The C Users' Group Library 1994 August
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Text File
498 lines
* file d:\lsu\wtiff.c
* Functions: This file contains
* create_allocate_tiff_file
* write_array_into_tiff_image
* write_line
* insert_short_into_buffer
* insert_long_into_buffer
* round_off_image_size
* does_not_exist
* Purpose:
* These functions insert a 100x100 array into
* a tiff image already stored on disk.
* External Calls:
* rtiff.c - seek_to_first_line
* seek_to_end_of_line
* tiff.c - read_tiff_header
* mrw.c - my_write
* Modifications:
* 29 January 1991 - created
#include "d:\cips\cips.h"
* create_alllocate_tiff_file(...
* This function creates a file on disk that will be
* large enough to hold a tiff image. The input
* tiff_header_struct describes the desired tiff file.
* This function writes the tiff header and then
* writes a blank image array out to disk the proper
* number of times. This has the effect of allocating
* the correct number of bytes on the disk.
create_allocate_tiff_file(file_name, image_header, image)
char file_name[];
short image[ROWS][COLS];
struct tiff_header_struct *image_header;
char buffer[12];
int bytes_written,
long k;
* Create the image file in binary mode
* for both reading and writing.
file_desc = open(file_name,
printf("\n file desc=%d", file_desc);
* Write out the first 8 bytes of the
* header. The meaning of the
* bytes (HEX) is:
* 0-1 = 49 49 - LSB first
* 2-3 = 2A 00 - version #
* 4-7 = 08 00 00 00 - go to offset
* 8 for the first
* Image File
* Directory
buffer[0] = 0x49;
buffer[1] = 0x49;
buffer[2] = 0x2A;
buffer[3] = 0x00;
buffer[4] = 0x08;
buffer[5] = 0x00;
buffer[6] = 0x00;
buffer[7] = 0x00;
bytes_written = my_write(file_desc, buffer, 8);
printf("\n wrote %d bytes", bytes_written);
* Write out the first 2 bytes of the
* Image File Directory. These tell
* the number of entries in the IFD.
buffer[0] = 0x05;
buffer[1] = 0x00;
bytes_written = my_write(file_desc, buffer, 2);
printf("\n wrote %d bytes", bytes_written);
* Write out the entries into the
* Image File Directory.
/* Subfile Type */
buffer[0] = 0xFF;
buffer[1] = 0x00;
buffer[2] = 0x03;
buffer[3] = 0x00;
buffer[4] = 0x01;
buffer[5] = 0x00;
buffer[6] = 0x00;
buffer[7] = 0x00;
buffer[8] = 0x01;
buffer[9] = 0x00;
buffer[10] = 0x00;
buffer[11] = 0x00;
bytes_written = my_write(file_desc, buffer, 12);
printf("\n wrote %d bytes", bytes_written);
/* Image Width */
insert_short_into_buffer(buffer, 0, 256);
insert_short_into_buffer(buffer, 2, 3);
insert_short_into_buffer(buffer, 4, 1);
insert_short_into_buffer(buffer, 8, image_header->image_width);
bytes_written = my_write(file_desc, buffer, 12);
printf("\n wrote %d bytes", bytes_written);
/* Image Length */
insert_short_into_buffer(buffer, 0, 257);
insert_short_into_buffer(buffer, 2, 3);
insert_short_into_buffer(buffer, 4, 1);
insert_short_into_buffer(buffer, 8, image_header->image_length);
bytes_written = my_write(file_desc, buffer, 12);
printf("\n wrote %d bytes", bytes_written);
/* Bits Per Pixel */
insert_short_into_buffer(buffer, 0, 258);
insert_short_into_buffer(buffer, 2, 3);
insert_short_into_buffer(buffer, 4, 1);
insert_short_into_buffer(buffer, 8, image_header->bits_per_pixel);
bytes_written = my_write(file_desc, buffer, 12);
printf("\n wrote %d bytes", bytes_written);
/* Strip Offset */
insert_short_into_buffer(buffer, 0, 273);
insert_short_into_buffer(buffer, 2, 3);
insert_short_into_buffer(buffer, 4, 1);
insert_short_into_buffer(buffer, 8, 74);
bytes_written = my_write(file_desc, buffer, 12);
printf("\n wrote %d bytes", bytes_written);
/* Offset to next IFD (0 means no more IFD's) */
buffer[0] = 0x00;
buffer[1] = 0x00;
buffer[2] = 0x00;
buffer[3] = 0x00;
bytes_written = my_write(file_desc, buffer, 4);
printf("\n wrote %d bytes", bytes_written);
printf("\n length is %ld", image_header->image_length);
printf("\n width is %ld", image_header->image_width);
round_off_image_size(image_header, &l, &w);
k = l * w;
if(image_header->bits_per_pixel == 8)
k = k/2;
k = k/4;
for(i=0; i<ROWS; i++)
for(j=0; j<COLS; j++)
image[i][j] = 0;
j = sizeof(short) * ROWS * COLS;
for(i=0; i<k; i++){
bytes_written = my_write(file_desc, image, j);
printf("\n wrote %d bytes", bytes_written);
} /* ends create_allocate_tiff_file */
* write_array_into_tiff_file(...
* This function takes an array of shorts and writes
* them into an existing tiff image file.
write_array_into_tiff_image(image_file_name, array,
il, ie, ll, le)
char image_file_name[];
int il, ie, ll, le;
short array[ROWS][COLS];
char buffer[COLS];
int bytes_written,
float a;
long line_length,
struct tiff_header_struct image_header;
read_tiff_header(image_file_name, &image_header);
* Procedure:
* Seek to the strip offset where the data begins.
* Seek to the first line you want.
* Loop over the lines you want to write.
* Seek to the first element of the line.
* Write the line.
* Seek to the end of the data in that line.
file_descriptor = my_open(image_file_name);
position = lseek(file_descriptor,
image_header.strip_offset, 0);
position = seek_to_first_line(file_descriptor,
&image_header, il);
for(i=0; i<(ll-il); i++){
offset = (ie-1)/(8/image_header.bits_per_pixel);
position = lseek(file_descriptor, offset, 1);
bytes_written = write_line(file_descriptor, array,
i, &image_header, ie, le);
position = seek_to_end_of_line(file_descriptor,
le, &image_header);
position = lseek(file_descriptor, 1, 1); /*???*/
} /* ends loop over i */
closed = close(file_descriptor);
} /* ends write_array_into_tiff_image */
* write_line(...
* This function takes an array of shorts, extracts the
* numbers and puts them into a buffer, then writes
* this buffer into a tiff file on disk.
* The process depends on the number of bits per
* pixel used in the file (4 or 8).
write_line(file_descriptor, array, line_number, image_header, ie, le)
int file_descriptor, ie, le, line_number;
short array[ROWS][COLS];
struct tiff_header_struct *image_header;
char buffer[100], first, second;
float a, b;
int bytes_written, i;
unsigned int bytes_to_write;
union short_char_union scu;
for(i=0; i<100; i++)
buffer[i] = '\0';
bytes_to_write = (le-ie)/(8/image_header->bits_per_pixel);
for(i=0; i<bytes_to_write; i++){
* Use unions defined in cips.h to stuff shorts
* into bytess.
if(image_header->bits_per_pixel == 8){
scu.s_num = 0;
scu.s_num = array[line_number][i];
buffer[i] = scu.s_alpha[0];
} /* ends if bits_per_pixel == 8 */
if(image_header->bits_per_pixel == 4){
scu.s_num = 0;
scu.s_num = array[line_number][i*2];
first = scu.s_alpha[0] << 4;
scu.s_num = 0;
scu.s_num = array[line_number][i*2];
second = scu.s_alpha[0] & 0X000F;
buffer[i] = first | second;
} /* ends if bits_per_pixel == 4 */
} /* ends loop over i */
bytes_written = write(file_descriptor, buffer, bytes_to_write);
} /* ends write_line */
* insert_short_into_buffer(...
* This inserts a two byte short into a
* buffer of characters. It does this
* is LSB order.
insert_short_into_buffer(buffer, start, number)
char buffer[];
int start;
short number;
union short_char_union lsu;
lsu.s_num = number;
buffer[start+0] = lsu.s_alpha[0];
buffer[start+1] = lsu.s_alpha[1];
} /* ends insert_short_into_buffer */
* insert_long_into_buffer(...
* This inserts a four byte long into a
* buffer of characters. It does this
* is LSB order.
insert_long_into_buffer(buffer, start, number)
char buffer[];
int start;
long number;
union long_char_union lsu;
lsu.l_num = number;
buffer[start+0] = lsu.l_alpha[0];
buffer[start+1] = lsu.l_alpha[1];
buffer[start+2] = lsu.l_alpha[2];
buffer[start+3] = lsu.l_alpha[3];
} /* ends insert_short_into_buffer */
* round_off_image_size(...
* This takes the image header and rounds
* it off to a multiple of ROWS and COLS.
* e.g. if width=123 it returns 1.
round_off_image_size(image_header, length, width)
int *length, *width;
struct tiff_header_struct *image_header;
*length = (90 + image_header->image_length)/ROWS;
*width = (90 + image_header->image_width)/COLS;
} /* ends round_off_image_size */
* does_not_exist(...
* This function checks the disk to see if
* a file exists. If the file is there this
* function returns a 0, if it does not exist
* this function returns a 1.
char file_name[];
int file_desc, result;
result = 1;
file_desc = open(file_name, O_BINARY | O_RDONLY);
if(file_desc > 0)
result = 0;
} /* ends does_not_exist */