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899 lines
Encode Version 1.1 by David W. Sanderson, Mark K. Mathews
Purpose: Creates VCR-Plus code from date and time of show.
#include <dos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define KEY001 (9371L)
#define INVALID (-987L)
/* prototypes */
long mixup(long x, long y );
long f1(long inval);
long lookup( long stime, long durat);
void interleave(long tblidx, long cval , long *t8c5, long *t2c1);
long map_top(long day, long year, long top, long digits );
void offset( long day, long year, long top, long *ofout, long *topout );
void Syntax(const char * message);
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
long j, doneflag, trailers, tblidx ;
long s1_out, bot3, top5, quo, rem, newspaper ;
long s4_out, s5_out, ofout, cval ;
long month, day, year, channel, starttime, duration ;
printf("Encode Version 1.1 by David W. Sanderson, Mark K. Mathews\n\n");
if(argc != 7 ) /* only 7 paramaters needed */
Syntax("Required paramaters missing");
if (!strcmp(argv[1],"/?"))
month = atoi(argv[1]);
day = atoi(argv[2]);
year = atoi(argv[3]);
channel = atoi(argv[4]);
starttime = atoi(argv[5]);
duration = atoi(argv[6]);
year = year % 100 ;
if( (month>12) || (month<1) || (day<1) || (day>31) )
Syntax("Invalid date");
if( (channel<1) || (channel>48) )
Syntax("Invalid channel number");
trailers = starttime % 100;
if( ((trailers != 0) && (trailers != 30)) ||
(starttime < 0) || (starttime > 2330))
Syntax("Invalid start time");
trailers = duration % 30;
if( (trailers!=0) || (duration<30) || (duration>300) )
Syntax("Invalid program length");
/* get the t bits and the c bits */
cval = channel - 1 ;
tblidx = lookup(starttime, duration);
/* from them infer what must have been step 4 & step 5 results */
interleave(tblidx, cval, (&s4_out), (&s5_out)) ;
/* find the smallest unmapped_top giving correct mapped_top */
top5 = 0;
doneflag = 0;
/* if the mapped_top is zero then top and offset are zero */
if(s4_out == 0)
top5 = 0; ofout = 0; doneflag = 1;
while(doneflag == 0)
offset(day, year, top5, (&ofout), (&j)) ;
if(j == s4_out)
doneflag = 1;
/* have two of the three inputs to step 5; determine the rem */
for(rem=0; rem<32; rem++)
j = (rem + (day*(month+1)) + ofout) % 32 ;
if(j == s5_out)
break ;
quo = (day - 1);
/* assemble the output of step 1 */
bot3 = 1 + rem + (32 * quo) ;
s1_out = bot3 + (1000 * top5) ;
/* invert the mixing */
newspaper = f1(s1_out);
printf("Date (month/day/year) = %2ld/%2ld/%2ld\n"
"Magazine Channel = %2ld\n"
"Start_time = %4ld\n"
"Length = %3ld\n"
"VCR-Plus code = %6ld\n",
month, day, year, channel, starttime, duration, newspaper);
/* function that performs initial scrambling */
long mixup(long x, long y )
long j, k, sum;
int i;
long a[12], b[12], out[12] ;
/* get the digits of x into a[] */
j = x ;
for(i=0; i<9; i++)
k = j % 10;
a[i] = k;
j = (j - k) / 10 ;
/* get the digits of y into b[] */
j = y ;
for(i=0; i<9; i++)
k = j % 10;
b[i] = k;
j = (j - k) / 10 ;
out[i] = 0;
for(i=0; i<=8; i++)
for(j=0; j<=8; j++)
out[i+(int)j] += (b[(int)j] * a[(int)i]) ;
j = 1;
sum = 0;
for(i=0; i<=8; i++)
sum += j * (out[i] % 10);
j = j * 10 ;
return( sum ) ;
/* first function */
long f1(long inval)
long ndigits, hashval ;
long pwr ;
ndigits = 0;
pwr = 1;
while(inval >= pwr)
pwr *= 10;
if(ndigits > 8)
printf("\nPANIC: %ld has %ld digits\n", inval, ndigits);
pwr = pwr / 10 ;
hashval = inval;
again: hashval = mixup(hashval, KEY001) % (pwr * 10) ;
if(hashval < pwr)
goto again ;
/* the 512-entry tables of starting time and pgm duration */
long lookup( long stime, long durat)
static long start[480], leng[480] ;
static long initializer = 0;
long s;
int j;
if(initializer == 0)
initializer = 1;
for(j=0; j<512; j++)
start[j] = leng[j] = INVALID;
leng[0] = 30 ;
leng[100] = 120 ;
leng[101] = 90 ;
leng[102] = 120 ;
leng[103] = 120 ;
leng[104] = 90 ;
leng[105] = 90 ;
leng[106] = 30 ;
leng[107] = 30 ;
leng[108] = 120 ;
leng[109] = 90 ;
leng[10] = 30 ;
leng[110] = 90 ;
leng[111] = 30 ;
leng[112] = 90 ;
leng[113] = 30 ;
leng[114] = 30 ;
leng[115] = 120 ;
leng[116] = 30 ;
leng[117] = 120 ;
leng[118] = 120 ;
leng[119] = 30 ;
leng[11] = 30 ;
leng[120] = 90 ;
leng[121] = 60 ;
leng[122] = 60 ;
leng[123] = 60 ;
leng[124] = 120 ;
leng[125] = 90 ;
leng[126] = 60 ;
leng[127] = 60 ;
leng[128] = 90 ;
leng[129] = 120 ;
leng[12] = 30 ;
leng[130] = 120 ;
leng[131] = 90 ;
leng[132] = 60 ;
leng[133] = 60 ;
leng[134] = 120 ;
leng[135] = 90 ;
leng[136] = 90 ;
leng[137] = 120 ;
leng[138] = 120 ;
leng[139] = 60 ;
leng[13] = 120 ;
leng[140] = 60 ;
leng[141] = 90 ;
leng[142] = 90 ;
leng[143] = 120 ;
leng[144] = 90 ;
leng[145] = 120 ;
leng[146] = 90 ;
leng[147] = 120 ;
leng[148] = 120 ;
leng[149] = 90 ;
leng[14] = 30 ;
leng[150] = 120 ;
leng[151] = 90 ;
leng[152] = 90 ;
leng[153] = 90 ;
leng[154] = 60 ;
leng[155] = 60 ;
leng[156] = 120 ;
leng[157] = 60 ;
leng[158] = 60 ;
leng[159] = 60 ;
leng[15] = 30 ;
leng[160] = 120 ;
leng[161] = 60 ;
leng[162] = 90 ;
leng[163] = 90 ;
leng[164] = 60 ;
leng[165] = 90 ;
leng[166] = 90 ;
leng[167] = 60 ;
leng[168] = 90 ;
leng[169] = 120 ;
leng[16] = 120 ;
leng[170] = 60 ;
leng[171] = 120 ;
leng[172] = 60 ;
leng[173] = 60 ;
leng[174] = 120 ;
leng[175] = 90 ;
leng[176] = 60 ;
leng[177] = 120 ;
leng[178] = 60 ;
leng[179] = 60 ;
leng[17] = 120 ;
leng[180] = 60 ;
leng[181] = 90 ;
leng[182] = 60 ;
leng[183] = 120 ;
leng[184] = 60 ;
leng[185] = 60 ;
leng[186] = 90 ;
leng[187] = 60 ;
leng[188] = 90 ;
leng[189] = 120 ;
leng[18] = 60 ;
leng[190] = 90 ;
leng[191] = 90 ;
leng[19] = 120 ;
leng[1] = 30 ;
leng[20] = 60 ;
leng[21] = 60 ;
leng[22] = 60 ;
leng[23] = 120 ;
leng[24] = 60 ;
leng[25] = 120 ;
leng[26] = 30 ;
leng[27] = 30 ;
leng[28] = 30 ;
leng[29] = 60 ;
leng[2] = 30 ;
leng[30] = 90 ;
leng[31] = 30 ;
leng[32] = 30 ;
leng[33] = 30 ;
leng[34] = 30 ;
leng[35] = 60 ;
leng[36] = 30 ;
leng[37] = 60 ;
leng[38] = 120 ;
leng[39] = 60 ;
leng[3] = 30 ;
leng[40] = 30 ;
leng[41] = 30 ;
leng[42] = 30 ;
leng[43] = 30 ;
leng[44] = 120 ;
leng[45] = 30 ;
leng[46] = 30 ;
leng[47] = 30 ;
leng[48] = 120 ;
leng[49] = 30 ;
leng[4] = 30 ;
leng[50] = 60 ;
leng[51] = 60 ;
leng[52] = 30 ;
leng[53] = 30 ;
leng[54] = 120 ;
leng[55] = 60 ;
leng[56] = 60 ;
leng[57] = 30 ;
leng[58] = 120 ;
leng[59] = 30 ;
leng[5] = 30 ;
leng[60] = 120 ;
leng[61] = 120 ;
leng[62] = 120 ;
leng[63] = 30 ;
leng[64] = 90 ;
leng[65] = 30 ;
leng[66] = 30 ;
leng[67] = 30 ;
leng[68] = 120 ;
leng[69] = 90 ;
leng[6] = 30 ;
leng[70] = 90 ;
leng[71] = 60 ;
leng[72] = 90 ;
leng[73] = 90 ;
leng[74] = 90 ;
leng[75] = 90 ;
leng[76] = 90 ;
leng[77] = 60 ;
leng[78] = 90 ;
leng[79] = 30 ;
leng[7] = 30 ;
leng[80] = 120 ;
leng[81] = 60 ;
leng[82] = 90 ;
leng[83] = 120 ;
leng[84] = 60 ;
leng[85] = 60 ;
leng[86] = 120 ;
leng[87] = 30 ;
leng[88] = 90 ;
leng[89] = 120 ;
leng[8] = 30 ;
leng[90] = 120 ;
leng[91] = 90 ;
leng[92] = 90 ;
leng[93] = 90 ;
leng[94] = 90 ;
leng[95] = 120 ;
leng[96] = 60 ;
leng[97] = 120 ;
leng[98] = 90 ;
leng[99] = 30 ;
leng[9] = 60 ;
start[0] = 1830 ;
start[100] = 330 ;
start[101] = 1500 ;
start[102] = 1500 ;
start[103] = 2300 ;
start[104] = 1900 ;
start[105] = 800 ;
start[106] = 430 ;
start[107] = 300 ;
start[108] = 1330 ;
start[109] = 1000 ;
start[10] = 1400 ;
start[110] = 700 ;
start[111] = 100 ;
start[112] = 2330 ;
start[113] = 330 ;
start[114] = 200 ;
start[115] = 2230 ;
start[116] = 400 ;
start[117] = 600 ;
start[118] = 400 ;
start[119] = 230 ;
start[11] = 2030 ;
start[120] = 630 ;
start[121] = 30 ;
start[122] = 2230 ;
start[123] = 100 ;
start[124] = 30 ;
start[125] = 2300 ;
start[126] = 1630 ;
start[127] = 830 ;
start[128] = 0 ;
start[129] = 1930 ;
start[12] = 1700 ;
start[130] = 930 ;
start[131] = 2030 ;
start[132] = 500 ;
start[133] = 1730 ;
start[134] = 200 ;
start[135] = 1930 ;
start[136] = 930 ;
start[137] = 1730 ;
start[138] = 630 ;
start[139] = 1830 ;
start[13] = 1600 ;
start[140] = 1430 ;
start[141] = 1130 ;
start[142] = 30 ;
start[143] = 830 ;
start[144] = 1030 ;
start[145] = 1430 ;
start[146] = 100 ;
start[147] = 730 ;
start[148] = 2030 ;
start[149] = 300 ;
start[14] = 2000 ;
start[150] = 300 ;
start[151] = 1330 ;
start[152] = 1230 ;
start[153] = 230 ;
start[154] = 2130 ;
start[155] = 1130 ;
start[156] = 1830 ;
start[157] = 630 ;
start[158] = 530 ;
start[159] = 200 ;
start[15] = 1500 ;
start[160] = 1530 ;
start[161] = 730 ;
start[162] = 600 ;
start[163] = 1730 ;
start[164] = 400 ;
start[165] = 730 ;
start[166] = 430 ;
start[167] = 430 ;
start[168] = 130 ;
start[169] = 1230 ;
start[16] = 2000 ;
start[170] = 130 ;
start[171] = 230 ;
start[172] = 1930 ;
start[173] = 300 ;
start[174] = 1030 ;
start[175] = 200 ;
start[176] = 330 ;
start[177] = 500 ;
start[178] = 930 ;
start[179] = 230 ;
start[17] = 2100 ;
start[180] = 2030 ;
start[181] = 400 ;
start[182] = 1530 ;
start[183] = 430 ;
start[184] = 1330 ;
start[185] = 1230 ;
start[186] = 330 ;
start[187] = 1030 ;
start[188] = 500 ;
start[189] = 530 ;
start[18] = 2000 ;
start[190] = 530 ;
start[191] = 1100 ;
start[19] = 1800 ;
start[1] = 1600 ;
start[20] = 1900 ;
start[21] = 2200 ;
start[22] = 2100 ;
start[23] = 1400 ;
start[24] = 1500 ;
start[25] = 2200 ;
start[26] = 1130 ;
start[27] = 1100 ;
start[28] = 2300 ;
start[29] = 1600 ;
start[2] = 1930 ;
start[30] = 2100 ;
start[31] = 2100 ;
start[32] = 1230 ;
start[33] = 1330 ;
start[34] = 930 ;
start[35] = 1300 ;
start[36] = 2130 ;
start[37] = 1200 ;
start[38] = 1000 ;
start[39] = 1800 ;
start[3] = 1630 ;
start[40] = 2200 ;
start[41] = 1200 ;
start[42] = 800 ;
start[43] = 830 ;
start[44] = 1700 ;
start[45] = 900 ;
start[46] = 2230 ;
start[47] = 1030 ;
start[48] = 1900 ;
start[49] = 730 ;
start[4] = 1530 ;
start[50] = 2300 ;
start[51] = 1000 ;
start[52] = 700 ;
start[53] = 1300 ;
start[54] = 700 ;
start[55] = 1100 ;
start[56] = 1400 ;
start[57] = 1000 ;
start[58] = 800 ;
start[59] = 2330 ;
start[5] = 1730 ;
start[60] = 1300 ;
start[61] = 1200 ;
start[62] = 900 ;
start[63] = 630 ;
start[64] = 1800 ;
start[65] = 600 ;
start[66] = 530 ;
start[67] = 0 ;
start[68] = 2330 ;
start[69] = 2200 ;
start[6] = 1800 ;
start[70] = 1300 ;
start[71] = 900 ;
start[72] = 1630 ;
start[73] = 1600 ;
start[74] = 1430 ;
start[75] = 2000 ;
start[76] = 1830 ;
start[77] = 600 ;
start[78] = 1200 ;
start[79] = 30 ;
start[7] = 1430 ;
start[80] = 130 ;
start[81] = 0 ;
start[82] = 1700 ;
start[83] = 0 ;
start[84] = 800 ;
start[85] = 700 ;
start[86] = 2130 ;
start[87] = 500 ;
start[88] = 1530 ;
start[89] = 1130 ;
start[8] = 1900 ;
start[90] = 1100 ;
start[91] = 830 ;
start[92] = 2230 ;
start[93] = 900 ;
start[94] = 2130 ;
start[95] = 1630 ;
start[96] = 2330 ;
start[97] = 100 ;
start[98] = 1400 ;
start[99] = 130 ;
start[9] = 1700 ;
s = 2330;
for(j=192; j<240; j++)
start[j] = s;
leng[j] = 150;
s = 2330;
for(j=240; j<288; j++)
start[j] = s;
leng[j] = 180;
s = 2330;
for(j=288; j<336; j++)
start[j] = s;
leng[j] = 210;
s = 2330;
for(j=336; j<384; j++)
start[j] = s;
leng[j] = 240;
s = 2330;
for(j=384; j<432; j++)
start[j] = s;
leng[j] = 270;
s = 2330;
for(j=432; j<480; j++)
start[j] = s;
leng[j] = 300;
} /* end of initializer block */
for(j=0; j<481; j++)
if(stime == start[j])
if(durat == leng[j])
break ;
if( j >= 480 )
printf("oops, I dont have an entry for index %ld\n", j);
j = 0;
void interleave(long tblidx, long cval , long *t8c5, long *t2c1)
long small, big, b;
small = 0;
big = 0;
/* build t2c1 */
b = 0x00000001 & (tblidx >> 2) ;
small += (b << 4);
b = 0x00000001 & (tblidx >> 1) ;
small += (b << 2);
b = 0x00000001 & tblidx ;
small += b;
b = 0x00000001 & (cval >> 1) ;
small += (b << 3);
b = 0x00000001 & cval ;
small += (b << 1);
/* build t8c5 */
b = 0x00000001 & (tblidx >> 8) ;
big += (b << 9);
b = 0x00000001 & (tblidx >> 7) ;
big += (b << 7);
b = 0x00000001 & (tblidx >> 6) ;
big += (b << 5);
b = 0x00000001 & (tblidx >> 5) ;
big += (b << 4);
b = 0x00000001 & (tblidx >> 4) ;
big += (b << 3);
b = 0x00000001 & (tblidx >> 3) ;
big += b;
b = 0x00000001 & (cval >> 5) ;
big += (b << 8);
b = 0x00000001 & (cval >> 4) ;
big += (b << 6);
b = 0x00000001 & (cval >> 3) ;
big += (b << 2);
b = 0x00000001 & (cval >> 2) ;
big += (b << 1);
*t8c5 = big;
*t2c1 = small;
long map_top(long day, long year, long top, long digits )
long d2, d1, d0, y, poot ;
long n2, n1, n0, f3, f2, f1, f0;
y = year % 16 ;
d2 = top / 100 ;
d1 = (top % 100) / 10 ;
d0 = top % 10 ;
f0 = 1;
f1 = (y + 1) % 10;
f2 = ( ((y+1)*(y+2)) / 2 ) % 10 ;
f3 = ( ((y+1)*(y+2)*(y+3)) / 6 ) % 10 ;
if(digits == 1)
n0 = ( (d0*f0) + (day*f1) ) % 10 ;
n1 = 0;
n2 = 0;
if(digits == 2)
n0 = ( (d0*f0) + (d1*f1) + (day*f2) ) % 10 ;
n1 = ( (d1*f0) + (day*f1) ) % 10 ;
n2 = 0;
if(digits == 3)
n0 = ( (d0*f0) + (d1*f1) + (d2*f2) + (day*f3) ) % 10 ;
n1 = ( (d1*f0) + (d2*f1) + (day*f2) ) % 10 ;
n2 = ( (d2*f0) + (day*f1) ) % 10 ;
poot = (100*n2) + (10*n1) + n0 ;
return( poot );
void offset( long day, long year, long top, long *ofout, long *topout )
long i, t, tx, off, digits, burp;
long pwr ;
pwr = 1 ; digits = 0;
while(top >= pwr)
pwr *= 10;
pwr = pwr / 10 ;
t = tx = top ;
off = 0;
while(tx > 0)
off += (tx % 10);
tx /= 10;
for(i=0; i<=(year%16); i++)
burp = ( (map_top(day, i, t, digits)) % 10 ) ;
off += burp ;
t = map_top(day, year, t, digits) ;
if(t < pwr)
goto again ;
*ofout = (off % 32) ;
*topout = (t) ;
void Syntax(const char *message)
if ( *message != NULL)
printf("Encode V1.1 Converts program time to VCR-Plus code.\n"
"Encode [MM] [DD] [YY] [CH] [START] [LENGTH]\n"
" [MM] - Month of program.\n"
" [DD] - Day of program.\n"
" [YY] - Year of program.\n"
" [CH] - Channel # from magazine.\n"
" [START] - Time program starts.\n"
" Example:\n"
" If 9AM enter 900.\n"
" If 6AM enter 1800 (600+1200).\n"
" [LENGTH] - How long the program is.\n"
" /? - This help info.\n"
exit(-1) ;