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Text File  |  1997-05-14  |  4KB  |  164 lines

  1. object PreviewForm: TPreviewForm
  2.   Left = 271
  3.   Top = 109
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  32.     object ModuleDesc: TLabel
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  45.     object Instructions: TLabel
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  51.       Caption = 
  52.         'Select the item(s) that you wish to preview.  All previews are F' +
  53.         'REE!  The associated price(s) are for reference only.'
  54.       Font.Color = clBlack
  55.       Font.Height = -11
  56.       Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
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  61.     object UpDown1: TLabel
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  65.       Height = 13
  66.       Caption = 'Use        keys to display description for each item'
  67.       Font.Color = clBlack
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  73.     object UpDown2: TLabel
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  85.     object UpDown3: TLabel
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  97.     object PriceBox: TMPGPriceBox
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  103.       OnKeyUp = PriceBoxKeyUp
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  105.       OnChange = PriceBoxChange
  106.       ShowWasBought = False
  107.       ShowCheckBox = True
  108.       OnSelect = PriceBoxSelect
  109.       TrapTab = ttNone
  110.     end
  111.   end
  112.   object CancelButton: TButton
  113.     Left = 189
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  122.   end
  123.   object NextButton: TButton
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  133.   end
  134.   object PoliciesButton: TButton
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  143.   end
  144.   object HelpButton: TButton
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  149.     Caption = '&Help'
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  152.   end
  153.   object PricingButton: TButton
  154.     Left = 69
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  158.     HelpContext = 10102
  159.     Caption = '&Pricing'
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  161.     OnClick = PricingButtonClick
  162.   end
  163. end