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Assembly Source File
97 lines
title 'XCRC linkage to CRC'
name xcrc
cseg segment byte public 'CODE'
assume cs : cseg
public crcasm, crca
; PROCEDURE crc(byte, VAR integer);
; incorporates byte in integer using x^16+x^12+x^5+1
crcasm proc far
pop dx; return offset
pop cx; return segment
pop bx; ^integer, offset
pop es; ^integer, segment
pop ax; al := byte
push cx; return segment
push dx; return offset
mov dx,es:[bx]; old crc value
; ------ busy regs - speed optimized.
xor al,dh; al ah dl dh
mov ah,al; x x x
ror al,1; x x x
ror al,1; x x x
ror al,1; x x x
ror al,1; x x x
and al,0fh; x x x
xor al,ah; x x
mov dh,al; x x .
ror al,1; x x .
ror al,1; x x .
ror al,1; x x .
mov ah,al; x x x .
and al,1fh; x x x .
xor al,dl; x x .
xchg dh,al; . . .
mov dl,al; . . .
mov al,ah; x x . x
and al,0e0h; x x x
xor dl,al; . . .
ror ah,1; x x x
and ah,0f0h; x x x
xor dh,ah; x x one byte done
; -----
mov es:[bx],dx; save result
crcasm endp
; PROCEDURE crca(VAR byte array; VAR integer);
; incorporates bytes in integer using x^16+x^12+x^5+1
crca proc far
pop dx; return offset
pop ax; return segment
pop bx; ^integer, offset
pop es; ^integer, segment
pop cx; length
pop si; ^array, offset
pop di; ^array, segment
push ax; return segment
push dx; return offset
push ds; save
mov ds,di; array segment
mov dx,es:[bx]; incoming crc
jcxz crca2; zero length
crca1: lodsb
; ------ busy regs - speed optimized
xor al,dh; al ah dl dh
mov ah,al; x x x
ror al,1; x x x
ror al,1; x x x
ror al,1; x x x
ror al,1; x x x
and al,0fh; x x x
xor al,ah; x x
mov dh,al; x x .
ror al,1; x x .
ror al,1; x x .
ror al,1; x x .
mov ah,al; x x x .
and al,1fh; x x x .
xor al,dl; x x .
xchg dh,al; . . .
mov dl,al; . . .
mov al,ah; x x . x
and al,0e0h; x x x
xor dl,al; . . .
ror ah,1; x x x
and ah,0f0h; x x x
xor dh,ah; x x one byte done
; -----
loop crca1; over the array
mov es:[bx],dx; save result
crca2: pop ds
crca endp
cseg ends