Y2K Resource 1999 November
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Microsoft Outlook Express Year 2000 Update
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2.1 Determine the Outlook Express Version
2.2 Apply the Update to Your System
1.0 Summary of the Problem
If Microsoft Outlook Express 4.x or 5.x receives an Internet Message
Access Protocol (IMAP) mail message or a news message with a
two-digit year as the sent date, the date can be misinterpreted under
certain conditions.
If the sent date includes a two-digit year that is anything other
than '99,' Outlook Express uses the current century value. For
example, if the current year is 2000 and you receive a message using
the two-digit year '97,' Outlook Express interprets the sent date as
2097. However, if you receive the two-digit year '99,' and the current
year is a multiple of 100 (for example, 2000), the year is interpreted
as the current year plus 98 (for example, 2098).
This scenario occurs when the news server or IMAP server only uses
a two-digit year date. It is unknown which specific servers fall into
this category, nor how many of them exist.
This issue does not affect message contents. Users will only see that
the date of a news or mail item is incorrectly displayed in their
Inbox, which subsequently affects sorting by sent date.
2.0 Updating Your System
There are separate updates for different versions of Outlook Express,
both of which can also be found at:
The updates discussed here are for Outlook Express for
Windows 3.1 and Windows NT 3.51.
2.1 Determine the Outlook Express Version
To determine the Outlook Express version
1. Start Outlook Express.
2. Click the Help menu, and then click About
Microsoft Outlook Express.
3. In the About Microsoft Outlook Express dialog box, the
version number is immediately beneath the words
"Outlook Express."
The appropriate update is related to this version number, as follows:
* If the version number is 5.00.0913.xxxx, use
the update Q237824.exe.
* If the version number is 4.01.21xx, use
the update Q237823.exe.
* If the version number is 4.0.18xx.x, upgrade to Internet Explorer
and either Outlook Express 4.01 or 5, and then use the
appropriate update.
To download Internet Explorer 5 for Windows 3.1 and
Windows NT 3.51, visit the Microsoft Internet Explorer
Web site at:
2.2 Apply the Update to Your System
After you determine your version of Outlook Express, download
the appropriate update from the Microsoft Windows Technologies
Internet Explorer Web site at:
Each update package contains three update files: MSOErt16.dll,
IComm16.dll and Readme.txt.
To apply the update to your system
1. Run the update (Q237824.exe or Q237823.exe) to extract
MSOErt16.dll, IComm16.dll and Readme.txt.
2. Unsubscribe to the newsgroups you are already subscribed
to by doing the following:
a. Run Microsoft Outlook Express.
b. Click on Tools -> Newsgroups.
c. Select "Subscribed" Tab.
Note: If needed, please note down the newsgroups you
are subscribed to, before proceeding.
d. Highlight all newsgroups for each news server and
click on Unsubscribe.
3. Close all open applications.
4. Verify the location of the existing MSOErt16.dll and
IComm16.dll. They are typically found in
C:\Winnt\System or C:\Windows\System.
Note: As a precaution, you should back up these files
before proceeding.
5. Copy the new MSOErt16.dll and IComm16.dll that are
provided in this update to the location noted in
Step 4, overwriting the older version of each file.
6. Reboot your system.
7. Run Microsoft Outlook Express and subscribe to the
newsgroups (noted down during Step 2).
3.0 Knowledge Base Articles
For more information, go to the Microsoft Personal Online Support
Web site at:
Then, search the Knowledge Base for articles Q237823, Q237824,
and Q187245.