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; STARTSYSDEP ; This is so:
; ; will work.
; **************************************************************************
; This is the i/o support module for the Future Computers FX20/FX30
; Running CP/M-86 or Concurrent CP/M.
; Tony Chabot, University of Birmingham, UK October 1985
; (Based on the version for the Honeywell MSE by Mark Hewitt).
; This module checks which type of CP/M system it is running under,
; and alters its performance accordingly. No separate assembly is
; required for CP/M-86 and Concurrent.
; It is preferable to use the KERUTL from Concurrent implementations
; as that will work with both types of CP/M, whereas the standard
; version of KERUTL (for CP/M-86) will not work fully with Concurrent.
; This implementation allows only the modem port to be used.
; This is because the printer port does not have its rx interrupt request
; line connected to the 8259 interrupt controller.
; The modem port uses a 7201 Multi Protocol Serial Controller, situated
; at address C120-C123, with the relevant addresses for the modem part
; of it being C121 & C123.(Note - the FX20/FX30 manual incorrectly gives
; the addresses as C122 and C123).
; The baud rate generator is an 8253-5, timer 1.
; The range of addresses for this device is C060-C063. The generator
; has a 4MHz clock input (gleaned from a scope, so this is not too accurate,
; but a frequency meter seemed to think the frequency was 1MHz +- 10% !).
; The 7201 is programmed to divide by 16, so the baud rate divider is given
; by
; divider = 4000000/(16*baudrate)
; The 8259 interrupt controller is programmed (by CP/M) to base its vectors
; at 100. The relationship between the 8259 IR lines and the requesting device
; is:
; IR0 ?
; IR1 PIT (out0)
; IR2 7201
; IR3 ?
; IR4 ?
; IR5 Keyboard 8251 RxRdy
; IR6 Printer 8251 TxRdy
; IR7 Pulled up.
; Only IR0, IR1 and IR5 have useful interrupt service routines, as well
; as the predefined vectors and CP/M system call vectors. All other
; vectors point, via some register saving code, to an illegal interrupt
; routine. It is thus simple to patch the vector for the 7201 (at 108-10B)
; to point to our ISR.
; ** W A R N I N G **
; The 7201 also handles the LAN, so if you have lan software running, it
; is likely that this code will cause problems.
; **************************************************************************
; Port base definitions
bgen equ 0C060h ; Baud Rate Generator (8253-5)
ictrl equ 0C000h ; Interrupt Controller (8259A)
; And the I/O ports themselves
bgcmd equ bgen+3 ; Baud rate generator command port
iccmd equ ictrl+0 ; Interrupt controller command port
icmask equ ictrl+1 ; Interrupt controller mask register port
mdmcmd equ 0C123h ; modem command port
mdmbg equ bgen+1 ; Baud rate countdown value for modem port
mdmio equ 0C121h ;modem data io port (Note-FX30 manual is wrong)
ptrcmd equ 0C122h
; Port selection
pmdm equ 0
; Interrupt vectors in page 0
mdmvec equ 0108h ; Interrupt vector for modem.
; Interrupt masks
immdm equ 04h ; Mask for modem port.
; Baud rate generator command words
mdmbsel equ 76h ; Select modem baud rate register
; Interrupt controller commands
iceoi equ 20h ; end of interrupt
; I/O register bits:
; For 7201 'Multiprotocol Serial Communications Controller' ( a name
; worthy of IBM !).
ccreg0 equ 00h ; Control instruction - select register 0
ccreg1 equ 01h ; Control instruction - select register 1
ccreg2 equ 02h ; Control instruction - select register 2
ccreg3 equ 03h ; Control instruction - select register 3
ccreg4 equ 04h ; Control instruction - select register 4
ccreg5 equ 05h ; Control instruction - select register 5
ccreg6 equ 06h ; Control instruction - select register 6
ccreg7 equ 07h ; Control instruction - select register 7
c0null equ 00h ; Register 0 - null command
c0abort equ 08h ; Register 0 - send abort
c0resi equ 10h ; Register 0 - reset ext. status ints.
c0chrst equ 18h ; Register 0 - channel reset
c0eninc equ 20h ; Register 0 - enable int. on next character
c0rpti equ 28h ; Register 0 - reset pending tx int./DMA req.
c0errst equ 30h ; Register 0 - error reset
c0eoi equ 38h ; Register 0 - end of interrupt
c0rxcrc equ 40h ; Register 0 - reset rx CRC checker
c0txcrc equ 80h ; Register 0 - reset tx CRC generator
c0ricrc equ 0C0h ; Register 0 - reset idle/CRC latch
c1stien equ 01h ; Register 1 - external/status int enable
c1txien equ 02h ; Register 1 - transmitter interrupt enable
c1cav equ 03h ; Register 1 - condition affects vector
c1noi equ 00h ; Register 1 - no rx or DMA interrupts
c1i1st equ 08h ; Register 1 - int. on 1st received character
c1iall equ 10h ; Register 1 - int. on all received characters
c1ialp equ 18h ; Register 1 - int on all rx'd chars, no parity
c1wrxtx equ 20h ; Register 1 - WAIT on rx/tx
c1txbcm equ 40h ; Register 1 - TX byte count mode enbable
c1wten equ 80h ; Register 1 - WAIT function enable
; and some useful abbreviations
c1norm equ c1ialp
c2dma0 equ 00h ; Register 2 - No DMA
c2dma1 equ 01h ; Register 2 - DMA mode 1
c2dma2 equ 02h ; Register 2 - DMA mode 2
c2dma3 equ 03h ; Register 2 - DMA mode 3
c2pri equ 04h ; Register 2 - Set DMA priority
c2ack0 equ 00h ; Register 2 - Int Ack mode 0 (NV,D432)
c2ack1 equ 08h ; Register 2 - Int Ack mode 1 (NV, D432)
c2ack2 equ 10h ; Register 2 - Int Ack mode 2 (NV, D210)
c2ack4 equ 20h ; Register 2 - Int Ack mode 4 (8085 master)
c2ack5 equ 28h ; Register 2 - Int Ack mode 5 (8085 slave)
c2ack6 equ 30h ; Register 2 - Int Ack mode 6 (8086)
c2ack7 equ 38h ; Register 2 - Int Ack mode 7(8085/8259A slave)
c2rxim equ 40h ; Register 2 - rx interrupt mask
c2syncb equ 80h ; Register 2 - pin 10 ~RTSB or ~SYNCB
c3rxen equ 01h ; Register 3 - receive enable
c3scli equ 02h ; Register 3 - sync character load inhibit
c3asm equ 04h ; Register 3 - address search mode
c3rxcrc equ 08h ; Register 3 - receiver CRC enable
c3hunt equ 10h ; Register 3 - enter hunt phase
c3aen equ 20h ; Register 3 - auto enables on DCD/CTS
c3r5bit equ 00h ; Register 3 - 5 bit data
c3r6bit equ 40h ; Register 3 - 6 bit data
c3r7bit equ 80h ; Register 3 - 7 bit data
c3r8bit equ 0C0h ; Register 3 - 8 bit data
; and some useful abbreviations
c3norm equ c3rxen+c3r8bit
c4pen equ 01h ; Register 4 - parity enable
c4ep equ 02h ; Register 4 - even parity
c41stp equ 04h ; Register 4 - 1 stop bit
c415stp equ 08h ; Register 4 - 1.5 stop bits
c42stp equ 0C0h ; Register 4 - 2 stop bits
c48syn equ 00h ; Register 4 - 8 bit internal sync (monosync)
c416syn equ 10h ; Register 4 - 16 bit internal sync (bisync)
c4sdlc equ 20h ; Register 4 - SDLC
c4exts equ 30h ; Register 4 - External sync
c41clk equ 00h ; Register 4 - 1x clock rate
c416clk equ 40h ; Register 4 - 16x clock rate
c432clk equ 80h ; Register 4 - 32x clock rate
c464clk equ 0C0h ; Register 4 - 64x clock rate
; and some useful abbreviations
c4norm equ c41stp+c416clk
c5txcrc equ 01h ; Register 5 - transmitter CRC enable
c5rts equ 02h ; Register 5 - request to send
c5poly equ 04h ; Register 5 - CRC polynomial select
c5txen equ 08h ; Register 5 - transmitter enable
c5sbrk equ 10h ; Register 5 - send break
c5t5bit equ 00h ; Register 5 - transmit 5 bit data
c5t6bit equ 20h ; Register 5 - transmit 6 bit data
c5t7bit equ 40h ; Register 5 - transmit 7 bit data
c5t8bit equ 60h ; Register 5 - transmit 8 bit data
c5dtr equ 80h ; Register 5 - data terminal ready
; and some useful abbreviations
c5norm equ c5rts+c5txen+c5t8bit+c5dtr
cs0rxr equ 01h ; Status register 0 - received char ready
cs0ip equ 02h ; Status register 0 - interrupt pending
cs0tbe equ 04h ; Status register 0 - tx buffer empty
cs0dcd equ 08h ; Status register 0 - data carrier detect
cs0sync equ 10h ; Status register 0 - sync status
cs0cts equ 20h ; Status register 0 - clear to send
cs0idle equ 40h ; Status register 0 - idle CRC latch status
cs0brk equ 80h ; Status register 0 - break detect
cs1sent equ 01h ; Status register 1 - all sent
cs1sdlc equ 0Eh ; Status register 1 - SDLC residue code
cs1pe equ 10h ; Status register 1 - parity error
cs1oe equ 20h ; Status register 1 - overrun error
cs1fe equ 40h ; Status register 1 - framing error
cs1eosf equ 80h ; Status register 1 - end of SDLC frame
; System call defs for concurrent version.
p_dispatch equ 8Eh ; Reschedule.
f_errmode equ 2Dh ; Set BDOS error mode.
; Clock rate *10 for timing loops ;[19g]
clckrt equ 80 ;[19g] 8.0 Mhz
; Maximum number of examinations of output port to be ready before
; rescheduling.
outlmt equ 1000h
; The executable code starts here
; ===========================================================================
; ===========================================================================
; INTERFACE ROUTINE SERINI - Initialisation code
serini: cmp mninit, true ; Ensure that we only initialise once
je serin2
mov mninit, true
; Get type of CP/M system.
mov cl,0ch
int bdos
mov cpmtyp, bh
; Initialise the screen
call clrscr ; Clear the screen.
; Disable I/O interrupts, and save the old interrupt mask.
mov dx, icmask ; read the current interrupt mask
in al, dx
mov oldmsk, al ; and save it
or al, immdm ; mask off i/o interrupts
out dx, al ; and reprogram interrupt controller
; Save the system i/o interrupt vectors
mov ax, ds ; save the data segment in code segment
mov cs:mndseg, ax ; for use by interrupt handler
mov ax, 0 ; point to zero page and save both the
mov es, ax ; system's i/o interrupt vectors
mov ax,es:.mdmvec+0 ; for the modem channel
mov vscoff, ax
mov ax, es:.mdmvec+2
mov vscseg, ax
; Configure the default port
mov ax, 0 ; point to zero page and set the interrupt
mov es, ax ; vector for the modem/printer channel to my
; interrupt service routine
mov ax, offset isr ; set offset address
mov es:.mdmvec+0, ax
mov ax, cs ; set segment address
mov es:.mdmvec+2, ax
call setmode ; set UART mode for current port
call setbaud ; set the baud rate for the current port
call mnflush ; flush and enable the current port
call inton ; turn interrupts on for current port
; If concurrent, set BDOS error mode.
cmp cpmtyp, 14h
jne serin2
mov cl, f_errmode
mov dl, 0FEh ; Set err mode to display and return.
int bdos
serin2: ret ; initialisation over
; INTERFACE ROUTINE SERFIN - restore environment (as far as possible)
; to that which existed before we played with it
serfin: cmp mninit, true ; only deinitialise if necessary
jne serfn2
mov mninit, false
; Disable i/o interrupt while we reset the vectors
mov dx, icmask ; get present interrupt mask
in al, dx ; and turn off all i/o interrupts
or al, immdm ; from the modem channel
out dx, al ; reprogram the interrupt controller
; Reset the i/o interrupt vectors
mov ax, 0 ; point at page 0 and reset the int. vectors
mov es, ax
mov ax, vscoff ; for the modem/printer port
mov es:.mdmvec+0, ax
mov ax, vscseg
mov es:.mdmvec+2, ax
; turn interrupts back on (or off...)
mov al, oldmsk ; restore original interrupt mask
out dx, al
; Reset screen modes
call clrscr ; Be tidy - clear the screen.
serfn2: ret ; deinitialisation over
; INTERNAL ROUTINE SETMODE - set the operating mode for current port's UART.
push ax
push dx ; we'll need this
mov dx, mdmcmd ; Command port adrs.
mov al, c0chrst ; reset the port
out dx, al
mov al, c0resi+ccreg4 ; select register 4
out dx, al
mov al, c4norm ; 16x Clock, 1 stop bit, no parity
out dx, al
mov al, c0resi+ccreg3 ; Select register 3
out dx, al
mov al, c3norm ; 8 bits/character, RX enable
out dx, al
mov al, c0resi+ccreg5 ; select register 5
out dx, al
mov al, c5norm ; 8 bits/character, TX enable RTS and DTR
out dx, al
mov al, c0resi+ccreg1 ; select register 1
out dx, al
mov al, c1norm ; Interrupt enable
out dx, al
pop dx ; modes now set, restore regs. and return
pop ax
; INTERNAL ROUTINE SETBAUD - set the baud rate of a current port.
; port number in cport.
; timer countdown table offset in cbaud.
push bx ; we'll be using this
push dx ; and this
push ax ; and this too
mov al, bdtab ; check that rate is legal
dec al ; pick up number of valid rates from BDTAB
cmp cbaud, al ; 0 <= cbaud <= [bdtab]-1
ja setbd2 ; just return if not legal
mov bx, offset bdtct; get timer value
mov al, cbaud ; from timer countdown table
mov ah, 0
add al, al ; word offset
add bx, ax ; bx now points to correct value
mov dx, bgcmd ; dx is now baud rate generator command port
cmp cport, pmdm ; is it the modem port?
jne setbd2 ; just return if not
mov al, mdmbsel ; set baud rate for modem port
out dx, al
mov dx, mdmbg
jmp setbd3
setbd3: mov ax, [bx] ; set the countdown value
out dx, al
mov al, ah
out dx, al
setbd2: pop ax ; baud rate set, retore regs. and return
pop dx
pop bx
; INTERNAL ROUTINE MNFLUSH - enable and flush current port.
; Port in cport.
push ax ; preserve registers
push dx
mov dx, mdmio ; Modem data port adrs.
in al, dx ; flush the port
in al, dx
in al, dx
mov dx, mdmcmd ; reset any pending interrupts
mov al, c0errst
out dx, al
mov al, c0resi
out dx, al
pop dx ; port flushed, retore regs. and return
pop ax
; INTERNAL ROUTINE INTON - enable interrupts for the selected port
; (This version simply enables the modem port!)
; Ensure that the port selected is enabled, and
; that all other ports are as the system would
; wish them!
push ax
push dx
mov dx, icmask
in al,dx ; Read current interrupt mask.
and al, not immdm ; Enable modem interrupts.
out dx, al
inton2: pop dx
pop ax ; interrupts now enabled - restore regs.
ret ; and return
DSEG $ ; Data used by initialisation/deinitialisation
mninit db false ; flag set when initialised
oldmsk rb 1 ; Old interrupt mask
cpmtyp db 0 ; CP/M type (0 = CP/M-86, 14h = concurrent).
; Current port status
cport db pmdm ; current port number - default to modem
cbaud db 8 ; current baud rate - default to 4800
ciop dw mdmio ; current i/o port - default to modem
ccmdp dw mdmcmd ; current command/status port - default modem
; Storage for system interrupt vectors
vscoff rw 1 ; offset for system v.24/printer int. vector
vscseg rw 1 ; seg. address for system v.24/printer int. vec
; Baud rate timer countdown table
; (The accuracy of these is uncertain as the baud rate generator clock
; frequency was measured with a scope).
bdtct dw 5000 ; 50 baud, code 0
dw 3333 ; 75
dw 2273 ; 110
dw 1667 ; 150
dw 833 ; 300
dw 417 ; 600
dw 208 ; 1200
dw 104 ; 2400
dw 52 ; 4800
dw 26 ; 9600
dw 13 ; 19200
; ===========================================================================
; ===========================================================================
; INTERFACE ROUTINE BDSET - set baud rate for current port (cport).
; save current baud rate in cbaud.
bdset: mov dx, offset bdtab ; table of valid baud rates
mov bx, offset bdhlp ; help information for SET BAUD
mov ah, cmkey ; Command parser - KEYWORD lookup
call comnd
jmp r ; error return
mov settmp, bx ; Normal return - save value
mov ah, cmcfm ; Command parser - CONFIRM
call comnd
jmp r
mov bx, settmp
mov cbaud, bl ; save the baud rate
call setbaud ; and set it for the current port
jmp rskp ; end of parsing SET BAUD command
settmp rw 1 ; temporary storage for baud rate
; INTERFACE ROUTINE PRTSET - set the current port.
prtset: mov dx, offset potab ; table of valid port names
mov bx, offset pohlp ; help information for SET PORT
mov ah, cmkey ; Command parser - KEYWORD lookup
call comnd
jmp r ; error return
mov settmp, bx ; Normal return - save value
mov ah, cmcfm ; Command parser - CONFIRM
call comnd
jmp r
jmp rskp ; end of parsing SET PORT command
; Data required by the SET commands
DSEG $ ; SET command data
; Baud rate table
bdtab db 11 ; number of entries
db 3, '110$' ; size of entry, and the keyword$
dw 02 ; value returned
db 3, '150$'
dw 03
db 4, '1200$'
dw 06
db 5, '19200$'
dw 10
db 4, '2400$'
dw 07
db 3, '300$'
dw 04
db 4, '4800$'
dw 8
db 2, '50$'
dw 00
db 3, '600$'
dw 05
db 2, '75$'
dw 01
db 4, '9600$'
dw 09
; Help table for baud rate setting
bdhlp db cr, lf, ' 50 75 110 150 300 600'
db cr, lf, ' 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200'
db '$'
; Port table
potab db 1
db 5, 'MODEM$'
dw pmdm
; Help table for port selection
pohlp db cr, lf, 'MODEM$'
; ===========================================================================
; ===========================================================================
; INTERFACE ROUTINE SHOBD - display the currently set baud rate within
; the SHOW command.
shobd: mov dx, offset bdst ;Baud rate string.
call tcrmsg
mov al, cbaud ;Print the keyword corresponding to the
mov bx, offset bdtab; current value of mnbaud.
call tabprt
; INTERFACE ROUTINE SHOPRT - display the currently selected communication
; port within the SHOW command.
shoprt: mov dx, offset prtst ; Port name string
call tcrmsg
mov al, cport ; current port code
mov bx, offset potab ; and print the corresponding
call tabprt ; textual description
mov dx, offset prtst2
call tmsg
prtst db 'Communicating via $'
prtst2 db ' port$'
; ===========================================================================
; ===========================================================================
; INTERNAL ROUTINE ISR - Interrupt service routine for modem port.
cli ; disable intrerupts
mov cs:mnax, ax ; save ax - we will need a register
mov ax, sp
mov cs:mnsp, ax ; save current stack pointer
mov ax, ss
mov cs:mnsseg, ax ; Save current stack segment
mov ax, cs:mndseg ; Switch to my stack
mov ss, ax
mov sp, offset mnstk
push ds ; Save registers
push es
push bp
push di
push si
push dx
push cx
push bx
mov ds, ax ; set our data segment address
; That's the housekeeping out of the way - now we can start
mov dx, mdmcmd ; see if char. ready at default port
in al, dx
test al, cs0rxr ; is there a character for us?
jz iprt3 ; no - clear interrupt, and return
iprt2: mov dx, mdmio ; Fetch the character
in al, dx
call iproc ; Process the character in AL
iprt3: mov dx, iccmd ; Signal end of interrupt to
mov al, iceoi ; interrupt controller
out dx, al
mov dx, ptrcmd ; Clear interrupt status at
mov al, c0eoi ; 7201
out dx, al ; (note we use the A channel).
pop bx ; Restore registers
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
pop di
pop bp
pop es
pop ds
mov ax, cs:mnsp ; restore interrupt stack
mov sp, ax
mov ax, cs:mnsseg ; restore original stack segment
mov ss, ax
mov ax, cs:mnax ; restore original AX
iret ; all over - return
; CSEG data required by interrupt service routine
mnax dw 0 ; temp. copy of AX
mnsp dw 0 ; interrupt stack pointer
mnsseg dw 0 ; interrupt stack segment
mndseg dw 0 ; location of our data segment
; INTERNAL ROUTINE IPROC - process incoming character from Rx interrupt
; Character in AL
iproc: cmp floctl, floxon ;are we doing flow-control ? [19a] start
jne ipr2b ;no - go on
cmp al, xoff ;is it an XOFF?
jne ipr2a ;no - go on
mov xofrcv, true ;set the flag
ipr2a: cmp al, xon ;an XON?
jne ipr2b ;no
mov xofrcv, false ;clear the flag
ret ; [19a] end
ipr2b: cmp mnchrn,mnchnd ;Is the buffer full?
je iperr ;If so, take care of the error.
inc mnchrn ;Increment the character count.
mov bx,mnchip ;Get the buffer input pointer.
inc bx ;Increment it.
cmp bx,offset mnchrs+mnchnd ;Past the end?
jb ipro3
mov bx, offset mnchrs ;Yes, point to the start again.
ipro3: mov mnchip,bx ;Save the pointer.
mov [bx],al ;Put the character in the buffer.
cmp floctl, floxon ;do flow-control? [19a] start
je ipro4 ;If yes jump
ipro4: cmp xofsnt, true ;Have we sent an XOFF
jnz ipro5
ret ;return if we have
ipro5: cmp mnchrn, mntrg2 ;Past the High trigger point?
ja ipro6 ;yes - jump
ipro6: mov al, xoff
call prtout ;send an XOFF
mov xofsnt, true ;set the flag
ret ; [19a] End
iperr: ret ; just return on error for now
; INTERFACE ROUTINE CFIBF - Clear serial port input buffer
cfibf: mov mnchrn, 0 ;Say no characters in the buffer.
mov mnchip, OFFSET mnchrs-1+mnchnd ;Reset input pointer.
mov mnchop, OFFSET mnchrs-1+mnchnd ;Reset output pointer.
; INTERFACE ROUTINE PRTOUT - send character in AL to current port.
prtout: call dopar ; set parity if necessary
push dx
push cx
mov cx, outlmt
prtou2: call outwait ; wait for port to be free, or timeout
loop prtou2
call outchr ; output the character
pop cx
pop dx
; INTERNAL ROUTINE OUTWAIT - test if port ready for next char to be sent.
; returns RSKP if ready.
cmp floctl, floxon
jne outwt1
cmp xofrcv, true
je outwt3
push ax
mov dx, mdmcmd
in al, dx
test al, cs0tbe
jnz outwt4
pop ax
cmp cpmtyp, 14h ; Concurrent?
jne outwt35 ; No.
call dispatch ; Yes - redispatch the processor.
outwt4: pop ax
jmp rskp
; INTERNAL ROUTINE OUTCHR - send data to a port
outchr: mov dx, mdmio
out dx, al
; INTERFACE ROUTINE INSTAT - determine if there is any data to receive.
instat: cmp mnchrn, 0 ; any characters in buffer?
jne inst2
inst2: jmp rskp
; INTERFACE ROUTINE INCHR - read a character from a port
inchr: push bx
cli ;Disable interrupts while were are playing.
dec mnchrn ;Decrement the number of chars in the buffer.
mov bx,mnchop ;Get the pointer into the buffer.
inc bx ;Increment to the next char.
cmp bx,offset mnchrs+mnchnd ;Past the end?
jb inchr2
mov bx, offset mnchrs ;If so wrap around to the start.
inchr2: mov mnchop,bx ;Save the updated pointer.
mov al,[bx] ;Get the character.
sti ;All done, we can restore interrupts.
pop bx
cmp parflg,parnon ;[par] no parity?
je inchr3 ;[par] yup, don't bother stripping
and al,7fh ;[par] checking parity, strip off
inchr3: cmp floctl, floxon ;do flow-control? [19a] start
je inchr4 ;If yes jump
inchr4: cmp xofsnt, true ;Have we sent an XOFF
je inchr5 ;Jump if yes
inchr5: cmp mnchrn, mntrg1 ;Under the low trigger point?
jb inchr6 ;yes - jump
inchr6: push ax ;save current character
mov al, xon
call prtout ;send an XON
mov xofsnt, false ;turn off the flag
pop ax ;get back character
ret ; [19a] end
; INTERFACE ROUTINE PRTBRK - Send a BREAK sequence to the default port
prtbrk: mov dx, mdmcmd ; Modem port cmd byte.
cmp cport, pmdm ; is it modem port?
jne brka ; must be an error - just return
mov al, c0resi+ccreg5 ; Break to modem port.
out dx, al ; Select register 5
mov al, c5norm+c5sbrk ; 8 bits, TX enable, Break, RTS & DTR
out dx, al
mov ax, 275 ; for 275 mS
call mswait
mov al, c0resi+ccreg5 ; select register 5
out dx, al
mov al, c5norm ; 8 bits, TX enable, RTS & DTR
out dx, al
brka: ret
; Input character queue
mnchnd equ 512 ;Size of circular buffer.
mnchrs rb mnchnd ;Circular character buffer for input.
mnchip dw mnchrs-1+mnchnd ;Input pointer into character buffer.
mnchop dw mnchrs-1+mnchnd ;Output pointer into character buffer.
mnchrn dw 0 ;Number of chars in the buffer.
mntrg1 equ 128 ;[19a] Low trigger point for Auto XON/XOFF
mntrg2 equ 384 ;[19a] High trigger point for Auto XON/XOFF
floctl db 1 ;[19a] If floctl=floxon do Auto XON/XOFF logic
xofsnt db 0 ;[19a] set if XOFF was sent
xofrcv db 0 ;[19a] set if XOFF was recieved
; a small stack for interrupt handling
rw 64 ;Interrupt stack ;[28e]
mnstk dw 0 ;bottom of stack ;[28e]
; ===========================================================================
; ===========================================================================
; INTERNAL ROUTINE MSWAIT - Delay for AL milliseconds
mswait: ; [34] start
mov cx,5*clckrt ; inner loop count for 1 millisec.
sub cx,1 ;** inner loop takes 20 clock cycles
jnz mswai1 ;**
dec ax ; outer loop counter
jnz mswait ; wait another millisecond
ret ; [34] end
; Function Redispatch processor.
; Inputs None.
; Outputs None.
; Side effects Processor is redispatched.
; All registers preserved.
push ax
push bx
push cx
mov cl, p_dispatch
int bdos
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
; ===========================================================================
; ===========================================================================
; INTERFACE ROUTINE POSCUR - positions cursor to row and col (each 1 byte)
; pointed to by dx.
mov bx, dx ;Do cursor positioning.
mov dx, offset scrpos ;Print cursor positioning string.
call tmsg
mov al, [bx] ;Get row value
add ax, 1Fh ;Convert to ASCII
mov dl,al
push bx ;(Gets clobbered by bout)
call bout
pop bx
mov al, 1[bx] ;Do same for column value
add ax, 1Fh
mov dl,al
call bout
; INTERFACE ROUTINE CLRSCR - homes cursor and clears screen.
clrscr: mov dx, offset scrcls
call tmsg
clrlin: mov dl, cr ;Go to beginning of line
call bout
; INTERFACE ROUTINE CLREOL - clear to end of line
clreol: mov dx, offset scrclr ;Clear from cursor to end of line
call tmsg
; INTERFACE ROUTINE REVON - turns on reverse video display
revon: mov dx, offset scrron
call tmsg
; INTERFACE ROUTINE REVOFF - turns off reverse video display
revoff: mov dx, offset scrrof
call tmsg
; INTERFACE ROUTINE BLDON - turns on bold (highlighted) display
bldon: mov dx, offset scrbon
call tmsg
; INTERFACE ROUTINE BLDOFF - turns off bold (highlighted) display
bldoff: mov dx, offset scrbof
call tmsg
scrpos db esc, 'Y$' ;Position cursor to row and column
scrcls db esc, 'E$' ;Home cursor and clear screen
scrclr db esc, 'K$' ;Clear from cursor to end of line
scrron db esc, 'p$' ;Turn on reverse video
scrrof db esc, 'q$' ;Turn off reverse video
scrbon db esc, 'm$' ; Bold on (Actually underline).
scrbof db esc, 'n$' ; Bold off
; INTERFACE ROUTINE DOTAB - do tab expansion if necessary
dotab: jmp rskp ; assume h/w does it for now
; Assorted textual constants required as part of the machine interface
delstr db esc,'D ',esc,'D$' ;Delete string.
system db ' Future Computers FX20/FX30 (TC - Oct 85)$'