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Text File  |  1995-03-07  |  21KB  |  363 lines

  1. Filename                   Short
  3. 57Chevy                    Imagine Object
  4. A3000                      Imagine Object
  5. A4K_ATAPI                  Use ATAPI CD-ROM drive with A4000's IDE interface
  6. ABackup406                 HD backup utility
  7. Accel                      Funny CPU Accelerator, SucksWare
  8. AccMidiMon                 Monitor note activity on all 16 MIDI-in channels
  9. Act of War                 1/2 player strategy game like Breach
  10. AddMem                     adds not auto config. exp. mem
  11. Aerotoons                  contains Aerotoons anims
  12. aga                        the AGA only intros
  13. AM                         Account Manager for MultiUser
  14. AmBoS                      BBS for german Z-Netz
  15. AmiCDFileSystem            CD-ROM fs, also reads Mac floppy & hd
  16. AmiCDROM                   CD-ROM disk filesystem (ISO-9660+RR+HFS)
  17. AmigaEyes                  Eyes, following the mouse pointer
  18. AmigaFAQ                   frequently asked questions to Amiga (FAQ)
  19. AmigaNCP010b               Link Package for Amiga and Psion
  20. AmigaOberon                Amiga Oberon compiler / ODebug debugger (German)
  21. AmigaReport                Electronical Amiga Online Magazine
  22. AmigaTrainer               Vocabular Training Program
  23. AmigaUW4                   multiple sessions on a UNIX host 
  24. AmiSOX3.3                  Universal converter for sound sample files
  25. AmiTCP_Ttcp10              program to measure speed on network-connections
  26. Amy                        contains AMY anims
  27. anim                       Animations made by Eric Schwartz ready to start
  28. AnubisPub0540              BBS program
  29. AppVM                      System Patch for Virtual Memory
  30. arc                        achiver programs, packer, cruncher
  31. ARCalc_1.1                 Scientific Calculator
  32. ARCHandler                 Filesystem for LhA archives
  33. ARestaure                  Restores accidentally deleted files
  34. Armyminer                  Minesweeper game
  35. ASpringies                 An interactive mass and spring simulator
  36. AZap                       Binary editor - files, memory, and devices
  37. B+P_Demo_2.5               Demo of the MIDI sequencer Bars & Pipes Pro 2.5
  38. BabelCDROMCtrl             Control program for BabelCDROMFS
  39. Babylon5                   Imagine Object
  40. Balder'sGrove              Boulderdash clone
  41. bench                      Benchmark programs
  42. BGUI                       GUI library based on BOOPSI
  43. Biblio                     Books
  44. Breakbeat                  contains breakbeat techno modules
  45. BReq                       Gadgets for OS selection during startup
  46. BTNTape                    SCSI tape drive handler for use with tar
  47. BUND                       German game
  48. bustest                    Measures data transfer speed to and from memory
  49. CacheCDFSDemo              CD-ROM filesystem + CD32 emulation demo
  50. CacheIt                    floppy cacher
  51. CalcDeLuxe1.12             General purpose scientific calculator
  52. Calc_37.302                Integer Calculator, RPN
  53. Camouflage                 Demoversion of a powerful MIDI Sequencer
  54. CatPic                     generates catalogue pics for ADPro´s convolve op
  55. cdda112                    play and save digital audio
  56. CheckCD                    Checks if CD-ROM drive is connected
  57. Chess                      Imagine Object
  58. ChineseChallenge           Shanghai variant
  59. Classical                  MIDI files of some classical pieces
  60. ClickNot                   stop disk drives clicking
  61. ColConqII                  Space Strategy game with distinct likeness to Civilization
  62. comm                       terminal programs, communication tools etc.
  63. comms                      Some connection packages for Psion
  64. Conf                       conferencing for Envoy
  65. Cover                      Cover pictures of Meeting Pearls II
  66. CPU                        Funny CPU Usageviewer, SucksWare
  67. CrapTouch                  set the date of files/dirs to the current time
  68. CXHandlerV33               Exchange Clone
  69. CycleObj                   Imagine Object
  70. DASModPlayer               module player, supports more than 80 formats
  71. dbr                        visual WB-Beep
  72. debug                      Debugging Utilities
  73. DeCon                      Debug Utility, sushi-alike
  74. ded                        disk editor
  75. DefaultIcons               Standard Icons for Meeting Pearls
  76. Deksid_2.10                disk and file editor
  77. DeliTracker_II             module player, supports more than 80 formats
  78. DeluxePacMan               Pacman variant
  79. dev                        Development tools
  80. DGalaga251                 Classic Shoot'em Up
  81. Dhrystone                  Computes the performance in Dhrystones
  82. Dice                       Freeware version of Matt Dillon's C compiler
  83. disk                       disk, SCSI, CD-ROM etc. tools
  84. DisKey2.1                  disk editor
  85. DisKey_3.0_Preview         Maybe the best disk editor for the Amiga
  86. DiskMon2.8                 DiskMon, FileMon, DiskOptimizer and more
  87. DiskMon3.0                 DiskMon, FileMon, DiskOptimizer and more
  88. DiskSalv2                  Wonderful disk salvage program
  89. DiskSpeed                  Program to calculate diskspeed
  90. DMS-Face                   Graphical User Interface for DMS 
  91. DMS1_11                    Disk archiver
  92. DoIcon13                   Icon info- and manipulation-tool
  93. Dont                       Funny Shell tool, SucksWare
  94. DPU                        hex disk and file editor
  95. dry                        dhrystone and results
  96. DTA                        Measures data transfer between file/memory
  97. DU                         calculates Disk Usage
  98. DualMaze                   special maze game
  99. DX7-Sounds                 Voices for all Yamaha DX7 synthesizers
  100. DXEditor                   Voice editor for Yamaha DX7 II-(F)D
  101. EAGUI                      Environment Adaptive Graphic User Interface
  102. EasyCatalog                IFF-CTLG Catalog file editor
  103. EatMe                      Memory Eater
  104. EazyBBS                    BBS with UUCP-Network-Support
  105. ecs                        the ECS only intros
  106. Editoren                   Imagine 3D object editors
  107. edu                        education tools, learning programs
  108. Elements                   Displays periodic system
  109. Enforcer                   Inhibits many illegal memory accesses
  110. EqEd                       equation editor with IFF, Latex & PS output
  111. ES.DOC                     contains doc files from the movie archives
  112. ES.pic                     contains some pics drawn by Eric Schwartz
  113. ES.README!                 contains the readme files from the moviearchives
  114. ESnake                     Snake variante
  115. Exemine                    Hunk Analyzer
  116. Extractor                  UUEncode, UUDecode, XXEncode, XXDecode and more
  117. FalconMath                 Demo of an algebraic manipulation package
  118. Fantasy                    High quality fantasy pictures
  119. FAQ                        different lists of frequently asked questions (FAQ)
  120. FDB-Data                   FDB databases of different CDs
  121. FearWin                    Funny Windowmover, SucksWare
  122. Filer                      Intuition controlled file manager
  123. FileRequester              ASL-FileReq. by shortcut, filename-pasting
  124. FileX                      Binary file editor
  125. FindPearls                 Search tool for Meeting Pearls
  126. Flip                       contains Flip the frog anims
  127. Flush                      flushes unused libraries, devices and fonts
  128. ForceIcon                  fix position of Disk.info files of readonly-drives
  129. fracs                      Fractal pictures
  130. FreeForm                   Powerful 3D object editor for Imagine
  131. Fruit Panic                PacMan/HardHatMack Mixture
  132. FSG                        GUI for Shelly
  133. Funky                      Algebraic manipulation package
  134. GadLayout                  The Dynamic Gadget Layout System
  135. game                       Games
  136. games                      Some games for Psion
  137. GDu                        graphic display of disk usage
  138. gengui                     Package for layout and creation of graphical user interfaces
  139. GenML13                    Generate MountList entry
  140. gfx                        Graphic, image processing, pictureviewer, etc.
  141. gfx                        some graphic releases of 'the party 94' competition
  142. GhostView                  Postscript interpreter
  143. GIFDatatype                GIF Datatype
  144. gnuplot                    Data plotting program
  145. Graph2D                    Plots and discusses functions
  146. GraviSimu                  Gravitation Simulation Program
  147. GREvaluation               Amiga Hardware Monitor
  148. GUI                        Useful tools to create a GUI
  149. GUIEnvironment             GUI creation library
  150. GUIFront                   GadTools based GUI layout engine
  151. gzip124x2                  File compression tool
  152. HangMan                    hangman program
  153. Hardcore                   contains hardcore techno modules
  154. HDFixer                    Fixes bug with HD disks in OS 2.04
  155. HotScreen                  get a screenlist on all screens by shortcut
  156. Hudi                       some SUCKS-utils
  157. Human                      Imagine Object
  158. HWGPOST                    Postscript datatype and library
  159. i2lw                       Imagine to Lightwave converter
  160. icon                       Icons and icon tools
  161. IdleLed                    simple IdleLed
  162. IITextures                 Procedural textures for Imagine
  163. IM                         Imagine Object
  164. Imagine                    Many Imagine tools
  165. imdb                       Internet Movie Database
  166. IM_Texturen                Preview of Imagine 3.0 textures
  167. Includes                   Include files from Commodore
  168. infoDataType               Datatypes for icons
  169. intro                      some intro releases of 'the party 94' competition
  170. IOB_LHA                    Imagine Objects (archived)
  171. ISL_2.0                    Imagine Staging Language
  172. JIV                        Very powerful picture viewer (GIF, BMP, IFF-ILBM, PNM, JPEG/JFIF)
  173. JPEGDataType               JPEG Datatype
  174. juggette_and_juggler       contains anims with juggette and juggler
  175. JukeBox_2.0                CD-ROM audio disc player
  176. jumbo                      Imagine Object
  177. k4editor                   Demo of a Voice Editor for the KAWAI K4
  178. Karlsruhe                  Meeting pictures from the Karlsruhe meeting
  179. KeySim                     simulates input from keyboard by gadgets
  180. KeysPlease                 Get RAWKEYs and ASCII codes from GUI
  181. Klondike                   card game
  182. KMI                        Additional Icon-Collection for some programs
  183. KTLD                       Jump'n'Run
  184. LazyMines                  minesweeper game
  185. LhA_138e                   Archiver for ".lha" and ".lzh" files
  186. LibraryGuide               AmigaGuide list/desc of common libraries
  187. life                       Biorhythm Program
  188. linux                      Port of Linux to m68k machines + Goodies
  189. Llamatron                  Robotron-like Blaster
  190. LZX                        Very good and fast new packer program
  191. M2Amiga                    M2Amiga Modula-2 compiler (German)
  192. M2Midi                     Modula2-interface for Bill Barton's midi.library
  193. MagicCX                    multi functional commodity
  194. MagicLocker10              locks files/dirs
  195. MainActor                  Animation-program
  196. MasterMind                 Master Mind variant
  197. MatschigWB                 changes your WB into a uni-color WB
  198. MCDP                       CD-ROM audio disc player
  199. MegaBall                   breakout variante
  200. MemFrag                    fragments your memory
  201. MemoMile                   Funny Mem Usageviewer, SucksWare
  202. MetaTool                   Configurable Workbench tool
  203. MFS                        Merges DF0: and PC0: in a single device
  204. midi                       midi programs and tools
  205. Midi2TeX                   Convert type 1 MIDI files to MusicTeX source
  206. MidiDiag                   Analysis program for incoming midi data
  207. MidiKeyboard               Send MIDI note events with mouse or keybord
  208. MidiLib                    Resource sharing library for MIDI in/out.
  209. midiwatcher                Gag program to start programs with MIDI keyboard.
  210. MIDI_Playground-1.03       General purpose MIDI analysing toolkit.
  211. MineRunner                 Loadrunner variant
  212. Misc                       contains miscelleanous animations
  213. misc                       Various Programs for Psion
  214. MODLst_basics              Lists of mods, sorted by various criteria
  215. MODLst_lists               Lists of mods, sorted by various criteria
  216. MODLst_styles              Lists of mods, sorted by various criteria
  217. mods                       Mods
  218. Moontool                   gives a variety of statistics about the moon
  219. Mosaic1.2                  Amiga-port of Mosaic WWW-browser
  220. Most                       Textviewer with XPK, Pipes, locale, ARexx support
  221. Mostra                     Picture viewer
  222. mpegaudio                  encoder/decoder for mpeg audio streams, binary for 040 or 030/881, source included
  223. MpgGUI                     GUI for mlelstv´s mpeg_play
  224. MPM                        Demo of a MIDI setup control program
  225. MRIconSort                 A tool which will alphabetize and align your WorkBench icons, creating order where there is chaos.
  226. MSPD                       Benchmark of copy-operations between FAST/CHIP memory
  227. MUGicWB                    Additional Icon-Collection for some programs
  228. MUGicWB2                   Additional Icon-Collection for some programs
  229. MUI                        Magic User Interface
  230. MUICalc_1.25               RPN Calculator
  231. MUIMousoMeter              measures the distance you drive with your mouse
  232. MUIProCalc_1.4             MUI Programmer Calculator
  233. MuiReIcon                  Program for comfortable changing Icon-Values
  234. MultiUser                  Multi User System Security
  235. mus                        Music programs
  236. music                      some mod releases of 'the party 94' competition
  237. MWB_8ColIcons              Icon-Collection for replacement of the Commodore Icons
  238. Nautilus                   Imagine Object
  239. nbsd                       NetBSD 1.0 for Amiga, official relase version
  240. Nerv                       simulates the use of unregistered shareprograms
  241. NetmuFS                    support utilities for MultiUser (muFS) with Envoy
  242. NetProbe                   A Debugging- and Statistic-gathering-tool for Envoy Networks
  243. Neuwerk                    Meeting pictures from the meeting on neuwerk
  244. NewZAP                     file editor for binaries
  245. NH313                      Classic 1 Player RPG a la Rogue
  246. NineMen                    Nine Men's Morris
  247. NoiseSaver                 make temporarily unused harddisks quiet
  248. ObEd1_02                   Object editor for Imagine
  249. Oberon-A                   stand-alone Oberon-2 compiler with tools and module library
  250. Oberon4Amiga               ETH Zürich's OberonSystem + additional sources
  251. Oberon_Interfaces          AmigaOS Interfaces 40.15 Oberon 3.6 for AmigaOberon
  252. Oberon_Sources             Oberon sources from ETH Zürich
  253. OberSuite-1.03             Patch Librarian for Oberheim Matrix12/XPander
  254. objector10                 Object editor for Imagine
  255. OOP_in_Oberon-2            sources from 'Object-oriented Programming in Oberon-2'
  256. PackerTool                 GUI-based packers managing tool
  257. PatchDT                    speed-up patch for datatypes.library especially for graphic cards
  258. pattern.library+pgrep      library for pattern matching an grep tool
  259. pbm                        Image processing & format conversion
  260. PCXDatatype                PCX Datatype
  261. PFS75                      new filesystem
  262. Phonebill                  flexible logfile analyzer
  263. pix                        pictures
  264. PlayCD                     CD-ROM audio disc player
  265. PlayCDDA                   Plays audio CDs on the Amiga
  266. PlaySID                    plays 64er SIDs on Amiga
  267. PlaySID3.0                 Player for 64er SID modules
  268. Poing3                     Horizontal Break Out
  269. Poke                       C64-Command
  270. Post186                    Postscript interpreter
  271. ProbeSCSI                  Send SCSI commands
  272. Programming_in_Oberon      sources from 'Programming in Oberon'
  273. Project_Oberon_V4          sources of the Oberon System V4
  274. psion                      useful stuff for psion
  275. QuietSCSI                  makes temorarily unused harddisks quiet
  276. RamSpeed                   Tests bulk memory copies via cpu
  277. RawDiskHandler             Handle a disk like a file
  278. RDBFlags                   modify RDB flags
  279. RDBInformer                Prints a lot of info about your rigid disk blocks
  280. Real                       Raytracing pictures calculated with Real3D V2.
  281. Real3DV2Demo               Demo version of Real3D V2.49
  282. Reflex_Test                Mathematical Reflex Test
  283. Rennwagen                  Imagine Object
  284. ReOrg                      disk optimizer
  285. RSCP                       Misst Plattengeschwindigkeit und freie Prozessorzeit
  286. SafeRet                    Funny Shell Tool, SucksWare
  287. Scale                      program which supports scaling of screen/icons
  288. Scout                      monitors your computer system
  289. SCSIPrefs                  A3000 SCSI-Preferences
  290. SCSIUtil                   Send SCSI commands & read digital audio.
  291. SeekSpeed                  measures the seek performance of any valid device
  292. SF2                        Imagine Object
  293. sheet                      Some Spreadsheet for Psion
  294. Shelly                     Seashell genarator for Real3D, PoV, T3D, ...
  295. ShutWB                     toggles Workbench by shortcut
  296. SIP                        System Information Program
  297. SnakeII                    WB-Game like Worm, Orm, Snake
  298. SnoopDos                   Show IO Calls
  299. Snoopy                     Show System Calls
  300. SortTiles                   WB-Games like Fastsort
  301. SoundBox                   ARexx made list of modules
  302. Space                      Imagine Object
  303. Space                      Nice space pictures
  304. SpaceTaxi                  Platform Spacegame, port of old C64 game
  305. SpeakerFON                 Imagine Object
  306. Sploin179                  file splitting and joining tool
  307. src.doc                    Psion Archive Site
  308. SSSpeed                    SpeedTester, contains three Benchmarks
  309. Startrek                   Imagine Object
  310. StarWars                   Imagine Object
  311. StatRam3                   recoverable ram drive
  312. Steinhagen                 Meeting pictures from the Bielefeld meeting
  313. StickIt2                   stick notes on your screen, useful for reminding
  314. STINGRAY                   Imagine Object
  315. SUCKSkeys                  special keymap
  316. SuperDuper                 disk copier/formatter
  317. SurfacePlot                Plots 3-dim. parametrical surfaces
  318. Sys                        C64-Command
  319. sysinfo                    The classic system-benchmark program
  320. T3DLib                     Imagine Object conversion tools
  321. Talk                       Talk for Envoy
  322. Techno                     this is the techno module section
  323. TechnoHouse                contains techno-house modules
  324. Tekkno                     contains Tekkno modules
  325. term                       powerful terminal-program
  326. TerraHawk                  Imagine Object
  327. tex                        complete PasTeX installation
  328. text                       Texts, FAQs, lists, etc.
  329. TextField                  TextField BOOPSI gadget for editing text
  330. Textures_IFF24             IFF-Textures for use in any rendering program
  331. tp94                       some intro, graphic and music releases from 'the party 94'
  332. TPD                        PCX Datatype
  333. TrackdiskPrefs             Adjust the various trackdisk.device paramers
  334. Trance                     contains trance techno modules
  335. Triton                     The object oriented GUI creation system
  336. TurboM2                    Modula-2 compiler
  337. TWC                        terminal with bidirectional transfer and chatting
  338. UMS                        Universal Message System - complete distribution
  339. UnDel                      Very fast file unerasing utility
  340. UnDelete                   undelete deleted files
  341. Uniq                       makes life easier with file name length convention
  342. util                       many useful utilities, tools, programs, etc.
  343. utils                      Some ulitities for Psion
  344. Viewtek                    Picture viewer
  345. View_ES                    contains anims with an external audio file
  346. vim                        amiga port of the famous unix editor vi
  347. VLT                        terminal-program with extensive ARexx-port
  348. VMM                        Virtual memory for Amigas with 68030 or 68040
  349. VT_Test                    very good virus checker
  350. WBGAMES2.2                 5 small workbench games
  351. WBSys                      C64-Command with nice GUI
  352. WCC                        solves a problem with  3.0+ Workbench palette
  353. WHENCE                     searches the AmigaDos Path for the given command
  354. WhiteLion                  Othello variant
  355. WinGnuPlot                 GnuPlot with GUI
  356. WRITE                      Full blown Text editor, many features
  357. XemRip                     RIP-terminal-emulation
  358. XFH                        (De)Compressing Filesystem using XPK
  359. YACDP_1.2                  CD player interface for SCSI-2 CD-ROM's
  360. Zap                        file editor for binaries
  361. Zaphod                     Powerful file editor for binaries
  362. ZGIFDatatype               fast GIF Datatype