The C Users' Group Library 1994 August
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SIMPLEXR.DOC VERS:- 01.00 DATE:- 09/26/86 TIME:- 10:02:52 PM
notes on the simplex method of function minimization,
by use of the Nelder-Mead algorithm.
By J. A. Rupley, Tucson, Arizona
The fitting of a model with variable parameters to a set of
data points is handled by minimizing an error function, such as
the sum of squares of the differences between observed values and
values calculated according to the model.
We describe here a simplex approximation procedure for
estimating the parameter values that give a function minimum.
The strategy is that of Nelder and Mead, and their article
(Computer Journal, vol 7, p 308, 1965) should be consulted for
more information than is given below.
A simplex is constructed in parameter space, with vertices
that are arbitrary but not too far from the point at which the
function is a minimum and that describe a volume that includes
the minimum point.
The position of each vertex in parameter space defines (or
equally, is defined by) a set of parameter values, for which one
calculates the function value for that vertex. The simplex has
(M + 1) vertices, where M is the number of free parameters.
In successive iterations the vertex with the highest
function value is moved, to obtain a new vertex position of
smaller function value. The movement is directed with respect to
the center of the reduced simplex, which is the simplex less the
highest vertex. The movements can be the following:
expansion beyond the reflected position;
reflection after failed expansion;
contraction toward the center of the reduced simplex from
the original position;
contraction from the reflected position;
if none of these operations gives a lower function value
then the entire simplex is shrunk about the lowest
Exit from the iterative minimization is if the fractional
RMS deviation of the function values at the vertices is less than
a test value and if the centroid of the simplex is within two RMS
deviations of the mean of the vertices. The default test value
is 1E-8 * the mean function value.
Thus at exit from the minimization, the centroid of the
simplex gives an arbitrarily close approximation of the parameter
values at the function minimum.
The routine that calculates the function values must be
adapted to the model to be optimized.
Entry of the data and starting parameter values can be at
compilation, by initializing the data and parameter arrays, or by
reading a text file.
Results should be written to a file, for convenience of
review and for recovery from crashes.
Standard deviations of the parameters are calculated by
fitting a quadratic function to the surface about the minimum in
parameter space and then using the properties of this function to
calculate the variance-covariance matrix for the parameters. The
strategy is a modification of that of Nelder and Mead (1965).
The contracted simplex obtained through the previous
minimization process is used to define a new coordinate system of
M oblique axes in parameter space. The origin of the axes is at
the centroid of the simplex. Each axis corresponds to a free
parameter. The unit value (scale) for each axis is set in the
new system at the average of the deviations of the vertices of
the simplex from the centroid value.
In effect, one constructs in the new coordinate system a new
simplex, based on the one obtained by the previous minimization
process. The (M + 1) vertices of the new construct are at the
centroid (the zero of the new system) and at the unit points on
each free parameter axis. As before, the values of the least
squares function at these vertices describe a surface. It is
this least squares surface to which a quadratic function is to be
If necessary, the scales of the axes (the unit values) in
the new coordinate system can be adjusted to give better behavior
of the surface in the vicinity of the minimum.
The diagonal matrix Q transforms the new coordinate system
back to the original system. The elements of Q are for each
parameter the (adjusted) average differences between the vertices
and the centroid of the original simplex.
The function value, y, in the region near the function
minimum generally can be approximated in the new coordinate
system by the quadratic vector function:
y = a(o) + 2 a'.x + x'.B.x (1)
The elements of the vector x are the values of the M free
parameters at a point in parameter space. The scalar a(o), the
vector a and the matrix B are determined by the shape of the
surface y near the minimum and can be calculated with the use of
simple numerical approximations, evaluated at x = 0 (the position
of the centroid of the original simplex):
a(0) = y(0)
ai = 0.5 * (dy/dxi)
= 0.25 * (yi - y-i)
bij = 0.5 * (d2y/dxi.dxj)
= 0.25 * (yij + y-i-j + 2 * y(0)
- y-i - y-j - yi - yj)
bii = 0.5 * (d2y/dxi2)
= 0.5 * (yi + y-i - 2 * y(0))
The point x = 0 (the centroid position) may not be the true
position of the function minimum, although it is assumed to be
close to it. A refined estimate of the minimum position, based
on the quadratic approximation of equation (1) above, is given by
xmin = - B-1.a
The function minimum at x(min) is given by y(min) :
ymin = a(0) - a'.B-1.a
The position of the minimum in the original coordinate
system is obtained by back transformation of x(min) with the
matrix Q, giving the point p(min):
pmin = p(0) - Q'.B-1.a
As a test of the quality of the quadratic approximation (1),
there should be close agreement between the function values
y(min), y(p(min)), and y(centroid), and between the sets of
parameter values defining the points p(min) and the centroid.
The variance-covariance matrix C is given by
C = Q'.B-1.Q
A diagonal element of C, multiplied by the mean square error
(MSE), gives the variance of the corresponding parameter:
var(i) = cii * MSE
MSE = ymin/(n - m)
where the divisor (n - m) = # degrees freedom: n = # of data
points used in calcn of ymin, and m = # of free parameters; and
ymin = the sum of residuals squared
The standard deviation is the square root of the variance:
std-dev(i) = sqrt(var(i))
The quadratic fit can fail, giving negative values of the
diagonal elements of the variance-covariance matrix or a value of
y(p(min)) > y(centroid). Failure can come from too tight a
simplex, resulting in too small values of the B matrix elements,
or from too large a simplex, resulting in non-quadratic behavior
of the least squares function within the region defined by the
simplex. The problem of too tight a simplex does not arise if
the precision of the floating point routines of the program is
sufficiently high (e.g., 14 digits). The problem of non-quadratic
behavior commonly arises in the early stages of the fitting, when
the minimum has not yet been approached closely. This can be
taken into account by modifying the fitting algorithm, or one can
be patient. If a parameter moves so close to a bound that
expansion of the simplex toward the bound is not possible, then
that parameter should be fixed.
It may be useful to cycle between short sessions of simplex
fitting and quadratic approximation, to more rapidly approach the
lsq function minimum. Toward this end, the presumed more
accurate approximation of the function minimum given by p(min) is
used to replace the previously obtained centroid value of the
simplex. That is, the simplex returned to the simplex fitting
routine would have M vertices at the "unit" positions on the
parameter axes and the (M+1)th vertex at p(min), not at the
"origin", ie the old centroid value.