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Text File  |  1992-04-28  |  10KB  |  242 lines

  1. |              ┌───────────┐
  2. |              │ Help menu │
  3. |              └───────────┘
  4. |
  5. (prog_dir swap makename pager hmenu0)h0show!
  6. ((cfg_filename pager)
  7. ("readme.1st"h0show)
  8. ("readme.2nd"h0show)
  9. ("userman.doc"h0show)
  10. ("refman.doc"h0show)
  11. ("design.doc"h0show)
  12. ("history.doc"h0show)
  13. ("ordrform.doc"h0show)
  14. ("msh.art"h0show)
  15. ("config.msh"h0show)
  16. ("berk.msh"h0show)
  17. ("help.msh"h0show)
  18. ("keybind.msh"h0show)
  19. ("c_blue.msh"h0show)
  20. ("stddefs.msh"h0show)
  21. ("ext.msh"h0show)
  22. ("menu.msh"h0show)
  23. " Which file would you like to browse
  24.  %readme.1st%   Introduction
  25.  %readme.2nd%   List of files in package
  26.  %userman.doc%  User's manual (default environment)
  27.  %refman.doc%   Reference manual (MSH language)
  28.  %design.doc%   Explanation of some design features
  29.  %history.doc%  History of changes between versions
  30.  %ordrform.doc% Order form
  31.  %msh.art%      A good review of MSH by M.Durant
  32.  %config.msh%   overall configuration
  33.  %berk.msh%     Berkeley Utils
  34.  %help.msh%     this file
  35.  %keybind.msh%  how the keys are bound to actions
  36.  %c_blue.msh%   video attributes
  37.  %stddefs.msh%  standard definitions
  38.  %ext.msh%      what to do with typical file extensions
  39.  %menu.msh%     menu definitions
  40. " (help_menu) 0 2 temp_bordered_menu)hmenu0!
  41. |
  42. ("Panel actions"
  43. " move around with Up, Down, PgUp, PgDn,
  44.    CtrlPgDn (end), CtrlB (beginning)
  45. CtrlO        Flip off/on the panels
  46. Tab/BackTab  Goto next/previous panel
  47. Alt1/Alt2    Expand/Trim the panel
  48. AltW         Wide/narrow display
  49. CtrlU        Exchange the panels
  50. CtrlR        Refresh  the directory
  51. AltN sort by name
  52. AltS sort by size
  53. AltE sort by extension
  54. AltT sort by time"message)hmenu1!
  55. |
  56. ("Command line actions"
  57. " move around with Left, Right, Home, End;
  58.   Esc clears the line; 
  59.   Insert, Delete, BackSpace work as usual.
  61. CtrlLeft/CtrlRight Word left/right
  62. CtrlHome/CtrlEnd   Next/previous command
  63. CtrlJ        Writes file pointed by cursor
  64. CtrlA        Writes list of selected files
  65. CtrlE/CtrlX  Previous/next command of CmdList
  66. CtrlK        Clear to end of line
  67. AltV/AltF8   Menu of previously issued commands
  68. AltO         Write to command line file
  69.               pointed to in next panel"message)hmenu2!
  70. |
  71. ("Miscellaneous"
  72. "ShiftF10    Swapping status  (the top right magic menu
  73.                 reflects swapping type: X=XMS D=Disk)
  74. AltD        Debug mode on/off
  75. AltX        Execute as an MSH script instruction
  76.               the contents of the command line
  77. CtrlHome/CtrlEnd Previous/next MSH script instruction
  78. AltF        Search for first file whose beginning is
  79.               matched by the contents of the command line.
  80. AltA        Search for next file after an AltF search.
  81. AltM        activate top menu
  82. AltP        Change the 'selection filter' of the current
  83.               panel by the contents of the command line.
  84. GreyPlus    Select files matching the contents
  85.               of the command line (*.* by default)
  86. GreyMinus   Deselect files matching the contents
  87.               of the command line (*.* by default)
  88. GreyStar    Toggle selection status of all files
  89. CtrlPgUp    Go up one level in the directory hierarchy
  90. Enter       Execute the command on the command line if
  91.             not empty. Otherwise, if current is a
  92.             directory, attach to it. Otherwise, if an
  93.             action has been defined for current's
  94.             extension, do it."message)hmenu3!
  95. |
  96. ("Mi-Shell Default FKey Assignments:"
  97. "
  98.         plain         SHIFT                CTRL               ALT
  99. F1      Help          StdDefinitions       Primitives         Drive Pan.1
  100. F2      select        space on next panel                     Drive Pan.2
  101. F3      view          hex dump             view select.files  Internal Browser
  102. F4      edit          edit specified file  edit select.files  binary-edit
  103. F5      copy          copy to                                 capture screen
  104. F6      move          ls, hide all
  105. F7      MkDirectory   DOS                                     Search File
  106. F8      delete                                                Command Stack
  107. F9      change cfg    1/2 line top menu    file stats         Time
  108. F10     Quit          magic                reboot             Directory-Tree
  110. PgUp    PgUp panel                         Goto parent
  111. PgDown  PgDown panel                       bott panel
  112. Home    start of cmd                       prev. MSH-cmd
  113. End     end of cmd                         next MSH-cmd
  114. Up      Up panel      mv panel up
  115. Down    Down panel    mv panel down
  116. Grey+   select pattern
  117. Grey-   deselect pattern
  118. Grey*   invert selection"message)hmenu4!
  119. |
  120. ("Mi-Shell Default Letter Key Assignments:"
  121. "      CTRL                 ALT
  122. A     Write all            find file again
  123. B     Top of panel
  124. C     INTERRUPT
  125. D     Definition           Debug
  126. E     previous command     sort.Ext
  127. F     File menu            find file
  128. G     Goto drive menu
  129. H     Help menu
  130. I     mIsc menu
  131. J     write current
  132. K     Del to end of cmd    Del from start of cmd
  133. L     PanelStats
  134. M     enter with Magic
  135. N                          sort.Name
  136. O     hide all             Other current
  137. P     Panel menu           filter
  138. Q     Quit menu
  139. R     Refresh panel        for each base
  140. S     Special menu         sort.Size
  141. T     Trim panel           sort.Time
  142. U     switch panels
  143. V     View/edit menu       View cmd stack
  144. W     Where to?            Wide/narrow
  145. X     Next command         eXecute script
  146. Y
  147. Z     WildRun-Help         WildRun
  148. 1                          Expand Panel
  149. 2                          Trim Panel
  150. 3
  151. 4
  152. 5
  153. 6
  154. 7
  155. 8
  156. 9
  157. 0
  158.       CTRL                 ALT "message)hmenu5!
  159. |
  160. ("Mi-Shell Script Primitives"
  161. "
  162. !               #                @             &            = 
  163. +               -                *             /            <
  164. >               le               ge            alert_att    beep
  165. capture_screen  cmd              cmd.imode     cmd.clear    cmd.del
  166. cmd.pos         cmd.wordleft     cmd.wordright current.name current.isdir
  167. current.pos     current.selected current.size  current.time cutfirst
  168. cutlast         cwd              debug         drop         dup
  169. execute         flash            get_key       if           ifelse
  170. ifnot           input            isdefined     length       linescols
  171. magic           match            menu.install  message      not
  172. ok              page             pick          panel.attrs  panel.att
  173. panel.date      panel.install    panel.nbfiles panel.on     panel.pattern
  174. panel.rc        panel.sec        panel.size    panel.sort   panel.startrc
  175. panel.time      panel.type       prog_pathname quit         read
  176. reinit_mouse    mouse.click      roll          stack_size   swap
  177. substring       time             timer         unlink       window.uninstall
  178. window.activate while            write          
  179. "message)primitives!
  180. |
  181. ("Some of the definitions in stddefs.msh"
  182. "
  183. act2_on_cur              go_end                    prog_dir
  184. act_on_cur               go_home                   qmenu
  185. ascii                    hide_all                  reconfig
  186. BackSpace                hmenu                     refresh
  187. basename                 hmenu0                    reread
  188. capt_screen              hmenu1                    reread_next
  189. cfg_filename             hmenu2                    Right
  190. confirm                  hmenu3                    run_on_selected
  191. copy                     Home                      search
  192. CtrlLeft                 imenu                     selected_list
  193. CtrlRight                Insert                    select_on_off
  194. debug_toggle             in_next_panel             sel_match
  195. definition               Left                      show_menu
  196. Delete                   loop_panels               show_menu1
  197. delete_files             magic_off                 show_menu2
  198. deselect                 magic_on                  side_by_side
  199. desel_match              main_menu                 stddef
  200. directory                makename                  swap_panels
  201. dirpart                  mandelm                   temp2bordered_menu
  202. dmenu                    move                      temp_bordered_menu
  203. dosmenu                  my_ok                     test
  204. Down_panel               next                      time_convert
  205. End                      nextcmd                   toggle_menu
  206. endsby                   next_dir                  top_bottom
  207. Esc                      next_panel                trim_panel
  208. exec                     nl                        unit_and_name
  209. execsave                 PageDown_panel            up_one_level
  210. execshow                 pager                     Up_panel
  211. exec_msh                 PageUp_panel              view_cmdlist
  212. expand_panel             panel.on_activate         vmenu
  213. extension                panel_stats               whereto
  214. filepart                 permanent2menu            wide_narrow
  215. file_stats               permanent_menu            with_magic
  216. filter_files             pmenu                     with_nomagic
  217. find_file                prevcmd                   write_all_selected
  218. fmenu                    prev_panel                write_current
  219. foreachbase              primitives                write_other_current
  220. foreachselected          prog_dir"message)stddefs!
  221. |
  222. ((hmenu0)(hmenu2 help_menu)(hmenu1 help_menu)(hmenu3 help_menu)(hmenu4
  223. help_menu)(hmenu5 help_menu)
  224. (CtrlF1 help_menu)(AltF1 help_menu)
  225. (prog_dir "demo.msh"makename read # help_menu)
  226. (prog_dir "demo2.msh"makename read # help_menu)
  227. "  Help is available
  228. on the following topics
  230.          %look at the msh doc and cfg files%
  231.          %command line control%
  232.          %directory panel control%
  233.          %special features%
  234.          %Fkey assignments%
  235.          %alpha key assignments%
  236.  CtrlF1  %list of primitives%
  237.  ShiftF1 %list of std. defs.%
  239.   %intoductory tutorial%
  240.   %advanced tutorial%
  241. " () 0 2 temp_bordered_menu)help_menu!