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Text File  |  2004-01-05  |  2KB  |  169 lines

  1. #TITLE=VBScript
  2. ; VBScript syntax file written by ES-Computing.
  3. ; This file is required for EditPlus to run correctly.
  5. #DELIMITER=,(){}[]-+*%/="'~!&|\<>?:;.
  6. #QUOTATION1="
  8. #LINECOMMENT2=rem
  9. #CASE=n
  12. #KEYWORD=Reserved words
  13. And
  14. ByRef
  15. ByVal
  16. Call
  17. Case
  18. Class
  19. Const
  20. Dim
  21. Do
  22. Each
  23. Else
  24. ElseIf
  25. Empty
  26. End
  27. Eqv
  28. Erase
  29. Error
  30. Exit
  31. Explicit
  32. False
  33. For
  34. Function
  35. Get
  36. If
  37. Imp
  38. In
  39. Is
  40. Let
  41. Loop
  42. Mod
  43. Next
  44. Not
  45. Nothing
  46. Null
  47. On
  48. Option
  49. Or
  50. Private
  51. Property
  52. Public
  53. Randomize
  54. ReDim
  55. Resume
  56. Select
  57. Set
  58. Step
  59. Sub
  60. Then
  61. To
  62. True
  63. Until
  64. Wend
  65. While
  66. Xor
  68. #KEYWORD=Functions and objects
  69. Anchor
  70. Array
  71. Asc
  72. Atn
  73. CBool
  74. CByte
  75. CCur
  76. CDate
  77. CDbl
  78. Chr
  79. CInt
  80. CLng
  81. Cos
  82. CreateObject
  83. CSng
  84. CStr
  85. Date
  86. DateAdd
  87. DateDiff
  88. DatePart
  89. DateSerial
  90. DateValue
  91. Day
  92. Dictionary
  93. Document
  94. Element
  95. Err
  96. Exp
  97. FileSystemObject 
  98. Filter
  99. Fix
  100. Int
  101. Form
  102. FormatCurrency
  103. FormatDateTime
  104. FormatNumber
  105. FormatPercent
  106. GetObject
  107. Hex
  108. History
  109. Hour
  110. InputBox
  111. InStr
  112. InstrRev
  113. IsArray
  114. IsDate
  115. IsEmpty
  116. IsNull
  117. IsNumeric
  118. IsObject
  119. Join
  120. LBound
  121. LCase
  122. Left
  123. Len
  124. Link
  125. LoadPicture
  126. Location
  127. Log
  128. LTrim
  129. RTrim
  130. Trim
  131. Mid
  132. Minute
  133. Month
  134. MonthName
  135. MsgBox
  136. Navigator
  137. Now
  138. Oct
  139. Replace
  140. Right
  141. Rnd
  142. Round
  143. ScriptEngine
  144. ScriptEngineBuildVersion
  145. ScriptEngineMajorVersion
  146. ScriptEngineMinorVersion
  147. Second
  148. Sgn
  149. Sin
  150. Space
  151. Split
  152. Sqr
  153. StrComp
  154. String
  155. StrReverse
  156. Tan
  157. Time
  158. TextStream
  159. TimeSerial
  160. TimeValue
  161. TypeName
  162. UBound
  163. UCase
  164. VarType
  165. Weekday
  166. WeekDayName
  167. Window
  168. Year
  169. #