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* QHelpQ.Dat ... Config File for QEdit (R) Ver 2.15 01 Mar 93 Rhg │
* This file is a listing of the QEdit's configurable keys
* and QEdit's DEFAULT assignments. It is an modified extract
* from the QCONFIG.DAT file supplied with the current version
* of QEdit (R) Advanced.
* Other Configurations of QHelp are available.
* See the README.BAT on the distribution disk.
* This version of QHelpQ tracks these key
* assignments. In addition to these key
* assignments, additional keys have been
* assigned for use by the QHelpQ utility.
* see QuickHelp ( in QHelpQ )
* To install the QHelpQ Key assignments you
* must run QEdit's Qconfig utility. Use this
* QHelpQ.DAT file and the QHelpQ.TXT file.
* Both of these files are provided with this
* QHelpQ utility.
* The below key assignments are the original
* QEdit (R) default key assignments.
* As indicated above, Some of the previously
* unused keys have been assigned for use by
* the QHelpQ Utility. Additionally some of
* the unused keys have been declared as
* reserved for use by QEdit's TSR editor.
* see RESERVED KEYS ( in QHelpQ )
* ┌──────┐
* │ HELP │
* └──────┘
* F1 or Invokes the Quick Help Menu of HOT KEY assignments
* There are two HOT KEYS used to access the QHelpQ hypertext
* help utility in the TSR mode. One is to access QHelpQ at the
* MAIN MENU, and the other is used for context sensitive help.
* ALT F7 QHelpQ TSR to MAIN MENU ( or last help topic )
* ALT F8 QHelpQ TSR ( contex sensitive help )
* CTRL F2 Is used to Invoke QHelpQ as a shell ( non TSR mode )
* Other HOT KEYS are also assigned for the non TSR mode.
* See HELP KEYS or the macro assigments, later in this file.
* see also Help on QHelpQ ( in QHelpQ )
* see also QuickHelp ( in QHelpQ )
* see also RESERVED KEYS ( in QHelpQ )
* Specify control-key commands via: ^f1 - This means Control-F1
* Specify alt-key commands via: @f1 - This means Alt-F1
* Specify shift-key commands via: #f1 - This means Shift-F1
* There is also a provision for "two key commands".
* For example, to make the Control-F1, Control-F2 sequence issue the
* exit command, try the following:
* ^f1_^f2 Exit
* The key here is that the commands must be separated by a '_'.
* Multiple commands and/or text may be entered for a single key. To do so,
* specify "MACROBegin" as the first command. To enter text, enclose the
* text in single or double quote marks. For example:
* f1 MACROBegin EditFile 'help.dat' Return
* This command would load the file 'help.dat'. Note the return command is
* issued after the text. This is required to terminate the QEdit prompt.
* Following is a macro that will run make and load the results into a window:
* MACROBegin EditFile 'errors.lst' Return Quit Dos 'make >errors.lst' Return Return HorizontalWindow EditFile 'errors.lst' Return
* Following macro will run Turbo C on the current file:
* MACROBegin GSave Dos 'tcc -y -M ' CurrentFilename Return
* Finally, you can also use the scancode to represent "special keys", as
* long as this key returns a ascii character code of 0.
* For example Alt-F9 returns an ascii character of 0 and a scan code of
* 112 decimal. To make Alt-F9 issue the EditFile command, you could:
* 112 EditFile
* or
* @f9 EditFile
* Either will work. This becomes especially useful if you have a macro
* processor and/or special keyboard that has extended keys that QEdit
* doesn't have names for. This gives you a method to use them.
* Note that the order of this file is NOT important. Arrange it however
* makes sense to you.
* Note that the following does NOT constitute a complete listing of all
* available QEdit commands. For a complete and updated listing of all
* of the available commands, refer to your copy of the QEdit (R) Advanced
* Reference Guide ( Version 2.07, March 1989 ), AND the QEdit (R) Advanced
* Addendum ( Version 2.1, February 1990 ). For the QEdit (R) TSR commands,
* refer to the QEdit (R) TSR Reference Guide ( Version 1.1, February 1990 )
* The QHelpQ utility can also be used as a source listing of ALL QEdit
* commands, both the Advanced version and the TSR version. Use the INDEX
* and browse.
* The remainder of this file, complete with HYPER LINKS, is repeated
* in the QHelpQ utility. Type ... ' qhelpq configurable '
f1 QuickHelp
f2 AddLine
f3 GPQuit
f4 DupLine
f5 MakeTopOfScreen
f6 DelToEol
f7 MarkBlockBegin
f8 MarkBlockEnd
f9 Shell
#f1 ToggleBoxDraw
#f3 Sort
#f5 MakeCtrOfScreen
#f7 ShiftLeft
#f8 ShiftRight
* Assigned for QHelpQ use.
* #f10 see macro defination at end of file
^f1 ToggleEGA43
* Assigned for QHelpQ use.
* ^f2 see macro defination at end of file
* ^f3 see macro defination at end of file
* ^f4 see macro defination at end of file
* ^f5 see macro defination at end of file
* ^f6 see macro defination at end of file
* ^f7 see macro defination at end of file
* ^f8 see macro defination at end of file
* ^f9 see macro defination at end of file
* ^f10 see macro defination at end of file
@f1 ToggleBoxType
@f2 InsertLine
@f3 Match
@f5 ScreenLeft
@f6 ScreenRight
* @f7 was unused ... Reserved for QHelpQ TSR Help ( MainMenu)
* @f8 was unused ... Reserved for QHelpQ TSR Context Help
@f9 Dos
@f10 ShowEntryScreen
cursorup CursorUp
cursordown CursorDown
cursorleft CursorLeft
cursorright CursorRight
^cursorleft WordLeft
^cursorright WordRight
home BegLine
end EndLine
^home BegScreen
^end EndScreen
pgup PageUp
pgdn PageDown
^pgdn EndFile
^pgup BegFile
#tab TabLt
tab TabRt
ins ToggleInsert
del DelCh
backspace Backspace
^backspace DelLtWord
enter Return
^enter ExecuteScrap
escape Escape
grey* Paste
grey+ Copy
grey- Cut
^prtsc PasteOver
* Macro to edit the file whose name is sitting at the cursor in the editor.
^] MacroBegin AltWordSet MarkWord Copy DefaultWordSet EditFile Paste Return
^- GetPrev
@a DropAnchor
@b WrapPara
@c CopyBlock
@d DelLine
@e EditFile
@f MacroBegin MainMenu 'f'
@g DeleteBlock
@h QuickHelp
@i ToggleTabsOut
@j JoinLine
@k MarkColumn
@l MarkLine
@m MoveBlock
@n NextFile
@o ChangeFilename
@p MacroBegin MainMenu 'p'
@q MacroBegin MainMenu 'q'
@r ReadBlock
@s SplitLine
@u UnmarkBlock
@v ToggleTabsExpand
@w WriteBlock
@x GExit
@y GSave
@z CopyOverBlock
@1 Upper
@2 Lower
@3 Flip
* Assigned for QHelpQ use.
* @4 see macro defination at end of file.
* @5 see macro defination at end of file.
* @6 see macro defination at end of file.
* @7 see macro defination at end of file.
* @8 see macro defination at end of file.
* @9 see macro defination at end of file.
@= MacroBegin MarkWord Copy Find Paste Return Return
^a WordLeft
^b_a AppendScrBuff
^b_l GetScrBuff
^b_s StoreScrBuff
^c PageDown
^d CursorRight
^e CursorUp
^f WordRight
^g DelCh
^h Backspace
^i TabRt
^j GotoLine
^k_b MarkBlockBegin
^k_c CopyBlock
^k_d Exit
^k_e EditFile
^k_f ChangeFilename
^k_h UnmarkBlock
^k_k MarkBlockEnd
^k_l FillBlock
^k_n NextFile
^k_p PrevFile
^k_q PQuit
^k_r ReadBlock
^k_s SaveFile
^k_t MarkWord
^k_v MoveBlock
^k_w WriteBlock
^k_x File
^k_y DeleteBlock
^k_z KillFile
^l RepeatFind
^m MacroRecord
^n SplitLine
^o_c CloseWindow
^o_g GrowWindow
^o_h HorizontalWindow
^o_l SetPrintLeftMargin
^o_n NextWindow
^o_o OneWindow
^o_p PrevWindow
^o_r SetRMargin
^o_s ShrinkWindow
^o_t CenterLine
^o_w ToggleWordWrap
^o_z ZoomWindow
^p Literal
^q_a FindReplace
^q_b GotoBlockBeg
^q_c EndFile
^q_d EndLine
^q_e BegScreen
^q_f Find
^q_i ToggleIndent
^q_k GotoBlockEnd
^q_l UndoCursorline
^q_p PrevPosition
^q_q RepeatCmd
^q_r BegFile
^q_s BegLine
^q_t ToggleSmartTabs
^q_x EndScreen
^q_y DelToEol
^r PageUp
^s CursorLeft
^t DelRtWord
^u UnKill
^v ToggleInsert
^w ScrollUp
^x CursorDown
^y DelLine
^z ScrollDown
* ┌──────┐
* │ HELP │
* └──────┘
* QEdit .. Internal
* Reference, Only ... assigned above
* @h Quick_Help
* F1 Quick_Help
* @ F7 QHelpQ TSR HELP ( Main Menu, or last help topic )
* @ F8 QHelpQ TSR Contex HELP
* HERE, down for QHelpQ ... non resident mode
* Main Menu
^F2 MACRO_BEGIN dos 'QhS MM' return return
* Function Keys
^F3 MACRO_begin dos 'QhS K0' return return
* File Pop Down Menu
^F4 MACRO_begin dos 'QhS K1' return return
* Window Pop Down Menu
^F5 MACRO_begin dos 'QhS K2' return return
* Block Pop Down Menu
^F6 MACRO_begin dos 'QhS K3' return return
* Search Pop Down Menu
^F7 MACRO_begin dos 'QhS K4' return return
* Print Pop Down Menu
^F8 MACRO_begin dos 'QhS K5' return return
* MACRO Pop Down Menu
^F9 MACRO_begin dos 'QhS K6' return return
* Edit Pop Down Menu
^F10 MACRO_begin dos 'QhS K7' return return
* Other Pop Down Menu
@4 MACRO_begin dos 'QhS K8' return return
* Quit Pop Down Menu
@5 MACRO_begin dos 'QhS K9' return return
* Cursor
@6 MACRO_begin dos 'QhS KC' return return
* Misc
@7 MACRO_begin dos 'QhS KM' return return
* Tabs
@8 MACRO_begin dos 'QhS KT' return return
* toGgles
@9 MACRO_begin dos 'QhS KG' return return
* HERE, up for QHelpQ ... non resident mode
greyenter Return
^greyenter ExecuteScrap
^cursordown LineDown
^cursorup LineUp
* ================================================
* New Commands in QEdit Advanced 2.15 (See explanations later in this file)
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* AsciiChart also OTHER menu command ( @OT )
* FirstNonWhite
* ListFiles also FILE menu command ( @FT )
* isBegLine for macro use
* isCursorInBlock for macro use
* isEmptyLine for macro use
* isEndLine for macro use
* isFirstLine for macro use
* isLastLine for macro use
* RestoreSettings for macro use
* SaveSettings for macro use
* SetAutoIndentMode for macro use
* SetInsMode for macro use
* SetScreenOff for macro use
* SetScreenOn for macro use
* SetSoundOff for macro use
* SetSoundOn for macro use
* SetWordWrapMode for macro use
* Additions to the Menus (command names are in []):
* -------------------------------------------------
* File menu:
* "lisT" - invokes the new [ListFiles] command
* Block menu:
* "copyOver" - invokes the [CopyOverBlock] command
* "Fill" - invokes [FillBlock] command
* "Sort" - invokes the [Sort] (block) command (a column
* block must be marked)
* Macro menu:
* "Execute scrap" - invokes the [ExecuteScrap] (macro) command
* Other menu:
* "ascii charT" - invokes the new [AsciiChart] command
* General Commands:
* -----------------
* [AsciiChart]
* Displays a scrollable ASCII chart on the screen.
* [ListFiles]
* Displays a list of the currently loaded files. To switch to another
* file, move the cursor to the appropriate file and press <Enter>. To
* keep editing the current file, press <Escape>.
* [FirstNonWhite]
* Intended as a replacement and/or supplement to the [BegLine] command.
* Places the cursor at the first non-white character on the line, or
* column 1 if the line doesn't have any non-white characters. "White"
* characters are tabs or spaces. A useful macro would be:
* Home MacroBegin BegLine JTrue done: FirstNonWhite done:
* (Explanation: If already at the start of a line, go to the first
* non-white character on the line; otherwise, if not already at the start
* of a line, go to the start of the line.
* Advanced Macro Commands:
* ------------------------
* The following new commands are intended for QEdit macro writers, to make
* certain kinds of macros easier to write.
* - This group of macro commands force the indicated mode or setting. If
* the setting was already in that condition, they set QEdit's result
* code to TRUE; otherwise, they set it to FALSE.
* In many cases, macros can behave differently based on the currently
* set QEdit modes. The following 3 new commands give you some control
* in establishing the proper environment so that your macro will always
* work as intended.
* [SetInsMode]
* Sets Insert mode on. To set Insert mode off (that is, set overwrite
* mode on), do the following:
* SetInsMode ToggleInsert
* [SetAutoIndentMode]
* Sets AutoIndent mode on. To set AutoIndent mode off, do the
* following:
* SetAutoIndentMode ToggleIndent
* [SetWordWrapMode]
* Sets WordWrap mode on. To set WordWrap mode off, do the following:
* SetWordWrapMode ToggleWordWrap
* - The [Find] command sounds a tone when the search string cannot be
* found. This can be irritating in a long-running macro, that may
* possibly execute hundreds of finds that fail. The following commands
* allow you to selectively turn the sound on and off.
* [SetSoundOn]
* Sets sound on.
* [SetSoundOff]
* Sets sound off.
* - Most macros execute dozens of QEdit commands, possibly hundreds of
* times. This can cause the screen to flash rapidly as the macro runs.
* Not only is this somewhat disconcerting to watch, it actully slows
* down the speed of some macros. The following commands allow you to
* temporarily suspend or resume screen updating, while a macro is
* running.
* [SetScreenOn]
* Turns screen updating on.
* [SetScreenOff]
* Turns screen updating off. You must turn screen updating back on
* before your macro prompts for input, or if there is some output from
* the macro that you want displayed on the screen.
* NOTE: QEdit will AUTOMATICALLY turn screen updating back on when the
* macro is finished executing. Thus, it is not necessary to issue the
* SetScreenOn command at the end of the macro.
* - Many times, it would be nice for a macro to force a few settings, do
* its assigned task, and then restore the original settings. The
* following commands allow you to do just that. Note that each time
* [SaveSettings] is executed, the previous settings saved with
* [SaveSettings] are overwritten.
* [SaveSettings]
* Saves the current settings of: Insert, AutoIndent, WordWrap, Sound,
* and Screen Updating.
* [RestoreSettings]
* Restores the saved settings, listed above.
* - The following commands set QEdit's result code to TRUE or FALSE based
* on the condition being tested. These commands make certain types of
* macro tests easier and reliable.
* [isBegLine]
* Returns TRUE if the cursor is at column 1; otherwise, FALSE is
* returned.
* [isEndLine]
* Returns TRUE if the cursor is past the last non-white character on
* the current line; otherwise, FALSE is returned, including the case
* when the cursor is on an empty line.
* [isEmptyLine]
* Returns TRUE if the current line is empty or contains only white
* space; otherwise, FALSE is returned.
* [isLastLine]
* Returns TRUE if the cursor is on the last line of the currently
* edited file; otherwise, FALSE is returned.
* [isFirstLine]
* Returns TRUE if the cursor is on the first line of the currently
* edited file; otherwise, FALSE is returned.
* [isCursorInBlock]
* Returns TRUE if the cursor is inside a marked block; otherwise, FALSE
* is returned.
* - In order to tie a few of these concepts together, we present a simple
* macro to delete all the blank lines in a marked block. The cursor
* should be at the beginning of the block when the macro is invoked.
* shift f9 MacroBegin
* SetScreenOff * turn off screen for speed
* begin: isCursorInBlock jFalse done: * exit if not in block
* isEmptyLine jFalse next: * skip if not empty line
* isLastLine jTrue last: * special handling for last line
* DelLine jump begin: * delete empty lines
* next: CursorDown jTrue begin: * try next line
* jump done: *
* last: DelLine * delete the last line
* done: * that's all, folks!