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NIH TSO KERMIT Installation Instructions
Version 1.1A -- September 11, 1987
Computer Center
Division of Computer Research and Technology
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD 20892
The NIH version of TSO Kermit is an extensive modification and rewrite of the
University of Chicago TSO Kermit, which in turn was based on an early CMS Kermit
developed at Columbia University. The external design was done by Roger Fajman
and Dale Wright. The internal design and programming was done by Dale Wright.
Questions should be addressed to Roger Fajman at
Telephone: 301-496-5181
Postal: NIH Computer Center
Building 12, Room 2239
Bethesda, MD 20892
The distribution consists of the following data sets. All are in card image
format (RECFM=FB, LRECL=80, BLKSIZE=11440) on tape unless otherwise stated.
No. Name Description
--- ---- -----------
1 TSNKER.TXT These installation instructions.
2 TSNKER.BWR Beware file -- bugs, cautions, etc.
3 TSNKER.DOC User documentation. (RECFM=FB, LRECL=84, BLKSIZE=11424)
4 TSNKER.HLP TSO HELP information for Kermit
5 TSNUNH.ASM Source for the UNHEX program that converts the object decks
from printable hex characters back to their normal binary
form. The object decks are provided in hex form in order
to facilitate transmission through networks. UNHEX accepts
card image (RECFM=FB, LRECL=80) input from the DDNAME INPUT
and writes card image output to the DDNAME OUTPUT. The
output BLKSIZE must be specified in the DD statement. If a
non-null PARM field is specified, UNHEX removes IEBUPDTE ./
control cards from the output.
6 TSNKER.OBH Object decks for TSO Kermit and support subroutines in hex
form. This data set should be passed through the UNHEX
program. It may then be used as input to IEBUPDTE to
create the TSNKER.OBJ PDS. Alternatively, a non-null PARM
may be specified to UNHEX and the output passed directly to
the linkage editor.
7 TSNTBL.ASM Source for the module that contains the ASCII-EBCDIC trans-
late tables, plus a few subroutines entered to define
installation-dependent values. This module should be
modified as needed and linked with the provided object
8 TSNKER.JCL JCL to perform the installation procedure.
The following data sets are needed only if you wish to recompile NIH TSO Kermit.
No. Name Description
--- ---- -----------
9 TSNKER.ALP Source for NIH TSO Kermit in ALP (Assembly Language
Preprocessor). Note: source for the support subroutines
is omitted for the sake of brevity, but can be made avail-
able if needed.
10 TSNEDR.DOC Documentation for the Edit Format Utility Package -- de-
scribes the support subroutines used by NIH TSO Kermit.
11 TSNMAC.DOC Documentation for macros that are used in TSO Kermit.
12 TSNHEX.ASM Source for the HEX program that was used to convert the
object decks to printable hex characters. HEX accepts card
image (RECFM=FB, LRECL=80) input from the DDNAME INPUT and
writes card image output to the DDNAME OUTPUT. The output
BLKSIZE must be specified in the DD statement. IEBUPDTE ./
control cards are passed through unchanged. If a non-null
PARM field is specified, SYM cards (generated by the TEST
option of the assember) are removed from the object decks.
13 TSNALP.TXT Installation instructions for ALP.
14 TSNALP.DOC User documentation for ALP.
15 TSNTST.ALP Test program for ALP.
16 TSNALP.PLI Source for ALP.
17 TSNPST.PLI Source for the ALP Post-Processor.
18 TSNMAC.ALP Source for the macro library used with ALP. Passed first
through ALP and then to IEBUPTDE.
19 TSNPCH.ASM Source for an assembler program that links first to ALP,
then to Assembler H, and then to the post processor.
20 TSNPCX.ASM Same as above, but for Assembler FX.
21 TSNALP.JCL JCL cataloged procedures for ALP.
The installation process consists of the following steps:
(1) Modify the translate table module as needed for your installation and
assemble it. The ASCII-EBCDIC tables will almost certainly need to be
modified -- they must match your installations TSO translate tables in
order for TSO Kermit to be able to transfer files. The other items may or
may not need to be changed.
(2) Convert the hex form of the object decks to binary form.
(3) Link the converted object decks with the object deck of the table module.
Place the resulting load module into a library from which it can be
invoked as a TSO command processor.
The TSNKER.JCL file contains a batch job that performs steps 2 and 3.