Columbia Kermit
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
931 lines
Unit VT100 ;
Printer,Crt,Graph, (* Standard Turbo Pascal Units *)
SendRecv ;
TermType = ' VT100 ' ;
Procedure Connection ;
(* ================================================================== *)
(* Global Var and Procedures for Connect Procedure. *)
(* ================================================================== *)
Upward = 6 ;
Downward = 7 ;
InitVT100 : Boolean = True ;
LocalChar = $1C ;
BreakChar = $1D ;
APLTABLE : array [0..127] of byte =
{00} ($00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0E,$0F, {0F}
{01} $10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$1A,$1B,$1C,$1D,$1E,$1F, {1F}
{02} $20,$05,$29,$3C,$F3,$3D,$3E,$5D,$FA,$5E,$86,$F6,$2C,$2B,$2E,$2F, {1F}
{03} $30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$28,$5B,$3B,$78,$3A,$5C, {3F}
{04} $FD,$E0,$E6,$EF,$8F,$EE,$5F,$EC,$91,$E2,$F8,$27,$95,$FE,$E7,$F9, {4F}
{05} $2A,$3F,$FB,$8D,$7E,$19,$FC,$17,$0E,$18,$0B,$1B,$1D,$1A,$F2,$2D, {5F}
{06} $40,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47,$48,$49,$4A,$4B,$4C,$4D,$4E,$4F, {6F}
{07} $50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57,$58,$59,$5A,$7B,$1C,$7D,$24,$2D); {7F}
Over1 = 'T('#$E5'T)'#$EA'GM'#$1F'HM'#$1E'OM'#$E8'O?'#$ED'O_'#$E9'OP'#$0F ;
Over2 = 'BN'#$15'GT'#$13'BJ'#$F5'NJ'#$F4'?_'#$A7'/_'#$EB'CJ'#$A6'KL'#$97 ;
Over3 = 'K.'#$21'L+'#$98 ;
Over4 = 'aFabFbcFcdFdeFefFfgFghFhiFijFjkFklFlmFmnFnoFopFpqFqrFrsFs' ;
Over5 = 'tFtuFuvFvwFwxFxyFyzFz' ;
KEYPADTABLE : array[1..13] of char = '789-456+1230.';
Htab : array [1..80] of char = (* Default tab settings *)
Graphicset: array [0..31] of byte =
{06} ($DB,$DB,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$D9,$BF,$DA,$C0,$C5,$C4, {6F}
{07} $C4,$C4,$C4,$5F,$C3,$B4,$C1,$C2,$B3,$F3,$F2,$7B,$7C,$7D,$7E,$7F); {7F}
Type String2 = string[2] ;
achar : integer ;
EscSeq : Array [1..$88,1..2] of char ;
KeyTableName : String[14] ;
KeyTable : Text ;
ColorofText,ColorofBack : byte ;
Row,Column : integer ;
saveBackColor,saveForeColor,saveblinkf,savehighf : byte ;
saveGOG1,saveMargintop,saveMarginbot : byte ;
saverelcursor : boolean ;
(* variables for VT100 *)
(* margintop,marginbot, define in SYSFUNC global *)
G0,G1,G0G1 : byte ;
Deccolm,Decscnm : boolean ;
dwl : array [0..24] of boolean ;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
Procedure SetColors(BackColor,ForeColor:byte) ;
Begin (* Text Color *)
ColorofBack := BackColor ;
ColorofText := ForeColor ;
TextColor(ColorofText + blinkf + highf );
End ; (* Text Color *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
Procedure ReverseScreen ;
var Back,Fore : byte ;
i : integer ;
Begin (* Reverse *)
for i := 0 to 1919 do
Begin (* flip *)
Back := RealScreen^[2*i+1] and $70 shr 4 ;
Fore := RealScreen^[2*i+1] and $07 ;
RealScreen^[2*i+1]:=(RealScreen^[2*i+1] and $88) or
( fore shl 4 ) or Back ;
End ; (* flip *)
SetColors(ColorofText,ColorofBack); (* flip it *)
End ; (* Reverse *)
(*------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Function hexinteger (chars : string2): byte ;
begin (* HexInteger *)
If chars[1] in ['A'..'F'] then chars[1]:=chr(ord(chars[1])+9);
If chars[2] in ['A'..'F'] then chars[2]:=chr(ord(chars[2])+9);
hexinteger := ((ord(chars[1]) shl 4) and $F0)
+ (ord(chars[2]) and $0F) ;
end ; (* HexInteger *)
(*------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Procedure ReadKeytable ;
var I : integer ;
Newname : string[25] ;
comment : string[80] ;
label retry ;
Begin (* ReadKeytable *)
keytablename := 'KEYTABLE.DAT' ;
Assign(keytable,keytablename) ;
retry :
{$I-} Reset(keytable); {$I+}
If IORESULT = 0 then
Begin (* Initiate key table *)
For i := 1 to $88 do
Begin (* init EscSeq table *)
Readln(KeyTable,EscSeq[i,1],EscSeq[i,2],comment) ;
If copy(comment,2,2) <> ' ' then
EscSeq[i,1] := Chr(HexInteger(copy(comment,2,2))) ;
If copy(comment,4,2) <> ' ' then
EscSeq[i,2] := Chr(HexInteger(copy(comment,4,2))) ;
End ; (* init EscSeq table *)
End (* Initiate key table *)
Begin (* Warning *)
ClrScr ;
Writeln('*** File ',Keytablename,' not found on drive.');
Writeln(' Please specify drive or new name of keytable file. ');
If (NewName[Length(Newname)] = '\') or
(NewName[Length(Newname)] = ':') then
keytablename := Newname + keytablename
keytablename := Newname ;
If length(keytablename)<3 then
Running := false
else Goto Retry ;
End ; (* Warning *)
End ; (* ReadKeytable *)
(* ================================================================== *)
(* Connection - Connect to the other computer and simulates *)
(* a VT100 type terminal . *)
(* *)
(* ================================================================== *)
Procedure Connection ;
EscapeBindex : integer ;
EscapeBuffer : array [1..20] of byte ;
achar,bchar : byte ;
i : integer ;
overchar : string[2] ;
overchars : string[160] ;
EscapeFlag : boolean ;
(* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
Procedure Escape ;
Var j,k : byte ;
i : integer ;
Pn : Array[1..10] of integer ;
Tempstr : string[3] ;
label getnum,NextNum,DoCase;
Function PNumber (var achar : byte) : integer ;
var Num : integer ;
label getnext ;
Begin (* PNumber *)
Num := 0 ;
While chr(achar) in ['0'..'9'] do
Begin (* get number *)
Num := (Num * 10) + (achar-$30) ;
If ReadMchar(achar) then
Begin (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
EscapeBindex := EscapeBindex + 1 ;
Escapebuffer[EscapeBindex] := achar ;
End ; (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
End ; (* get number *)
If achar = $08 then
begin (* backspace *)
num := num div 10 ;
If ReadMchar(achar) then ;
goto getnext;
end ; (* backspace *)
PNumber := Num ;
End ; (* PNumber *)
Procedure ClrEOScr ;
var i : integer ;
Begin (* ClrEOScr *)
for i := ((WhereY-1)*80)+(WhereX-1) to 1920 do
Begin (* clear *)
RealScreen^[2*i]:=$20 ;
RealScreen^[2*i+1]:=$07 ;
End ; (* clear *)
End ; (* ClrEOScr *)
Procedure ClrBOScr ;
var i : integer ;
Begin (* ClrBOScr *)
for i := 0 to ((WhereY-1)*80)+(WhereX-1) do
Begin (* clear *)
RealScreen^[2*i]:=$20 ;
RealScreen^[2*i+1]:=$07 ;
End ; (* clear *)
End ; (* ClrBOScr *)
Procedure ClrBol ;
var i : integer ;
Begin (* ClrBol *)
for i := (WhereY-1)*80 to ((WhereY-1) * 80)+(WhereX-1) do
Begin (* clear *)
RealScreen^[2*i]:=$20 ;
RealScreen^[2*i+1]:=$07 ;
End ; (* clear *)
End ; (* ClrBOScr *)
Procedure ClrLine ;
var i : integer ;
Begin (* Clrline *)
for i := ((WhereY-1)*80) to ((WhereY-1)*80)+79 do
Begin (* clear *)
RealScreen^[2*i]:=$20 ;
RealScreen^[2*i+1]:=$07 ;
End ; (* clear *)
End ; (* Clrline *)
Procedure Decdwl ( dwlflag : boolean );
var i : integer ;
linenumber : byte ;
Begin (* Decdwl *)
linenumber := WhereY-1 ;
If dwlflag <> dwl[linenumber] then
Begin (* change size *)
If dwlflag then
Begin (* make this line double size *)
for i := 1 to 40 do
begin (* expand *)
RealScreen^[(linenumber*80 + 80 - 2*i)*2] :=
RealScreen^[(linenumber*80 + 40 - i)*2] ;
RealScreen^[(linenumber*80 + 81 - 2*i)*2] := $20 ;
end ; (* expand *)
End (* make this line double size *)
Begin (* make this line single size *)
for i := 0 to 39 do
begin (* compress *)
RealScreen^[(linenumber*80+i)*2] :=
RealScreen^[(linenumber*80+2*i)*2] ;
end ; (* compress *)
for i := 0 to 39 do
begin (* blank out *)
RealScreen^[(linenumber*80+40+i)*2] := $20 ;
end ; (* blank out *)
End ; (* make this line single size *)
dwl[linenumber] := dwlflag ;
End ; (* change size *)
End ; (* Decdwl *)
Begin (* Escape Sequence *)
If ReadMchar(achar) then
Begin (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
EscapeBindex := 1 ;
EscapeBuffer[EscapeBindex] := Esc ;
Escapebindex := EscapeBindex + 1 ;
Escapebuffer[EscapeBindex] := achar ;
End ; (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
if screenon or (chr(achar) = '[') then
BEGIN (* screen escape sequences *)
CASE chr(achar) of (* First Level *)
'[': Begin (* Left square bracket *)
If ReadMchar(achar) then
Begin (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
Escapebindex := EscapeBindex + 1 ;
Escapebuffer[EscapeBindex] := achar ;
End ; (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
CASE chr(achar) of (* Second level *)
'A': Begin CursorUp ; wrapit := false ; end ;
'B': Begin CursorDown ; wrapit := false ; end ;
'C': CursorRight ;
'D': CursorLeft ;
'J': ClrEoScr ; (* Erase End of Display *)
'K': ClrEol ; (* Erase End of Line *)
'?': If ReadMchar(achar) then
Begin (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
Escapebindex := EscapeBindex + 1 ;
Escapebuffer[EscapeBindex] := achar ;
goto Getnum; (* Modes *)
End ; (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
'H': If Relcursor then GotoXY(1,margintop) (* Cursor Home *)
else GotoXY(1,1);
'g': Htab[WhereX] :='0';
'm': begin (* Normal Video - Exit all attribute modes *)
highf := 0 ; blinkf := 0 ;
end ; (* Normal Video - Exit all attribute modes *)
'r': begin (* Reset Margin *)
margintop:=1 ;
marginbot:=24 ;
end ; (* Reset Margin *)
'x': Begin Pn[1] := 0 ; Goto DoCase ; End ;
';': Begin Pn[1] := 0 ; k := 1 ; Goto nextnum ; End ;
else (* Pn - got a number *)
Getnum: Begin (* Esc [ Pn...Pn x functions *)
Pn[1] := PNumber(achar);
k := 1 ;
Nextnum: While achar = ord(';') do
Begin (* get Pn[k] *)
If ReadMchar(achar) then
Begin (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
Escapebindex := EscapeBindex + 1 ;
Escapebuffer[EscapeBindex] := achar ;
End ; (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
If chr(achar) = '?' then
If ReadMchar(achar) then (* Ignore '?' *)
Begin (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
Escapebindex := EscapeBindex + 1 ;
Escapebuffer[EscapeBindex] := achar ;
End ; (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
k:=k+1 ;
Pn[k] := PNumber(achar);
End ; (* get Pn[k] *)
Pn[k+1] := 1 ;
DoCase: CASE chr(achar) of (* third level *)
'A': Repeat CursorUp ; wrapit := false ;
Pn[1]:=Pn[1]-1; until Pn[1]<=0;
'B': Repeat Cursordown; wrapit := false ;
Pn[1]:=Pn[1]-1; until Pn[1]<=0;
'C': Repeat CursorRight;Pn[1]:=Pn[1]-1; until Pn[1]<=0;
'D': Repeat CursorLeft; Pn[1]:=Pn[1]-1; until Pn[1]<=0;
'H': Begin (* Direct cursor address *)
If Pn[1] = 0 then
If relcursor then Pn[1] := margintop
else Pn[1] := 1 ;
If Pn[2] = 0 then Pn[2] := 1 ;
If Pn[2] > 80 then Pn[2] := 80 ;
wrapit := false ;
End ;(* Direct cursor address *)
'c': Begin (* Device Attributes *)
(* Send Esc[?1;0c *)
Sendchar(Esc); Sendchar(ord('['));
Sendchar(ord('?')); Sendchar(ord('1'));
Sendchar(ord(';')); Sendchar(ord('0'));
End ; (* Device Attributes *)
'g': If Pn[1]=3 then (* clear all tabs *)
For j:=1 to 80 do Htab[j] := '0'
else (* clear tab at current position *)
Htab[WhereX] :='0';
'h': (* Set Mode *)
For j := 1 to k do
Case Pn[j] of (* Field specs *)
1: (* DECCKM *) ;
2: (* DECANM *) ANSI := true ; (* ANSI/VT52 *)
3: (* DECCOLM *) (* Col = 80 *)
begin Deccolm := true ; ClrScr ; end ;
4: (* DECSCLM *) ;
5: (* DECSCNM *)
If Decscnm then else
Begin (* set Screen Mode *)
Decscnm := true ;
ReverseScreen ;
End ; (* set Screen Mode *)
6: (* DECOM *)
Begin (* Relative origin *)
Relcursor := true ;
If Relcursor then GotoXY(1,margintop)
else GotoXY(1,1);
End ; (* Relative origin *)
7: (* DECAWM *) AutoWrap := true ;
8: (* DECARM *) ;
9: (* DECINLM *) ;
20: (* Ansi LNM - linefeed mode *) ;
End ; (* case of Field specs *)
'l': (* Reset Mode *)
For j := 1 to k do
Case Pn[j] of (* Field specs *)
1: (* DECCKM *) ;
2: (* DECANM *) ANSI := false ; (* ANSI/VT52 *)
3: (* DECCOLM *) (* 132 col *)
Begin deccolm := false ; ClrScr ; end ;
4: (* DECSCLM *) ;
5: (* DECSCNM *)
If Decscnm then
Begin (* Screen Mode *)
Decscnm := false ;
ReverseScreen ;
End ; (* Screen Mode *)
6: (* DECOM *)
Begin (* Relative origin *)
Relcursor := False ;
If Relcursor then GotoXY(1,margintop)
else GotoXY(1,1);
End ; (* Relative origin *)
7: (* DECAWM *) AutoWrap := false ;
8: (* DECARM *) ;
9: (* DECINLM *) ;
20: (* Ansi LNM - linefeed mode *) ;
End ; (* case of Field specs *)
'i': Begin (* Printer Screen on / off *)
For j := 1 to k do
Case Pn[j] of (* Field specs *)
4: Printon := false ;
5: Printon := true ;
6: Screenon := false ;
7: Screenon := true ;
End ; (* case of Field specs *)
End ; (* Printer Screen on / off *)
'q': FatCursor(Pn[1]=1); (* for series/1 insert mode *)
'n': If Pn[1] = 5 then
Begin (* Device Status Report *)
(* Send Esc[0n *)
End (* Device Status Report *)
If Pn[1] = 6 then
Begin (* Cursor Position Report *)
STR(WhereY,tempstr); (* ROW *)
If length(tempstr)=2 then
STR(WhereX,tempstr); (* COLUMN *)
If length(tempstr) = 2 then
End ; (* Cursor Position Report *)
'x': If Pn[1]<=1 then
Begin (* Request terminal Parameters *)
Sendchar(Esc); Sendchar(ord('['));
If Pn[1] = 0 then Sendchar(ord('2'))
else Sendchar(ord('3')); (* sol *)
Sendchar(ord(';')); (* parity *)
If parity = OddP then Sendchar(ord('4'))
If parity = EvenP then Sendchar(ord('5'))
else Sendchar(ord('1')) ;
Sendchar(ord('2')); (* nbits *)
For j := 1 to 2 do
Begin (* Xspeed ,Rspeed *)
Case baudrate of
300 : begin Sendchar(ord('4'));
Sendchar(ord('8')); end ;
600 : begin Sendchar(ord('5'));
Sendchar(ord('6')); end ;
1200 : begin Sendchar(ord('6'));
Sendchar(ord('4')); end ;
2400 : begin Sendchar(ord('8'));
Sendchar(ord('8')); end ;
4800 : begin Sendchar(ord('1'));
Sendchar(ord('4')); end ;
9600 : begin Sendchar(ord('1'));
Sendchar(ord('2')); end ;
19200 : begin Sendchar(ord('1'));
Sendchar(ord('0')); end ;
end; (* case *)
End ; (* Xspeed ,Rspeed *)
Sendchar(ord('1')); (* clkmul *)
Sendchar(ord('0')); (* flags *)
End ; (* Request terminal Parameters *)
'}': For j := 1 to k do
Case Pn[j] of (* Field specs *)
0: begin (* Normal *)
blinkf := 0 ;
highf := 0 ;
If Decscnm then
SetColors(Black,LightGray) ;
end ;
1: begin (* High Intensity *)
highf := 8;
SetColors(ColorofBack,ColorofText) ;
end ;
4: SetColors(Black,LightBlue) ; (* Underline *)
5: begin (* Blink *)
blinkf := blink ;
SetColors(ColorofBack,ColorofText) ;
end ;
7: begin (* Reverse *)
If Decscnm then
end ;
8: SetColors(Black,Black); (* Invisible *)
30: SetColors(ColorofBack,Black);
31: SetColors(ColorofBack,Red);
32: SetColors(ColorofBack,Green);
33: SetColors(ColorofBack,brown);
34: SetColors(ColorofBack,Blue);
35: SetColors(ColorofBack,Magenta);
36: SetColors(ColorofBack,Cyan);
37: SetColors(ColorofBack,Lightgray);
40: SetColors(Black,ColorofText);
41: SetColors(Red,ColorofText);
42: SetColors(Green,ColorofText);
43: SetColors(Brown,ColorofText);
44: SetColors(Blue,ColorofText);
45: SetColors(Magenta,ColorofText);
46: SetColors(Cyan,ColorofText);
47: SetColors(LightGray,ColorofText);
End ; (* case of Field specs *)
'r':Begin (* set margin *)
If k<2 then Pn[2] := 24 ;
If Pn[1]=0 then Pn[1]:=1;
If (Pn[1]>0) and (Pn[1]<Pn[2]) and (Pn[2]<25) then
margintop:=Pn[1] ;
If Relcursor then GotoXY(1,margintop)
else GotoXY(1,1);
End ; (* Set margin *)
'J': Case Pn[1] of
0: ClrEOScr ; (* clear to end of screen *)
1: ClrBOScr ; (* clear to beginning *)
2: ClrScr ; (* clear all of screen *)
End ; (* J - Pn Case *)
'K': Case Pn[1] of
0: ClrEol ; (* clear to end of line *)
1: ClrBol ; (* clear to beginning *)
2: Clrline ; (* clear line *)
End ; (* J - Pn Case *)
'L': For i := 1 to Pn[1] do InsLine ; (* Insert Line *)
'M': For i := 1 to Pn[1] do DelLine ; (* Delete Line *)
'@': For i := 1 to Pn[1] do (* InsertChar *) ;
'P': For i := 1 to Pn[1] do (* DeleteChar *) ;
End ; (* Case third level *)
End ; (* Esc [ Pn...Pn x functions *)
End ; (* second level Case *)
End ; (* Left square bracket *)
'7': Begin (* Save cursor position *)
Row := WhereY;
Column := WhereX;
SaveBackColor := ColorofBack ;
SaveForeColor := ColorofText ;
Savehighf := highf ;
Saveblinkf := blinkf ;
SaveMargintop := Margintop ;
SaveMarginbot := Marginbot ;
Saverelcursor := relcursor ;
End ; (* Save cursor position *)
'8': Begin (* Restore Cursor Position *)
ColorofBack := SaveBackcolor ;
ColorofText := SaveForecolor ;
Highf := Savehighf ;
Blinkf := Saveblinkf ;
Margintop := SaveMargintop ;
Marginbot := SaveMarginbot ;
relcursor := Saverelcursor ;
End ; (* Restore Cursor Position *)
'A': if not ANSI then Cursorup ; (* VT52 control *)
'B': if not ANSI then Cursordown ; (* VT52 control *)
'C': if not ANSI then Cursorright; (* VT52 control *)
'D': if not ANSI then Cursorleft (* VT52 control *)
else CursorDown ; (* Index *)
'E': Begin (* Next Line *)
if MarginBot = WhereY then
Scroll (Upward,Margintop-1,marginbot-1)
End ; (* Next Line *)
'H': If ANSI then
Begin (* Set Tab Stop *)
Htab[WhereX] := 'T' ;
End (* Set Tab Stop *)
else GotoXY(1,1) ; (* VT52 control *)
'I': if not ANSI then Cursorup ; (* VT52 control *)
'J': if not ANSI then ClrEOScr ; (* VT52 control *)
'K': if not ANSI then ClrEol ; (* VT52 control *)
'M': (* Reverse Index *)
if MarginTop = WhereY then
Scroll (Downward,Margintop-1,marginbot-1)
CursorUp ;
'Y': if not ANSI then (* VT52 control *)
Begin (* direct cursor address *)
If ReadMchar(achar) then
Begin (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
Escapebindex := EscapeBindex + 1 ;
Escapebuffer[EscapeBindex] := achar ;
End ; (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
row := achar - $1F ;
If ReadMchar(achar) then
Begin (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
Escapebindex := EscapeBindex + 1 ;
Escapebuffer[EscapeBindex] := achar ;
End ; (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
column := achar - $1F ;
End ; (* direct cursor address *)
'Z': if ANSI then
Begin (* Device Attributes *)
(* Send Esc[?1;0c *)
Sendchar(Esc); Sendchar(ord('['));
Sendchar(ord('?')); Sendchar(ord('1'));
Sendchar(ord(';')); Sendchar(ord('0'));
End (* Device Attributes *)
else (* VT52 control *)
Begin Sendchar(Esc);Sendchar(ord('/'));Sendchar(ord('Z'));end;
'c': Begin (* Reset *)
highf := 0 ; blinkf := 0 ;
Relcursor := False ;
Margintop := 0 ; Marginbot := 23 ;
End ; (* Reset *)
'#': Begin (* Esc # sequence *)
If ReadMchar(achar) then
Begin (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
Escapebindex := EscapeBindex + 1 ;
Escapebuffer[EscapeBindex] := achar ;
End ; (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
Case chr(achar) of
'3' : Decdwl (true);
'4' : Decdwl (true);
'5' : Decdwl (false);
'6' : Decdwl (true );
'8' : Begin (* Self Test *)
For i := 0 to 1919 do
begin (* fill with E *)
RealScreen^[i*2] := $45 ;
RealScreen^[i*2+1] := $07 ;
end ; (* fill with E *)
Margintop := 1 ;
Marginbot := 24 ;
GotoXY(1,1) ;
End ; (* Self Test *)
End ; (* case *)
End ; (* Esc # sequence *)
'=': keypadnum:=false ;
'>': keypadnum:=true ;
'<': if not ANSI then ANSI := True ; (* VT52 control *)
'(': If ReadMchar(achar) then
Begin (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
Escapebindex := EscapeBindex + 1 ;
Escapebuffer[EscapeBindex] := achar ;
G0 := achar ; (* G0 *)
End ; (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
')': If ReadMchar(achar) then
Begin (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
Escapebindex := EscapeBindex + 1 ;
Escapebuffer[EscapeBindex] := achar ;
G1 := achar ; (* G1 *)
End ; (* save escape sequence in Escape buffer *)
(* valid G0 and G1 are A B 0 1 and 2 *)
'%': If ReadMchar(achar) then
Begin (* check for Mode *)
Escapebindex := EscapeBindex + 1 ;
Escapebuffer[EscapeBindex] := achar ;
If achar = ord('!') then
If ReadMchar(achar) then
Begin (* check for Tek4100 mode *)
Escapebindex := EscapeBindex + 1 ;
Escapebuffer[EscapeBindex] := achar ;
If achar = ord('0') then
(* ************************** *)
(* ************************** *)
End ; (* check for Tek4100 mode *)
End ; (* check for Mode *)
End ; (* First Level Case *)
END ; (* screen escape sequences *)
If printon then
if EscapeBindex > 1 then
Begin (* print esc sequence *)
for i := 1 to EscapeBindex do
EscapeBindex := 0 ;
End ; (* print esc sequence *)
End ; (* Escape Sequence *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
Procedure RemoteCommand ;
i : integer ;
Filename : String ;
Begin (* RemoteCommand procedure *)
GotSOH := true ;
LocalScreen ;
If RecvPacket then
Begin (* Got a Packet *)
If InPacketType = Ord('S') then (* Send Packet *)
Begin (* Receive *)
writeln('Got a Send request ');
Filename := '' ;
End (* Receive *)
If InPacketType = Ord('R') then (* Receive Packet *)
Begin (* Receive *)
writeln('Got a receive request ');
for i := 1 to InCount-3 do
filename[i] := chr(RecvData[i]);
Filename[0] := chr(InCount-3) ;
waitxon := XonXoff ;
End (* Receive *)
If InPacketType = Ord('G') then (* General Packet *)
Begin (* Receive *)
writeln('Got a General request ');
End (* Receive *)
Begin (* Unknow packet Type *)
OutCount := 15 ;
Outseq := 0 ;
OutPacketType := Ord('E');
(* SendData := 'Unknow Command'; *)
End; (* Unknown packet Type *)
End ; (* Got a Packet *)
RemoteScreen ;
End ; (* RemoteCommand Procedure *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
Begin (* Connection *)
DialModem ;
Overchars := Over1+Over2+Over3+Over4+Over5 ;
RemoteScreen ; (* Save local screen, restore remote screen *)
If InitVT100 then
Begin (* Initialize VT100 settings *)
InitVT100 := false ;
ColorofText := Lightgray ; SaveForeColor := ColorofText ;
ColorofBack := black ; SaveBackColor := ColorofBack ;
margintop := 1 ; SaveMargintop := Margintop ;
marginbot := 24 ; SaveMarginbot := Marginbot ;
blinkf := 0 ; Saveblinkf := blinkf ;
highf := 0 ; Savehighf := highf ;
Relcursor := false ; Saverelcursor := relcursor ;
ANSI := true ;
Keypadnum := false ;
screenon := true ;
printon := false ;
Shiftin := false ;
G0 := ord('A') ;
G1 := ord('B') ;
Deccolm := false ;
Decscnm := false ;
for i := 0 to 24 do dwl[i] := false ;
newgraph := true ;
End ; (* Initialize VT100 settings *)
While KeyChar(achar,bchar) do ; (* Empty keyboard buffer *)
While connected do
Begin (* connected *)
If RecvChar(achar) then
Begin (* got a modem char *)
if screenon then
if achar < $20 then
Begin (* Control Character *)
if achar = StartChar then RemoteCommand
Case achar of
{EOT} $04 : connected := false ;
{ESC} $1B : Escape ;
{SO } $0E : shiftin := false ;
{SI } $0F : shiftin := true ;
{BS } $08 : If AplFlag then
Begin (* Overstrick character *)
overchar[0] := chr(2) ;
If ReadMchar(achar) then overchar[2]:=chr(achar);
If i > 0 then achar := ord(overchars[i+2])
begin (* reverse order *)
overchar[2] := overchar[1] ;
overchar[1] := chr(achar);
If i>0 then achar := ord(overchars[i+2])
else achar := AplTable[ord(overchar[2])];
end ; (* reverse order *)
End (* Overstrick character *)
{VT } $0B ,
{FF } $0C ,
{LF } $0A : if MarginBot = WhereY then
Scroll (Upward,Margintop-1,marginbot-1)
write(chr(achar)) ;
{BEL} $07,
{CR } $0D : write(chr(achar)) ;
{TAB} $09 :
Begin (* tab character *)
i:=WhereX ;
If i<80 then
Repeat i:=i+1 ; CursorRight ;
Until (Htab[i]='T') or (i>=80) ;
End ; (* tab character *)
{FS} $1C ,
{GS} $1D ,
{RS} $1E ,
{US} $1F : Tektronics (achar) ;
End ; (* Case of control char *)
End (* Control Character *)
If achar <> DEL then
if AplFlag then begin (* APL char *)
overchar[1] := chr(achar) ;
else (* write normal char *)
Begin (* Normal char *)
If shiftin then G0G1 := G0 else G0G1 := G1 ;
Case chr(G0G1) of
'A' : (* UK ascii set *)
If achar = $23 then achar := $9C ;
'B' : ; (* normal ascii set *)
'0' : If chr(achar) in ['a'..'z'] then
achar := Graphicset[achar-$60] ;
'1' : ; (* Special set - not implemented *)
'2' : ; (* Special set - not implemented *)
end ; (* Case G0G1 *)
If WhereX <> 80 then
if dwl[WhereY-1] then write(' ');
if wrapit then
begin (* Next line *)
If MarginBot=WhereY then
begin (* Scroll up *)
Scroll (Upward,Margintop-1,marginbot-1);
end (* Scroll up *)
wrapit := false ;
end (* Next line *)
begin (* put char on col 80 *)
i := ((WhereY-1)*80 + 79)*2;
RealScreen^[i] := achar ;
RealScreen^[i+1]:=blinkf+(ColorofBack shl 4)
if Autowrap and Deccolm then wrapit := true ;
end ; (* put char on col 80 *)
End ; (* Normal char *)
If printon then
If achar = ESC then Escape
else if EscapeBindex = 0
then EscapeBindex := 1
else write(LST,chr(achar));
End ; (* got a modem char *)
if KeyChar(achar,bchar) then
Begin (* key input *)
if bchar = $70 then achar := LocalChar else (* Alt F9 *)
if bchar = $71 then achar := BreakChar else (* Alt F10 *)
if (bchar >=$47) and (bchar<=$53) then
If keypadnum then achar := ord(KEYPADTABLE[bchar-70])
else achar := 0 ;
If achar=0 then
Begin (* Send escape sequence *)
If EscSeq[Bchar,1]<>' ' then SendChar(Esc);
If EscSeq[Bchar,1]<>' ' then
SendChar(Ord(EscSeq[bchar,1])) ;
If EscSeq[bchar,2]<>' ' then
SendChar(Ord(EscSeq[bchar,2])) ;
End (* Send Escape Sequence *)
Begin (* Normal Key *)
If EscapeFlag then
if achar = $7B then AplFlag := true else
if achar = $7D then AplFlag := false ;
Escapeflag := achar = ESC ;
if achar = LocalChar then connected := false else
if achar = BreakChar then
Begin (* Break *)
If CharsInBuffer > 100 then EmptyBuffer ;
End (* Break *)
else Sendchar(achar);
if LocalEcho and connected then
if AplFlag then write(chr(APLTABLE[achar]))
else write(chr(achar));
End ; (* Normal Key *)
End; (* key input *)
End; (* connected *)
LocalScreen ; (* save remote screen , restore local screen *)
End ; (* Connection *)
Begin (* Connect Unit *)
ReadKeytable ;
AplFlag := false ;
End. (* Connect Unit *)