The C Users' Group Library 1994 August
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532 lines
; BEZ.ASM -- Logic to quickly compute the points along a bezier curve.
; Assembly : TASM BEZ;
; Should be linked with Turbo-C V2.0 small memory model.
; Author : Bob Zigon
; Date : July 23, 1989
; NOTE : This code is assembled with the .287 directive to avoid the
; generation of the unnecessary FWAITS on an AT or '386 class
; machine. If this code is to be executed on an 8087, the
; .287 directive must be commented out.
.model small
MaxControl equ 10 ; Max number of control points
MaxDivisions equ 151 ; Max number of divisions for t
extrn _XvpMin:word,_XvpMax:word,_YvpMin:word,_YvpMax:word
extrn _XCpMin:qword,_XCpMax:qword,_YCpMin:qword,_YCpMax:qword
extrn _XCpScr:word,_YCpScr:word,_XCp:qword,_YCp:qword
extrn _XCurve:qword,_YCurve:qword
K1 dq ? ; Coefficient for transforming X
Q1 dq ?
K2 dq ? ; Coefficient for transforming Y
Q2 dq ?
T dq MaxControl dup (?)
BCoef dq MaxControl dup (?) ; Double Prec array of Binomial Coefficients
OneMinusT dq MaxControl dup (?)
NumTerms dw ? ; Number of terms in the summations
public _Binomial, _BezierToScreen, _WToVConst
public XformWXtoScr, XformWYtoScr
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Binomial -- This routine precomputes the table of binomial coefficients
; for a given number of control points.
; The table of N coefficients is computed according to the
; following recursive formula :
; N N-1 N-1
; C = C + C
; i i i-1
; C Prototype :
; void Binomial(short int NumControl)
; Input : 4[BP] -- Number of control points > 1
; Output : The BCoef array is filled with the coefficients.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
NumControl equ 4[bp]
_Binomial proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
push di ; Save in case Register Variables = ON
mov ax,NumControl
mov NumTerms,ax
; Begin by initializing the BCoef array to
; 1.0 0 0 0 .... 0
; <--- N-1 ---->
fstp qword ptr BCoef ; Store the 1.0
lea di,BCoef+8
mov cx,ax
dec cx
shl cx,1
shl cx,1
xor ax,ax
push ds
pop es ; Init ES for the STOSW
rep stosw ; Now store lots of Zeros
mov ax,NumTerms
cmp ax,MaxControl ; Number of control points > Number allocated?
jle Bi10
xor ax,ax
mov NumTerms,ax
jmp short Bi80
; Now begin the recursive generation of the BCoef array in situ.
; The equivalent C code is :
; for (j = 1; j < NumTerms; j++)
; {
; Last = 0.0
; for (k = 0; k<=j; k++)
; {
; Temp = BCoef[k]+Last
; Last = BCoef[k]
; BCoef[k] = Temp
; }
; }
Bi10: mov ax,1 ; AX is j
Bi20: cmp ax,NumTerms
je Bi80
fldz ; Last is on the stack
xor bx,bx ; BX is k
lea di,BCoef
Bi30: cmp bx,ax
ja Bi40
fld qword ptr [di] ; Load BCoef[k]
fld st ; Duplicate top of stack
fadd st,st(2) ; Temp = BCoef[k]+Last
fxch ; Temp <-> BCoef[k]
fstp st(2) ; Store BCoef[k] to Last and pop
fstp qword ptr [di] ; Store Temp out to BCoef[k]
add di,8 ; Adv to next BCeof
inc bx
jmp Bi30
Bi40: fstp st ; Clean up the coprocessor stack
inc ax
jmp Bi20
Bi80: pop di
pop si
mov sp,bp ; Pop of the local variables
pop bp ; Reset BP
_Binomial endp
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; _BezierToScreen -- Compute the points along the Bezier curve and
; transform them to screen coordinates.
; C Prototype :
; void BezierToScreen(short int, short int, short int *, short int *)
; Input : 4[BP] -- Number of divisions of the parameter
; 6[BP] -- Number of Control Points
; 8[bp] -- Ptr to X Screen Coordinates
; 10[bp] -- Ptr to Y Screen Coordinates
; Output : The array of X and Y screen coordinates.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
TDivisions equ 4[bp]
NP equ 6[bp]
XV equ 8[bp]
YV equ 10[bp]
_BezierToScreen proc near
local u:qword,du:qword
local XCurvePtr:word,YCurvePtr:word
local NumCurvePts:word=AutoSize
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,AutoSize ; Allocate some local variables
push si
push di ; Save in case Register Variables = ON
mov ax,NP
lea si,_XCp
lea di,_XCpScr
call XformWXtoScr ; Convert XCp to screen coordinates
mov ax,NP
lea si,_YCp
lea di,_YCpScr
call XformWYtoScr ; Convert YCp to screen coordinates
; Now, compute the coordinates of the curve.
mov ax,word ptr TDivisions
inc ax
mov NumCurvePts,ax ; Number of points on the curve
fidiv word ptr TDivisions
fstp du ; du = 1/TDivisions
fstp u ; u = 0.0
lea ax,_XCurve
mov XCurvePtr,ax
lea ax,_YCurve
mov YCurvePtr,ax
; Since the address of _XCp and _YCp doesn't change, why push them
; on the stack every time you need to call Bezier. Push them
; once here, and clean up on exit.
lea ax,_YCp
push ax
lea ax,_XCp
push ax
BS10: mov ax,NumCurvePts
or ax,ax ; EXIT when no more points to compute
jz BS20
mov ax, word ptr u+6
push ax
mov ax, word ptr u+4
push ax
mov ax, word ptr u+2
push ax
mov ax, word ptr u
push ax
call Bezier ; Compute X(t) and Y(t)
add sp,2*4 ; Pop the t parameter
mov si,YCurvePtr
fstp qword ptr [si] ; Save and pop Y(t)
add si,8
mov YCurvePtr,si
mov si,XCurvePtr
fstp qword ptr [si] ; Save and pop X(t)
add si,8
mov XCurvePtr,si
fld u
fadd du
fstp u ; Increment u by du
dec NumCurvePts ; 1 less point to consider
jmp short BS10
BS20: add sp,2*2 ; Pop address of _XCp and _YCp
mov ax,TDivisions
inc ax
lea si,_XCurve
mov di,XV
call XformWXtoScr ; Convert X curve values to screen coordinates
mov ax,TDivisions
inc ax
lea si,_YCurve
mov di,YV
call XformWYtoScr ; Convert Y curve values to screen coordinates
pop di
pop si
mov sp,bp ; Pop of the local variables
pop bp ; Reset BP
_BezierToScreen endp
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; XformWXtoScr -- transform world X coordinates to X screen coordinates.
; Input : AX -- Number of points
; SI -- Ptr to Double Precision World X values
; DI -- Ptr to Word Screen X values
; Transform is :
; X' = Q1 + K1*X
; K1 = (XvpMax-XvpMin)/(XCpMax-XCpMin)
; Q1 = XvpMin - K1*XCpMin
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
XformWXtoScr proc near
fld Q1
fld K1
or ax,ax
jz XFX20 ; Exit when AX = 0
fld st ; Dup the top of stack
fmul qword ptr [si] ; X*K
add si,8
fadd st,st(2) ; X*K+Q
fistp word ptr [di] ; Store the Screen coordinate
add di,2
dec ax ; 1 less point to consider
jmp short XFX10
fstp st
fstp st ; Clean up the stack
XformWXtoScr endp
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; XformWYtoScr -- transform world Y coordinates to Y screen coordinates.
; Input : AX -- Number of points
; SI -- Ptr to Double Precision World Y values
; DI -- Ptr to Word Screen Y values
; Transform is :
; Y' = Q2 - K2*Y
; K2 = (YvpMax-YvpMin)/(YCpMax-YCpMin)
; Q2 = K2*YCpMax + YsMin
; Note : Since the screen values for Y start in the upper left hand
; corner instead of the lower left hand corner, this routine
; inverts the Y coordinate.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
XformWYtoScr proc near
fld Q2
fld K2
or ax,ax
jz XFY20 ; Exit when AX = 0
fld st ; Dup the top of stack
fmul qword ptr [si] ; Y*K
add si,8
fsubr st,st(2) ; Q-Y*K
fistp word ptr [di]
add di,2
dec ax ; 1 less point to consider
jmp short XFY10
fstp st
fstp st ; Clean up the stack
XformWYtoScr endp
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; WToVConst -- Calculate the constants used to perform the window
; to viewport transformations in XformWXtoScr and
; XformWYtoScr.
; C Prototype :
; void WToVConst(void);
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
_WToVConst proc near
fild _XvpMax
fisub _XvpMin
fld _XCpMax
fsub _XCpMin
fst K1 ; K1 = (XvpMax-XvpMin)/(XCpMax-XCpMin)
fmul _XCpMin
fisubr _XvpMin
fstp Q1 ; Q1 = XvpMin - K1*XCpMin
fild _YvpMax
fisub _YvpMin
fld _YCpMax
fsub _YCpMin
fst K2 ; K2 = (YvpMax-YvpMin)/(YCpMax-YCpMin)
fmul _YCpMax
fiadd _YvpMin
fstp Q2 ; Q2 = K2*YcpMax + YvpMin
_WToVConst endp
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Bezier -- local subroutine used to compute the actual value of
; X(t) and Y(t).
; Input : 4[BP] -- Double Precision value of t, the parameter
; : 12[BP] -- Ptr to X Control Points.
; 14[bp] -- Ptr to Y Control Points.
; Output : ST(1) -- Double Precision X when the polynomial is
; evaluated at t and the X Control Points.
; ST(0) -- Double Precision Y when the polynomial is
; evaluated at t and the Y Control Points.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
ParamT equ qword ptr 4[bp]
XCp equ 12[bp]
YCp equ 14[bp]
Bezier proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
lea di,T
mov ax,NumTerms
mov bx,ax
; Compute the T array.
; 1 T T**2 T**3 T**4 T**5 ....
fld ParamT
B10: fst qword ptr [di]
dec ax
or ax,ax
jz B50 ; EXIT when AX = 0
fmul st,st(1)
add di,8
jmp B10
B50: fstp st ; Clean up the stack
fstp st
lea di,OneMinusT
; Compute the OneMinusT array.
; 1 1-T (1-T)**2 (1-T)**3 (1-T)**4 (1-T)**5 ....
fld ParamT
B60: fst qword ptr [di]
dec bx
or bx,bx
jz B70 ; EXIT when BX = 0
fmul st,st(1)
add di,8
jmp B60
B70: lea di,T
fst qword ptr [di] ; Copy (1-T)**N to T**0
fstp st
fstp st
; Now multiply the T array by the OneMinusT array.
add di,8
mov ax,NumTerms
sub ax,2
mov bl,8
mul bl
lea si,OneMinusT
add si,ax ; SI points to (1-T)**(N-1)
mov ax,NumTerms
sub ax,2
B80: or ax,ax
jz B90
fld qword ptr [si] ; Get element from 1-T
fmul qword ptr [di] ; Multiply by T**i
fstp qword ptr [di] ; Save product back to T
sub si,8
add di,8
dec ax
jmp B80
; Now form the term by term product of the T array and the BCoef array.
B90: lea si,T
lea di,BCoef
mov ax,NumTerms
B100: or ax,ax
jz B120
fld qword ptr [si] ; Get a T element
fmul qword ptr [di] ; Multiply by a binomial coefficient
fstp qword ptr [si]
add si,8
add di,8
dec ax
jmp B100
; Now that the T array has the product of the T array, the OneMinusT array,
; and the Binomial coefficients, form the dot product of the T array
; with the XCp array to produce X(t).
B120: lea si,T
mov di,XCp
mov ax,NumTerms
B200: or ax,ax
jz B210
fld qword ptr [si] ; Load a term from T
fmul qword ptr [di] ; Multiply by an XCp
faddp ; Accumulate in stack top
add si,8
add di,8
dec ax
jmp B200
; Now form the dot product of the T array with the YCp array to
; produce Y(t).
lea si,T
mov di,YCp
mov ax,NumTerms
B220: or ax,ax
jz B230
fld qword ptr [si] ; Load a term from T
fmul qword ptr [di] ; Multiply by an YCp
faddp ; Accumulate in stack top
add si,8
add di,8
dec ax
jmp B220
mov sp,bp ; Pop of the local variables
pop bp ; Reset BP
Bezier endp