Columbia Kermit
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This set of six IBM PC MS-DOS 360K diskettes contains the source files for
MS-DOS Kermit 3.12 for the IBM PC and PS/2 families and compatibles. If you
make fixes, changes, or additions to the code that would be of general
interest, please send them back to Columbia University. MASM 5.0 or later is
required for assembly. To build the program, you need Microsoft Make or
the equivalent, Microsoft MASM 5.0 or later, and Microsoft C 5.0 or later.
The files on these disks should be in your current hard-disk directory.
To build MS-DOS Kermit, just type "make msvibm.mak".
This diskette contains the following files:
Diskette No. Name Size Description
DISKETTE 1: MSAAAA.HLP 13597 General file naming conventions
MSSAAA.DSK 4044 This file
MSUIBM.ASM 76880 Keyboard handling
MSXIBM.ASM 192897 System-dependent code for IBM PC
DISKETTE 2: MSYIBM.ASM 147278 System-dependent code for IBM PC
MSZIBM.ASM 200584 System-dependent stuff for IBM PC
DISKETTE 3: MSSCOM.ASM 59721 Communication port handing
MSSFIL.ASM 82856 File handling
MSSRCV.ASM 40357 Receive module
MSGIBM.ASM 168461 Graphics module (Tektronix)
DISKETTE 4: MSSSCP.ASM 77435 Script language
MSSSEN.ASM 65307 Send module
MSSSER.ASM 69851 Server module
MSSTER.ASM 43723 Terminal emulation
MSSKER.ASM 77986 Main program
MSVIBM.MAK 3069 Makefile for Microsoft "MAKE"
MSVIBM.LNK 225 Link command file
DISKETTE 5: MSSSET.ASM 99730 SET command
MSSSHO.ASM 80745 Show command module
MSSCMD.ASM 76002 Command parser
MSNPDI.ASM 57229 Packet Driver interface
MSNTNI.ASM 18904 TELNET support code
MSNUT1.ASM 12386 Utility functions
DISKETTE 6: MSNBTP.C 8907 TCP/IP BOOTP protocol handler
MSNDNS.C 16183 TCP/IP Domain Name Service handler
MSNICM.C 9227 TCP/IP ICMP packet processor
MSNLIB.C 7427 Our own C library
MSNPKT.C 5840 Packet Driver interface
MSNSED.C 4377 Ethernet Driver support routines
MSNTCP.C 50707 TCP/IP protocol kernel
MSNTND.C 20756 TCP/IP TELNET protocol driver
MSNLIB.H 2368 Header file for C library
MSNTCP.H 14664 TCP/IP protocol symbol definitions
MSNARP.C 13337 TCP/IP ARP protocol handler
MSSDEF.H 14944 Assembly symbol definitions
For a current list of available Kermit versions, documentation, ordering
information, and a statement of commercial policy, write to:
Kermit Distribution
Columbia University Center for Computing Activities
612 West 115th Street
New York, NY 10025
For user documentation for MS-DOS Kermit 3.11, consult "Using MS-DOS Kermit",
Second Edition, by Christine M. Gianone, published by Digital Press, Bedford,
MA, 1991, order number EY-H893E-DP. The book includes a 5.25-inch MS-DOS
Kermit 3.11 diskette.
For further information about Kermit, including the Kermit file transfer
protocol specification, consult the book "Kermit, A File Tranfer Protocol" by
Frank da Cruz, Digital Press, Bedford MA 01730 (1987), order number
EY-6705E-DP, To order these books, call 1-800-343-8321 (USA, toll free).
These diskettes may be freely reproduced and shared, so long as it is not done
for commercial gain.