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256 lines
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)uuencode.c 5.3-1 (Berkeley) 1/22/85";
/* modified by ajr to include checksums */
/* Adapted by Phil Julian, SAS Institute, Inc., for use on the Data General
* minicomputers. #ifdefs surround host-dependent code.
* 27 May 1987
* uuencode [input] output
* Encode a file so it can be mailed to a remote system.
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef unix
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef datageneral
#include <sys_calls.h>
#include <packets/filestatus.h> /* Used for ?GNFN */
#include <packets:normal_io.h>
#include <paru.h>
struct p_nio_ex w_io_parms; /* ?write system call structure */
P_FSTAT buf;
int ac0,ac2;
char name[256];
#define R_ACC 4
#ifdef putc
#undef putc
#define putc(c,file) { char ch = (char) (c); dg_binw(fchannel(file),&ch,1); }
#define SUMSIZE 64
/* ENC is the basic 1 character encoding function to make a char printing */
#define ENC(c) ((c) ? ((c) & 077) + ' ': '`')
main(argc, argv)
char **argv;
FILE *in;
#ifdef unix
struct stat sbuf;
int mode;
/* optional 1st argument */
#ifdef datageneral
name[0] = 0; /* Signal that there is not filename */
if (argc > 2) {
strcpy (name,argv[1]);
if ((in = fopen(argv[1], "j")) == NULL) {
if (argc > 2) {
if ((in = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) {
argv++; argc--;
} else
in = stdin;
if (argc != 2) {
#ifdef datageneral
printf("Usage: x uuencode/l=localname [infile] remotefile\n");
printf("Usage: uuencode [infile] remotefile\n");
#ifdef unix
/* figure out the input file mode */
fstat(fileno(in), &sbuf);
mode = sbuf.st_mode & 0777;
#ifdef datageneral
/* Initialize the i/o block for putc() */
zero((char *) &w_io_parms, sizeof(w_io_parms));
w_io_parms.isti = $IBIN|$RTDY|$ICRF|$OFOT;
w_io_parms.isti &= ~$IPST;
w_io_parms.imrs = 2048;
w_io_parms.ibad = -1;
w_io_parms.ircl = -1;
if (name[0]) {
/* For some reason, the DG croaks intermittently with a call to
* stat(), because the directory /etc/passwd may not exist. We
* use ?fstat to circumvent this bug.
ac0 = (int) name; ac2 = (int) &buf;
if (sys_fstat(ac0,0,ac2)) { perror("sys_fstat:"); exit(-1); }
/* buf.styp_type is the file format field.
* buf.styp_format is the record format field.
* buf.scps is the record length if the type is fixed -- if you
* need to use fixed records, then you would have to use a sys_open
* to have control over the ircl value, or you would have to use
* a sys_create call. I have chosen only to use dg_open and
* simplify the process, since fixed files are seldom used and are
* seldom binary.
if ((buf.styp_type >= $LDIR) && (buf.styp_type <= $HDIR)) {
fprintf(stderr,"Illegal file type for encode!");
if (access(name,R_ACC) < 0) { /* Is the file accessible? */
perror("Access failed:");
mode = 0777;
#ifdef datageneral
char temp[512]; int i;
/* No format defaults to an undefined record format */
if (buf.styp_format == 0) buf.styp_format = $RTUN;
sprintf(temp, "begin %#o %s %#o\n",
buf.styp_format, argv[1], buf.styp_type);
dg_binw (fchannel(stdout), temp, strlen(temp));
printf("begin %o %s\n", mode, argv[1]);
encode(in, stdout);
#ifdef datageneral
dg_binw (fchannel(stdout), "end\n", 4);
* copy from in to out, encoding as you go along.
encode(in, out)
FILE *in;
FILE *out;
char buf[80];
int i, n, checksum;
for (;;) {
/* 1 (up to) 45 character line */
n = fr(in, buf, 45);
putc(ENC(n), out);
checksum = 0;
for (i=0; i<n; i += 3)
checksum = (checksum+outdec(&buf[i], out)) % SUMSIZE;
putc(ENC(checksum), out);
putc('\n', out);
if (n <= 0)
* output one group of 3 bytes, pointed at by p, on file f.
* return the checksum increment.
int outdec(p, f)
char *p;
FILE *f;
int c1, c2, c3, c4;
c1 = *p >> 2;
c2 = (*p << 4) & 060 | (p[1] >> 4) & 017;
c3 = (p[1] << 2) & 074 | (p[2] >> 6) & 03;
c4 = p[2] & 077;
putc(ENC(c1), f);
putc(ENC(c2), f);
putc(ENC(c3), f);
putc(ENC(c4), f);
return((p[0]+p[1]+p[2]) % SUMSIZE);
/* fr: like read but stdio */
fr(fd, buf, cnt)
FILE *fd;
char *buf;
int cnt;
int c, i;
for (i=0; i<cnt; i++) {
c = getc(fd);
if (c == EOF)
buf[i] = c;
return (cnt);
#if (!unix && MANX)
perror (sp)
char *sp;
if (sp && *sp) {
fprintf (stderr, "%s: ");
fprintf (stderr, "<unknown error>\n");
#endif /* Unix */
#ifdef datageneral
/* D G _ B I N W -- Output len characters to the file number filenum
* The syntax is like the Unix write command.
* This code was borrowed from my Kermit source -- ckdtio.c
dg_binw(channel,chs,len) int channel, len; char *chs;
int ac2,err;
if (len == 0) return(0);
w_io_parms.ich = channel;
w_io_parms.ibad = chs;
w_io_parms.ircl = len;
ac2 = &w_io_parms;
if ((err = sys_write(ac2)) == 0) return(0);
if ( err != ERLTL && err != EREOF ) {
perror("dg_binw: sys_write ");