Columbia Kermit
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965 lines
;* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * version 2.9 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; [34c] Make DMA initialization and buffer allocation global
; [34b] Add LOCAL TYPE command
; [34a] Fix bugs in directory listing file sizes
;* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * version 2.8 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; [32d] Add routines to get disk parameters for space calculation
; [32a] Add routines to get and set default disk and user numbers
;* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * version 2.7 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; [29c] Clear FCB prior to opening or creating a file.
; [29b] Add TAKE command file processing.
; RonB, 04/08/84
;* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * version 2.6 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; [24a] Add terminal session logging
; RonB, 03/15/84
; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * version 2.4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; [20e] Add regular console status check, in addition to direct I/O check.
; RonB,03/02/84
; [19c] Give "bdos" mnemonic for vector 224.
; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * version 2.1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; [7] Do tab expansion and suppress nulls while in telnet mode.
; RonB,12/24/83
; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * version 2.0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; BDOS command codes
bdos equ 224
reset EQU 00H
conin EQU 01H
conout EQU 02H
rdrin EQU 03H
punout EQU 04H
lstout EQU 05H
dconio EQU 06H
gtiob EQU 07H
prstr EQU 09H
consta EQU 0BH
resetd EQU 0DH ;[32a]
stdrv EQU 0EH ;[32a]
opnfil EQU 0FH
clsfil EQU 10H
sfirst EQU 11H
snext EQU 12H
delf EQU 13H
readf EQU 14H
writef EQU 15H
makef EQU 16H
gtdrv EQU 19H ;[32a]
gtalv EQU 1BH ;[32d]
gtrov EQU 1DH ;[32d]
statr EQU 1EH
gtdpb EQU 1FH ;[32d]
stusr EQU 20H ;[32a]
readr EQU 21H
writer EQU 22H
cflsz EQU 23H
dmaset EQU 1AH
dmabas EQU 33H
allocm EQU 37H ;[32d]
freem EQU 39H ;[32d]
DSEG $ ;[29b] begin
; TAKE command file processing data area.
tkfcb db 0,'KERMIT INI',0,0,0,0 ;FCB with default name
rb 19
tkbuf rb 80h ;Input buffer
tkptr dw 0 ;Buffer pointer
tkflg db 1 ;Initially enable file input
; Messages and storage for directory operations
dirm01 db 'Drive $' ;[32d] begin
dirm02 db ', User $'
dirm03 db ' K$'
dirm04 db ' : $' ;directory column separator
dirm05 db ' files, $'
dirm06 db 'K listed$'
dirm07 db ' $' ;displayed at start of each row
eram01 db tab,'Delete? $'
eram02 db tab,'...not deleted$'
eram03 db tab,'...deleted$'
eram04 db ' $' ;displayed at start of each row
erahlp db cr,lf,'Respond with ''Y'' to delete this file,'
db cr,lf,' ''N'' to bypass this file,'
db cr,lf,' or ''ESC'' to return to the Kermit-86> prompt.$'
spcm01 db 'K (out of $'
spcm02 db 'K) remaining on drive $'
morm01 db '--more--$'
morm02 db 'Return: next line, Space: next page, ^X: next file, ^Z: quit$'
membuf rb 5 ;memory control block
dirbuf rb 16
dindex dw 0 ;index to first entry in row
dlngth dw 0 ;length of directory list
dircnt dw 0 ;files in directory list
dirsiz dw 0 ;kbytes in directory list
remK dw 0 ;Kbytes remaining on disk
maxK dw 0 ;Kbytes available if disk was empty
DSM dw 0 ;drive maximum allocation blocks
KPB dw 0 ;drive Kbytes Per Block ;[32d] end
CSEG $ ;Resume coding segment.
tkst: cmp tkptr, 0 ;Is file open yet?
jne tkst1
call tkopn
jmp r ;If open failure
tkst1: mov bx, tkptr ;Do we need a new record?
cmp bx, offset tkbuf+80h
jb tkst2
call tkread
mov bx, tkptr
tkst2: cmp byte ptr [bx], 1Ah ;Are we at end of file?
je tkst3
jmp rskp ;If not, say we have a character.
tkst3: call tkcls ; otherwise end the file
jmp r
tkin: call tkst ;If no file input,
jmp bin ; get it from the console.
mov bx, tkptr
mov al, [bx] ;Get character from command file record.
inc tkptr
cmp al, lf ;Ignore <lf> in file
je tkin
push ax
mov dl, al ;Echo it to the display.
call bout
pop ax
tkopn: mov dx, offset tkfcb ;Open the command file
call fcbzer ;zero fcb trailer
mov cl, opnfil
int bdos
inc al
jz tkopn1
mov tkptr, offset tkbuf+80h ;If success, show we need a read
jmp rskp
tkopn1: mov tkflg, 0 ;On failure, turn off file input flag.
tkread: mov dx, offset tkbuf ;Set dma to our location.
call setdma
mov dx, offset tkfcb
call sinr ;Read a record.
cmp al, 0
je tkrd1
mov tkbuf, 1Ah ;If failure, load buffer with EOF.
tkrd1: mov tkptr, offset tkbuf ;Reinitialize buffer pointer.
call inidma ;Reset dma to normal.
tkcls: mov dx, offset tkfcb ;Close command file.
call closf
mov tkflg, 0 ;Turn off file input flag.
ret ;[29b] end
; Local directory operation
dirutl: call getwld ;fill buffer with matching names
jmp r ;on failure a message has already been printed
cmp dircnt,0
jne locd3
locd3: mov dirsiz,0
mov ax,dircnt
dec ax ;calculate number of entries in each column
shr ax,1 ; = ((count-1)/4)+1
shr ax,1
inc ax
mov dlngth,ax
call tcrlf
mov dx, offset dirm01 ;print header: Drive X, User nn:
call tcrmsg
mov dl,fcb ;display the drive letter
add dl,'A'-1
call bout
mov dx, offset dirm02
call tmsg
mov al,defusr ;display the user number
call nout
mov dl,':'
call bout
mov dindex,0 ;table entry in first column
mov cx,dlngth
locd4a: push cx
mov dx, offset dirm07 ;Start new row
call tcrmsg
mov si,dindex
mov cx,4
locd4b: push si
push cx
push ds
mov ds,word ptr membuf
mov cl,4 ;change entry number to table offset
shl si,cl
inc si ;skip user number
mov cx,8 ;Eight characters in filename
locd5b: lodsb ;get a filename character
mov dl,al
push cx
call bout ;print it
pop cx
loop locd5b
mov dl,'.' ;separate filename and type with a period
call bout
mov cx,3 ;Three characters in file type
locd5c: lodsb ;get a file type character
mov dl,al
push cx
call bout ;print it
pop cx
loop locd5c
lodsw ;get file size
pop ds
add dirsiz,ax ;add filesize to listing size
mov di, offset dirm03 ;message for file size (____K)
mov cx,3
locd5d: mov byte ptr [di],' ' ;first blank out the last size
inc di
loop locd5d
mov bx,10
locd5e: mov dx,0 ;fill in current size
div bx
add dl,'0'
mov [di],dl
dec di
cmp ax,0
jne locd5e
mov dx, offset dirm03 ;print size message
call tmsg
pop cx
cmp cx,1 ;follow all but last column with separator
je locd5f
mov dx, offset dirm04 ;print column separator
push cx
call tmsg
pop cx
locd5f: pop si
add si,dlngth
cmp si,dircnt
jae locd6
loop locd4b
locd6: inc dindex
pop cx
dec cx
jz locd8
jmp locd4a
locd8: call tcrlf ;end the last row
call tcrlf ;add a blank row
mov ax,dircnt ;display file count
call nout
mov dx, offset dirm05
call tmsg
mov ax,dirsiz ;display total file size
call nout
mov dx, offset dirm06
call tmsg
jmp rskp
; Erase utility function
erautl: call getwld
jmp r ;On error a message has already been printed
mov dindex,0
loce3: mov si,dindex
cmp si,dircnt
jb loce4
jmp loce9
loce4: mov cl,4
shl si,cl
inc si
mov di, offset fcb+1 ;FCB already has drive code
push ds
pop es
mov ds, word ptr membuf
mov cx,15
rep movsb
push es
pop ds
mov dx, offset eram04 ;Start new row
call tcrmsg
mov dx, offset fcb
call tfile
mov dx, offset eram01 ;'<tab>Delete? '
call tmsg
loce5a: call dbinst ;clear out all typeahead
jmp loce5b
call dbin
jmps loce5a
loce5b: call dbin ;get response
cmp al,0 ;NUL is ignored
je loce5b
cmp al,cr ;CR bypasses file
je loce5d
cmp al,' ' ;any nonprintable char aborts
jb loce8
cmp al,7Fh
jae loce8
push ax
mov dl,al ;echo the printable response
call bout
pop ax
cmp al,'?' ;request for help?
jne loce5c
mov dx, offset erahlp ;help message
call tcmsgc
jmp loce3
loce5c: or al,'a'-'A' ;convert to lower case
cmp al,'y'
je loce6
loce5d: mov dx, offset eram02 ;' ...not deleted'
call tmsg
jmp loce7
loce6: cmp byte ptr fcb+14,0 ;make file read-write if necessary
je loce6a
mov dx, offset fcb
call setatr
loce6a: mov dx, offset fcb ;delete file
call delete
mov dx, offset eram03 ;' ...deleted'
call tmsg
loce7: inc dindex
jmp loce3
loce8: mov dx, offset eram02 ;' ...not deleted' when aborting
call tmsg
loce9: call tcrlf
jmp rskp
; Type utility function
typutl: call getwld
jmp r ;On error a message has already been printed
mov dindex,0
loct3: mov si,dindex ;Get next filename in table
cmp si,dircnt
jb loct4
jmp loct9
loct4: mov dlngth,1
mov cl,4
shl si,cl
inc si
mov di, offset fcb+1
push ds
pop es
mov ds, word ptr membuf
mov cx,15
rep movsb
push es
pop ds
call tcrlf ;Display the filename
mov dx, offset fcb
call tfile
call tcrlf
mov dx, offset fcb
call openf ;Open the file
inc al
jnz loct5
jmp loct6b
loct5: mov dx, offset fcb ;Read a record
call sinr
cmp al,0
jne loct6
mov bx,offset dma
loct5a: mov dl,[bx] ;Get a character
cmp dl,1Ah
je loct6
and dl,7Fh
push bx
push dx
call bout ;Print the character
pop dx
cmp dl,lf
jne loct5b
inc dlngth ;Count lf characters
cmp dlngth,22 ;If more than 22, then pause for input
jb loct5b
call more
jmp loct5c
loct5b: pop bx
inc bx
cmp bx,offset dma+128
jb loct5a
jmps loct5
loct5c: pop bx
jmps loct6a
loct6: mov ax,dindex ;EOF in file
inc ax
cmp ax,dircnt
jae loct6a
call tcrlf
call more
jmp loct6a
loct6a: mov dx, offset fcb ;Close file
call closf
call tcrlf
loct6b: inc dindex ;Move on to next file
jmp loct3
loct9: jmp rskp
more: call revon
mov dx,offset morm01 ;Show --more-- message
call tmsg
call revoff
more1: call dbin ;Get response
cmp al,0 ; ignore nulls
je more1
push ax
call clrlin
mov dl,tab ;This is to fool CP/M so it
call bout ; gets tab stops right
mov dl,cr
call bout
pop ax
and al,7Fh
cmp al,'?' ;? gives help
jne more2
call revon
mov dx,offset morm02 ;Show help message
call tmsg
call revoff
jmps more1
more2: cmp al,cr ;cr, lf go to next line
je more4
cmp al,lf
je more4
mov dlngth,0 ;Everything else resets line count
cmp al,0Fh ;^O, ^X go to next file
je more6
cmp al,18h
je more6
cmp al,03h ;^C, ^Z, q quit
je more5
cmp al,1Ah
je more5
or al,'a'-'A'
cmp al,'q'
je more5
more4: jmp rskp ;Next line, page
more5: mov ax,dircnt ;Quit
mov dindex,ax
more6: ret ;Next file
; Space remaining utility
spcutl: call getprm ;Get the disk parameters for calculation
call tcrlf
mov ax,remK ;Display the number of Kbytes remaining
call nout
mov dx, offset spcm01
call tmsg
mov ax,maxK ;And the total number on the drive.
call nout
mov dx, offset spcm02
call tmsg
mov dl,fcb ;Finally say which drive it is.
add dl,'A'-1
call bout
mov dl,':'
call bout
call tcrlf
jmp rskp
; get and save disk parameters which relate to block allocation and size
getprm: mov newdrv,0 ;initialize flag
mov dl,fcb ;specified drive must be the default
dec dl ; which is true if drive was not specified
jl gprm2
cmp dl,defdrv ; or if specified drive matches the default
je gprm2
mov newdrv,0FFh ;otherwise show that we changed default
push dx
call getrov ;make sure the desired drive is write enabled
pop dx ; or else the data may be inaccurate
mov cl,dl
mov ax,1
shl ax,cl
and ax,bx
jz gprm1
push dx
call rstdsk ;if read-only, reset all drives
pop dx
gprm1: call setdrv ;select the new drive as default
gprm2: push es
call getdpb ;get address of DPB in ES:BX
mov cl,es:2[bx] ;get Block Shift Factor
sub cl,3
mov ax,1
shl ax,cl
mov KPB,ax ;save Kbytes Per Block
mov cx,es:5[bx] ;get DSM maximum block number
mov DSM,cx ;save for file size and allocation calculation
inc cx ;number of blocks includes block 0
mul cx
mov maxK,ax ;Maximum number of Kbytes
mov remK,ax ;Kbytes remaining
mov ax,es:7[bx] ;subtract directory allocation from maxK
mov cl,5
shr ax,cl
inc ax
sub maxK,ax
call getalv ;get address of allocation vector in ES:BX
mov ax,DSM ;compute length of vector = (DSM/8)+1
mov cl,3
shr ax,cl
inc ax
mov cx,ax
mov ax,0 ;Count allocated blocks:
gprm3: mov dl,es:[bx] ;for each byte in vector,
inc bx
push cx
mov cx,8 ; for each bit in byte,
gprm4: test dl,1
jz gprm5
inc ax ; if bit is set, then block is allocated
gprm5: shr dl,1
loop gprm4
pop cx
loop gprm3
mul KPB ;convert allocated blocks to Kbytes
sub remK,ax ;subtract allocated Kbytes from remK
pop es
cmp newdrv,0 ;reset default drive if we changed it
je gprm6
mov dl,defdrv
call setdrv
gprm6: ret
; This subroutine fills the previously allocated memory buffer with a sorted
; list of filenames matching the wild name in fcb. On failure, if there were
; no files, it prints an appropriate error message and simply returns. On
; success, it returns to the skip location with the number of entries
; in the list in dircnt. Each buffer entry is 16 bytes long and contains
; the user number at offset 0, the filename (with all attribute bits stripped)
; at offset 1-11, the allocated size in Kbytes at offset 12-13, and the
; read-only and system flags at offsets 14 and 15.
getwld: mov byte ptr fcb+12,'?' ;Match any extent
mov byte ptr fcb+13,'?'
mov byte ptr fcb+14,'?'
call getprm ;get disk parameters for size calculation
mov dircnt,0 ;zero file count and total space occupied
mov dx, offset fcb
call gtjfn ;get first filename
cmp al,0FFh
jne gwld2
mov dx, offset erms15 ;unable to find file
call tcrmsg
mov dx, offset fcb
call tfile
gwld2: mov cl,5 ;find file directory entry
shl al,cl
mov ah,0
mov si, offset dma
add si,ax ;pointer to filename (incl. user number)
mov di, offset dirbuf
push ds
pop es
mov ax,9[si] ;get read-only and system flags
and ax,8080h ;keep only attribute bits
mov 14[di],ax ;save flags at end of buffer
mov cx,12
gwld2a: lodsb
and al,7Fh ;get rid of all attribute bits
loop gwld2a
add si,4 ;look at allocation area
mov ax,0 ;initialize block count
cmp DSM,256 ;if <256 blocks, then each takes a byte
jb gwld2c
mov cx,8 ;8 blocks, one word each
gwld2b: cmp word ptr [si],0
je gwld2e
inc si
inc si
inc ax
loop gwld2b
jmps gwld2e
gwld2c: mov cx,16 ;16 blocks, one byte each
gwld2d: cmp byte ptr [si],0
je gwld2e
inc si
inc ax
loop gwld2d
gwld2e: mul KPB ;convert blocks to kbytes
stosw ;save this FCB's allocation
mov ax,dircnt
cmp ax,word ptr membuf+2 ;don't exceed buffer length
jb gwld2f
mov dx,offset erms27 ; if memory exceeded, print warning
call tcmsgc ; and use what info we have
jmp gwld4
gwld2f: mov si, offset dirbuf ;go back to start of filename
mov es,word ptr membuf ;find correct location in sorted file list
mov di,0
mov cx,dircnt ;number of entries already in list
jcxz gwld3e
gwld3a: push cx
push si
push di
mov cx,12
repe cmpsb
jb gwld3d ;table entry greater than this file, insert
ja gwld3c ;table entry less than this file, keep looking
lodsw ;else table entry same as file
add es:[di],ax ; ...add this FCB's allocation to size
gwld3b: pop di
pop si
pop cx
jmp gwld3f ;go get next filename
gwld3c: pop di ;haven't found insert location yet
pop si
pop cx
add di,16
loop gwld3a
jmp gwld3e ;if greater than all entries, insert at end
gwld3d: pop di ;insertion point
pop si ;filename pointer
pop ax ;number of entries following insertion point
push si
push di
mov cl,4 ;each entry occupies 16 bytes
shl ax,cl
add di,ax
dec di
mov si,di ;point to last byte of table
add di,16 ;move last part down 16 bytes
mov cx,ax
push ds ;save filename segment
push es ;make all action in table segment
pop ds
std ;decrement pointers after each move
rep movsb
pop ds ;restore filename segment
pop di ;insertion point
pop si ;filename pointer
gwld3e: mov cx,16 ;insert filename in table
rep movsb
inc dircnt ;count new entry
gwld3f: mov dx, offset fcb ;look for another matching filename
call gnjfn
cmp al,0FFh
je gwld4
jmp gwld2 ;go process next filename
gwld4: push ds
pop es
jmp rskp
; General output utility routines
tmsgcr: call tmsg ;Print the string
call tcrlf ;Print a CRLF.
tcrmsg: push dx ;Don't trash our string.
call tcrlf ;Print a CRLF.
pop dx ;Restore our string.
call tmsg ;Print the string
tcmsgc: push dx ;Don't trash our string.
call tcrlf ;Print a CRLF.
pop dx ;Restore our string.
call tmsg ;Print the string
call tcrlf ;Print a CRLF.
tcrlf: mov dl,cr ;print a crlf
call bout
mov dl,lf
call bout
tmsg: push bx ;Don't clobber my ACs.
mov cl, prstr ;Ask BDOS for string printing.
int bdos ;What a way to call the BDOS.
pop bx
tfile: mov bx, dx ;Print filename in [dx]'s FCB ;[24a] begin
mov dl, [bx] ;If explicit drive number, display it.
cmp dl, 0
je tfil1
add dl, 'A'-1
push bx
call bout
mov dl, ':'
call bout
pop bx
tfil1: mov cx, 11 ;Now display 11 chars of filename
tfil2: push cx
cmp cx, 3 ;With period before file type
jne tfil3
push bx
mov dl, '.'
call bout
pop bx
tfil3: inc bx
mov dl, [bx]
cmp dl, ' ' ;Don't include spaces
je tfil4
push bx
call bout
pop bx
tfil4: pop cx
loop tfil2
ret ;[24a] end
bout: mov cl, conout ;Ask BDOS for character printing.
int bdos
bin: cmp tkflg, 0 ;Check for command file input. ;[29b] begin
je bin1
jmp tkin ;[29b] end
bin1: mov cl, conin ;Get a char from the console.
int bdos
binst: cmp tkflg, 0 ;Check for command file input. ;[29b] begin
je binst1
jmp tkst ;[29b] end
binst1: mov cl, consta ;Console input status check ;[20e] begin
int bdos
or al, al ;Result 0 if no character ready
jz bins2
jmp rskp ;Return SKIP if character ready
bins2: ret ;[20e] end
dbout: cmp dl, 0 ;Skip null fillers.
je dbout3
call logchr ;Log the character if necessary ;[24a]
call dotab ;Do any necessary tab expansion.
jmp r ; No more chars to output.
dbout2: mov cl, dconio ;Put a char to the console.
int bdos
dbout3: ret
dbin: push dx
mov cl, dconio ;Get a char from the console without
mov dl, 0FFH ; interference.
int bdos
pop dx
dbinst: push dx
mov cl, dconio ;Check the console's input status.
mov dl, 0FEH
int bdos
pop dx
or al, al ;Result 0 if no character ready ;[20e] begin
jz dbins2
jmp rskp ;Return SKIP if character ready
dbins2: ret ;[20e] end
;Log the terminal output character
logchr: cmp logfil, 0 ;Only log if file is open ;[24a] begin
je logch9
mov bx, bufpnt ;Store the character in the buffer.
mov [bx], dl
inc bx
cmp bx, offset dma+80h ;Have we filled a buffer?
jb logch1
push dx ;If so, write it to file.
mov dx, offset lfcb
call soutr
pop dx
mov bx, offset dma
logch1: mov bufpnt, bx
logch9: ret ;Return to output routine ;[24a] end
;Halt this program.
haltf: mov cl, reset ;End this program.
int bdos
ret ;One never knows!
;Reset the disk system to log in drives ;[32a] begin
rstdsk: mov cl,resetd
int bdos
call inidma ;Concurrent CP/M also resets DMA address
;Get and set the default disk drive
getdrv: mov cl,gtdrv
int bdos
ret ;returns drive in al (A=0 through P=15)
setdrv: mov cl,stdrv ;new drive number (A=0 through P=15) in dl
int bdos
;Get and set the default user number
getusr: mov cl,stusr
mov dl,0FFh
int bdos
ret ;returns user in al (0-15)
setusr: mov cl,stusr ;new user number (0-15) in dl
int bdos
ret ;[32a] end
; Get the address of the disk allocation vector ;[32d] begin
getalv: mov cl,gtalv
int bdos
; Get the disk read-only vector
getrov: mov cl,gtrov
int bdos
; Set file attributes according to FCB in dx
setatr: mov cl,statr
int bdos
; Get the address of the DPB
getdpb: mov cl,gtdpb
int bdos
; Allocate a block of memory. MCB address is in dx.
allmem: mov cl,allocm
int bdos
; Free a previously allocated block of memory. MCB address is in dx.
fremem: mov cl,freem
int bdos
ret ;[32d] end
; Get the first file in a wild card search.
gtjfn: mov cl, sfirst
int bdos
; Get the next file in a wild card search.
gnjfn: mov cl, snext
int bdos
; Close the file pointed to by the FCB in DX.
closf: mov cl, clsfil
int bdos
; Open the file pointed to by the FCB in DX.
openf: call fcbzer ;clear the fcb trailer ;[29c]
mov cl, opnfil
int bdos
; Create the file pointed to by the FCB in DX.
create: call fcbzer ;clear the fcb trailer ;[29c]
mov cl, makef
int bdos
fcbzer: push bx ;Clear the end of the FCB ;[29c] begin
push cx ; prior to opening or creating a file.
mov bx, dx
add bx, 12
mov ch, 0
mov cl, 23
fcbz1: mov [bx], ch
inc bx
loop fcbz1
pop cx
pop bx
ret ;[29c] end
; Write a record to the file pointed to by the FCB in DX.
soutr: mov cl, writef
int bdos
; Read a record from the file pointed to by the FCB in DX.
sinr: mov cl, readf
int bdos
; Delete the file pointed to by the FCB in DX.
delete: mov cl, delf
int bdos
; Sets dma to the default buffer. Functions that change this must call this
; function to reset it before continuing
inidma: push dx
mov dx, offset dma
call setdma
pop dx
; Sets the DMA to the offset pointed to in DX and the base in DS.
setdma: mov cl, dmaset
int bdos
mov dx, ds
mov cl, dmabas
int bdos
; Do random access read, write, or file size checks, FCB is in dx
rinr: mov cl, readr
int bdos
routr: mov cl, writer
int bdos
sizef: mov cl, cflsz
int bdos
; Jumping to this location is like retskp. It assumes the instruction
; after the call is a jmp addr.
rskp: pop bp
add bp, 3
push bp
; Jumping here is the same as a ret.
r: ret