The C Users' Group Library 1994 August
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365 lines
/* */
/* FDIRTSR.C Version 1.2 3/2/86 Brian Irvine */
/* */
/* Released to the Public Domain for use without profit */
/* */
/* */
/* stayres.c - Code which can be used in a general way to create programs */
/* in C which will terminate and stay resident. This code */
/* will allow the use of DOS I/O without having the stack and */
/* registers clobbered. This code is written in DeSmet C and */
/* uses library functions which may not be available in other */
/* C compilers. It also makes heavy use of the #asm compiler */
/* directive to allow in-line assembly language within the C */
/* code. This code provides a general outline for a main() */
/* function which can be modified to suit the users needs. All */
/* the code necessary to terminate and stay resident is */
/* contained in this module; the user's program can be contain- */
/* ed entirely externally. The program does not have to be a */
/* COM file, and the amount of memory reserved is not limited */
/* to 64K. The code has not been tested on program files with */
/* greater than 64K of code. */
/* */
/* Brian Irvine */
/* 3379 St Marys Place */
/* Santa Clara, CA 95051 */
/* [71016,544] */
/* */
#include <stdio.h>
/*----- Global variables ---------------------------------------------------*/
unsigned old_kbint_off; /* save old keyboard service routine */
unsigned old_kbint_seg; /* vector here */
unsigned dos_regs [10]; /* save DOS registers here */
unsigned dos_dseg; /* save the DS and SS regs */
unsigned dos_sseg; /* for later convenience */
unsigned dos_sp; /* storage for DOS stack pointer */
unsigned c_sseg; /* save our stack segment here */
unsigned c_sp; /* and our stack pointer here */
unsigned stacksize; /* size of DOS/local stack */
int _rax, _rbx, _rcx, _rdx, /* variables hold register values */
_rsi, _rdi, _rds, _res;
/* note: storage to save the DOS/C data segments must be allocated in the */
/* code segment, so variable must be defined inside "#asm - #" area. */
/*----- Constants ----------------------------------------------------------*/
#define KB_INT 0x16 /* BIOS software int keyboard service routine */
#define DOS_INT 0x21 /* DOS kitchen sink interrupt */
#define PARAGRAPHS 0x1000 /* # of paragraphs of memory to keep */
/*----- Externals ----------------------------------------------------------*/
extern unsigned _PCB; /* DeSmet C stores original sp value at _PCB + 2. */
extern void fdir (); /* user's program module entry point */
void back_door(); /* declare this function so we can take its address */
/* Initial program startup code */
void stayres ()
/* Save the C data segment and reserve storage in code segment for later use */
wakeup equ 071H ;This defines the character used to
;start up the resident code (Alt F-10)
;It can be set at any keypress desired
jmp get_ds
active_: db 0
c_ds_: dw 0
dos_ds_: dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
get_ds: push ax
mov ax,ds
mov cs:c_ds_,ax
pop ax
/* initialize program stack segment variable */
c_sseg = _showds();
/* Do your program initialization here because you won't get hold of */
/* it again until it is entered with the wakeup key sequence. */
/* get address of current INT 16H routine */
_rax = 0x3500 + KB_INT;
_doint (DOS_INT);
old_kbint_off = _rbx;
old_kbint_seg = _res;
/* The segment and offset of the routine are returned in _res and */
/* _rbx respectively, so copy those values into storage in the code */
/* segment for future use by the resident code. */
mov ax,word _rbx_
mov int_16_off_ ,ax
mov ax,word _res_
mov int_16_seg_,ax
/* now set the INT 16H vector to point to our new service routine */
_rax = 0x2500 + KB_INT;
_rds = _showcs();
_rdx = back_door;
_doint (DOS_INT);
/*----- Now terminate while staying resident -------------------------------*/
/* */
/* note: */
/* DeSmet C lays claim to the entire 64K of the data segment by using */
/* it for the stack segment as well. The data resides at the bottom */
/* of the segment while the stack starts at the top and works down. */
/* Because of this arrangement, we must reserve at least 64k of space */
/* in addition to the amount of memory occupied by code. Cware to the */
/* rescue, however. The DeSmet bind program allows you to specify a */
/* maximum stack size when the modules are combined at link time. By */
/* using the "-shhhh" option, you can specify a stack of 4K, which */
/* should be more than adequate for most applications. The object */
/* module of this program must be combined with the "fdires.o" module */
/* and the "nodupe.o" module with a bind command like: */
/* */
/* bind fdires fdirtsr nodupe -s1000 */
/* */
/* The stack size is specified in hex. */
/* */
/* calculate how much memory we need to reserve (in paragraphs) */
/* */
/* size = ds - cs + (sp/16) + 0x10 + 0x10 + 1 */
/* */
/* ds - cs gives the number of paragraphs of code in our program. */
/* sp/16 gives us a fair idea of where the end of the data segment */
/* is located, but by the time we get to here, the stack pointer */
/* will have been moved around so we need to fudge a little. */
/* The first "+ 0x10" is to allow for the program segment prefix, */
/* the second "+ 0x10" is a fudge factor, so is the "+ 1" because */
/* (1) _showsp () doesn't show the top of the stack */
/* (2) we must always round up with integer division */
/* If you run the program and it seems to operate fine, but */
/* when you try to run another program above it you get */
/* a DOS message "Memory allocation error can't load COMMAND.COM" */
/* it means you haven't allocated enough memory for your program */
/* and your stack has destroyed the memory allocation linked list. */
/* Try recompiling with more memory reserved. */
_rax = 0x3100;
_rdx = _showds() - _showcs() + ( _showsp() / 16 ) + 0x20 + 1;
printf ( "\nFDIRES now installed.\nPress Alt-F10 to activate.\n", _rdx );
_doint (DOS_INT);
/*----- Interrupt 16H service routine --------------------------------------*/
/* */
/* This function replaces the standard BIOS INT 16H service routine. */
/* It is called by DOS and our application program to get the next */
/* character from the queue, check the shift status, or just see if */
/* there is a character in the queue. All type 1 and 2 requests are */
/* passed through to the original service routine, through a long */
/* jump to that address. Type 0 requests (get the next character) */
/* are handled through an INT 67H call to the original service rou- */
/* tine. The character obtained is checked to see if it is the */
/* designated wakeup key. If not, it is passed on to DOS. If it is, */
/* then part of the DOS stack is saved on the local stack, all the */
/* processor registers are saved in memory and the program is */
/* started up. The C program environment and registers are estab- */
/* lished and the DOS environment is saved for later restoration. */
/* Upon return from the user's program, the DOS stack is restored */
/* from the data saved on the local stack, bringing DOS back to */
/* where it was before the user program was turned on. */
/* These operations allow programs to be written in C without having */
/* to worry about the resident routines destroying the DOS registers */
/* when file I/O is used. It also allows the use of printf(). */
/* */
void back_door()
Current stack contents:
sp -> DOS ip
sp + 2 -> DOS cs
sp + 4 -> DOS flags
C function prologue:
push bp
mov bp,sp
pop bp ;toss out the bp from the prologue
cmp cs:active_,1 ;if the program is not currently active,
jne not_on ;go service the request
; long jump to original INT 16H handler
ljmp word cs:int_16_off_ ;else don't go any further
not_on: cmp ah,0 ;if this is a character request
jz chr_rqst ;check a little further
; long jump to original INT 16H handler
ljmp word cs:int_16_off_ ;if not, exit immediately
pushf ;simulate a software interrupt to
lcall word cs:int_16_off_ ;get the next character from the queue
cmp ah,wakeup ;if it's not the wakeup character,
jne skipall ;then take it back to the caller
mov cs:active_,1 ;else set the 'program active' flag
; now we enter the program
cli ;no interrupts for now
mov cs:dos_ds_,ds ;save the DOS data segment
mov ds,cs:c_ds_ ;establish our data segment
push bp ;save bp
mov bp,offset dos_regs_ ;point bp to dos_regs array
mov ds:[bp+0], ax ;save the DOS machine register status
mov ds:[bp+2], bx ;in an array in the local data segment
mov ds:[bp+4], cx
mov ds:[bp+6], dx
pop ds:[bp+8] ;get the bp and save it
mov ds:[bp+10], si
mov ds:[bp+12], di
push ax
mov ax, cs:dos_ds_ ;save the DOS ds reg
mov ds:[bp+14], ax
pop ax
mov ds:[bp+16], es ;save es
pushf ;save the flags too
pop ds:[bp+18]
; Now we want to point es:si to the DOS stack and set ss:sp to start a local
; stack at the original position the C stack was in when the resident program
; was initialized.
mov word dos_sseg_,ss ;save DOS stack segment
mov si,ss ;set es to point to the the DOS stack
mov es,si ;for the move later on
mov ss,word c_sseg_ ;set ss to C stack segment
mov si,ss:_PCB_ + 2 ;get original sp value for C stack
mov di,sp ;save the current sp value
xchg sp,si ;and set up new stack pointer
mov si,di ;point si to top of DOS stack
push [bp+0] ;save ax
push [bp+2] ;save bx
push [bp+4] ;save cx
push [bp+6] ;save dx
;don't save bp
push [bp+10] ;save si
push [bp+12] ;save di
push [bp+14] ;save ds
push [bp+16] ;save es
;don't save flags
sub cx,cx ;now save 64 words or less from the
sub cx,si ;DOS stack onto the current stack
shr cx,1 ;If the stack size is less than 64
cmp cx,64 ;save 'stacksize' words, else save 64
jle under64
mov cx,64
under64: mov word stacksize_,cx
restack: push es:[si]
inc si
inc si
loop restack
push si ;save the count of bytes pushed on stack
mov word c_sp_,sp ;save current stack pointer
push bp ;do the C function prologue here
mov bp,sp
/*----- Call your program from here ----------------------------------------*/
fdir ();
/*----- Restore everything -------------------------------------------------*/
pop bp
cli ;no interrupts
mov sp,word c_sp_ ;get the stack pointer back
pop si ;get pointer to top of words to be moved
mov cx,word stacksize_ ;get count of bytes to move
mov es,word dos_sseg_ ;point es to caller's stack
unstack: dec si ;back up one word
dec si
pop es:[si] ;restore the caller's stack from
loop unstack ;the local stack
mov bp,si ;save pointer to top of caller's stack
pop es ;pop registers off the stack
pop di ;don't restore ds just yet
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
mov sp,bp ;restore the caller's stack pointer
mov ss,word dos_sseg_ ;switch back to the caller's stack
mov bp,offset dos_regs_
push ds:[bp+18] ;restore the flags from memory
mov bp,ds:[bp+8] ;restore the caller's bp reg
mov cs:active_,0 ;reset the 'program active' flag
mov ds,cs:dos_ds_ ;finally restore caller's data segment
; return via a long jump to F000:E82E
; to get the next keypress
mov ax,0
db 0EAH
dw 0E82EH
dw 0F000H
skipall: iret ;head on back