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Text File  |  1995-06-28  |  11KB  |  37 lines

  1. /*********************************************************************************    File:    XMNT1.C****    Desc:
  2. **    
  3. **    Demonstrate how to mount AFP volumes by pretending (to the AppleShare
  4. **    rdev) that the Chooser was calling it.
  5. **    
  6. **    Disclaimer:
  7. **
  8. **        Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to
  9. **        any NetWare software, and specifically disclaims any express or
  10. **        implied warranties of merchantability, title, or fitness for a
  11. **        particular purpose.  
  12. **
  13. **        Distribution of any NetWare software is forbidden without the
  14. **        express written consent of Novell, Inc.  Further, Novell reserves
  15. **        the right to discontinue distribution of any NetWare software.
  16. **
  17. **        Novell is not responsible for lost profits or revenue, loss of use
  18. **        of the software, loss of data, costs of re-creating lost data, the
  19. **        cost of any substitute equipment or program, or claims by any party
  20. **        other than you.  Novell strongly recommends a backup be made before
  21. **        any software is installed.   Developer support for this software
  22. **        may be provided at the discretion of Novell.
  23. **
  24. **    Programmers:****        Ini    Who                                Firm**        -------------------------------------------------------------------------**        ABJ    Adam B. Jerome                 Novell Developer Support.****    History:****        When        Who    What**        -------------------------------------------------------------------------**        06-29-95 ABJ   Initial code for public use.
  25. *//*********************************************************************************    Compiler setup.*/#pragma once    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------    **    Include headers.    */    #include <Devices.h>    #include "FindFolder.h"     #include "BootDrive.h"         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------    **    Type definitions.    */    typedef pascal OSErr    (*DeviceFuncPtr)(short message, short caller,         StringPtr objName, StringPtr zoneName, long p1, long p2);    typedef struct PackHeader        {        unsigned short    branch;        unsigned short    deviceID;        unsigned long    pack;        unsigned short    resID;        unsigned short    version;        unsigned long    flags;        } PackHeader, *PackHeaderPtr, **PackHeaderHdl;    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------    **    Function prototypes.    */    OSErr    GetIndFile(short whichFile, short vRefNum, StringPtr fileName,             FInfo *finderInfo);    OSErr    FindAShare(short wdref, short *fref);    OSErr    OpenAppleShare(short *fRefNum);    OSErr    CallDevicePackage(DeviceFuncPtr func, short selector, short id,            StringPtr name, StringPtr zone, long param1, long param2);    OSErr    AppleShareLogin(StringPtr serverName, StringPtr zoneName,            AddrBlock addr);    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------    **    Define macros.    */    #define    myDummyID    128            /* Application ID */    #define    DoubleTime    10        /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------    ** Type definitions.     *//********************************************************************************* Returns the fileName and finderInfo for the file indexed by whichFile()** on the volume or working directory specified by vRefNum.**** Start at whichFile = 1 and increment whichFile until fnfErr.*/OSErr GetIndFile(short whichFile, short vRefNum, StringPtr fileName,            FInfo *finderInfo)    {    OSErr err;    ParamBlockRec pb;        pb.fileParam.ioNamePtr = fileName;            /* File name will be returned.    */    pb.fileParam.ioVRefNum = vRefNum;            /* Volume or working directory.    */    pb.fileParam.ioFVersNum = 0;                    /*    Version 0 in this lifetime.    */    pb.fileParam.ioFDirIndex = whichFile;        /* This index (from 1) specifies    */                                                            /*    the file.                            */    err = PBGetFInfo( &pb, false );                /*    Synchronous call.                    */    if(!err)        *finderInfo = pb.fileParam.ioFlFndrInfo;    /*    ...This is the treasure.    */    return(err);    } /*********************************************************************************    AppleShare might have a different name (eg, in another language), so search**    the working directory for type 'RDEV' and creator 'afps'.*/OSErr FindAShare(short wdref, short *fref)    {    OSErr err;    short fIndex;                            /*    Index (from 1) of file in directory.    */    Str255 fileName;                        /* File name (pascal string).                    */    FInfo finderInfo;                        /* Finder information block.                    */        *fref = 0;    fIndex = 1;    do {        err = GetIndFile(fIndex, wdref, fileName, &finderInfo);        if(!err)             {            /*--------------------------------------------------------------------            **    Compare file type and creator with 'RDEV' and 'afps'.            */            if((finderInfo.fdType == 'RDEV')                 && (finderInfo.fdCreator == 'afps'))                 {                *fref = OpenRFPerm(fileName, wdref, fsRdPerm);                break;                        /* Got it, exit loop.    */                }            }                    fIndex++;        } while(err == noErr);        if(*fref == 0)        err = fBsyErr;    return(err);    } /********************************************************************************    Opens AppleShare RDEV and returns file refNum.****        First uses FindFolder to find the extensions folder, and 
  26. **        looks there.  If we don't have FindFolder, or if we don't 
  27. **        have an extensions folder, or if AppleShare isn't in the 
  28. **        extensions folder, look in the system folder.  
  29. ****        FindAppleShareFolder uses Gestalt (first appeared in 
  30. **        SYS 6.0.4) to see if FindFolder is present (first appeared
  31. **        in sys 7.0).  It first checks for the presence of Gestalt.
  32. **        This code should work on 7.0, 6.04-6.07, 6.0.3 and 
  33. **        earlier, and MFS as well as HFS.
  34. */OSErr OpenAppleShare(short *fRefNum)    {    OSErr    err;    OSErr    fFolderErr;                        /* Find folder error return.        */    short    extWDRefNum;                    /* Wdref of extensions folder.    */    short    volumeRefNum;                    /* Volume or working directory.    */        /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
  35.     ** Under system 7, use FindFolder to find the Folder in which AppleShare
  36.     **    lives.
  37.     */    fFolderErr = FindAppleShareFolder(&extWDRefNum);    /*    WD refnum, actually */    if(fFolderErr == noErr)         {        err = FindAShare(extWDRefNum, fRefNum);        if(err == noErr)            return(noErr);        }    volumeRefNum = GetRealBootDrive();    /*    Get refnum of volume or blessed    */                                                    /*    folder WD.                                */    return(FindAShare(volumeRefNum, fRefNum));    }/*********************************************************************************    Run the device package.**    Save all registers, as the package is allowed to trash them.*/OSErr CallDevicePackage(DeviceFuncPtr func, short selector, short id,    StringPtr name, StringPtr zone, long param1, long param2)    {    OSErr    err;    asm         {        movem.l        d3-d7/a2-a7,-(sp)        }            err = func(selector, id, name, zone, param1, param2);        asm         {        movem.l        (sp)+,d3-d7/a2-a7        }        return(err);    }/********************************************************************************* AppleShareLogin*/OSErr AppleShareLogin(StringPtr serverName, StringPtr zoneName,    AddrBlock serverAddr)    {    int savedHState;        /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------    **    Window variables.    */    Rect bounds;    WindowPtr myWindow;    GrafPtr savedPort;    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------    **    List variables;    */    Rect rView;    Rect dataBounds;    Point cSize;    ListHandle myListHdl;    Boolean drawIt;    Boolean dummyB;    EventRecord myEvent;    Cell aCell;    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------    **    File access variables.    */    short fileRefNum;    short oldResFile;    PackHeaderHdl packHdl;    OSErr err;    Str255 vName;    Str255 fName;        /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------    **    Dummy var for Delay().    */    long dummy;        /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------    **    Create our one and only invisible window.    */    GetPort(&savedPort);    SetRect(&bounds, 10, 40, 200, 200);    myWindow = NewWindow(NULL, &bounds, "\pMYOB", false, dBoxProc, NULL, false,         1);    if(myWindow == nil)         {        SetPort(savedPort);        return(memFullErr);        /* -108    */        }    SetPort(myWindow);    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------    ** Create a list manager list in the window.    */    rView = myWindow->portRect;    InsetRect(&rView, 15, 0);    SetRect(&dataBounds, 0, 0, 2, 1);    cSize.h = 100;                                /* Obese cell    */    cSize.v = 100;    drawIt = false;    myListHdl = LNew(&rView, &dataBounds, cSize, 0, myWindow, drawIt, false,        false, false);    if(myListHdl == NULL)         {        SetPort(savedPort);        DisposeWindow(myWindow);        return(memFullErr);        /* -108 */        }    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------    ** Build a list of one NetWare AFP Server.    */    aCell.h = 0;                            /*    Column 0 stores server names.                */    aCell.v = 0;                            /* Always row 0 since there is only one.    */    LSetCell( &serverName[1], (short)serverName[0], aCell, myListHdl);    aCell.h = 1;                            /* Column 1 stores network addresses        */    LSetCell(&serverAddr, 4, aCell, myListHdl);    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------    ** A click just before this seems to confuse LClick,    ** so we'll just wait a little while to ensure that this fake    ** click will work.  My working hypothesis is that it looks like    ** a double-click, but since our flags say we don't want double-clicks    ** LClick returns false, and since it thinks that we just got (and    ** probably processed) a click, it doesn't act on this one.    */    Delay(DoubleTime+2, &dummy);    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------    ** Dummy up events to have list manager select the server name cell.    */    myEvent.where.h = 50;    /* Dummy click near center of cell. */    myEvent.where.v = 50;        myEvent.modifiers = 0x0;    dummyB = LClick( myEvent.where, myEvent.modifiers, myListHdl );    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------    ** Open the AppleShare Chooser device file.    */    oldResFile = CurResFile();    err = OpenAppleShare(&fileRefNum);    if(!err)         {        packHdl = (PackHeaderHdl) GetResource('PACK', -4096);        err = ResError();        if((!err) && (packHdl != NULL))             {            short    volref;            short    set_vol = false;                        /*--------------------------------------------------------------------            **    11-21-90    MRW    SetVol to the system folder so that UAMs will get            **                        called if requested.            */            if(GetVol((StringPtr)0, &volref) == noErr)                 {                SetVol((StringPtr)0, GetRealBootDrive());                set_vol = true;                }                            HLock((Handle)packHdl);            HNoPurge((Handle)packHdl);            /*--------------------------------------------------------------------            **    Run the device package. Issue a buttonMsg call.            */            err = CallDevicePackage((DeviceFuncPtr)*packHdl, buttonMsg, myDummyID,                serverName,    zoneName, (long)myListHdl, (long)1);            /*--------------------------------------------------------------------            ** Clean up.            */            SetCursor(&arrow);            HUnlock((Handle)packHdl);            HPurge((Handle)packHdl);        /* Might need it again ... or not ...    */            if(set_vol)                (void) SetVol((StringPtr)0, volref);            }        CloseResFile(fileRefNum);        }    UseResFile( oldResFile );    /* Important! maybe the old res file wasn't at    */                                        /* the top.                                                    */    SetPort(savedPort);    LDispose(myListHdl);    DisposeWindow(myWindow);    return(err);    }