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Text File  |  1999-10-25  |  1KB  |  125 lines

  1. #TITLE=JavaScript
  2. ; JavaScript syntax file written by ES-Computing.
  3. ; This file is required for EditPlus to run correctly.
  5. #DELIMITER=,(){}[]-+*%/="'~!&|<>?:;.
  6. #QUOTATION1='
  7. #QUOTATION2="
  11. #COMMENTON=/*
  12. #COMMENTOFF=*/
  13. #COMMENTON2=
  15. #ESCAPE=\
  16. #CASE=y
  17. #PREFIX1=
  18. #PREFIX2=
  19. #PREFIX3=
  20. #PREFIX4=
  21. #PREFIX5=
  22. #SUFFIX1=
  23. #SUFFIX2=
  24. #SUFFIX3=
  25. #SUFFIX4=
  26. #SUFFIX5=
  28. #KEYWORD=Reserved words
  29. abstract
  30. boolean
  31. break
  32. byte
  33. case
  34. catch
  35. char
  36. class
  37. const
  38. continue
  39. default
  40. delete
  41. do
  42. double
  43. else
  44. extends
  45. false
  46. final
  47. finally
  48. float
  49. for
  50. function
  51. goto
  52. if
  53. implements
  54. import
  55. in
  56. instanceof
  57. int
  58. interface
  59. long
  60. native
  61. new
  62. null
  63. package
  64. private
  65. protected
  66. public
  67. return
  68. short
  69. static
  70. super
  71. switch
  72. synchronized
  73. this
  74. throw
  75. throws
  76. transient
  77. true
  78. try
  79. typeof
  80. var
  81. void
  82. while
  83. with
  85. #KEYWORD=Built-in objects
  86. Anchor
  87. anchors
  88. Applet
  89. applets
  90. Area
  91. Array
  92. Button
  93. Checkbox
  94. Date
  95. document
  96. FileUpload
  97. Form
  98. forms
  99. Frame
  100. frames
  101. Hidden
  102. history
  103. Image
  104. images
  105. Link
  106. links
  107. Area
  108. location
  109. Math
  110. MimeType
  111. mimeTypes
  112. navigator
  113. options
  114. Password
  115. Plugin
  116. plugins
  117. Radio
  118. Reset
  119. Select
  120. String
  121. Submit
  122. Text
  123. Textarea
  124. window
  125. #