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S.I.M. Version 1.72 Command Overview
Single sheet command overview. To be printed with 20CPI.
a (s)(e) :show memory as ascii (from s (to e)) Monitor Function Key Overview
b :list all breakpoints -------------------------------------------
bj [s] :set JSR-breakpoint at s <CURSOR> :move cursor one step
bs [s] :set stack breakpoint <SHIFT+CURSOR> :move cursor to limit
b [s](j) :set illegal breakpoint at s (with jokers, see below) <ALT+CURSOR UP> :command history back
* :make breakpoint resident <ALT+CURSOR DOWN> :command history foreward
[n] :make counter breakpoint <DEL> :delete char in line
? [n] :make condition breakpoint <SHIFT+DEL> :insert space in line
j|l|r :make button breakpoint <ALT+DEL> :clear screen
b [s] :kill any breakpoint at s <BACKSPACE> :backspace
bk :kill all breakpoints <SHIFT+BACKSPACE> :real backspace
c [s][e][t](j) :compare from s to e with t (with jokers, see below) <ALT+BACKSPACE> :clear line
+/- [n] :compare every nth byte, as- (s<e) or descending (s>e) <ESC> :toggle debugger on/off
* :report the equal bytes, not the differing ones <TAB> :switch between windows
@ :execute F9 when reporting (m0=source,m1=target) <SHIFT+ESC> :insert commandline
!o|m|n :all reports to matchbuffer. (o=old ones stay, m=same <ALT+ESC> :copy commandline
:ones stay, n=new ones stay when finished) <HELP> :first helppage
c (s)(t) :(set source (and target) new and) continue compare <SHIFT+HELP> :second helppage
d (s)(e) :show disassembly of memory (from s (to e)) -------------------------------------------
e [s][d] :edit memory directly at s Graphic Searcher Function Key Overview
e (s) :start to edit in loopmode (at s) -------------------------------------------
e> [s](d) :edit in loopmode <CURSOR UP> :one line up
f [s][e](j)[d](m) :find data d (with jokers, see 'compare') <CURSOR DOWN> :one line down
:from s to e (with mask m) <CURSOR RIGHT> :plane one word down
f (s)(e) :(set start (and end) new and) continue find <CURSOR LEFT> :plane one word up
f [s][e](j) i [i] :find disassembly (with jokers, see compare) <SHIFT+UP> :plane one page down
g [s] :go to subroutine at s <SHIFT+DOWN> :plane one page up
gw [s] :prepare 'go to subroutine' to s <DEL> :subtract 2 from modulo
h (n) :show (nth last) history <HELP> :add 2 to modulo
i (n) :leave out (n) instructions <SHIFT+DEL> :subtract 16 from modulo
k [s][e] :define matchbuffer from s to e <SHIFT+HELP> :add 16 to modulo
k? :give matchbuffer measurements <BACKSPACE> :clear modulo
k* :init matchbuffer again <CR> :switch hires/lores
k {@}[s] :show entries higher than s (report using F9) -------------------------------------------
k :show next entry Debugger Function Key Overview
l (s)(e) :disassemble copperlist (from s (to e)) -------------------------------------------
l* :activate actual copperlist <AMIGA+UP> :one line up
l? (s)(e) :search for active copperlist (from s (to e)) <AMIGA+DOWN> :one line down
l= (n) :find quick copperlist (one or two) <AMIGA+RIGHT> :one byte/word up
m (s)(e) :show memory as hex/ascii (from s (to e)) <AMIGA+LEFT> :one byte/word down
n [s][i] :assemble instructions directly at s <AMIGA+SHIFT+UP> :one page up
n (s) :start to assemble in loopmode (at s) <AMIGA+SHIFT+DOWN> :one page down
n> [s][i] :assemble in loopmode <AMIGA+ALT+UP> :decrease actual window
o [s][e][d] :occupy memory from s to e with data d <AMIGA+ALT+DOWN> :increase actual window
p (s)(e) :print text (from s (to e)) <AMIGA+S+A+UP> :dec. window 0, inc. window 1
q :return to debug server, confirm before quit <AMIGA+S+A+DOWN> :inc. window 0, dec. window 1
r {?} :show all registers (all memories) <AMIGA+a> :select asciidump
r [r]{=}[x] :set register r with value x <AMIGA+b> :set/clear breakpoint at top
s (p)(b)(s) :set display (and backup (and transfer S.I.M.)) <AMIGA+c> :compare next
t [s][e][t] :transfer memory from s to e at t <AMIGA+d> :select disassembly
u :do next step, don't follow jst and bsr <AMIGA+e> :edit at startaddr of window
v :push exception frame back on stack <AMIGA+f> :find next
w :show state of all traps <AMIGA+g> :leave subroutine
w [x] :set or clear trap x <AMIGA+i> :leave out instruction
wk :kill all traps <AMIGA+j> :jump to startaddr of window
x :continue program, confirm before exit <AMIGA+k> :select swiss/american keymap
z (j) :tracestep (with jokers, see below) <AMIGA+l> :select copperlist disassembly
[n] :do n tracesteps <AMIGA+m> :select hexdump
* [x] :trace till pc=x <AMIGA+n> :assemble at startaddr of window
? [n] :trace till result of formula not zero <AMIGA+p> :select text
j|l|r :trace till fire, left or right button pressed <AMIGA+q> :quit to debug server
c :68020 trace emulation <AMIGA+r> :recalculate linkterms
A [n] :set startaddress of active window <AMIGA+s> :split/unsplit window
B [s] :calculate and set bootchecksum <AMIGA+u> :next step
D (n) :show (set) active drive for trackoperations <AMIGA+v> :set/clear resident breakpoint
D? (n) :find track of actual drive (drive n) <AMIGA+x> :exit
F :list definitions of function keys <AMIGA+z> :trace step
F [n](c){@} :set function key n with macro c (execute directly) <AMIGA+B> :set/clear JSR-breakpoint
K [s] :calculate and set blockchecksum <AMIGA+H> :hardcopy of screen
L [f][s](n)(s) :load file f to mem at s (n bytes (with seek value s)) <AMIGA+N> :replace top instruction by NOPs
P (s)(m) :show plane (start at s (init modulo with m)) <AMIGA+P> :toggle printer
Q :return directly to debug server <AMIGA+!> :flush keystatefield
S [f][s][e] :save memory from s to e as file f <AMIGA+?> :toggle keyboardbuffer killer
T [n]{@} :set (smart) linkterm of active window <AMIGA+\> :toggle Auto Unmodify Traps
V (path) :list directory (press <SPACE> for more) <AMIGA++> :toggle fully printable charset
X :continue program directly <AMIGA+[> :indirect (windowaddr=[windowaddr])
? [n]{,}(n) :calculate result of formula(s) <AMIGA+]> :exdirect
<s [s][b](n) :read (n) sectors (starting with) b at s <AMIGA+{> :BCPL indirect
>s [s][b](n) :write (n) sectors (starting with) b from s <AMIGA+}> :enter last indirect
<t [s][t](n) :read (n) logical tracks (starting with) t at s <AMIGA+F1-F10> :toggle F-keys on/off
>t [s][t](n) :write (n) logical tracks (starting with) t from s <AMIGA+0-9> :get marked location
>f (n) ;format disk (in drive n) <AMIGA+SHIFT+0-9> :mark location (only keypad!)
H [s][e](p) ;hear memory from s to e (with period p) <AMIGA+SHIFT+RIGHT> :indirect on JMP/Bcc/JSR addresses
R [s] ;set range for address scan <AMIGA+SHIFT+LEFT> :exdirect
<AMIGA+D> :toggle use of symbols in general
<AMIGA+S> :toggle use of symbols for d16(ax)
<AMIGA+M> :toggle MMU on/off
<AMIGA+G> :perform an additional RTS
<AMIGA+>> :scan for access on view address
<AMIGA+<> :continue scan
<AMIGA+ALT+r> :select large register list
<AMIGA+Z> :enable EA calculation
<AMIGA+L> :toggle between PAl/NTSC and NTSC overscan