The C Users' Group Library 1994 August
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Assembly Source File
1,029 lines
.title 6809 Assembler Test
.sbttl All 6809 Instructions
abx ;3a
adca #0x01 ;89 01
adcb *0x02 ;d9 02
adda #0x03 ;8b 03
addb *0x04 ;db 04
addd #0x05 ;c3 00 05
anda *0x06 ;94 06
andb #0x07 ;c4 07
andcc #0x08 ;1c 08
asl ,x ;68 84
asla ;48
aslb ;58
asr ,x ;67 84
asra ;47
asrb ;57
bcc .+0x12 ;24 10
bcs .+0x12 ;25 10
beq .+0x12 ;27 10
bge .+0x12 ;2c 10
bgt .+0x12 ;2e 10
bhi .+0x12 ;22 10
bhis .+0x12 ;24 10
bhs .+0x12 ;24 10
bita #0x09 ;85 09
bitb *0x0a ;d5 0a
ble .+0x12 ;2f 10
blo .+0x12 ;25 10
blos .+0x12 ;23 10
bls .+0x12 ;23 10
blt .+0x12 ;2d 10
bmi .+0x12 ;2b 10
bne .+0x12 ;26 10
bpl .+0x12 ;2a 10
bra .+0x12 ;20 10
brn .+0x12 ;21 10
bsr .+0x12 ;8d 10
bvc .+0x12 ;28 10
bvs .+0x12 ;29 10
clr ,x ;6f 84
clra ;4f
clrb ;5f
cmpa #0x0b ;81 0b
cmpb *0x0c ;d1 0c
cmpd #0x0d ;10 83 00 0d
cmps *0x0e ;11 9c 0e
cmpu #0x0f ;11 83 00 0f
cmpx *0x10 ;9c 10
cmpy #0x11 ;10 83 00 11
com ,x ;63 84
coma ;43
comb ;53
cwai #0x12 ;3c 12
daa ;19
dec ,x ;6a 84
deca ;4a
decb ;5a
eora #0x13 ;88 13
eorb *0x14 ;d8 14
exg a,b ;1e 89
inc ,x ;6c 84
inca ;4c
incb ;5c
jmp .+0x13,pcr ;6e 8c 10
jsr .+0x13,pcr ;ad 8c 10
lbcc .+0x14 ;10 24 00 10
lbcs .+0x14 ;10 25 00 10
lbeq .+0x14 ;10 27 00 10
lbge .+0x14 ;10 2c 00 10
lbgt .+0x14 ;10 2e 00 10
lbhi .+0x14 ;10 22 00 10
lbhis .+0x14 ;10 24 00 10
lbhs .+0x14 ;10 24 00 10
lble .+0x14 ;10 2f 00 10
lblo .+0x14 ;10 25 00 10
lblos .+0x14 ;10 23 00 10
lbls .+0x14 ;10 23 00 10
lblt .+0x14 ;10 2d 00 10
lbmi .+0x14 ;10 2b 00 10
lbne .+0x14 ;10 26 00 10
lbpl .+0x14 ;10 2a 00 10
lbra .+0x13 ;16 00 10
lbrn .+0x14 ;10 21 00 10
lbsr .+0x13 ;17 00 10
lbvc .+0x14 ;10 28 00 10
lbvs .+0x14 ;10 29 00 10
lda #0x15 ;86 15
ldaa *0x16 ;96 16
ldab #0x17 ;c6 17
ldb *0x18 ;d6 18
ldd #0x19 ;cc 00 19
lds *0x1a ;10 de 1a
ldu #0x1b ;ce 00 1b
ldx *0x1c ;9e 1c
ldy #0x1d ;10 8e 00 1d
leas -1,s ;32 7f
leau -1,u ;33 5f
leax -1,x ;30 1f
leay -1,y ;31 3f
lsl ,x ;68 84
lsla ;48
lslb ;58
lsr ,x ;64 84
lsra ;44
lsrb ;54
mul ;3d
neg ,x ;60 84
nega ;40
negb ;50
nop ;12
ora *0x1e ;9a 1e
oraa #0x1f ;8a 1f
orab *0x20 ;da 20
orb #0x21 ;ca 21
orcc #0x22 ;1a 22
pshs a ;34 02
pshu b ;36 04
puls x ;35 10
pulu y ;37 20
rol ,x ;69 84
rola ;49
rolb ;59
ror ,x ;66 84
rora ;46
rorb ;56
rti ;3b
rts ;39
sbca #0x23 ;82 23
sbcb *0x24 ;d2 24
sex ;1d
sta ,x ;a7 84
staa ,x ;a7 84
stab ,x ;e7 84
stb ,x ;e7 84
std ,x ;ed 84
sts ,x ;10 ef 84
stu ,x ;ef 84
stx ,x ;af 84
sty ,x ;10 af 84
suba #0x25 ;80 25
subb *0x26 ;d0 26
subd #0x27 ;83 00 27
swi ;3f
swi1 ;3f
swi2 ;10 3f
swi3 ;11 3f
sync ;13
tfr x,y ;1f 12
tst ,x ;6d 84
tsta ;4d
tstb ;5d
.sbttl Post Byte Addressing Test (numerical constants)
neg 0,x ;60 00
neg 1,x ;60 01
neg 2,x ;60 02
neg 3,x ;60 03
neg 4,x ;60 04
neg 5,x ;60 05
neg 6,x ;60 06
neg 7,x ;60 07
neg 8,x ;60 08
neg 9,x ;60 09
neg 10,x ;60 0A
neg 11,x ;60 0B
neg 12,x ;60 0C
neg 13,x ;60 0D
neg 14,x ;60 0E
neg 15,x ;60 0F
neg -16,x ;60 10
neg -15,x ;60 11
neg -14,x ;60 12
neg -13,x ;60 13
neg -12,x ;60 14
neg -11,x ;60 15
neg -10,x ;60 16
neg -9,x ;60 17
neg -8,x ;60 18
neg -7,x ;60 19
neg -6,x ;60 1A
neg -5,x ;60 1B
neg -4,x ;60 1C
neg -3,x ;60 1D
neg -2,x ;60 1E
neg -1,x ;60 1F
neg 0,y ;60 20
neg 1,y ;60 21
neg 2,y ;60 22
neg 3,y ;60 23
neg 4,y ;60 24
neg 5,y ;60 25
neg 6,y ;60 26
neg 7,y ;60 27
neg 8,y ;60 28
neg 9,y ;60 29
neg 10,y ;60 2A
neg 11,y ;60 2B
neg 12,y ;60 2C
neg 13,y ;60 2D
neg 14,y ;60 2E
neg 15,y ;60 2F
neg -16,y ;60 30
neg -15,y ;60 31
neg -14,y ;60 32
neg -13,y ;60 33
neg -12,y ;60 34
neg -11,y ;60 35
neg -10,y ;60 36
neg -9,y ;60 37
neg -8,y ;60 38
neg -7,y ;60 39
neg -6,y ;60 3A
neg -5,y ;60 3B
neg -4,y ;60 3C
neg -3,y ;60 3D
neg -2,y ;60 3E
neg -1,y ;60 3F
neg 0,u ;60 40
neg 1,u ;60 41
neg 2,u ;60 42
neg 3,u ;60 43
neg 4,u ;60 44
neg 5,u ;60 45
neg 6,u ;60 46
neg 7,u ;60 47
neg 8,u ;60 48
neg 9,u ;60 49
neg 10,u ;60 4A
neg 11,u ;60 4B
neg 12,u ;60 4C
neg 13,u ;60 4D
neg 14,u ;60 4E
neg 15,u ;60 4F
neg -16,u ;60 50
neg -15,u ;60 51
neg -14,u ;60 52
neg -13,u ;60 53
neg -12,u ;60 54
neg -11,u ;60 55
neg -10,u ;60 56
neg -9,u ;60 57
neg -8,u ;60 58
neg -7,u ;60 59
neg -6,u ;60 5A
neg -5,u ;60 5B
neg -4,u ;60 5C
neg -3,u ;60 5D
neg -2,u ;60 5E
neg -1,u ;60 5F
neg 0,s ;60 60
neg 1,s ;60 61
neg 2,s ;60 62
neg 3,s ;60 63
neg 4,s ;60 64
neg 5,s ;60 65
neg 6,s ;60 66
neg 7,s ;60 67
neg 8,s ;60 68
neg 9,s ;60 69
neg 10,s ;60 6A
neg 11,s ;60 6B
neg 12,s ;60 6C
neg 13,s ;60 6D
neg 14,s ;60 6E
neg 15,s ;60 6F
neg -16,s ;60 70
neg -15,s ;60 71
neg -14,s ;60 72
neg -13,s ;60 73
neg -12,s ;60 74
neg -11,s ;60 75
neg -10,s ;60 76
neg -9,s ;60 77
neg -8,s ;60 78
neg -7,s ;60 79
neg -6,s ;60 7A
neg -5,s ;60 7B
neg -4,s ;60 7C
neg -3,s ;60 7D
neg -2,s ;60 7E
neg -1,s ;60 7F
neg ,x+ ;60 80
neg ,x++ ;60 81
neg ,-x ;60 82
neg ,--x ;60 83
neg ,x ;60 84
neg b,x ;60 85
neg a,x ;60 86
neg 0x11,x ;60 88 11
neg 0x2233,x ;60 89 22 33
neg d,x ;60 8b
neg .+0x13,pcr ;60 8c 10
neg .+0x1004,pcr ;60 8d 10 00
; neg [,x+] ;illegal
neg [,x++] ;60 91
; neg [,-x] ;illegal
neg [,--x] ;60 93
neg [,x] ;60 94
neg [b,x] ;60 95
neg [a,x] ;60 96
neg [0x11,x] ;60 98 11
neg [0x2233,x] ;60 99 22 33
neg [d,x] ;60 9b
neg [.+0x13,pcr] ;60 9c 10
neg [.+0x1004,pcr] ;60 9d 10 00
neg [0x2233] ;60 9f 22 33
neg ,y+ ;60 a0
neg ,y++ ;60 a1
neg ,-y ;60 a2
neg ,--y ;60 a3
neg ,y ;60 a4
neg b,y ;60 a5
neg a,y ;60 a6
neg 0x11,y ;60 a8 11
neg 0x2233,y ;60 a9 22 33
neg d,y ;60 ab
; neg .+0x13,pcr ;60 ac 10
; neg .+0x1004,pcr ;60 ad 10 00
; neg [,y+] ;illegal
neg [,y++] ;60 b1
; neg [,-y] ;illegal
neg [,--y] ;60 b3
neg [,y] ;60 b4
neg [b,y] ;60 b5
neg [a,y] ;60 b6
neg [0x11,y] ;60 b8 11
neg [0x2233,y] ;60 b9 22 33
neg [d,x] ;60 bb
; neg [.+0x13,pcr] ;60 bc 10
; neg [.+0x1004,pcr] ;60 bd 10 00
; neg [0x2233] ;60 bf 22 33
neg ,u+ ;60 c0
neg ,u++ ;60 c1
neg ,-u ;60 c2
neg ,--u ;60 c3
neg ,u ;60 c4
neg b,u ;60 c5
neg a,u ;60 c6
neg 0x11,u ;60 c8 11
neg 0x2233,u ;60 c9 22 33
neg d,u ;60 cb
; neg .+0x13,pcr ;60 cc 10
; neg .+0x1004,pcr ;60 cd 10 00
; neg [,u+] ;illegal
neg [,u++] ;60 d1
; neg [,-u] ;illegal
neg [,--u] ;60 d3
neg [,u] ;60 d4
neg [b,u] ;60 d5
neg [a,u] ;60 d6
neg [0x11,u] ;60 d8 11
neg [0x2233,u] ;60 d9 22 33
neg [d,u] ;60 db
; neg [.+0x13,pcr] ;60 dc 10
; neg [.+0x1004,pcr] ;60 dd 10 00
; neg [0x2233] ;60 df 22 33
neg ,s+ ;60 e0
neg ,s++ ;60 e1
neg ,-s ;60 e2
neg ,--s ;60 e3
neg ,s ;60 e4
neg b,s ;60 e5
neg a,s ;60 e6
neg 0x11,s ;60 e8 11
neg 0x2233,s ;60 e9 22 33
neg d,s ;60 eb
; neg .+0x13,pcr ;60 ec 10
; neg .+0x1004,pcr ;60 ed 10 00
; neg [,s+] ;illegal
neg [,s++] ;60 f1
; neg [,-s] ;illegal
neg [,--s] ;60 f3
neg [,s] ;60 f4
neg [b,s] ;60 f5
neg [a,s] ;60 f6
neg [0x11,s] ;60 f8 11
neg [0x2233,s] ;60 f9 22 33
neg [d,s] ;60 fb
; neg [.+0x13,pcr] ;60 fc 10
; neg [.+0x1004,pcr] ;60 fd 10 00
; neg [0x2233] ;60 ff 22 33
.sbttl Post Byte Addressing Test (post defined constants)
neg num0,x ;60 00
neg num1,x ;60 01
neg num2,x ;60 02
neg num3,x ;60 03
neg num4,x ;60 04
neg num5,x ;60 05
neg num6,x ;60 06
neg num7,x ;60 07
neg num8,x ;60 08
neg num9,x ;60 09
neg num10,x ;60 0A
neg num11,x ;60 0B
neg num12,x ;60 0C
neg num13,x ;60 0D
neg num14,x ;60 0E
neg num15,x ;60 0F
neg -num16,x ;60 10
neg -num15,x ;60 11
neg -num14,x ;60 12
neg -num13,x ;60 13
neg -num12,x ;60 14
neg -num11,x ;60 15
neg -num10,x ;60 16
neg -num9,x ;60 17
neg -num8,x ;60 18
neg -num7,x ;60 19
neg -num6,x ;60 1A
neg -num5,x ;60 1B
neg -num4,x ;60 1C
neg -num3,x ;60 1D
neg -num2,x ;60 1E
neg -num1,x ;60 1F
neg num0,y ;60 20
neg num1,y ;60 21
neg num2,y ;60 22
neg num3,y ;60 23
neg num4,y ;60 24
neg num5,y ;60 25
neg num6,y ;60 26
neg num7,y ;60 27
neg num8,y ;60 28
neg num9,y ;60 29
neg num10,y ;60 2A
neg num11,y ;60 2B
neg num12,y ;60 2C
neg num13,y ;60 2D
neg num14,y ;60 2E
neg num15,y ;60 2F
neg -num16,y ;60 30
neg -num15,y ;60 31
neg -num14,y ;60 32
neg -num13,y ;60 33
neg -num12,y ;60 34
neg -num11,y ;60 35
neg -num10,y ;60 36
neg -num9,y ;60 37
neg -num8,y ;60 38
neg -num7,y ;60 39
neg -num6,y ;60 3A
neg -num5,y ;60 3B
neg -num4,y ;60 3C
neg -num3,y ;60 3D
neg -num2,y ;60 3E
neg -num1,y ;60 3F
neg num0,u ;60 40
neg num1,u ;60 41
neg num2,u ;60 42
neg num3,u ;60 43
neg num4,u ;60 44
neg num5,u ;60 45
neg num6,u ;60 46
neg num7,u ;60 47
neg num8,u ;60 48
neg num9,u ;60 49
neg num10,u ;60 4A
neg num11,u ;60 4B
neg num12,u ;60 4C
neg num13,u ;60 4D
neg num14,u ;60 4E
neg num15,u ;60 4F
neg -num16,u ;60 50
neg -num15,u ;60 51
neg -num14,u ;60 52
neg -num13,u ;60 53
neg -num12,u ;60 54
neg -num11,u ;60 55
neg -num10,u ;60 56
neg -num9,u ;60 57
neg -num8,u ;60 58
neg -num7,u ;60 59
neg -num6,u ;60 5A
neg -num5,u ;60 5B
neg -num4,u ;60 5C
neg -num3,u ;60 5D
neg -num2,u ;60 5E
neg -num1,u ;60 5F
neg num0,s ;60 60
neg num1,s ;60 61
neg num2,s ;60 62
neg num3,s ;60 63
neg num4,s ;60 64
neg num5,s ;60 65
neg num6,s ;60 66
neg num7,s ;60 67
neg num8,s ;60 68
neg num9,s ;60 69
neg num10,s ;60 6A
neg num11,s ;60 6B
neg num12,s ;60 6C
neg num13,s ;60 6D
neg num14,s ;60 6E
neg num15,s ;60 6F
neg -num16,s ;60 70
neg -num15,s ;60 71
neg -num14,s ;60 72
neg -num13,s ;60 73
neg -num12,s ;60 74
neg -num11,s ;60 75
neg -num10,s ;60 76
neg -num9,s ;60 77
neg -num8,s ;60 78
neg -num7,s ;60 79
neg -num6,s ;60 7A
neg -num5,s ;60 7B
neg -num4,s ;60 7C
neg -num3,s ;60 7D
neg -num2,s ;60 7E
neg -num1,s ;60 7F
neg ,x+ ;60 80
neg ,x++ ;60 81
neg ,-x ;60 82
neg ,--x ;60 83
neg ,x ;60 84
neg b,x ;60 85
neg a,x ;60 86
neg nn,x ;60 88 nn
neg mmnn,x ;60 89 mm nn
neg d,x ;60 8b
neg .+0x13,pcr ;60 8c 10
neg .+0x1004,pcr ;60 8d 10 00
; neg [,x+] ;illegal
neg [,x++] ;60 91
; neg [,-x] ;illegal
neg [,--x] ;60 93
neg [,x] ;60 94
neg [b,x] ;60 95
neg [a,x] ;60 96
neg [nn,x] ;60 98 nn
neg [mmnn,x] ;60 99 mm nn
neg [d,x] ;60 9b
neg [.+0x13,pcr] ;60 9c 10
neg [.+0x1004,pcr] ;60 9d 10 00
neg [mmnn] ;60 9f mm nn
neg ,y+ ;60 a0
neg ,y++ ;60 a1
neg ,-y ;60 a2
neg ,--y ;60 a3
neg ,y ;60 a4
neg b,y ;60 a5
neg a,y ;60 a6
neg nn,y ;60 a8 nn
neg mmnn,y ;60 a9 mm nn
neg d,y ;60 ab
; neg .+0x13,pcr ;60 ac 10
; neg .+0x1004,pcr ;60 ad 10 00
; neg [,y+] ;illegal
neg [,y++] ;60 b1
; neg [,-y] ;illegal
neg [,--y] ;60 b3
neg [,y] ;60 b4
neg [b,y] ;60 b5
neg [a,y] ;60 b6
neg [nn,y] ;60 b8 nn
neg [mmnn,y] ;60 b9 mm nn
neg [d,x] ;60 bb
; neg [.+0x13,pcr] ;60 bc 10
; neg [.+0x1004,pcr] ;60 bd 10 00
; neg [mmnn] ;60 bf mm nn
neg ,u+ ;60 c0
neg ,u++ ;60 c1
neg ,-u ;60 c2
neg ,--u ;60 c3
neg ,u ;60 c4
neg b,u ;60 c5
neg a,u ;60 c6
neg nn,u ;60 c8 nn
neg mmnn,u ;60 c9 mm nn
neg d,u ;60 cb
; neg .+0x13,pcr ;60 cc 10
; neg .+0x1004,pcr ;60 cd 10 00
; neg [,u+] ;illegal
neg [,u++] ;60 d1
; neg [,-u] ;illegal
neg [,--u] ;60 d3
neg [,u] ;60 d4
neg [b,u] ;60 d5
neg [a,u] ;60 d6
neg [nn,u] ;60 d8 nn
neg [mmnn,u] ;60 d9 mm nn
neg [d,u] ;60 db
; neg [.+0x13,pcr] ;60 dc 10
; neg [.+0x1004,pcr] ;60 dd 10 00
; neg [mmnn] ;60 df mm nn
neg ,s+ ;60 e0
neg ,s++ ;60 e1
neg ,-s ;60 e2
neg ,--s ;60 e3
neg ,s ;60 e4
neg b,s ;60 e5
neg a,s ;60 e6
neg nn,s ;60 e8 nn
neg mmnn,s ;60 e9 mm nn
neg d,s ;60 eb
; neg .+0x13,pcr ;60 ec 10
; neg .+0x1004,pcr ;60 ed 10 00
; neg [,s+] ;illegal
neg [,s++] ;60 f1
; neg [,-s] ;illegal
neg [,--s] ;60 f3
neg [,s] ;60 f4
neg [b,s] ;60 f5
neg [a,s] ;60 f6
neg [nn,s] ;60 f8 nn
neg [mmnn,s] ;60 f9 mm nn
neg [d,s] ;60 fb
; neg [.+0x13,pcr] ;60 fc 10
; neg [.+0x1004,pcr] ;60 fd 10 00
; neg [mmnn] ;60 ff mm nn
.sbttl Defined constants
nn = 0x11
mmnn = 0x2233
num0 = 0
num1 = 1
num2 = 2
num3 = 3
num4 = 4
num5 = 5
num6 = 6
num7 = 7
num8 = 8
num9 = 9
num10 = 10
num11 = 11
num12 = 12
num13 = 13
num14 = 14
num15 = 15
num16 = 16
.sbttl Post Byte Addressing Test (predefined constants)
neg num0,x ;60 00
neg num1,x ;60 01
neg num2,x ;60 02
neg num3,x ;60 03
neg num4,x ;60 04
neg num5,x ;60 05
neg num6,x ;60 06
neg num7,x ;60 07
neg num8,x ;60 08
neg num9,x ;60 09
neg num10,x ;60 0A
neg num11,x ;60 0B
neg num12,x ;60 0C
neg num13,x ;60 0D
neg num14,x ;60 0E
neg num15,x ;60 0F
neg -num16,x ;60 10
neg -num15,x ;60 11
neg -num14,x ;60 12
neg -num13,x ;60 13
neg -num12,x ;60 14
neg -num11,x ;60 15
neg -num10,x ;60 16
neg -num9,x ;60 17
neg -num8,x ;60 18
neg -num7,x ;60 19
neg -num6,x ;60 1A
neg -num5,x ;60 1B
neg -num4,x ;60 1C
neg -num3,x ;60 1D
neg -num2,x ;60 1E
neg -num1,x ;60 1F
neg num0,y ;60 20
neg num1,y ;60 21
neg num2,y ;60 22
neg num3,y ;60 23
neg num4,y ;60 24
neg num5,y ;60 25
neg num6,y ;60 26
neg num7,y ;60 27
neg num8,y ;60 28
neg num9,y ;60 29
neg num10,y ;60 2A
neg num11,y ;60 2B
neg num12,y ;60 2C
neg num13,y ;60 2D
neg num14,y ;60 2E
neg num15,y ;60 2F
neg -num16,y ;60 30
neg -num15,y ;60 31
neg -num14,y ;60 32
neg -num13,y ;60 33
neg -num12,y ;60 34
neg -num11,y ;60 35
neg -num10,y ;60 36
neg -num9,y ;60 37
neg -num8,y ;60 38
neg -num7,y ;60 39
neg -num6,y ;60 3A
neg -num5,y ;60 3B
neg -num4,y ;60 3C
neg -num3,y ;60 3D
neg -num2,y ;60 3E
neg -num1,y ;60 3F
neg num0,u ;60 40
neg num1,u ;60 41
neg num2,u ;60 42
neg num3,u ;60 43
neg num4,u ;60 44
neg num5,u ;60 45
neg num6,u ;60 46
neg num7,u ;60 47
neg num8,u ;60 48
neg num9,u ;60 49
neg num10,u ;60 4A
neg num11,u ;60 4B
neg num12,u ;60 4C
neg num13,u ;60 4D
neg num14,u ;60 4E
neg num15,u ;60 4F
neg -num16,u ;60 50
neg -num15,u ;60 51
neg -num14,u ;60 52
neg -num13,u ;60 53
neg -num12,u ;60 54
neg -num11,u ;60 55
neg -num10,u ;60 56
neg -num9,u ;60 57
neg -num8,u ;60 58
neg -num7,u ;60 59
neg -num6,u ;60 5A
neg -num5,u ;60 5B
neg -num4,u ;60 5C
neg -num3,u ;60 5D
neg -num2,u ;60 5E
neg -num1,u ;60 5F
neg num0,s ;60 60
neg num1,s ;60 61
neg num2,s ;60 62
neg num3,s ;60 63
neg num4,s ;60 64
neg num5,s ;60 65
neg num6,s ;60 66
neg num7,s ;60 67
neg num8,s ;60 68
neg num9,s ;60 69
neg num10,s ;60 6A
neg num11,s ;60 6B
neg num12,s ;60 6C
neg num13,s ;60 6D
neg num14,s ;60 6E
neg num15,s ;60 6F
neg -num16,s ;60 70
neg -num15,s ;60 71
neg -num14,s ;60 72
neg -num13,s ;60 73
neg -num12,s ;60 74
neg -num11,s ;60 75
neg -num10,s ;60 76
neg -num9,s ;60 77
neg -num8,s ;60 78
neg -num7,s ;60 79
neg -num6,s ;60 7A
neg -num5,s ;60 7B
neg -num4,s ;60 7C
neg -num3,s ;60 7D
neg -num2,s ;60 7E
neg -num1,s ;60 7F
neg ,x+ ;60 80
neg ,x++ ;60 81
neg ,-x ;60 82
neg ,--x ;60 83
neg ,x ;60 84
neg b,x ;60 85
neg a,x ;60 86
neg nn,x ;60 88 nn
neg mmnn,x ;60 89 mm nn
neg d,x ;60 8b
neg .+0x13,pcr ;60 8c 10
neg .+0x1004,pcr ;60 8d 10 00
; neg [,x+] ;illegal
neg [,x++] ;60 91
; neg [,-x] ;illegal
neg [,--x] ;60 93
neg [,x] ;60 94
neg [b,x] ;60 95
neg [a,x] ;60 96
neg [nn,x] ;60 98 nn
neg [mmnn,x] ;60 99 mm nn
neg [d,x] ;60 9b
neg [.+0x13,pcr] ;60 9c 10
neg [.+0x1004,pcr] ;60 9d 10 00
neg [mmnn] ;60 9f mm nn
neg ,y+ ;60 a0
neg ,y++ ;60 a1
neg ,-y ;60 a2
neg ,--y ;60 a3
neg ,y ;60 a4
neg b,y ;60 a5
neg a,y ;60 a6
neg nn,y ;60 a8 nn
neg mmnn,y ;60 a9 mm nn
neg d,y ;60 ab
; neg .+0x13,pcr ;60 ac 10 10
; neg .+0x1004,pcr ;60 ad 10 00
; neg [,y+] ;illegal
neg [,y++] ;60 b1
; neg [,-y] ;illegal
neg [,--y] ;60 b3
neg [,y] ;60 b4
neg [b,y] ;60 b5
neg [a,y] ;60 b6
neg [nn,y] ;60 b8 nn
neg [mmnn,y] ;60 b9 mm nn
neg [d,x] ;60 bb
; neg [.+0x13,pcr] ;60 bc 10
; neg [.+0x1004,pcr] ;60 bd 10 00
; neg [mmnn] ;60 bf mm nn
neg ,u+ ;60 c0
neg ,u++ ;60 c1
neg ,-u ;60 c2
neg ,--u ;60 c3
neg ,u ;60 c4
neg b,u ;60 c5
neg a,u ;60 c6
neg nn,u ;60 c8 nn
neg mmnn,u ;60 c9 mm nn
neg d,u ;60 cb
; neg .+0x13,pcr ;60 cc 10
; neg .+0x1004,pcr ;60 cd 10 00
; neg [,u+] ;illegal
neg [,u++] ;60 d1
; neg [,-u] ;illegal
neg [,--u] ;60 d3
neg [,u] ;60 d4
neg [b,u] ;60 d5
neg [a,u] ;60 d6
neg [nn,u] ;60 d8 nn
neg [mmnn,u] ;60 d9 mm nn
neg [d,u] ;60 db
; neg [.+0x13,pcr] ;60 dc 10
; neg [.+0x1004,pcr] ;60 dd 10 00
; neg [mmnn] ;60 df mm nn
neg ,s+ ;60 e0
neg ,s++ ;60 e1
neg ,-s ;60 e2
neg ,--s ;60 e3
neg ,s ;60 e4
neg b,s ;60 e5
neg a,s ;60 e6
neg nn,s ;60 e8 nn
neg mmnn,s ;60 e9 mm nn
neg d,s ;60 eb
; neg .+0x13,pcr ;60 ec 10
; neg .+0x1004,pcr ;60 ed 10 00
; neg [,s+] ;illegal
neg [,s++] ;60 f1
; neg [,-s] ;illegal
neg [,--s] ;60 f3
neg [,s] ;60 f4
neg [b,s] ;60 f5
neg [a,s] ;60 f6
neg [nn,s] ;60 f8 nn
neg [mmnn,s] ;60 f9 mm nn
neg [d,s] ;60 fb
; neg [.+0x13,pcr] ;60 fc 10
; neg [.+0x1004,pcr] ;60 fd 10 00
; neg [mmnn] ;60 ff mm nn
.sbttl push/pull instructions
pshu cc ;36 01
pshu cc,a ;36 03
pshu cc,a,b ;36 07
pshu cc,a,b,dp ;36 0f
pshu cc,a,b,dp,x ;36 1f
pshu cc,a,b,dp,x,y ;36 3f
pshu cc,a,b,dp,x,y,s ;36 7f
pshu cc,a,b,dp,x,y,s,pc ;36 ff
pshs cc ;34 01
pshs cc,a ;34 03
pshs cc,a,b ;34 07
pshs cc,a,b,dp ;34 0f
pshs cc,a,b,dp,x ;34 1f
pshs cc,a,b,dp,x,y ;34 3f
pshs cc,a,b,dp,x,y,u ;34 7f
pshs cc,a,b,dp,x,y,u,pc ;34 ff
pulu cc ;37 01
pulu cc,a ;37 03
pulu cc,a,b ;37 07
pulu cc,a,b,dp ;37 0f
pulu cc,a,b,dp,x ;37 1f
pulu cc,a,b,dp,x,y ;37 3f
pulu cc,a,b,dp,x,y,s ;37 7f
pulu cc,a,b,dp,x,y,s,pc ;37 ff
puls cc ;35 01
puls cc,a ;35 03
puls cc,a,b ;35 07
puls cc,a,b,dp ;35 0f
puls cc,a,b,dp,x ;35 1f
puls cc,a,b,dp,x,y ;35 3f
puls cc,a,b,dp,x,y,u ;35 7f
puls cc,a,b,dp,x,y,u,pc ;35 ff
.sbttl 6800 compatibility instuctions with 6809 equivalents
pshs b ; aba
adda ,s+
pshs b ;cba
cmpa ,s+
andcc #0xFE ;clc
andcc #0xEF ;cli
andcc #0xFD ;clv
leas -1,s ;des
leax -1,x ;dex
leas 1,s ;ins
leax 1,x ;inx
pshs a ;psha
pshs b ;pshb
puls a ;pula
puls b ;pulb
pshs b ;sba
suba ,s+
orcc #0x01 ;sec
orcc #0x10 ;sei
orcc #0x02 ;sev
tfr a,b ;tab
tfr a,cc ;tap
tfr b,a ;tba
tfr cc,a ;tpa
tfr s,x ;tsx
tfr x,s ;txs
cwai #0xFF ;wai