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Assembly Source File  |  1994-08-07  |  26KB  |  728 lines

  1. ;------------------------------------------------------------
  2. ;    ETHCRD by Padgett (C) 1993 all rights reserved
  3. ;    version 1.2, October, 1993
  4. ;
  5. ; Header is left over from some ancient program but still works
  7.     PAGE    ,132
  8. S00000    SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 'code'
  9.     ASSUME    CS:S00000
  10.     ASSUME    SS:S00000
  11.     ASSUME    DS:S00000
  12. H00000    DB    256 DUP(?)
  13. P00100    PROC    FAR
  14.     ASSUME    ES:S00000
  15. start:    jmp    begin
  17. begin:
  18.     mov    bx,80h
  19.     add    bl,byte ptr [bx]
  20.     mov    bl, byte ptr [bx]
  21.     and    bl,5fh
  22.     cmp    bl,'H'
  23.     jnz    nosw
  24.     mov    byte ptr swit,bl
  25. nosw:
  27.     mov    dx,offset logo
  28.     call    wrt
  29. ;
  30. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. ;    First we look for a packet driver. This will be in the range
  32. ;    of interrupts 60h-80h
  33. ;
  34.     xor    ax,ax
  35.     mov    ds,ax
  36.     mov    ax,60h
  37. intlp:  push    ax
  38.     push    ds
  39.     mov    dl,4
  40.     mul    dl
  41.     mov    bx,ax
  42.     lds    si,dword ptr ds:[bx]
  43.     push    ds
  44.     pop    dx
  45.     or    dx,si
  46.     jz    next
  47.     add    si,3
  48.     mov    di,offset pkt
  49.     mov    cx,9
  50.     rep    cmpsb
  51.     jcxz    found
  52. ;
  53. next:    pop    ds
  54.     pop    ax
  55.     inc    ax
  56.     cmp    ax,80h
  57.     jbe    intlp
  58. ;------------------------------------------
  59. ;  No driver found - say so & look for an IPX driver
  60.     push    cs
  61.     pop    ds
  62.     mov     dx,offset nodrv
  63.     call    wrt
  64.     jmp    ipxa
  65. ;-------------------------------------------
  66. ;  Found a Packet Driver
  67. found:    pop    dx
  68.     pop    ax
  69.     push    cs
  70.     pop    ds
  71.     mov    byte ptr pint,al
  72. ;
  73. ;    write interrupt number
  74. ;
  75.     cmp    byte ptr [swit],0
  76.     jnz    nint
  77.     push    ax
  78.     mov    al,2
  79.     mov    byte ptr flag, al    ;since we just saved ax, fix return
  80.     mov    dx,offset intno
  81.     call    wrt
  82.     pop    ax
  83.     call    wrtbyt
  84. nint:
  85. ;
  86. ;     get name
  87. ;
  88.     mov    dx,offset dvrnam
  89.     call    wrt
  90.     mov    ax,1ffh
  91.     xor    bx,bx
  92.     call    pnt
  93.     jc    faili
  94.     call    wrtz
  95.     mov    word ptr cs:[namds], ds
  96.     mov    word ptr cs:[namdx], si
  98. ;
  99. ; get address
  100. ;
  101.     push    cs
  102.     pop    ds
  103.     push    cs
  104.     pop    es
  105.     mov    ax,600h
  106.     xor    bx,bx
  107.     mov    cx,40h
  108.     mov    di,offset buf
  109.     push    di
  110.     call    pnt
  111.     pop    si
  112.     jnc    addlpa
  113. ;-----------------------------------------------
  114. ; try, try, again (special for Bruce's driver)
  115. ; - only if we got a name but type 6 call did not work
  116.     mov    es,word ptr namds
  117.     mov    si,offset buf
  118.     mov    di,5
  119.     mov    cx,100h
  120.     xor    ax,ax
  121.     repnz    scasb
  122.     jnz    noname
  123. ;
  124.     push    es
  125.     pop    ds
  126.     push    cs
  127.     pop    es
  128.     xchg    di,si
  129.     add    si,1dh
  130.     mov    cx,6
  131.     rep    movsb
  132. ;
  133. ; Check for valid SMC address
  134. ;
  135.     push    cs
  136.     pop    ds
  137.     mov    cx,3
  138.     mov    di,offset buf
  139.     mov    si,offset smc
  140.     repe    cmpsb
  141.     jnz    faili
  142.     jmp    addlpa
  143. ;------------------------------------------------
  144. faili:    mov    dx,offset ifail
  145.     call    wrt    
  146. ;------------------------------------------------
  147. ;
  148. ;   For IPX, the first step is to find the driver
  149. ;
  150. ipxa:    mov    ax,7a00h
  151.     int    2fh
  152.     cmp    al,0ffh
  153.     jne    noipx
  154.     mov    word ptr [ipx],di
  155.     mov    word ptr [ipx+2],es
  156. ;
  157. ;  Function 9 will return the address after 4 network bytes
  158. ;
  159.     mov    bx,9
  160.     push    cs
  161.     pop    es
  162.     mov    si, offset buf-4    ;so buf always contains the address
  163.     call     dword ptr ds:[ipx]
  164.     jmp    addlpb
  165. ;-------------------------------------------------
  166. ;  However we found the address, we did so...
  167. ;  
  168. addlpa:
  169.     mov     dx,offset crlf
  170.     call    wrt
  171. addlpb:    mov    dx,offset padd
  172.     call    wrt
  173.     mov    cx,6
  174.     mov    si,offset buf
  175. addlp:    
  176.     cmp    cx,6
  177.     jz    add2
  178.     mov     al,':'
  179.     call    wrtb
  180. add2:    lodsb
  181.     push    cx
  182.     call    wrtbyt
  183. ;    mov    al,' '
  184. ;    call    wrtb
  185.     pop    cx
  186.     loop    addlp
  187. ;
  188. ;   Now see if we can identify it
  189. ;
  190.     mov    dx,offset crlf
  191.     call    wrt
  192. ;
  193.     mov    di,offset codbuf
  194. codlp:    mov    si,offset buf
  195.     cmp    byte ptr [di],0ffh
  196.     jz    noname
  197.     mov    cx,3
  198.     repe    cmpsb
  199.     jz    found2
  200.     mov    al,0ah
  201.     mov    cx,100
  202.     repnz    scasb
  203.     jcxz    noname
  204.     jmp    codlp
  205. ;
  206. found2: mov    si,di
  207. fnd1:    lodsb
  208.     cmp    al,0ah
  209.     jz    fnd2
  210.     call    wrtb
  211.     jmp    fnd1
  212. fnd2:
  213.     call    wrtb
  214.     jmp    endit
  215. ;
  216. noname:    mov    dx,offset nonam
  217.     call    wrt
  218. endit:    mov    al, byte ptr flag
  219.     inc    al
  220.     mov    byte ptr flag, al
  221.     jmp    done
  222. ;----------------------------------------
  223. ; Subroutines
  224. ;
  225. ; Write routines all use Int 21 so that redirection/piping works
  226. ;
  227. wrtbyt:                ;convert a hex byte to ASCII & print    
  228.     push    ax
  229.     mov    dx,offset wrtb2
  230.     push    dx
  231.     mov     cx,4
  232.     shr    al,cl
  233. wrtb1:    and    ax,0fh
  234.     cmp    al,9
  235.     jbe    skp
  236.     add    al,7
  237. skp:    add    al,30h
  238.     call    wrt1
  239.     retn
  240. wrtb2:    pop    ax
  241.     jmp    wrtb1
  242. ;
  243. ;-------------------------------------
  244. ; Where we store the entry to the packet driver
  245. ;
  246. pnt:    db    0cdh    ; Int
  247. pint    db    00h    ; Which Int
  248.     retn
  249. ;
  250. ;--------------------------------------
  251. ; write an ASCIIZ string
  252. ;
  253. wrtz:
  254.     push    dx
  255. wrtz1:    lodsb
  256.     or    al,al
  257.     jnz    wrtz2
  258.     pop    dx
  259.     retn
  260. wrtz2:
  261.     call    wrtb
  262.     jmp    wrtz1
  263. ;--------------------------------------
  264. ; Write a single char
  265. ;
  266. wrtb:
  267.     cmp    byte ptr cs:[swit],0
  268.     jnz    dne
  269. wrt1:    mov    dl,al
  270.     mov    ah,2
  271.     int    21h
  272.     retn
  273. ;--------------------------------------
  274. ; Write a $ terminated string
  275. ;
  276. wrt:    cmp    byte ptr cs:[swit],0
  277.     jnz    dne
  278.     mov     ah,09
  279.     int    21h
  280. dne:    retn
  281. ;--------------------------------------
  282. ; If no IPX either
  283. ;
  284. noipx:    mov    dx,offset ipfail
  285.     call    wrt
  286. ;--------------------------------------
  287. ; Endit
  288. ;
  289. done:    mov    al, byte ptr flag
  290.     mov    ah,4ch
  291.     INT    21H
  292. ;---------------------------------------
  293. ; DATA
  294. ;
  295. namdx    dw    0
  296. namds    dw    0
  297. ipx    dw    0
  298. ipxs    dw    0
  299. logo    db    0dh,0ah,"ETHCRD v1.2 by Padgett (C)1993"
  300.     db    " - IDs from Michael A. Patton's EtherNet-Codes"
  301.     db    0dh,0ah,24h
  302. ifail    db    ' Unsupported Interrupt, checking for IPX',24h
  303. ipfail    db    ' - IPX Driver not found',0dh,0ah,24h
  304. nodrv    db    0ah,'Ethernet packet driver not found, checking for IPX',24h    
  305. padd    db    0dh,0ah,'Hardware Address: ',24h
  306. dvrnam    db    'h  Packet Driver Name: ',24h
  307. intno    db    'Interrupt: ',24h
  309. nonam   db    'Unknown Driver or Card Type'
  310. crlf    db    0dh,0ah,24h
  311. pkt    db    'PKT DRVR',0
  312. flag    db    0
  313. swit    db    0
  314. ;
  315. ;-------------------------------------------
  316. ; Card identification data
  317. ; from EtherNet-Codes dated 8 April, 1993
  318. ; Format: 3 Mfg ID bytes followed by ASCII info, followed by 0dh,0ah pair
  319. ; Last entry is 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh
  320. ;
  321. ; NOTE: not all codes are found on PC boards, some are for other platforms
  322. ;
  323. codbuf  db 0
  324.  db      000h,002h,'BBN (was internal usage only, no longer used)',0dh,0ah
  325.  db 000h,000h,00Ch,'Cisco',0dh,0ah
  326.  db 000h,000h,00Eh,'Fujitsu',0dh,0ah
  327.  db 000h,000h,00Fh,'NeXT',0dh,0ah
  328.  db 000h,000h,010h,'Hughes LAN Systems (formerly Sytek)',0dh,0ah
  329.  db 000h,000h,011h,'Tektronix',0dh,0ah
  330.  db 000h,000h,015h,'Datapoint Corporation ',0dh,0ah
  331.  db 000h,000h,018h,'Webster Computer Corporation Appletalk/Ethernet Gateway',0dh,0ah
  332.  db 000h,000h,01Ah,'AMD (?)',0dh,0ah
  333.  db 000h,000h,01Bh,'Novell >> now Eagle Technology',0dh,0ah
  334.  db 000h,000h,01Dh,'Cabletron',0dh,0ah
  335.  db 000h,000h,020h,'DIAB (Data Intdustrier AB)',0dh,0ah
  336.  db 000h,000h,021h,'SC&C',0dh,0ah
  337.  db 000h,000h,022h,'Visual Technology',0dh,0ah
  338.  db 000h,000h,023h,'ABB Automation AB, Dept. Q',0dh,0ah
  339.  db 000h,000h,029h,'IMC',0dh,0ah
  340.  db 000h,000h,02Ah,'TRW',0dh,0ah
  341.  db 000h,000h,03Ch,'Auspex',0dh,0ah
  342.  db 000h,000h,03Dh,'AT&T',0dh,0ah
  343.  db 000h,000h,044h,'Castelle',0dh,0ah
  344.  db 000h,000h,046h,'ISC-Bunker Ramo, An Olivetti Company',0dh,0ah
  345.  db 000h,000h,049h,'Apricot Ltd.',0dh,0ah
  346.  db 000h,000h,04Bh,'APT A.P.T. Appletalk WAN router',0dh,0ah
  347.  db 000h,000h,04Fh,'Logicraft 386-Ware P.C. Emulator',0dh,0ah
  348.  db 000h,000h,051h,'Hob Electronic Gmbh & Co. KG',0dh,0ah
  349.  db 000h,000h,052h,'ODS',0dh,0ah
  350.  db 000h,000h,055h,'AT&T',0dh,0ah
  351.  db 000h,000h,05Ah,'SK (Schneider & Koch in Europe and Syskonnect outside of Europe)',0dh,0ah
  352.  db 000h,000h,05Ah,'Xerox 806 (unregistered)',0dh,0ah
  353.  db 000h,000h,05Dh,'RCE',0dh,0ah
  354.  db 000h,000h,05Eh,'U.S. Department of Defense (IANA)',0dh,0ah
  355.  db 000h,000h,05Fh,'Sumitomo (?)',0dh,0ah
  356.  db 000h,000h,061h,'Gateway Communications',0dh,0ah
  357.  db 000h,000h,062h,'Honeywell',0dh,0ah
  358.  db 000h,000h,065h,'Network General',0dh,0ah
  359.  db 000h,000h,069h,'Silicon Graphics(?)',0dh,0ah
  360.  db 000h,000h,06Bh,'MIPS',0dh,0ah
  361.  db 000h,000h,06Eh,'Artisoft, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  362.  db 000h,000h,077h,'Interphase [Used in other systems, e.g. MIPS, Motorola]',0dh,0ah
  363.  db 000h,000h,078h,'Labtam Australia',0dh,0ah
  364.  db 000h,000h,079h,'Net Ware (?)',0dh,0ah
  365.  db 000h,000h,07Ah,'Ardent',0dh,0ah
  366.  db 000h,000h,07Bh,'Research Machines',0dh,0ah
  367.  db 000h,000h,07Dh,'Cray Research Superservers,Inc [Also Harris (3M) (old)]',0dh,0ah
  368.  db 000h,000h,07Fh,'Linotronic',0dh,0ah
  369.  db 000h,000h,080h,'Dowty Network Services [Also "Harris (3M) (new)" "Imagen(?)"]',0dh,0ah
  370.  db 000h,000h,081h,'Synoptics',0dh,0ah
  371.  db 000h,000h,084h,'Aquila (?), ADI Systems Inc.(?)',0dh,0ah
  372.  db 000h,000h,086h,'Gateway Communications Inc. (also Megahertz Corporation?)',0dh,0ah
  373.  db 000h,000h,089h,'Cayman Systems Gatorbox',0dh,0ah
  374.  db 000h,000h,08Ah,'Datahouse Information Systems',0dh,0ah
  375.  db 000h,000h,08Eh,'Jupiter(?), Solbourne(?)',0dh,0ah
  376.  db 000h,000h,093h,'Proteon',0dh,0ah
  377.  db 000h,000h,094h,'Asante MAC',0dh,0ah
  378.  db 000h,000h,095h,'Sony/Tektronix',0dh,0ah
  379.  db 000h,000h,097h,'Epoch',0dh,0ah
  380.  db 000h,000h,098h,'Cross Com',0dh,0ah
  381.  db 000h,000h,09Fh,'Ameristar Technology',0dh,0ah
  382.  db 000h,000h,0A0h,'Sanyo Electronics',0dh,0ah
  383.  db 000h,000h,0A2h,'Wellfleet',0dh,0ah
  384.  db 000h,000h,0A3h,'Network Application Technology (NAT)',0dh,0ah
  385.  db 000h,000h,0A4h,'Acorn',0dh,0ah
  386.  db 000h,000h,0A5h,'Compatible Systems Corporation',0dh,0ah
  387.  db 000h,000h,0A6h,'Network General (internal assignment, not for products)',0dh,0ah
  388.  db 000h,000h,0A7h,'Network Computing Devices (NCD) X-terminals',0dh,0ah
  389.  db 000h,000h,0A8h,'Stratus Computer, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  390.  db 000h,000h,0A9h,'Network Systems',0dh,0ah
  391.  db 000h,000h,0AAh,'Xerox Xerox machines',0dh,0ah
  392.  db 000h,000h,0ACh,'Apollo',0dh,0ah
  393.  db 000h,000h,0AFh,'Nuclear Data Acquisition Interface Modules (AIM)',0dh,0ah
  394.  db 000h,000h,0B0h,'RND (RAD Network Devices)',0dh,0ah
  395.  db 000h,000h,0B1h,'Alpha Microsystems Inc.',0dh,0ah
  396.  db 000h,000h,0B3h,'CIMLinc',0dh,0ah
  397.  db 000h,000h,0B4h,'Edimax',0dh,0ah
  398.  db 000h,000h,0B5h,'Datability Terminal Servers',0dh,0ah
  399.  db 000h,000h,0B7h,'Dove Fastnet',0dh,0ah
  400.  db 000h,000h,0BBh,'TRI-DATA Systems Inc. Netway products, 3274 emulators',0dh,0ah
  401.  db 000h,000h,0BCh,'Allen-Bradley',0dh,0ah
  402. smc db 000h,000h,0C0h,'Western Digital now  SMC (Std. Microsystems Corp.)',0dh,0ah
  403.  db 000h,000h,0C6h,'HP Intelligent Networks Operation (formerly Eon Systems)',0dh,0ah
  404.  db 000h,000h,0C8h,'Altos',0dh,0ah
  405.  db 000h,000h,0C9h,'Emulex Terminal Servers',0dh,0ah
  406.  db 000h,000h,0CCh,'Densan Co., Ltd.',0dh,0ah
  407.  db 000h,000h,0D0h,'Develcon Electronics, Ltd.',0dh,0ah
  408.  db 000h,000h,0D1h,'Adaptec, Inc. "Nodem" product',0dh,0ah
  409.  db 000h,000h,0D3h,'Wang Labs',0dh,0ah
  410.  db 000h,000h,0D4h,'PureData',0dh,0ah
  411.  db 000h,000h,0D7h,'Dartmouth College (NED Router)',0dh,0ah
  412.  db 000h,000h,0D8h,'old Novell NE1000s ~<=1987 ? (maybe also 3Com?)',0dh,0ah
  413.  db 000h,000h,0DDh,'Gould',0dh,0ah
  414.  db 000h,000h,0DEh,'Unigraph',0dh,0ah
  415.  db 000h,000h,0E2h,'Acer Counterpoint',0dh,0ah
  416.  db 000h,000h,0E3h,'Integrated Micro Products Ltd',0dh,0ah
  417.  db 000h,000h,0E6h,'Aptor Produits De Comm Indust',0dh,0ah
  418.  db 000h,000h,0E8h,'Accton Technology Corporation',0dh,0ah
  419.  db 000h,000h,0E9h,'ISICAD, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  420.  db 000h,000h,0EDh,'April',0dh,0ah
  421.  db 000h,000h,0EEh,'Network Designers Limited(?)',0dh,0ah
  422.  db 000h,000h,0EFh,'Alantec',0dh,0ah
  423.  db 000h,000h,0F0h,'Samsung',0dh,0ah
  424.  db 000h,000h,0F3h,'Gandalf Data Ltd. - Canada',0dh,0ah
  425.  db 000h,000h,0F4h,'Allied Telesis, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  426.  db 000h,000h,0F6h,'A.M.C. (Applied Microsystems Corp.)',0dh,0ah
  427.  db 000h,000h,0F8h,'DEC (?)',0dh,0ah
  428.  db 000h,000h,0FDh,'High Level Hardware (Orion, UK)',0dh,0ah
  429.  db 000h,001h,002h,'BBN (Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.) internal usage (not registered)',0dh,0ah
  430.  db 000h,001h,043h,'IEEE 802',0dh,0ah
  431.  db 000h,001h,063h,'NDC  (National Datacomm Corporation)',0dh,0ah
  432.  db 000h,001h,068h,'W&G  (Wandel & Goltermann)',0dh,0ah
  433.  db 000h,001h,0C8h,'Thomas Conrad Corp.',0dh,0ah
  434.  db 000h,008h,052h,'Technically Elite Concepts',0dh,0ah
  435.  db 000h,008h,055h,'Fermilab',0dh,0ah
  436.  db 000h,017h,000h,'Kabel',0dh,0ah
  437.  db 000h,040h,088h,'Mobuis NuBus (Mac) combination video/EtherTalk',0dh,0ah
  438.  db 000h,040h,00Bh,'Crescendo (?)',0dh,0ah
  439.  db 000h,040h,00Ch,'General Micro Systems, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  440.  db 000h,040h,00Dh,'LANNET Data Communications',0dh,0ah
  441.  db 000h,040h,010h,'Sonic Mac Ethernet interfaces',0dh,0ah
  442.  db 000h,040h,014h,'Comsoft Gmbh',0dh,0ah
  443.  db 000h,040h,015h,'Ascom (?)',0dh,0ah
  444.  db 000h,040h,01Fh,'Colorgraph Ltd',0dh,0ah
  445.  db 000h,040h,027h,'Sigma (?)',0dh,0ah
  446.  db 000h,040h,02Ah,'Canoga-Perkins',0dh,0ah
  447.  db 000h,040h,02Bh,'TriGem',0dh,0ah
  448.  db 000h,040h,02Fh,'XDI (?)',0dh,0ah
  449.  db 000h,040h,030h,'GK Computer',0dh,0ah
  450.  db 000h,040h,033h,'Addtron Technology Co., Ltd.',0dh,0ah
  451.  db 000h,040h,03Ch,'Forks, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  452.  db 000h,040h,041h,'Fujikura Ltd.',0dh,0ah
  453.  db 000h,040h,04Ch,'Hypertec Pty Ltd.',0dh,0ah
  454.  db 000h,040h,050h,'Ironics, Incorporated',0dh,0ah
  455.  db 000h,040h,05Bh,'Funasset Limited',0dh,0ah
  456.  db 000h,040h,066h,'Hitachi Cable, Ltd.',0dh,0ah
  457.  db 000h,040h,068h,'Extended Systems',0dh,0ah
  458.  db 000h,040h,06Eh,'Corollary, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  459.  db 000h,040h,074h,'Cable and Wireless',0dh,0ah
  460.  db 000h,040h,076h,'AMP Incorporated',0dh,0ah
  461.  db 000h,040h,07Fh,'Agema Infrared Systems AB',0dh,0ah
  462.  db 000h,040h,08Ch,'Axis Communications AB',0dh,0ah
  463.  db 000h,040h,08Eh,'CXR/Digilog',0dh,0ah
  464.  db 000h,040h,092h,'ASP Computer Products, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  465.  db 000h,040h,095h,'Eagle Technologies',0dh,0ah
  466.  db 000h,040h,09Dh,'DigiBoard Ethernet-ISDN bridges',0dh,0ah
  467.  db 000h,040h,09Eh,'Concurrent Technologies  Ltd.',0dh,0ah
  468.  db 000h,040h,0A6h,'Cray Research Inc.',0dh,0ah
  469.  db 000h,040h,0AEh,'Delta Controls, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  470.  db 000h,040h,0B4h,'3COM K.K.',0dh,0ah
  471.  db 000h,040h,0B6h,'Computerm Corporation',0dh,0ah
  472.  db 000h,040h,0C1h,'Bizerba-Werke Wilheim Kraut',0dh,0ah
  473.  db 000h,040h,0C2h,'Applied Computing Devices',0dh,0ah
  474.  db 000h,040h,0C3h,'Fischer and Porter Co.',0dh,0ah
  475.  db 000h,040h,0C5h,'Micom Communications Corp.',0dh,0ah
  476.  db 000h,040h,0C6h,'Fibernet Research, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  477.  db 000h,040h,0C8h,'Milan Technology Corp.',0dh,0ah
  478.  db 000h,040h,0D4h,'Gage Talker Corp.',0dh,0ah
  479.  db 000h,040h,0DFh,'Digalog Systems, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  480.  db 000h,040h,0E7h,'Arnos Instruments & Computer',0dh,0ah
  481.  db 000h,040h,0E9h,'Accord Systems, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  482.  db 000h,040h,0F1h,'Chuo Electronics Co., Ltd.',0dh,0ah
  483.  db 000h,040h,0F4h,'Cameo Communications, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  484.  db 000h,040h,0F9h,'Combinet',0dh,0ah
  485.  db 000h,040h,0FBh,'Cascade Communications Corp.',0dh,0ah
  486.  db 000h,060h,08Ch,'3Com (1990 onwards)',0dh,0ah
  487.  db 000h,080h,004h,'Antlow Computers, Ltd.',0dh,0ah
  488.  db 000h,080h,005h,'Cactus Computer Inc.',0dh,0ah
  489.  db 000h,080h,006h,'Compuadd Corporation',0dh,0ah
  490.  db 000h,080h,007h,'Dlog NC-Systeme',0dh,0ah
  491.  db 000h,080h,00Fh,'SMC (Standard Microsystem Corp.)',0dh,0ah
  492.  db 000h,080h,010h,'Commodore',0dh,0ah
  493.  db 000h,080h,017h,'PFU',0dh,0ah
  494.  db 000h,080h,019h,'Dayna Communications "Etherprint" product',0dh,0ah
  495.  db 000h,080h,01Ah,'Bell Atlantic',0dh,0ah
  496.  db 000h,080h,01Bh,'Kodiak Technology',0dh,0ah
  497.  db 000h,080h,021h,'Newbridge Networks Corporation',0dh,0ah
  498.  db 000h,080h,023h,'Integrated Business Networks',0dh,0ah
  499.  db 000h,080h,024h,'Kalpana',0dh,0ah
  500.  db 000h,080h,029h,'Microdyne Corporation',0dh,0ah
  501.  db 000h,080h,02Dh,'Xylogics, Inc. Annex terminal servers',0dh,0ah
  502.  db 000h,080h,02Eh,'Plexcom, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  503.  db 000h,080h,033h,'Formation (?)',0dh,0ah
  504.  db 000h,080h,034h,'SMT-Goupil',0dh,0ah
  505.  db 000h,080h,035h,'Technology Works',0dh,0ah
  506.  db 000h,080h,037h,'Ericsson Business Comm.',0dh,0ah
  507.  db 000h,080h,038h,'Data Research & Applications',0dh,0ah
  508.  db 000h,080h,03Bh,'APT Communications, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  509.  db 000h,080h,03Eh,'Synernetics',0dh,0ah
  510.  db 000h,080h,03Fh,'Hyundai Electronics',0dh,0ah
  511.  db 000h,080h,042h,'Force Computers',0dh,0ah
  512.  db 000h,080h,04Ch,'Contec Co., Ltd.',0dh,0ah
  513.  db 000h,080h,04Dh,'Cyclone Microsystems, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  514.  db 000h,080h,051h,'ADC Fibermux',0dh,0ah
  515.  db 000h,080h,052h,'Network Professor',0dh,0ah
  516.  db 000h,080h,05Bh,'Condor Systems, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  517.  db 000h,080h,05Ch,'Agilis(?)',0dh,0ah
  518.  db 000h,080h,060h,'Network Interface Corporation',0dh,0ah
  519.  db 000h,080h,062h,'Interface Co.',0dh,0ah
  520.  db 000h,080h,069h,'Computone Systems',0dh,0ah
  521.  db 000h,080h,06Ah,'ERI (Empac Research Inc.)',0dh,0ah
  522.  db 000h,080h,06Ch,'Cegelec Projects Ltd',0dh,0ah
  523.  db 000h,080h,06Dh,'Century Systems Corp.',0dh,0ah
  524.  db 000h,080h,074h,'Fisher Controls',0dh,0ah
  525.  db 000h,080h,07Bh,'Artel Communications Corp.',0dh,0ah
  526.  db 000h,080h,07Ch,'FiberCom',0dh,0ah
  527.  db 000h,080h,086h,'Computer Generation Inc.',0dh,0ah
  528.  db 000h,080h,087h,'Okidata',0dh,0ah
  529.  db 000h,080h,08Ah,'Summit (?)',0dh,0ah
  530.  db 000h,080h,08Bh,'Dacoll Limited',0dh,0ah
  531.  db 000h,080h,08Ch,'Frontier Software Development',0dh,0ah
  532.  db 000h,080h,092h,'Japan Computer Industry, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  533.  db 000h,080h,096h,'HDS (Human Designed Systems) X terminals',0dh,0ah
  534.  db 000h,080h,09Dh,'Datacraft Manufacturing Pty Ltd',0dh,0ah
  535.  db 000h,080h,09Fh,'Alcatel Business Systems',0dh,0ah
  536.  db 000h,080h,0A1h,'Microtest',0dh,0ah
  537.  db 000h,080h,0A3h,'Lantronix',0dh,0ah
  538.  db 000h,080h,0ADh,'Telebit',0dh,0ah
  539.  db 000h,080h,0AEh,'Hughes Network Systems',0dh,0ah
  540.  db 000h,080h,0AFh,'Allumer Co., Ltd.',0dh,0ah
  541.  db 000h,080h,0B2h,'NET  (Network Equipment Technologies)',0dh,0ah
  542.  db 000h,080h,0C0h,'Penril (?)',0dh,0ah
  543.  db 000h,080h,0C2h,'IEEE 802.1 Committee',0dh,0ah
  544.  db 000h,080h,0C7h,'Xircom, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  545.  db 000h,080h,0C8h,'D-Link (also Solectek Pocket Adapters)',0dh,0ah
  546.  db 000h,080h,0C9h,'Alberta Microelectronic Centre',0dh,0ah
  547.  db 000h,080h,0CEh,'Broadcast Television Systems',0dh,0ah
  548.  db 000h,080h,0D0h,'Computer Products International',0dh,0ah
  549.  db 000h,080h,0D3h,'Shiva Appletalk-Ethernet interface',0dh,0ah
  550.  db 000h,080h,0D4h,'Chase Limited',0dh,0ah
  551.  db 000h,080h,0D6h,'Apple Mac Portable(?)',0dh,0ah
  552.  db 000h,080h,0D7h,'Fantum Electronics',0dh,0ah
  553.  db 000h,080h,0D8h,'Network Peripherals',0dh,0ah
  554.  db 000h,080h,0DAh,'Bruel & Kjaer',0dh,0ah
  555.  db 000h,080h,0E3h,'Coral (?)',0dh,0ah
  556.  db 000h,080h,0F1h,'Opus',0dh,0ah
  557.  db 000h,080h,0F7h,'Zenith Communications Products',0dh,0ah
  558.  db 000h,080h,0FBh,'BVM Limited',0dh,0ah
  559.  db 000h,0AAh,000h,'Intel',0dh,0ah
  560.  db 000h,0B0h,0D0h,'Computer Products International',0dh,0ah
  561.  db 000h,0C0h,001h,'Diatek Patient Managment',0dh,0ah
  562.  db 000h,0C0h,004h,'Japan Business Computer Co.Ltd',0dh,0ah
  563.  db 000h,0C0h,016h,'Electronic Theatre Controls',0dh,0ah
  564.  db 000h,0C0h,01Ah,'Corometrics Medical Systems',0dh,0ah
  565.  db 000h,0C0h,01Ch,'Interlink Communications Ltd.',0dh,0ah
  566.  db 000h,0C0h,01Dh,'Grand Junction Networks, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  567.  db 000h,0C0h,020h,'Arco Electronic, Control Ltd.',0dh,0ah
  568.  db 000h,0C0h,024h,'Eden Sistemas De Computacao SA',0dh,0ah
  569.  db 000h,0C0h,025h,'Dataproducts Corporation',0dh,0ah
  570.  db 000h,0C0h,027h,'Cipher Systems, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  571.  db 000h,0C0h,028h,'Jasco Corporation',0dh,0ah
  572.  db 000h,0C0h,02Bh,'Gerloff Gesellschaft Fur',0dh,0ah
  573.  db 000h,0C0h,02Ch,'Centrum Communications, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  574.  db 000h,0C0h,02Dh,'Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.',0dh,0ah
  575.  db 000h,0C0h,030h,'Integrated Engineering B. V.',0dh,0ah
  576.  db 000h,0C0h,031h,'Design Research Systems, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  577.  db 000h,0C0h,032h,'I-Cubed Limited',0dh,0ah
  578.  db 000h,0C0h,034h,'Dale Computer Corporation',0dh,0ah
  579.  db 000h,0C0h,040h,'ECCI',0dh,0ah
  580.  db 000h,0C0h,042h,'Datalux Corp.',0dh,0ah
  581.  db 000h,0C0h,044h,'Emcom Corporation',0dh,0ah
  582.  db 000h,0C0h,048h,'Bay Technical Associates',0dh,0ah
  583.  db 000h,0C0h,04Eh,'Comtrol Corporation',0dh,0ah
  584.  db 000h,0C0h,051h,'Advanced Integration Research',0dh,0ah
  585.  db 000h,0C0h,05Ch,'Elonex PLC',0dh,0ah
  586.  db 000h,0C0h,066h,'Docupoint, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  587.  db 000h,0C0h,06Dh,'Boca Research, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  588.  db 000h,0C0h,071h,'Areanex Communications, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  589.  db 000h,0C0h,078h,'Computer Systems Engineering',0dh,0ah
  590.  db 000h,0C0h,091h,'Jabil Circuit, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  591.  db 000h,0C0h,093h,'Alta Research Corp.',0dh,0ah
  592.  db 000h,0C0h,097h,'Archipel SA',0dh,0ah
  593.  db 000h,0C0h,098h,'Chuntex Electronic Co., Ltd.',0dh,0ah
  594.  db 000h,0C0h,09Dh,'Distributed Systems International, Inc',0dh,0ah
  595.  db 000h,0C0h,0A0h,'Advance Micro Research, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  596.  db 000h,0C0h,0A2h,'Intermedium A/S',0dh,0ah
  597.  db 000h,0C0h,0A8h,'GVC Corporation',0dh,0ah
  598.  db 000h,0C0h,0ACh,'Gambit Computer Communications',0dh,0ah
  599.  db 000h,0C0h,0ADh,'Computer Communication Systems',0dh,0ah
  600.  db 000h,0C0h,0B0h,'GCC Technologies,Inc.',0dh,0ah
  601.  db 000h,0C0h,0B8h,"Fraser's Hill Ltd.",0dh,0ah
  602.  db 000h,0C0h,0BDh,'Inex Technologies, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  603.  db 000h,0C0h,0BEh,'Alcatel - Sel',0dh,0ah
  604.  db 000h,0C0h,0C2h,'Infinite Networks Ltd.',0dh,0ah
  605.  db 000h,0C0h,0C4h,'Computer Operational',0dh,0ah
  606.  db 000h,0C0h,0CAh,'Alfa, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  607.  db 000h,0C0h,0CBh,'Control Technology Corporation',0dh,0ah
  608.  db 000h,0C0h,0D1h,'Comtree Technology Corporation',0dh,0ah
  609.  db 000h,0C0h,0D6h,'J1 Systems, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  610.  db 000h,0C0h,0DCh,'EOS Technologies, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  611.  db 000h,0C0h,0E2h,'Calcomp, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  612.  db 000h,0C0h,0E7h,'Fiberdata AB',0dh,0ah
  613.  db 000h,0C0h,0EAh,'Array Technology Ltd.',0dh,0ah
  614.  db 000h,0C0h,0ECh,'Dauphin Technology',0dh,0ah
  615.  db 000h,0C0h,0EFh,'Abit Corporation',0dh,0ah
  616.  db 000h,0C0h,0F4h,'Interlink System Co., Ltd.',0dh,0ah
  617.  db 000h,0C0h,0F6h,'Celan Technology Inc.',0dh,0ah
  618.  db 000h,0C0h,0F7h,'Engage Communication, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  619.  db 000h,0C0h,0F8h,'About Computing Inc.',0dh,0ah
  620.  db 000h,0C0h,0FBh,'Advanced Technology Labs',0dh,0ah
  621.  db 000h,0DDh,000h,'Ungermann-Bass IBM RT',0dh,0ah
  622.  db 000h,0DDh,001h,'Ungermann-Bass',0dh,0ah
  623.  db 000h,0DDh,008h,'Ungermann-Bass',0dh,0ah
  624.  db 002h,004h,006h,'BBN (Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.) internal usage (not registered)',0dh,0ah
  625.  db 002h,007h,001h,'MICOM/Interlan DEC (UNIBUS or QBUS), Apollo, Cisco',0dh,0ah
  626.  db 002h,060h,060h,'3Com',0dh,0ah
  627.  db 002h,060h,086h,'Satelcom MegaPac (UK)',0dh,0ah
  628.  db 002h,060h,08Ch,'3Com IBM PC; Imagen; Valid; Cisco; Macintosh',0dh,0ah
  629.  db 002h,0CFh,01Fh,'CMC Masscomp; Silicon Graphics; Prime EXL',0dh,0ah
  630.  db 002h,0E6h,0D3h,'BTI (Bus-Tech, Inc.) IBM Mainframes',0dh,0ah
  631.  db 008h,000h,001h,'Computer Vision',0dh,0ah
  632.  db 008h,000h,002h,'3Com (formerly Bridge)',0dh,0ah
  633.  db 008h,000h,003h,'ACC (Advanced Computer Communications)',0dh,0ah
  634.  db 008h,000h,005h,'Symbolics Symbolics LISP machines',0dh,0ah
  635.  db 008h,000h,006h,'Siemens Nixdorf PC clone',0dh,0ah
  636.  db 008h,000h,007h,'Apple',0dh,0ah
  637.  db 008h,000h,008h,'BBN (Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.)',0dh,0ah
  638.  db 008h,000h,009h,'Hewlett-Packard',0dh,0ah
  639.  db 008h,000h,00Ah,'Nestar Systems',0dh,0ah
  640.  db 008h,000h,00Bh,'Unisys',0dh,0ah
  641.  db 008h,000h,00Dh,'ICL (International Computers, Ltd.)',0dh,0ah
  642.  db 008h,000h,00Eh,'NCR/AT&T',0dh,0ah
  643.  db 008h,000h,00Fh,'SMC (Standard Microsystems Corp.)',0dh,0ah
  644.  db 008h,000h,010h,'AT&T [misrepresentation of 800010?]',0dh,0ah
  645.  db 008h,000h,011h,'Tektronix, Inc.',0dh,0ah
  646.  db 008h,000h,014h,'Excelan BBN Butterfly, Masscomp, Silicon Graphics',0dh,0ah
  647.  db 008h,000h,017h,'NSC (Network System Corp.)',0dh,0ah
  648.  db 008h,000h,01Ah,'Tiara? (used to have Data General)',0dh,0ah
  649.  db 008h,000h,01Bh,'Data General',0dh,0ah
  650.  db 008h,000h,01Eh,'Apollo',0dh,0ah
  651.  db 008h,000h,01Fh,'Sharp',0dh,0ah
  652.  db 008h,000h,020h,'Sun',0dh,0ah
  653.  db 008h,000h,022h,'NBI (Nothing But Initials)',0dh,0ah
  654.  db 008h,000h,023h,'Matsushita Denso',0dh,0ah
  655.  db 008h,000h,025h,'CDC',0dh,0ah
  656.  db 008h,000h,026h,'Norsk Data (Nord)',0dh,0ah
  657.  db 008h,000h,027h,'PCS Computer Systems GmbH',0dh,0ah
  658.  db 008h,000h,028h,'TI Explorer',0dh,0ah
  659.  db 008h,000h,02Bh,'DEC',0dh,0ah
  660.  db 008h,000h,02Eh,'Metaphor',0dh,0ah
  661.  db 008h,000h,02Fh,'Prime Computer Prime 50-Series LHC300',0dh,0ah
  662.  db 008h,000h,030h,'CERN',0dh,0ah
  663.  db 008h,000h,036h,'Intergraph CAE stations',0dh,0ah
  664.  db 008h,000h,037h,'Fujitsu-Xerox',0dh,0ah
  665.  db 008h,000h,038h,'Bull',0dh,0ah
  666.  db 008h,000h,039h,'Spider Systems',0dh,0ah
  667.  db 008h,000h,03Bh,'Torus Systems',0dh,0ah
  668.  db 008h,000h,03Eh,'Motorola VME bus processor modules',0dh,0ah
  669.  db 008h,000h,041h,'DCA (Digital Comm. Assoc.)',0dh,0ah
  670.  db 008h,000h,044h,'DSI (DAVID Systems, Inc.)',0dh,0ah
  671.  db 008h,000h,045h,'???? (maybe Xylogics, but they claim not to know this number)',0dh,0ah
  672.  db 008h,000h,046h,'Sony',0dh,0ah
  673.  db 008h,000h,047h,'Sequent',0dh,0ah
  674.  db 008h,000h,048h,'Eurotherm Gauging Systems',0dh,0ah
  675.  db 008h,000h,049h,'Univation',0dh,0ah
  676.  db 008h,000h,04Ch,'Encore',0dh,0ah
  677.  db 008h,000h,04Eh,'BICC',0dh,0ah
  678.  db 008h,000h,051h,'Experdata',0dh,0ah
  679.  db 008h,000h,056h,'Stanford University',0dh,0ah
  680.  db 008h,000h,057h,'Evans & Sutherland (?)',0dh,0ah
  681.  db 008h,000h,058h,'??? DECsystem-20',0dh,0ah
  682.  db 008h,000h,05Ah,'IBM',0dh,0ah
  683.  db 008h,000h,067h,'Comdesign',0dh,0ah
  684.  db 008h,000h,068h,'Ridge',0dh,0ah
  685.  db 008h,000h,069h,'Silicon Graphics',0dh,0ah
  686.  db 008h,000h,06Ah,'ATTst (?)',0dh,0ah
  687.  db 008h,000h,06Eh,'Excelan',0dh,0ah
  688.  db 008h,000h,070h,'Mitsubishi',0dh,0ah
  689.  db 008h,000h,074h,'Casio',0dh,0ah
  690.  db 008h,000h,075h,'DDE (Danish Data Elektronik A/S)',0dh,0ah
  691.  db 008h,000h,077h,'TSL (now Retix)',0dh,0ah
  692.  db 008h,000h,079h,'Silicon Graphics',0dh,0ah
  693.  db 008h,000h,07Ch,'Vitalink TransLAN III',0dh,0ah
  694.  db 008h,000h,080h,'XIOS',0dh,0ah
  695.  db 008h,000h,081h,'Crosfield Electronics',0dh,0ah
  696.  db 008h,000h,083h,'Seiko Denshi ',0dh,0ah
  697.  db 008h,000h,086h,'Imagen/QMS',0dh,0ah
  698.  db 008h,000h,087h,'Xyplex terminal servers',0dh,0ah
  699.  db 008h,000h,089h,'Kinetics AppleTalk-Ethernet interface',0dh,0ah
  700.  db 008h,000h,08Bh,'Pyramid',0dh,0ah
  701.  db 008h,000h,08Dh,'XyVision XyVision machines',0dh,0ah
  702.  db 008h,000h,08Eh,'Tandem / Solbourne Computer ?',0dh,0ah
  703.  db 008h,000h,08Fh,'Chipcom Corp.',0dh,0ah
  704.  db 008h,000h,090h,'Retix, Inc. Bridges',0dh,0ah
  705.  db 010h,000h,05Ah,'IBM',0dh,0ah
  706.  db 010h,000h,0D4h,'DEC',0dh,0ah
  707.  db 010h,000h,0E0h,'Apple A/UX (modified addresses for licensing)',0dh,0ah
  708.  db 040h,000h,003h,'Net Ware (?)',0dh,0ah
  709.  db 044h,046h,049h,'DFI (Diamond Flower Industries)',0dh,0ah
  710.  db 047h,054h,043h,'GTC (Not registered!) (This number is a multicast!)',0dh,0ah
  711.  db 048h,044h,053h,'HDS ???',0dh,0ah
  712.  db 080h,000h,010h,'AT&T [misrepresented as 080010? One source claims this is correct]',0dh,0ah
  713.  db 080h,0ADh,000h,'CNET Technology Inc.',0dh,0ah
  714.  db 0AAh,000h,000h,'DEC obsolete',0dh,0ah
  715.  db 0AAh,000h,001h,'DEC obsolete',0dh,0ah
  716.  db 0AAh,000h,002h,'DEC obsolete',0dh,0ah
  717.  db 0AAh,000h,003h,'DEC Global physical address for some DEC machines',0dh,0ah
  718.  db 0AAh,000h,004h,'DEC Local logical address for systems running DECNET',0dh,0ah
  719.  db 0C0h,000h,000h,'Western Digital (may be reversed 00 00 C0?)',0dh,0ah
  720.  db 0ECh,010h,000h,'Enhance Source Co., Ltd. PC clones(?)'
  721.  db 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh
  722. buf0    db    0,0,0,0
  723. buf    db    40h dup (?)
  724. P00100    ENDP
  725. S00000    ENDS
  726.     END    P00100