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338 lines
* The search routine takes a directory list, separated by PATHSEP, and
* tries to open a file. Null directory components indicate current
* directory. if the file SUBDIR exists and the file is a font file,
* it checks for the file in a subdirectory named the same as the font name.
* Returns the open file descriptor if ok, else NULL.
#include "dvips.h" /* The copyright notice in that file is included too! */
#include <ctype.h>
#if defined(SYSV) || defined(VMS) || defined(__THINK__) || defined(MSDOS)
#define MAXPATHLEN (256)
#include <sys/param.h> /* for MAXPATHLEN */
#ifndef MSDOS
#ifndef VMS
#ifndef MVSXA
#ifndef VMCMS /* IBM: VM/CMS */
#ifndef __THINK__
#include <pwd.h>
#endif /* IBM: VM/CMS */
* We hope MAXPATHLEN is enough -- only rudimentary checking is done!
#ifdef DEBUG
extern integer debug_flag;
#endif /* DEBUG */
extern char *mfmode ;
extern int actualdpi ;
char realnameoffile[MAXPATHLEN] ;
search(path, file, mode)
char *path, *file, *mode ;
extern char *getenv(), *newstring() ;
register char *nam ; /* index into fname */
register FILE *fd ; /* file desc of file */
char fname[MAXPATHLEN] ; /* to store file name */
static char *home = 0 ; /* home is where the heart is */
#ifdef VMCMS /* IBM: VM/CMS - we don't have paths or dirsep's but we strip off
filename if there is a Unix path dirsep */
register char *lastdirsep ;
lastdirsep = strrchr(file, '/') ;
if ( NULL != lastdirsep ) file = lastdirsep + 1 ;
if ((fd=fopen(file,mode)) != NULL) {
return(fd) ;
} else {
return(NULL) ;
if (*file == DIRSEP) { /* if full path name */
if ((fd=fopen(file,mode)) != NULL) {
strcpy(realnameoffile, file) ;
return(fd) ;
} else
return(NULL) ;
#endif /* IBM: VM/CMS */
#ifdef MSDOS
if ( isalpha(file[0]) && file[1]==':' ) { /* if full path name */
if ((fd=fopen(file,mode)) != NULL)
return(fd) ;
return(NULL) ;
do {
/* copy the current directory into fname */
nam = fname;
/* copy till PATHSEP */
if (*path == '~') {
char *p = nam ;
path++ ;
while (*path && *path != PATHSEP && *path != DIRSEP)
*p++ = *path++ ;
*p = 0 ;
if (*nam == 0) {
if (home == 0) {
if (0 != (home = getenv("HOME")))
home = newstring(home) ;
home = "." ;
strcpy(fname, home) ;
} else {
#ifdef MSDOS
error("! ~username in path???") ;
#ifdef VMS
error("! ~username in path???") ;
#ifdef VMCMS /* IBM: VM/CMS */
error("! ~username in path???") ;
#ifdef MVSXA /* IBM: MVS/XA */
error("! ~username in path???") ;
#ifdef __THINK__
error("! ~username in path???") ;
struct passwd *pw = getpwnam(fname) ;
if (pw)
strcpy(fname, pw->pw_dir) ;
error("no such user") ;
#endif /* IBM: VM/CMS */
nam = fname + strlen(fname) ;
while (*path != PATHSEP && *path) *nam++ = *path++;
*nam = 0 ;
#ifndef VMS
#ifndef __THINK__
if (nam == fname) *nam++ = '.'; /* null component is current dir */
if (*file != '\0') {
if ((nam != fname) && *(nam-1) != DIRSEP) /* GNW 1992.07.09 */
*nam++ = DIRSEP; /* add separator */
(void)strcpy(nam,file); /* tack the file on */
*nam = '\0' ;
(void)strcpy(nam,file); /* tack the file on */
(void)strcpy(nam,file); /* tack the file on */
#ifdef MVSXA
if (fname[0] == '/') {
fname[0] = '\'';
if (fname[0] == '.') fname[0] = ' ';
if (fname[1] == '.') fname[1] = ' ';
/* belated check -- bah! */
if ((nam - fname) + strlen(file) + 1 > MAXPATHLEN)
error("! overran allocated storage in search()");
#ifdef DEBUG
if (dd(D_PATHS))
(void)fprintf(stderr,"Trying to open %s\n", fname) ;
if ((fd=fopen(fname,mode)) != NULL) {
strcpy(realnameoffile, fname) ;
/* skip over PATHSEP and try again */
} while (*(path++));
} /* end search */
pksearch(path, file, mode, n, dpi, vdpi)
char *path, *file, *mode ;
char *n ;
halfword dpi, vdpi ;
extern char *getenv(), *newstring() ;
register char *nam ; /* index into fname */
register FILE *fd ; /* file desc of file */
char fname[MAXPATHLEN] ; /* to store file name */
static char *home = 0 ; /* home is where the heart is */
int sub ;
if (*file == DIRSEP) { /* if full path name */
if ((fd=fopen(file,mode)) != NULL)
return(fd) ;
return(NULL) ;
#ifdef MSDOS
if ( isalpha(file[0]) && file[1]==':' ) { /* if full path name */
if ((fd=fopen(file,mode)) != NULL)
return(fd) ;
return(NULL) ;
do {
/* copy the current directory into fname */
nam = fname;
sub = 0 ;
/* copy till PATHSEP */
if (*path == '~') {
char *p = nam ;
path++ ;
while (*path && *path != PATHSEP && *path != DIRSEP)
*p++ = *path++ ;
*p = 0 ;
if (*nam == 0) {
if (home == 0) {
if (0 != (home = getenv("HOME")))
home = newstring(home) ;
home = "." ;
strcpy(fname, home) ;
} else {
#ifdef MSDOS
error("! ~username in path???") ;
#ifdef VMS
error("! ~username in path???") ;
#ifdef VMCMS /* IBM: VM/CMS */
error("! ~username in path???") ;
#ifdef MVSXA /* IBM: MVS/XA */
error("! ~username in path???") ;
#ifdef __THINK__
error("! ~username in path???") ;
struct passwd *pw = getpwnam(fname) ;
if (pw)
strcpy(fname, pw->pw_dir) ;
error("no such user") ;
#endif /* IBM: VM/CMS */
nam = fname + strlen(fname) ;
/* copy till PATHSEP */
while (*path != PATHSEP && *path) {
if (*path == '%') {
sub = 1 ;
path++ ;
switch(*path) {
case 'b': sprintf(nam, "%d", actualdpi) ; break ;
case 'd': sprintf(nam, "%d", dpi) ; break ;
case 'f': strcpy(nam, n) ; break ;
case 'm': if (mfmode == 0)
if (actualdpi == 300) mfmode = "imagen" ;
else if (actualdpi == 400) mfmode = "nexthi" ;
else if (actualdpi == 635) mfmode = "linolo" ;
else if (actualdpi == 1270) mfmode = "linohi" ;
else if (actualdpi == 2540) mfmode = "linosuper" ;
if (mfmode == 0)
error("! MF mode not set, but used in pk path") ;
strcpy(nam, mfmode) ;
break ;
case 'p': strcpy(nam, "pk") ; break ;
case '%': strcpy(nam, "%") ; break ;
default: error("! bad format character in pk path") ;
nam = fname + strlen(fname) ;
if (*path)
path++ ;
} else
*nam++ = *path++;
#ifndef VMS
#ifndef __THINK__
if (nam == fname) *nam++ = '.'; /* null component is current dir */
#endif /* VMS */
if (sub == 0 && *file) {
if ((nam != fname) && *(nam-1) != DIRSEP) /* GNW 1992.07.09 */
*nam++ = DIRSEP ;
strcpy(nam, file) ;
} else
*nam = 0 ;
#ifdef MVSXA /* IBM: MVS/XA */
if (fname[0] == '/') {
fname[0] = '\'';
if (fname[0] == '.') fname[0] = ' ';
if (fname[1] == '.') fname[1] = ' ';
#endif /* IBM: MVS/XA */
/* belated check -- bah! */
if (strlen(fname) + 1 > MAXPATHLEN)
error("! overran allocated storage in search()");
#ifdef DEBUG
if (dd(D_PATHS))
(void)fprintf(stderr,"Trying to open %s\n", fname) ;
if ((fd=fopen(fname,mode)) != NULL)
/* skip over PATHSEP and try again */
} while (*(path++));
} /* end search */
/* do we report file openings? */
#ifdef DEBUG
# ifdef fopen
# undef fopen
# endif
# ifdef VMCMS /* IBM: VM/CMS */
# define fopen cmsfopen
# endif /* IBM: VM/CMS */
FILE *my_real_fopen(n, t)
register char *n, *t ;
FILE *tf ;
if (dd(D_FILES)) {
fprintf(stderr, "<%s(%s)> ", n, t) ;
tf = fopen(n, t) ;
if (tf == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "failed\n") ;
fprintf(stderr, "succeeded\n") ;
} else
tf = fopen(n, t) ;
return tf ;