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Text File  |  1995-03-07  |  30KB  |  363 lines

  1. Pathname                                          Short
  3. Contrib/Cover                                      Cover pictures of Meeting Pearls II
  4. Contrib/DefaultIcons                               Standard Icons for Meeting Pearls
  5. Contrib/FindPearls                                 Search tool for Meeting Pearls
  6. Contrib/MetaTool                                   Configurable Workbench tool
  7. Meeting/Karlsruhe                                  Meeting pictures from the Karlsruhe meeting
  8. Meeting/Neuwerk                                    Meeting pictures from the meeting on neuwerk
  9. Meeting/Steinhagen                                 Meeting pictures from the Bielefeld meeting
  10. Pearls/anim                                        Animations made by Eric Schwartz ready to start
  11. Pearls/anim/Aerotoons                              contains Aerotoons anims
  12. Pearls/anim/Amy                                    contains AMY anims
  13. Pearls/anim/ES.DOC                                 contains doc files from the movie archives
  14. Pearls/anim/ES.pic                                 contains some pics drawn by Eric Schwartz
  15. Pearls/anim/ES.README!                             contains the readme files from the moviearchives
  16. Pearls/anim/Flip                                   contains Flip the frog anims
  17. Pearls/anim/juggette_and_juggler                   contains anims with juggette and juggler
  18. Pearls/anim/Misc                                   contains miscelleanous animations
  19. Pearls/anim/View_ES                                contains anims with an external audio file
  20. Pearls/arc                                         achiver programs, packer, cruncher
  21. Pearls/arc/ARCHandler                              Filesystem for LhA archives
  22. Pearls/arc/DMS-Face                                Graphical User Interface for DMS 
  23. Pearls/arc/DMS1_11                                 Disk archiver
  24. Pearls/arc/Extractor                               UUEncode, UUDecode, XXEncode, XXDecode and more
  25. Pearls/arc/gzip124x2                               File compression tool
  26. Pearls/arc/LhA_138e                                Archiver for ".lha" and ".lzh" files
  27. Pearls/arc/LZX                                     Very good and fast new packer program
  28. Pearls/arc/XFH                                     (De)Compressing Filesystem using XPK
  29. Pearls/bench                                       Benchmark programs
  30. Pearls/bench/AmiTCP_Ttcp10                         program to measure speed on network-connections
  31. Pearls/bench/bustest                               Measures data transfer speed to and from memory
  32. Pearls/bench/Dhrystone                             Computes the performance in Dhrystones
  33. Pearls/bench/dry                                   dhrystone and results
  34. Pearls/bench/DTA                                   Measures data transfer between file/memory
  35. Pearls/bench/MSPD                                  Benchmark of copy-operations between FAST/CHIP memory
  36. Pearls/bench/RamSpeed                              Tests bulk memory copies via cpu
  37. Pearls/bench/RSCP                                  Misst Plattengeschwindigkeit und freie Prozessorzeit
  38. Pearls/bench/SeekSpeed                             measures the seek performance of any valid device
  39. Pearls/bench/SSSpeed                               SpeedTester, contains three Benchmarks
  40. Pearls/bench/sysinfo                               The classic system-benchmark program
  41. Pearls/comm                                        terminal programs, communication tools etc.
  42. Pearls/comm/AmBoS                                  BBS for german Z-Netz
  43. Pearls/comm/AmigaUW4                               multiple sessions on a UNIX host 
  44. Pearls/comm/AnubisPub0540                          BBS program
  45. Pearls/comm/EazyBBS                                BBS with UUCP-Network-Support
  46. Pearls/comm/Envoy/Conf                             conferencing for Envoy
  47. Pearls/comm/Envoy/NetmuFS                          support utilities for MultiUser (muFS) with Envoy
  48. Pearls/comm/Envoy/Talk                             Talk for Envoy
  49. Pearls/comm/Mosaic1.2                              Amiga-port of Mosaic WWW-browser
  50. Pearls/comm/NetProbe                               A Debugging- and Statistic-gathering-tool for Envoy Networks
  51. Pearls/comm/Phonebill                              flexible logfile analyzer
  52. Pearls/comm/term                                   powerful terminal-program
  53. Pearls/comm/TWC                                    terminal with bidirectional transfer and chatting
  54. Pearls/comm/UMS                                    Universal Message System - complete distribution
  55. Pearls/comm/VLT                                    terminal-program with extensive ARexx-port
  56. Pearls/comm/XemRip                                 RIP-terminal-emulation
  57. Pearls/debug                                       Debugging Utilities
  58. Pearls/debug/DeCon                                 Debug Utility, sushi-alike
  59. Pearls/debug/EatMe                                 Memory Eater
  60. Pearls/debug/Enforcer                              Inhibits many illegal memory accesses
  61. Pearls/debug/Exemine                               Hunk Analyzer
  62. Pearls/debug/SnoopDos                              Show IO Calls
  63. Pearls/debug/Snoopy                                Show System Calls
  64. Pearls/dev                                         Development tools
  65. Pearls/dev/AmigaOberon                             Amiga Oberon compiler / ODebug debugger (German)
  66. Pearls/dev/Dice                                    Freeware version of Matt Dillon's C compiler
  67. Pearls/dev/EasyCatalog                             IFF-CTLG Catalog file editor
  68. Pearls/dev/GREvaluation                            Amiga Hardware Monitor
  69. Pearls/dev/GUI                                     Useful tools to create a GUI
  70. Pearls/dev/GUI/BGUI                                GUI library based on BOOPSI
  71. Pearls/dev/GUI/EAGUI                               Environment Adaptive Graphic User Interface
  72. Pearls/dev/GUI/GadLayout                           The Dynamic Gadget Layout System
  73. Pearls/dev/GUI/gengui                              Package for layout and creation of graphical user interfaces
  74. Pearls/dev/GUI/GUIEnvironment                      GUI creation library
  75. Pearls/dev/GUI/GUIFront                            GadTools based GUI layout engine
  76. Pearls/dev/GUI/MUI                                 Magic User Interface
  77. Pearls/dev/GUI/TextField                           TextField BOOPSI gadget for editing text
  78. Pearls/dev/GUI/Triton                              The object oriented GUI creation system
  79. Pearls/dev/Includes                                Include files from Commodore
  80. Pearls/dev/KeysPlease                              Get RAWKEYs and ASCII codes from GUI
  81. Pearls/dev/LibraryGuide                            AmigaGuide list/desc of common libraries
  82. Pearls/dev/M2Amiga                                 M2Amiga Modula-2 compiler (German)
  83. Pearls/dev/Oberon-A                                stand-alone Oberon-2 compiler with tools and module library
  84. Pearls/dev/Oberon4Amiga                            ETH Zürich's OberonSystem + additional sources
  85. Pearls/dev/Oberon_Interfaces                       AmigaOS Interfaces 40.15 Oberon 3.6 for AmigaOberon
  86. Pearls/dev/Oberon_Sources                          Oberon sources from ETH Zürich
  87. Pearls/dev/Oberon_Sources/OOP_in_Oberon-2          sources from 'Object-oriented Programming in Oberon-2'
  88. Pearls/dev/Oberon_Sources/Programming_in_Oberon    sources from 'Programming in Oberon'
  89. Pearls/dev/Oberon_Sources/Project_Oberon_V4        sources of the Oberon System V4
  90. Pearls/dev/pattern.library+pgrep                   library for pattern matching an grep tool
  91. Pearls/dev/TurboM2                                 Modula-2 compiler
  92. Pearls/disk                                        disk, SCSI, CD-ROM etc. tools
  93. Pearls/disk/CD-ROM/A4K_ATAPI                       Use ATAPI CD-ROM drive with A4000's IDE interface
  94. Pearls/disk/CD-ROM/AmiCDFileSystem                 CD-ROM fs, also reads Mac floppy & hd
  95. Pearls/disk/CD-ROM/AmiCDROM                        CD-ROM disk filesystem (ISO-9660+RR+HFS)
  96. Pearls/disk/CD-ROM/BabelCDROMCtrl                  Control program for BabelCDROMFS
  97. Pearls/disk/CD-ROM/CacheCDFSDemo                   CD-ROM filesystem + CD32 emulation demo
  98. Pearls/disk/CD-ROM/cdda112                         play and save digital audio
  99. Pearls/disk/CD-ROM/CheckCD                         Checks if CD-ROM drive is connected
  100. Pearls/disk/CD-ROM/JukeBox_2.0                     CD-ROM audio disc player
  101. Pearls/disk/CD-ROM/MCDP                            CD-ROM audio disc player
  102. Pearls/disk/CD-ROM/PlayCD                          CD-ROM audio disc player
  103. Pearls/disk/CD-ROM/PlayCDDA                        Plays audio CDs on the Amiga
  104. Pearls/disk/CD-ROM/YACDP_1.2                       CD player interface for SCSI-2 CD-ROM's
  105. Pearls/disk/Disk/CacheIt                           floppy cacher
  106. Pearls/disk/Disk/ClickNot                          stop disk drives clicking
  107. Pearls/disk/Disk/HDFixer                           Fixes bug with HD disks in OS 2.04
  108. Pearls/disk/Disk/MFS                               Merges DF0: and PC0: in a single device
  109. Pearls/disk/Disk/SuperDuper                        disk copier/formatter
  110. Pearls/disk/Disk/TrackdiskPrefs                    Adjust the various trackdisk.device paramers
  111. Pearls/disk/DiskMon/AZap                           Binary editor - files, memory, and devices
  112. Pearls/disk/DiskMon/ded                            disk editor
  113. Pearls/disk/DiskMon/Deksid_2.10                    disk and file editor
  114. Pearls/disk/DiskMon/DisKey2.1                      disk editor
  115. Pearls/disk/DiskMon/DisKey_3.0_Preview             Maybe the best disk editor for the Amiga
  116. Pearls/disk/DiskMon/DiskMon2.8                     DiskMon, FileMon, DiskOptimizer and more
  117. Pearls/disk/DiskMon/DiskMon3.0                     DiskMon, FileMon, DiskOptimizer and more
  118. Pearls/disk/DiskMon/DPU                            hex disk and file editor
  119. Pearls/disk/File/FileX                             Binary file editor
  120. Pearls/disk/File/NewZAP                            file editor for binaries
  121. Pearls/disk/File/Zap                               file editor for binaries
  122. Pearls/disk/File/Zaphod                            Powerful file editor for binaries
  123. Pearls/disk/HardDisk/GenML13                       Generate MountList entry
  124. Pearls/disk/HardDisk/RDBFlags                      modify RDB flags
  125. Pearls/disk/HardDisk/RDBInformer                   Prints a lot of info about your rigid disk blocks
  126. Pearls/disk/Misc/ABackup406                        HD backup utility
  127. Pearls/disk/Misc/DiskSpeed                         Program to calculate diskspeed
  128. Pearls/disk/Misc/GDu                               graphic display of disk usage
  129. Pearls/disk/Misc/MultiUser                         Multi User System Security
  130. Pearls/disk/Misc/MultiUser/AM                      Account Manager for MultiUser
  131. Pearls/disk/Misc/PFS75                             new filesystem
  132. Pearls/disk/Misc/RawDiskHandler                    Handle a disk like a file
  133. Pearls/disk/Misc/ReOrg                             disk optimizer
  134. Pearls/disk/Misc/StatRam3                          recoverable ram drive
  135. Pearls/disk/Salv/ARestaure                         Restores accidentally deleted files
  136. Pearls/disk/Salv/DiskSalv2                         Wonderful disk salvage program
  137. Pearls/disk/Salv/UnDel                             Very fast file unerasing utility
  138. Pearls/disk/Salv/UnDelete                          undelete deleted files
  139. Pearls/disk/SCSI/BTNTape                           SCSI tape drive handler for use with tar
  140. Pearls/disk/SCSI/NoiseSaver                        make temporarily unused harddisks quiet
  141. Pearls/disk/SCSI/ProbeSCSI                         Send SCSI commands
  142. Pearls/disk/SCSI/QuietSCSI                         makes temorarily unused harddisks quiet
  143. Pearls/disk/SCSI/SCSIPrefs                         A3000 SCSI-Preferences
  144. Pearls/disk/SCSI/SCSIUtil                          Send SCSI commands & read digital audio.
  145. Pearls/edu                                         education tools, learning programs
  146. Pearls/edu/AmigaTrainer                            Vocabular Training Program
  147. Pearls/edu/ASpringies                              An interactive mass and spring simulator
  148. Pearls/edu/Calculators/ARCalc_1.1                  Scientific Calculator
  149. Pearls/edu/Calculators/CalcDeLuxe1.12              General purpose scientific calculator
  150. Pearls/edu/Calculators/Calc_37.302                 Integer Calculator, RPN
  151. Pearls/edu/Calculators/MUICalc_1.25                RPN Calculator
  152. Pearls/edu/Calculators/MUIProCalc_1.4              MUI Programmer Calculator
  153. Pearls/edu/Elements                                Displays periodic system
  154. Pearls/edu/EqEd                                    equation editor with IFF, Latex & PS output
  155. Pearls/edu/FalconMath                              Demo of an algebraic manipulation package
  156. Pearls/edu/Funky                                   Algebraic manipulation package
  157. Pearls/edu/gnuplot                                 Data plotting program
  158. Pearls/edu/Graph2D                                 Plots and discusses functions
  159. Pearls/edu/GraviSimu                               Gravitation Simulation Program
  160. Pearls/edu/life                                    Biorhythm Program
  161. Pearls/edu/Reflex_Test/Reflex_Test                 Mathematical Reflex Test
  162. Pearls/edu/SurfacePlot                             Plots 3-dim. parametrical surfaces
  163. Pearls/edu/WinGnuPlot                              GnuPlot with GUI
  164. Pearls/fracs                                       Fractal pictures
  165. Pearls/game                                        Games
  166. Pearls/game/Act of War                             1/2 player strategy game like Breach
  167. Pearls/game/Armyminer                              Minesweeper game
  168. Pearls/game/Balder'sGrove                          Boulderdash clone
  169. Pearls/game/BUND                                   German game
  170. Pearls/game/ChineseChallenge                       Shanghai variant
  171. Pearls/game/ColConqII                              Space Strategy game with distinct likeness to Civilization
  172. Pearls/game/DeluxePacMan                           Pacman variant
  173. Pearls/game/DGalaga251                             Classic Shoot'em Up
  174. Pearls/game/DualMaze                               special maze game
  175. Pearls/game/ESnake                                 Snake variante
  176. Pearls/game/Fruit Panic                            PacMan/HardHatMack Mixture
  177. Pearls/game/HangMan                                hangman program
  178. Pearls/game/Klondike                               card game
  179. Pearls/game/KTLD                                   Jump'n'Run
  180. Pearls/game/LazyMines                              minesweeper game
  181. Pearls/game/Llamatron                              Robotron-like Blaster
  182. Pearls/game/MasterMind                             Master Mind variant
  183. Pearls/game/MegaBall                               breakout variante
  184. Pearls/game/MineRunner                             Loadrunner variant
  185. Pearls/game/NH313                                  Classic 1 Player RPG a la Rogue
  186. Pearls/game/NineMen                                Nine Men's Morris
  187. Pearls/game/Poing3                                 Horizontal Break Out
  188. Pearls/game/SpaceTaxi                              Platform Spacegame, port of old C64 game
  189. Pearls/game/SucksWare/Accel                        Funny CPU Accelerator, SucksWare
  190. Pearls/game/SucksWare/CPU                          Funny CPU Usageviewer, SucksWare
  191. Pearls/game/SucksWare/Dont                         Funny Shell tool, SucksWare
  192. Pearls/game/SucksWare/FearWin                      Funny Windowmover, SucksWare
  193. Pearls/game/SucksWare/MemoMile                     Funny Mem Usageviewer, SucksWare
  194. Pearls/game/SucksWare/SafeRet                      Funny Shell Tool, SucksWare
  195. Pearls/game/WBGAMES2.2                             5 small workbench games
  196. Pearls/game/WhiteLion                              Othello variant
  197. Pearls/gfx                                         Graphic, image processing, pictureviewer, etc.
  198. Pearls/gfx/GhostView                               Postscript interpreter
  199. Pearls/gfx/HWGPOST                                 Postscript datatype and library
  200. Pearls/gfx/Imagine                                 Many Imagine tools
  201. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/Editoren                        Imagine 3D object editors
  202. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/Editoren/FreeForm               Powerful 3D object editor for Imagine
  203. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/Editoren/i2lw                   Imagine to Lightwave converter
  204. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/Editoren/ISL_2.0                Imagine Staging Language
  205. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/Editoren/ObEd1_02               Object editor for Imagine
  206. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/Editoren/objector10             Object editor for Imagine
  207. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/Editoren/T3DLib                 Imagine Object conversion tools
  208. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/IM_Texturen/IITextures          Procedural textures for Imagine
  209. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/IM_Texturen/IM_Texturen         Preview of Imagine 3.0 textures
  210. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/IOB_LHA                         Imagine Objects (archived)
  211. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/PD_IOB/57Chevy                  Imagine Object
  212. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/PD_IOB/A3000                    Imagine Object
  213. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/PD_IOB/Babylon5                 Imagine Object
  214. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/PD_IOB/Chess                    Imagine Object
  215. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/PD_IOB/CycleObj                 Imagine Object
  216. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/PD_IOB/Human                    Imagine Object
  217. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/PD_IOB/IM                       Imagine Object
  218. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/PD_IOB/jumbo                    Imagine Object
  219. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/PD_IOB/Nautilus                 Imagine Object
  220. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/PD_IOB/Rennwagen                Imagine Object
  221. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/PD_IOB/SF2                      Imagine Object
  222. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/PD_IOB/Space                    Imagine Object
  223. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/PD_IOB/SpeakerFON               Imagine Object
  224. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/PD_IOB/Startrek                 Imagine Object
  225. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/PD_IOB/StarWars                 Imagine Object
  226. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/PD_IOB/STINGRAY                 Imagine Object
  227. Pearls/gfx/Imagine/PD_IOB/TerraHawk                Imagine Object
  228. Pearls/gfx/JIV                                     Very powerful picture viewer (GIF, BMP, IFF-ILBM, PNM, JPEG/JFIF)
  229. Pearls/gfx/MainActor                               Animation-program
  230. Pearls/gfx/Mostra                                  Picture viewer
  231. Pearls/gfx/pbm                                     Image processing & format conversion
  232. Pearls/gfx/Post186                                 Postscript interpreter
  233. Pearls/gfx/Real3DV2Demo                            Demo version of Real3D V2.49
  234. Pearls/gfx/Shelly                                  Seashell genarator for Real3D, PoV, T3D, ...
  235. Pearls/gfx/Shelly/FSG                              GUI for Shelly
  236. Pearls/gfx/Textures_IFF24                          IFF-Textures for use in any rendering program
  237. Pearls/gfx/Viewtek                                 Picture viewer
  238. Pearls/icon                                        Icons and icon tools
  239. Pearls/icon/DoIcon13                               Icon info- and manipulation-tool
  240. Pearls/icon/KMI                                    Additional Icon-Collection for some programs
  241. Pearls/icon/MRIconSort                             A tool which will alphabetize and align your WorkBench icons, creating order where there is chaos.
  242. Pearls/icon/MUGicWB                                Additional Icon-Collection for some programs
  243. Pearls/icon/MUGicWB2                               Additional Icon-Collection for some programs
  244. Pearls/icon/MuiReIcon                              Program for comfortable changing Icon-Values
  245. Pearls/icon/MWB_8ColIcons                          Icon-Collection for replacement of the Commodore Icons
  246. Pearls/imdb                                        Internet Movie Database
  247. Pearls/linux                                       Port of Linux to m68k machines + Goodies
  248. Pearls/midi                                        midi programs and tools
  249. Pearls/midi/AccMidiMon                             Monitor note activity on all 16 MIDI-in channels
  250. Pearls/midi/B+P_Demo_2.5                           Demo of the MIDI sequencer Bars & Pipes Pro 2.5
  251. Pearls/midi/Camouflage                             Demoversion of a powerful MIDI Sequencer
  252. Pearls/midi/Classical                              MIDI files of some classical pieces
  253. Pearls/midi/DX7-Sounds                             Voices for all Yamaha DX7 synthesizers
  254. Pearls/midi/DXEditor                               Voice editor for Yamaha DX7 II-(F)D
  255. Pearls/midi/k4editor                               Demo of a Voice Editor for the KAWAI K4
  256. Pearls/midi/M2Midi                                 Modula2-interface for Bill Barton's midi.library
  257. Pearls/midi/Midi2TeX                               Convert type 1 MIDI files to MusicTeX source
  258. Pearls/midi/MidiDiag                               Analysis program for incoming midi data
  259. Pearls/midi/MidiKeyboard                           Send MIDI note events with mouse or keybord
  260. Pearls/midi/MidiLib                                Resource sharing library for MIDI in/out.
  261. Pearls/midi/midiwatcher                            Gag program to start programs with MIDI keyboard.
  262. Pearls/midi/MIDI_Playground-1.03                   General purpose MIDI analysing toolkit.
  263. Pearls/midi/MPM                                    Demo of a MIDI setup control program
  264. Pearls/midi/OberSuite-1.03                         Patch Librarian for Oberheim Matrix12/XPander
  265. Pearls/mods                                        Mods
  266. Pearls/mods/Techno                                 this is the techno module section
  267. Pearls/mods/Techno/Breakbeat                       contains breakbeat techno modules
  268. Pearls/mods/Techno/Hardcore                        contains hardcore techno modules
  269. Pearls/mods/Techno/TechnoHouse                     contains techno-house modules
  270. Pearls/mods/Techno/Tekkno                          contains Tekkno modules
  271. Pearls/mods/Techno/Trance                          contains trance techno modules
  272. Pearls/mus                                         Music programs
  273. Pearls/mus/AmiSOX3.3                               Universal converter for sound sample files
  274. Pearls/mus/DASModPlayer                            module player, supports more than 80 formats
  275. Pearls/mus/DeliTracker_II                          module player, supports more than 80 formats
  276. Pearls/mus/MODLst_basics                           Lists of mods, sorted by various criteria
  277. Pearls/mus/MODLst_lists                            Lists of mods, sorted by various criteria
  278. Pearls/mus/MODLst_styles                           Lists of mods, sorted by various criteria
  279. Pearls/mus/mpegaudio                               encoder/decoder for mpeg audio streams, binary for 040 or 030/881, source included
  280. Pearls/mus/PlaySID3.0                              Player for 64er SID modules
  281. Pearls/mus/PlaySID3.0/PlaySID                      plays 64er SIDs on Amiga
  282. Pearls/nbsd                                        NetBSD 1.0 for Amiga, official relase version
  283. Pearls/pix                                         pictures
  284. Pearls/pix/Fantasy                                 High quality fantasy pictures
  285. Pearls/pix/Real                                    Raytracing pictures calculated with Real3D V2.
  286. Pearls/pix/Space                                   Nice space pictures
  287. Pearls/psion                                       useful stuff for psion
  288. Pearls/psion/AmigaNCP010b                          Link Package for Amiga and Psion
  289. Pearls/psion/src.doc                               Psion Archive Site
  290. Pearls/psion/src.doc/comms                         Some connection packages for Psion
  291. Pearls/psion/src.doc/games                         Some games for Psion
  292. Pearls/psion/src.doc/misc                          Various Programs for Psion
  293. Pearls/psion/src.doc/sheet                         Some Spreadsheet for Psion
  294. Pearls/psion/src.doc/utils                         Some ulitities for Psion
  295. Pearls/tex                                         complete PasTeX installation
  296. Pearls/text                                        Texts, FAQs, lists, etc.
  297. Pearls/text/AmigaFAQ                               frequently asked questions to Amiga (FAQ)
  298. Pearls/text/AmigaReport                            Electronical Amiga Online Magazine
  299. Pearls/text/Biblio                                 Books
  300. Pearls/text/FAQ                                    different lists of frequently asked questions (FAQ)
  301. Pearls/text/FDB-Data                               FDB databases of different CDs
  302. Pearls/text/SoundBox                               ARexx made list of modules
  303. Pearls/tp94                                        some intro, graphic and music releases from 'the party 94'
  304. Pearls/tp94/gfx                                    some graphic releases of 'the party 94' competition
  305. Pearls/tp94/intro                                  some intro releases of 'the party 94' competition
  306. Pearls/tp94/intro/aga                              the AGA only intros
  307. Pearls/tp94/intro/ecs                              the ECS only intros
  308. Pearls/tp94/music                                  some mod releases of 'the party 94' competition
  309. Pearls/util                                        many useful utilities, tools, programs, etc.
  310. Pearls/util/AddMem                                 adds not auto config. exp. mem
  311. Pearls/util/AmigaEyes                              Eyes, following the mouse pointer
  312. Pearls/util/AppVM                                  System Patch for Virtual Memory
  313. Pearls/util/BReq                                   Gadgets for OS selection during startup
  314. Pearls/util/CXHandlerV33                           Exchange Clone
  315. Pearls/util/DataTypes/GIFDatatype                  GIF Datatype
  316. Pearls/util/DataTypes/infoDataType                 Datatypes for icons
  317. Pearls/util/DataTypes/JPEGDataType                 JPEG Datatype
  318. Pearls/util/DataTypes/PatchDT                      speed-up patch for datatypes.library especially for graphic cards
  319. Pearls/util/DataTypes/PCXDatatype                  PCX Datatype
  320. Pearls/util/DataTypes/TPD                          PCX Datatype
  321. Pearls/util/DataTypes/ZGIFDatatype                 fast GIF Datatype
  322. Pearls/util/Filer                                  Intuition controlled file manager
  323. Pearls/util/Flush                                  flushes unused libraries, devices and fonts
  324. Pearls/util/ForceIcon                              fix position of Disk.info files of readonly-drives
  325. Pearls/util/HdsTools/CatPic                        generates catalogue pics for ADPro´s convolve op
  326. Pearls/util/HdsTools/DU                            calculates Disk Usage
  327. Pearls/util/HdsTools/FileRequester                 ASL-FileReq. by shortcut, filename-pasting
  328. Pearls/util/HdsTools/HotScreen                     get a screenlist on all screens by shortcut
  329. Pearls/util/HdsTools/IdleLed                       simple IdleLed
  330. Pearls/util/HdsTools/KeySim                        simulates input from keyboard by gadgets
  331. Pearls/util/HdsTools/MpgGUI                        GUI for mlelstv´s mpeg_play
  332. Pearls/util/HdsTools/ShutWB                        toggles Workbench by shortcut
  333. Pearls/util/HdsTools/SnakeII                       WB-Game like Worm, Orm, Snake
  334. Pearls/util/HdsTools/SortTiles                      WB-Games like Fastsort
  335. Pearls/util/HdsTools/WCC                           solves a problem with  3.0+ Workbench palette
  336. Pearls/util/MagicCX                                multi functional commodity
  337. Pearls/util/Moontool                               gives a variety of statistics about the moon
  338. Pearls/util/Most                                   Textviewer with XPK, Pipes, locale, ARexx support
  339. Pearls/util/MUIMousoMeter                          measures the distance you drive with your mouse
  340. Pearls/util/PackerTool                             GUI-based packers managing tool
  341. Pearls/util/Scale                                  program which supports scaling of screen/icons
  342. Pearls/util/Scout                                  monitors your computer system
  343. Pearls/util/SIP                                    System Information Program
  344. Pearls/util/Sploin179                              file splitting and joining tool
  345. Pearls/util/StickIt2                               stick notes on your screen, useful for reminding
  346. Pearls/util/Sucks/64Tools/Poke                     C64-Command
  347. Pearls/util/Sucks/64Tools/Sys                      C64-Command
  348. Pearls/util/Sucks/64Tools/WBSys                    C64-Command with nice GUI
  349. Pearls/util/Sucks/CrapTouch                        set the date of files/dirs to the current time
  350. Pearls/util/Sucks/dbr                              visual WB-Beep
  351. Pearls/util/Sucks/Hudi                             some SUCKS-utils
  352. Pearls/util/Sucks/MagicLocker10                    locks files/dirs
  353. Pearls/util/Sucks/MatschigWB                       changes your WB into a uni-color WB
  354. Pearls/util/Sucks/MemFrag                          fragments your memory
  355. Pearls/util/Sucks/Nerv                             simulates the use of unregistered shareprograms
  356. Pearls/util/Sucks/SUCKSkeys                        special keymap
  357. Pearls/util/Uniq                                   makes life easier with file name length convention
  358. Pearls/util/vim                                    amiga port of the famous unix editor vi
  359. Pearls/util/VMM                                    Virtual memory for Amigas with 68030 or 68040
  360. Pearls/util/VT_Test                                very good virus checker
  361. Pearls/util/WHENCE                                 searches the AmigaDos Path for the given command
  362. Pearls/util/WRITE                                  Full blown Text editor, many features