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303 lines
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║ ISoft D&M ║
║ POB. 5517 ║
║ Coralville IA 52241 ║
║ U.S.A ║
║ ║
* RPTP *
* Ron's Print To Printer program, RPTP V3.5, Aug. 1992. *
* Last update : Aug. 02, 1992. *
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File List
This package contains the following files :
RPTP.EXE - RPTP program executable.
RPTPF.EXE - RPTP front end program.
RPTP.DOC - This file.
RPTP.REG - Registration File.
PROGRAMS.TXT - ISoft D&M shareware products description.
RPTP.PRT - Sample Printer Definitions.
Why Register
RPTP is a shareware product, if you find this product valuable,
please register it. This section describes the reasones you should register.
By registering you will receive a printed manual, with many examples, a
diskette with the latest RPTP version, and the complete source code for RPTP,
and - you will help us to create the next version of RPTP - that will include
even more features then the features that are currently available!,
we might even add YOUR enhancment requests!
Whats New
Version 3.5 added the fron-end RPTPF program, that uses a pop-up window to
allow the user to choose RPTP parameters. The RPTPF program features
mouse support, on-line help, and more.
Version 3.4 fixed a bug in multiple input files processing.
Version 3.3 added the /? help page parameter. From this version RPTP is
distributed by ISoft D&M, P.O.B 5517, Coralville IA 52241, U.S.A.
Version 3.2 added the /TS parameter to support printer termination string.
Version 3.1 added the /SU parameter to specify printer setup string.
Version 3.0 supports printer control codes using the /AP+ parameter,
Please refer to the "Printer Usage" section in this document for printer
control commands. Also added the /PFnnn and /EPc parameters which are
related to printer formatting support. These switches are described in
the "Printer Usage" section in this document, as well.
From Version 2.0 multiple files can be printed in one document using the
/IC switch, with a command file as input, Please refer to the
"Using Command File" section in this document for the command file
Version 1.5 added the /W+, /W- switches. With /W+ lines longer then the
columns specified will be wraped around, with /W- they will be truncated.
From version 1.5 the /XF and /XH flags are defaulted to + (TRUE), instead
of - (FALSE), that was the standard up to that version.
Version 1.4 added the /U+, /U- switches. With /U+ a form feed character
is sent after the footer, with /U- text lines are sent until the end of page.
Version 1.3 added the /N+, /N- switches, to display line numbers at the left
of each text line printed.
Version 1.2 Added the -PSsss and -PEeee switches to choose the start and
end pages to be printed. (This feature is helpfull if you have a paper
jam during one of the printing sessions, and you do not want to print
the entire document again).
Have you ever tried to print a program listing to a continous paper printer ?
of course you did, every programmer does. What did you think about these lines
that disappeared between the pages, didn't you wish you could skip a few
pages before and after each page break ?, and what about a small header or
a footer with the program's name and date ?, well.. that would be nice,
wouldn't it ?, and what if the program is built of several files, you want
to print using the same numbering system ?, well .., and what about some
printer control help, ..
I hoped, for a long time, to have such a small helpful program as RPTP is,
but, because I could not find one I could use, I had to write RPTP myself.
At the command line type RPTP and press Enter to receive a help screen, that
lists the program's command line format, and options.
RPTP V3.5, ISoft D&M, P.O.B 5517, CORALVILLE IA 52241, U.S.A
usage: RPTP [e-options] input-file [e-options] [output-file] [e-options]
e-options: @optfile - file of options
options - options displayed below
options: /Lxxx /Cyyy - xxx lines/yyy cols. per page
/SH /SF - standard header/footer
/U+ /U- - use/do not use form feed character
/H- /H+hhh - no header/use hhh as header
/F- /F+fff - no footer/use fff as footer
/W+ /W- - wrap/do not wrap lines
/XH+ /XH- - center/do not center header
/XF+ /XF- - center/do not center footer
/PSsss /PEeee - start at page sss, end at page eee
/N+ /N- - print/do not print line numbers
/IF /IC - input file/command file
/AP+ /AP- - allow/do not allow printer commands
/EPc /TS - escape printer code=c/printer termination string sss
/PFnnn /SUsss - printer file nnn/printer setup string sss
/? - display help
Notice - in option files, place each option in a line by itself.
Notice - if the /IC switch is given the input to the RPTP program is
taken from a command file, with the file given as input-file
used as the command file. Please refer to the "Using Command File"
By default RPTP assumes a simple input file (/IF switch), and the input-file
given is used as the input source to the program.
An alternate way to operate RPTP is by using the RPTPF front-end program,
at the command line type RPTPF, and fill the fields displayed, to activate
the RPTP program. After filling the fields select 'Ok' to activate and
terminate, 'Cancel' to terminate, and 'Send Job' to activate and stay in
the RPTPF panel.
Using Command File
With Version 2.0 RPTP allows the user to merge multiple text files into
one printed document. If you specify the /IC switch on the command line
the input-file given on the command line is considered to be a command
file that have the following syntax :
Every line serves as one command to be processed by RPTP.
If the line contains the NEWPAGE command the output report performs a
new page break, and starts printing the next file specified on the
top of the next page.
Any other line command is considered to be a file name to be printed.
An example :
When I want to print the RPTP program and documantation for my own use
I use a command file named RPTP.MLT which has the following structure :
using the following command :
C:\> rptp rptp.mlt /ic
The output from this command is a printed document that contains both the
RPTP program, a report unit used to create the program, and this file.
Printer Usage
From Version 3.0 RPTP can perform printer formatting processing using the
/AP+ parameter switch. by default /AP- is assumed, and no printer command
support is available, if /AP+ is given on the command line, or option file,
RPTP replaces any printer escape code found with the appropriate printer
setup string. The printer escape code is defined by 2 characters in the text
source file, The first one is the printer escape character which can be set
using the /EPc command, (The default is character ascii 251 which can be
entered using the ALT-251 combination from the keypad. The second character
in the printer escape code is the printer setup identifier using the
following values :
underLineStart = 'U'
underLineEnd = 'u'
boldStart = 'B'
boldEnd = 'b'
user1 = '1'
user2 = '2'
user3 = '3'
user4 = '4'
user5 = '5'
user6 = '6'
user7 = '7'
user8 = '8'
user9 = '9'
user0 = '0'
resetPrinter = '@'
proportional = 'P'
fixedSpacing = 'p'
ItalicStart = 'I'
italicEnd = 'i'
uprightStart = 'G' { same as italicEnd on HP laserJet IIIp }
condensedStart = 'C'
condensedEnd = 'c' { same as upright on HP laserJet IIIp }
expandedStart = 'E'
expandedEnd = 'e' { same as upright on HP laserJet IIIp }
outLineStart = 'O'
inLineStart = 'N'
shadowedStart = 'S'
outLineShadowed = 'o'
By default the printer commands are replaced by HP laserJet IIIp setup
strings, however, setup strings for different printers can be desinged and
using the /PFnnn switch on the command line. If you want to create your
own printer specific configuration file use the supplied RPTP.PRT template
file and overwrite the printer codes starting from position 20 (col. 20)
in the file with the appropriate codes. My own configuration file is
used only to define that user0 command will set the PC-8 HP font, and that
user1 will select the Roman8 font. My configuration file has the following
structure :
user1 (8U
user0 (10U
It is important that the printer setup codes will start in col. 20, and
will not have any trailing spaces after them!.
There is no warranty what so ever, The program is supplied as is,
The distributer (ISoft D&M), or the author (Loewy Ron), are not,
and will not be responsible for any damages, lost profits,
or inconveniences caused by the use, or inability to use this program.
The use of the program is at your own risk.
By using (or attempting to use) the program you agree to this.
RPTP is distributed by ISoft D&M, P.O.B. 5517 CORALVILLE IA 52241, U.S.A.
RPTP is (c) copyrighted by Loewy Ron, 1991, 92.
RPTP is a shareware program, please register your copy.
To register your copy of RPTP please refer to the supplied
RPTP.REG file.
Other programs distributed by ISoft D&M are described in the supplied
Please contact :
ISoft D&M,
P.O.B 5517
Coralville IA 52241,
RPTP was written using Turbo-Pascal V6.0, a copyright of Borland International.
HP and HP laserJet IIIp are trademarks of Hewlett Packard.
RPTPF was created using WTGEN V1.0 - A CASE Tool generator by Loewy Ron.