private drive for SYSOP to receive file
PRUSR: DB 15 ; Private user area for SYSOP to receive file
; Selects the drive/user area for downloading private files from the
; SYSOP. This permits him to put a special file in this area, then leave
; a private note to that person mentioning the name of the file and to
; use "SP". Although anybody could download that program, they don't
; know what (if any) files are there. A high degree of security exists,
; while the SYSOP still has the ability to make special files available.
; Thus any person can be a temporary "privileged user". (Wildcards and
; batch are not allowed, for what should be obvious reasons.)
SPLDRV: DB 'B' ; Special drive area for downloading SYSOP files
SPLUSR: DB 15 ; Special user area for downloading SYSOP files
; Allows uploading to be done on a specified driver and user area so all
; viewers (including the SYSOP) can readily find the latest entries.
SETAREA:DB YES ; Yes, if using designated area to receive files
DRV: DB 'B' ;*Drive to receive file on
USR: DB 0 ; User area to receive file in
; Allows separate area for another type of file, such as MS-DOS. NEWLST
; permits putting the descriptions in with the main files, if desired.
; If YES, makes separate listing. NIBMDR and NIBMUS will then put those
; files wherever you request - prevents overcrowding if somebody fills
; the upload area.
MSDOS: DB yes ;*Yes if using separate area for MS-DOS files
IBMDRV: DB 'D' ; Drive to upload MS-DOS, NEW and FOR files
IBMUSR: DB 0 ; User area for IBM files
NEWLST: DB YES ; Yes to put MSDOS "NEW" and "FOR" lists on new
; new drive, NO to keep them on CP/M lists
NIBMDR: DB 'A' ; Drive for the IBM KDM.LOG and FOR files
NIBMUS: DB 13 ; User area for the IBM KMD.LOG and FOR files
MSGFIL: DB NO ; Yes if supporting message files, No if not
; (Not supported by most BBS systems)
; Set the following equate YES, if your BBS software sets BYE5's LCPTR
; bit-mapped flag register to restrict user's ability to download files.
; This is used on systems that require at least an occassional upload to
; allow the user to continue numerous downloads. See BYE5.DOC for a de-
; scription of how to implement the LCPTR byte.
; Bit-5 KMD downloads allowed? (0 = NO, 1 = YES)
RESUSR: DB yes ;*YES, if restricting downloads
XCANCL: DB YES ; Cancel file transfer with 3 or more CTL-X's
; A few spares for possible future additions so this overlay will not be
; obsolete at that time.
; logging options
; File transfer logging options
LOGCAL: DB yes ;*Yes, logs KMD transfers
LOGDRV: DB 'A' ; Drive to place 'KMD.LOG' file
LOGUSR: DB 14 ; User area to put 'KMD.LOG' file
LASTDRV:DB 'A' ; Drive 'LASTCALR???'file is on
LASTUSR:DB 14 ; User area of 'LASTCALR???' file
LCNAME: DB 1 ; Column # where the caller's name starts in
; LASTCALR, normally column one. Some BBS
; systems start in col. 12 if CLOCK is YES.
NAMELEN:DB 2 ;*Number of names in LASTCALR for a user, some
; BBS systems allow 3 names. (John H. Smith)
; Select 2 or 3, accordingly - you can use a
; larger number (like 50) if you want to use
; up to the first CR or LF in LASTCALR.
CPM3: DB NO ; Yes if using CP/M 3.0 and LOGCAL is Yes
; end of logging options
; start of TIMEON area
CLOCK: DB yes ;*If YES, you must have clock code installed in
; BYE5 that sets RTCBUF with time/date and
; time-on-system. Status and MXTIME are also
; picked up from BYE5.
DTOS: DB yes ;*Yes to display "time on system" messages
EDATE: DB NO ; Yes to show dd/mm/yy vice mm/dd/yy in KMD.LOG
TIMEON: DB yes ;*Yes to police time-on-system with BYE5
; NOTE: If ZCPR = YES and WHEEL byte is set, send time is unlimited. If
; TIMEON is YES, unlimited time is allowed if MAXMIN in BYE5 is 0.
; Set CLOCK and TIMEON the same way in BYE5 and KMD. Select your
; preference and set MAXMIN in BYE5. Suggest using 60 if CLOCK
; and TIMEON are YES, and 45 if CLOCK is NO. See examples below.
; TIME 300 BPS 1200 BPS 1k 2400 BPS 1k
; ------ ------- ------------ ------------
; 30 min 48.7k 180k 200k 320k 380k
; 45 min 73.1k 270k 300k 480k 570k
; 60 min 97.5k 360k 400k 640k 760k
CREDIT: DB yes ;*Yes to credit upload time to BYE5's MXTIME
LOGLDS: DB yes ;*Count number of up/down loads since login.
; Your BBS program can check UPLDS and DNLDS
; when user logs out and update either the
; user's file or a file for this purpose.
; You can either modify your BBS entry program
; to check the LASTCALR file before updating
; it and then update (risky), or make a sepa-
; rate program that BYE calls when logging
; off a user (preferred).
UPLDS: DW 0054H ; Clear these values to Zero from your BBS pro-
DNLDS: DW 0055H ; gram when somebody logs in. NOTE: Clear
; ONLY when a user logs in. Not when he re-
; enters the BBS program from CP/M.
; end of TIMEON area
; File descriptors, change as desired if this list is not suitable.
; Move the line with the terminating '$' up, if fewer descriptors are
; desired. There are 129 extra bytes available. Be sure to terminate
; before address 0250h. (Can check with a .PRN file if getting close.)
FILDES: DB CR,LF,' 0) - ''C'' ' ; (Extra space needed for M80)
DB CR,LF,' 1) - CP/M'
DB CR,LF,' 2) - dBASE'
DB CR,LF,' 3) - MS/DOS'
DB CR,LF,' 6) - ZCPR3'
DB CR,LF,' 7) - Other'
DB CR,LF,' 8) - (spare)'
DB CR,LF,' 9) - (spare)'
DB CR,LF,'$'
ORG 0250H
; This section selects the text used when sending files to different
; portions of the disk. Not used unless the MSDOS option is set YES.
; There are 175 byes available (including those shown.) Must terminate
; before address 0300h. (Can check with a .PRN file if getting close.)
SELECT: DB CR,LF,' 1 for 8-bit (CP/M, Apple, general)'
DB CR,LF,' 2 for 16-bit (IBM, Macintosh, Atari, '
DB 'Amiga)'
DB CR,LF,'$'
; end of overlay