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Assembly Source File
542 lines
; ------------
; See FALCONER.WS4 as doc.
; (Retyped by Emmanuel ROCHE.)
; External routines required, see FLTARITH
; External arithmetic error trap
extrn aerc
; External floating arithmetic
extrn fadd,fdiv,fdivr
extrn fint,fixr
extrn fmul,frcip,fsubr
; External format conversion
extrn flot,flota,flotd
; External tests and manipulation
extrn fxchg,fcmp
; External memory access
extrn fload,lfbs
; Entry points allowed
; Functions
entry fract,fmod,poly
entry log2,logb,exp2,expx
; Logical operators
entry .or., .and., .xor.
; Relational operators
entry .equ., .ne., .le., .gt.
entry .lt., .ge., .gg.
; Macro definitions
; Load (and POP) real (reg) from TOS,
; stored by SFTS macro
lfts macro reg
bc.l equ b
de.h equ d
pop reg
mov 5-reg/2,reg
pop reg
if reg*(reg-d)
error "R"
; Move operation on register pair B, D, or H
movd macro r1,r2
if ((r1-d)*(r1-h)*r1) OR ((r2-d)*(r2-h)*r2)
error "R"
mov r1,r2
mov r1+1,r2+1
; Move floating operand from reg1 to reg2
movf macro r2,r1
bc.l equ b
de.h equ d
if (r1*(r1-d)) or (r2*(r2-d))
error "R"
mov r2,r1
mov r2+1,r1+1
mov 5-r2/2,5-r1/2
; Reload (BC.L), stored by PUSH B, PUSH H sequence
reload macro reg
bc.l equ b
if reg-b
error 'R'
db 0,0,0
if reg-b=0 ; Was IFZ
pop b
mov l,c
pop b
; "Return" and check stack level zero
rtn macro
if .lvl
error "0"+.lvl
.lvl set 0
; Save (BC.L), to be restored by RELOAD BC.L later
save macro reg
bc.l equ b
if reg-b
error "R"
db 0,0
if reg-b=0 ; Was IFZ
push b
push h
; Store real value on top of stack;
; note SFTS B affects (A)
sfts macro r
bc.l equ b
de.h equ d
if r*(r-d)
error "R"
if r=0 ; Was IFZ
mov a,l
push r
push psw-r
; Start the code
; Extract fractional part of (DE.H)
; A,F,D,E,H
fract: save bc.l ;
sfts d ;
call fint ;
lfts b ; Orig value to (BC.L)
call fsubr ; Remove integer portion
reload bc.l ;
rtn ;
; Convert (DE.H) and (BC.L) to rounded integers
; in (BC) and (DE) respectively
; A,F,B,C,D,E,H,L
fixrt: call fixr ;
rc ; Overflow
call fxchg ;
jmp fixr ;
; Modulo arithmetic
; (DE.H) := (BC.L) modulo (DE.H)
; System trap for (DE.H) = 0
; A,F,D,E,H
fmod: save bc.l ;
sfts d ;
mov a,b ;
xra d ; Compare signs
push psw ; Save for exit
call fdivr ; BC.L / DE.H
@01 set .lvl ;
jc fmod2 ; Overflow
call fint ; Integer (BC.L / DE.H)
jc fmod2 ; Overflow
pop psw ;
jp fmod1 ; Signs same
lxi b,8000H ;
mvi l,81H ; -1.000
call fadd ; Correct
fmod1: lfts b ; Original DE.H
call fmul ; DE.H * integer (BC.L / DE.H)
reload bc.l ;
jnc fsubr ; BC.L - DE.H * integer (BC.L / DE.H)
rtn ; FMUL overflowed
.lvl set @01 ;
fmod2: pop psw ;
lfts d ; Overflow occurred,
stc ; restore input condition.
reload bc.l ;
rtn ;
; Convert (DE.H) to logarithm, base 2
; Trap if (DE.H) <= 0 i.e., error
; Time approx 9 millisec
; A,F,D,E,H
log2: mov a,h ;
ora a ;
cz aerc ; Zero, trap
rc ;
mov a,d ;
ral ;
cc aerc ; Negative, trap
rc ;
save bc.l ;
push h ; Save exponent
movd b,d ; X to BC.L
lxi d,3502H ; SQRT(2)
lxi h,8181H ; X range 1 to 2
call fadd ; X + SQRT(2)
sfts d ; and save
lxi d,0B502H ; -SQRT(2)
mvi h,81H ;
call fadd ; X-SQRT(2)
lfts b ;
call fdiv ; Form term
movf b,d ; and copy
call fmul ;
call fmul ; Term^3
sfts d ;
lxi d,38A6H ; 2.8052
mvi h,82H ;
call fmul ;
lfts b ;
sfts d ;
lxi d,7E08H ; 0.9935
mvi h,80H ;
call fmul ;
lfts b ;
call fadd ;
movf b,d ; Partial term of BC.L
pop d ; Get exponent
mov a,d ;
sui 81H ;
call flota ; Convert
call fadd ; Add characteristic in
lxi b,0 ;
mvi l,80H ; 0.5000
call fadd ;
reload bc.l ;
rtn ;
; Log (DE.H) base (BC.L) => (DE.H)
; Carry for overflow. Returns max values, or 0.
; (BC.L) or (DE.H) <= 0 causes trap
; Time approx 20 millisec
; A,F,D,E,H
logb: save bc.l ;
sfts d ;
movf d,b ;
call log2 ;
lfts b ; Restore operand
sfts d ; Save log of base
movf d,b ;
call log2 ;
lfts b ; Restore log base
call fdiv ;
reload bc.l ;
rtn ;
; Evaluate polynomial in (DE.H) = x
; (DE.H) := A(N)*X^N + A(N-1)*X^(N-1) + ... + A(1)*X + A(0)
; Carry for arithmetic overflow
; (BC) specifies address of coefficients
; First coefficient is order of polynomial (128 max)
; A,F,D,E,H
poly: save bc.l ;
ldax b ; Get order
inx b ; Advance coeff pointer
sfts d ; Save argument
@arg set .lvl ; Argument stack address
mvi h,0 ; Clear partial value
push psw ; Save order counter
poly1: push b ; Save coeff loc
sfts d ; Save partial value
call fload ; Get coefficient
lfts b ; Recover partial value to (BC.H)
call fadd ; Add in
pop b ; Coeff pointer
jc poly2 ; Arith overflow
pop psw ; Order counter
dcr a ;
jm poly3 ; Done
push psw ; Save order counter
push b ; Save coeff pointer
mvi a,.lvl-@arg ;
call lfbs ; Get argument
call fmul ; Multiply
pop b ; Restore coeff pointer
inx b ;
inx b ;
inx b ; Advance to next coeff
jnc poly1 ; No arith error
poly2: pop b ; Error exit, purge stack
poly3: pop b ;
pop b ; Purge argument from stack
reload bc.l ;
rtn ;
; Exponential (DE.H) := 2^(DE.H)
; Carry for overflow
; A,F,D,E,H
exp2: mov a,d ;
ora a ;
jp exp21 ;
xri 80H ; Set positive
mov d,a ;
call exp21 ;
cnc frcip ; Neg exponent
rnc ;
mvi h,0 ; Zero for negative overflow
rtn ;
exp21: save bc.l ;
movf b,d ; Copy argument to B
call fixr ;
jc exp22 ; Too large, overflow
push d ; Save integer portion
call flotd ;
call fsubr ; Form fractional portion
lxi b,ex2c ; Point to coefficients
call poly ; Form 2^(fract(x))
movf b,d ;
call fmul ; Form (1+A1*X+...+AN*X^N)^2
pop b ; Get integer portion(x)
mov a,b ;
ora a ;
stc ;
jnz exp22 ; Too large, overflow
mov a,c ;
add h ;
mov h,a ; Exponent overlow causes Carry
exp22: reload bc.l ;
rnc ;
lxi d,7FFFH ;
mov h,e ; Set max value
rtn ;
; Polynomial coefficients for 2^(x)
ex2c: db 3 ; Polynomial order
db 7AH,01H,06H ; 0.0081790
db 7CH,0DH,73H ; 0.059340
db 7FH,81H,31H ; 0.34669
db 81H,00H,00H ; 1.0000
; Exponential (DE.H) := (BC.L)^(DE.H)
; (BC.L) < 0 illegal, divertto trap.
; (BC.L) and (DE.H) = 0 illegal, trap.
; Carry for over/underflow, returns max, 0.1
; A,F,D,E,H
expx: mov a,l ;
ora a ;
jnz expx1 ; (BC.L) <> 0
ora h ;
cz aerc ; Illegal, trap
mvi h,0 ; 0^any = 0
rtn ;
expx1: mov a,b ;
ora a ;
cm aerc ; Illegal, trap
rc ;
mov a,h ;
ora a ;
jnz expx3 ;
expx2: lxi d,0 ;
mvi h,81H ; Any^0 = 1.000
rtn ;
expx3: save bc.l ;
sfts d ;
movf d,b ;
call log2 ;
lfts b ; Restore argument
call fmul ;
reload bc.l ;
jnc exp2 ;
mov a,h ;
ora a ;
stc ;
jz expx2 ; Underflow, return 1.000
mov a,d ;
ora a ;
stc ;
rp ; +ve overflow, return max
mvi h,0 ; -ve overflow, return 0
rtn ;
; The logical operators
; treat all arguments as signed integers
; and return the floating representation of
; the bitwise operation specified.
; Error: If any argument is outside the
; range -32768 to 32767.
; Logical OR on (BC.L),(DE.H)
; A,F,D,E,H
.or.: save bc.l ;
call fixrt ;
jc .or.2 ;
mov a,b ;
ora d ;
mov d,a ;
mov a,c ;
ora e ;
.or.1: mov e,a ;
call flot ;
.or.2: reload bc.l ;
rtn ;
; Logical AND on (BC.L),(DE.H)
; A,F,D,E,H
.and.: save bc.l ;
call fixrt ;
jc .or.2 ;
mov a,b ;
ana d ;
mov d,a ;
mov a,c ;
ana e ;
jmp .or.1 ;
.lvl set .lvl-2 ;
; Logical XOR on (BC.L),(DE.H)
; A,F,D,E,H
.xor.: save bc.l ;
call fixrt ;
jc .or.2 ;
mov a,b ;
xra d ;
mov d,a ;
mov a,c ;
xra e ;
jmp .or.1 ;
.lvl set .lvl-2 ;
; The relational operators
; return -1 for true
; 0 for false.
; Test (DE.H) = (BC.L)
; If so, (DE.H) := -1, else 0
; A,F,D,E,H
.equ.: call fcmp ;
jz .tru ; True
.mtru: xra a ;
mov h,a ; (DE.H) := 0
rtn ;
; Test (DE.H) <> (BC.L)
; If so, (DE.H) := -1, else 0
; A,F,D,E,H
.ne.: call fcmp ;
jz .mtru ; False
.tru: mvi h,81H ; (DE.H) := -1.0
lxi d,8000H ; Use LXI D,0 for true = +1.0, for Pascal etc
ora a ; Clear any Carry
rtn ;
; Test (DE.H) <= (BC.L)
; If so, (DE.H) := -1, else 0
; A,F,D,E,H
.le.: call fcmp ;
.le.1: jp .tru ;
jmp .mtru ;
; Test (DE.H) > (BC.L)
; If so, (DE.H) := -1, else 0
; A,F,D,E,H
.gt.: call fcmp ;
.gt.1: jm .tru ;
jmp .mtru ;
; Test (DE.H) < (BC.L)
; If so, (DE.H) := -1, else 0
; A,F,D,E,H
.lt.: call fcmp ;
jz .mtru ;
jmp .le.1 ;
; Test (DE.H) >= (BC.L)
; If so, (DE.H) := -1, else 0
; A,F,D,E,H
.ge.: call fcmp ;
jz .tru ;
jmp .gt.1 ;
; Set (DE.H) := (DE.H) * 2^15 and perform .GT.
; This can be used to test for a value effectively
; zero with respect to another. For termination of
; iteration loops, etc. The value 2^15 applies to
; this arithmetic system, and should be customized
; to the precision of any particular arithmetic
; system for program portability.
.gg.: mov a,h ;
adi 15 ;
jnc .gg.1 ; Dynamic room
push h ;
mov a,l ;
sui 15 ;
mov l,a ;
jnc .gg.2 ; Dynamic room
pop h ; No room, return false
jmp .mtru ;
.gg.1: mov h,a ;
push h ;
.gg.2: call fcmp ;
pop h ;
jmp .gt.1 ;