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TGS Open Inventor Runtime System
Open Inventor Version: 2.1.2
This file last updated: 9/12/97
This README.txt documents the installation and licensing
of the Open Inventor Runtime system.
The Open Inventor Runtime system is required to use the
ls2iv (Lightscape Solution File to Inventor File translator)
provided with the Lightscape Visualization System.
This runtime component is the proprietary property of Template
Graphics Software (TGS) and requires a runtime license in order
to execute. Please contact Lightscape Technologies to purchase
your licensing key.
Lightscape Technologies, Inc.
1054 South DeAnza Blvd., Suite 200
San Jose, CA 95129-3553 USA
Phone: +1 408 342-1900
Fax: +1 408 342-1910
Sales email: info@lightscape.com
Support email: support@lightscape.com
www: http://www.lightscape.com
--------------- Installation Notes ---------------
The following will add Inventor runtime files to the Lightscape
bin directory, making it possible to run the ls2iv program.
1. Lightscape must be installed first. If you have not yet
installed Lightscape, please do so as documented in
the printed or online installation instructions. The online
installation instructions are in README.txt, located in the
root directory of the CD. The Lightscape software itself
resides in the I386 directory of the CD.
2. Determine the directory where you have installed Lightscape
(the default is c:\Program Files\Lightscape).
NT 3.51:
If you do not know where Lightscape is installed, go to the
Program Manager and select the Lightscape icon in the
Lightscape Applications program group. Then select Properties
under the File Menu. The Working Directory field will give you
the path to the Lightscape bin directory.
In Win95 and NT 4.0:
Choose Find>Files or Folders from the Start menu. In the
Name & Location Tab, type "lscape.exe" in the Named field.
In the Look in field, choose the disk to which you installed
Lighscape. Be sure that the "Include subfolders" option is
chosen. Click "Find Now". Usually only one lscape.exe will
show up in the results list. The In Folder column lists where
it is located. If more than one copy of lscape.exe shows up,
click the right mouse button on the application and choose
Properties from the context menu. On the Version Tab of the
Properties dialog, look for File Version 3.1. Use the path to
this file to install your Inventor files.
3. Copy all of the files in the Inventor directory except this
README) into the Lightscape 'bin' directory on your hard disk.
Assuming you installed into the default location, you will be
copying into the following directory:
c:\Program Files\Lightscape\bin
4. License the Open Inventor Runtime system as described below.
----------------- Licensing Notes ----------------
Lightscape Technologies will provide the licensing key for this
component to customers who have purchased it. Do not contact
TGS for a license key.
1. After you have installed the files, run the 'ladmin.exe' program
in the Lightscape bin directory.
NT 3.51:
This can be accomplished either by using the Program Manager
"Run" command under the File menu or by using the File Manager.
Win 95 or NT 4.0:
Choose Start>Run or use Windows Explorer to find the file and run.
The ladmin program is only used to license the Open Inventor
Runtime system and has no effect on the Lightscape authorization.
Note that the Help button in ladmin will not work, as there is
no online help file.
2. You will need to copy down the number in the Host ID field.
3. Contact Lightscape with the Host ID number. A license key
will be sent back to you by Lightscape. Keep a copy of this
item in your files, in case anything happens to your machine.
4. Enter the expiration date and the key that you received
into the appropriate fields in ladmin.
5. Press the Apply button. If no error message appears,
the licensing was successful and you may now press
the OK button to exit the program. The Lightscape solution
to Inventor file translator (ls2iv.exe) should now function.
If an error message appears, check to see that you
entered the key and expiration date correctly.
6. If, upon running ls2iv, a message box appears indicating
that the system can not find inv212.dll, you did not copy it
to the Lightscape bin directory. You must do so before you
can run ls2iv.