Usenet 1994 October
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267 lines
#! /bin/sh
#- Stty - stty with form interface
#- This program allows user to view all the terminal parameters
#- and change them by form. Help messages has been added to each
#- field to make change parameter easier.
# Author: Paul Lew, General Systems Group, Salem, NH
# Created at: 01/09/88 07:40 PM
# Last update: 01/12/88 10:34 PM (Edition: 79)
# Get current tty setting and store as shell variables #
trap "trap '' 0 1 2 3 15; \
/bin/rm -f $sttyfile $tmpfile; \
exit" 0 1 2 3 15
stty everything 2> $sttyfile
tr -d ':()' < $sttyfile | awk \
'BEGIN { q= 39; fmt = sprintf "%%s=%c%%s%c\n", q, q; } \
NR == 1 { \
printf fmt, "tt_tty", $1; \
printf fmt, "tt_speed", $4; \
printf fmt, "tt_row", $6; \
printf fmt, "tt_column", $8; \
} \
2 <= NR && NR <= 5 { \
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) { \
if (substr($(i),1,1)=="-") { \
yon = "No"; \
name = substr($(i),2,99); \
} \
else { \
yon = "Yes"; \
name = $(i); \
} \
print "tt_" name "=" yon; \
} \
} \
NR == 7 { \
printf fmt, "tt_erase", $1; \
printf fmt, "tt_kill", $2; \
printf fmt, "tt_werase", $3; \
printf fmt, "tt_rprnt", $4; \
printf fmt, "tt_flush", $5; \
printf fmt, "tt_lnext", $6; \
n = split ($7, part, "/"); \
printf fmt, "tt_susp", part[1]; \
printf fmt, "tt_suspo", part[2]; \
printf fmt, "tt_intr", $8; \
printf fmt, "tt_quit", $9; \
n = split ($10, part, "/"); \
printf fmt, "tt_stop", part[1]; \
printf fmt, "tt_start", part[2]; \
printf fmt, "tt_eof", $11; \
}' > $tmpfile
# Prepare variable for sf to display #
. $tmpfile
/bin/rm -f $tmpfile
if [ $tt_raw = "Yes" ]; then tt_mode="raw"
elif [ $tt_cbreak = "Yes" ]; then tt_mode="cbreak"
else tt_mode="cooked"
if [ $tt_nl = "Yes" ]; then tt_nl="No"; else tt_nl="Yes"; fi
if [ $tt_litout = "Yes" ]; then tt_litout="No"; else tt_litout="Yes"; fi
if [ $tt_nohang = "Yes" ]; then tt_nohang="No"; else tt_nohang="Yes"; fi
# Invoke sf to allow user make changes #
sf -o $tmpfile -bmu << sf_eof
***** Terminal Setting for BSD 4.3 System *****
tty discipline: ~~~~ speed: ~~~~~ Rows: ~~~ Columns: ~~~
Accept even parity input: ~~~ Mode: ~~~~~~ Treat CR as NL: ~~~
Accept odd parity input: ~~~ Input Echo: ~~~ Map upper to lower: ~~~
Flow control enable: ~~~ Print Tabs: ~~~
New TTY Discipline Specific:
Echo BS on erase char: ~~~ Wipe out erased char: ~~~
Echo CTRL char as ^x: ~~~ Wipe out erased line: ~~~
Background job stop if output: ~~~ Convert tilde: ~~~ Flush output: ~~~
Start/Stop output on carrier transition: ~~~ Output processing: ~~~
Pass 8th bit: ~~~ Hang up if carrier drop: ~~~
Input Pending: ~~~ only XON resume output: ~~~
Terminal characters:
char erase: ~~ reprint current line: ~~ literal next char: ~~
word erase: ~~ flush output: ~~
line erase: ~~ end of file: ~~
interrupt: ~~ suspend current job: ~~ stop host output (XOFF): ~~
quit: ~~ suspend with output: ~~ start host output (XON): ~~
.h=Berkeley new tty driver.
.h=net discipline, for communication purpose.
.h=old tty driver from V7 Unix.
.h=hang up phone line immdeidately.
.h=9600.h=exta (19200 on DH-11 board).h=extb (not implemented yet).
.h=Strip parity bit for even parity input char.
.h=Throw away even parity input char.
.h=Cooked mode - with input editing, end by newline.
.h=Cbreak mode - return char as it typed except interrupt, flow control.
.h=Raw mode - return every char as it typed.
.h=Allow CR for NL, and output CR-LF for CR or NL.
.h=Accept only newline to end lines.
.h=Strip parity bit for odd parity input char.
.h=Throw away odd parity input char.
.h=Echo back every character typed.
.h=Do not echo characters, good for Emacs inferior shell.
.h=This is for terminal that do not have lowercase letter.
.h=This is for modern day terminal.
.h=system sends out stop/start char when queue is near overflow/empty.
.h=Application program have to handle XON/OFF.
.h=Preserve tabs when printing.
.h=Replace tabs by spaces when printing (for terminal with no hardware tabs).
.h=Echo backspaces on erase characters, useful for CRT.
.h=do not echo backspaces on erase characters, useful for hardcopy terminals.
.h=Wipe out erased characters with backspace-space-backspace.
.h=Echo erased characters backwards within \\ and /.
.h=Delete will be ^?, print two BS following the EOT char (CTRL D).
.h=CTRL char echo as themselves; in cooked mode EOT (CTRL-D) is not echoed.
.h=Wipe out input on like kill ala crterase.
.h=Just echo line kill character and a newline on line kill.
.h=Background jobs stop if they attempt terminal output.
.h=Output from background jobs to the terminal is allowed.
.h=Convert ~ to \` on output (for Hazeltine terminals).
.h=Leave poor ~ char alone.
.h=Output is being discarded usually because user hit CTRL O.
.h=Output is not being discarded.
.h=Start/stop output on carrier transitions.
.h=Return error if write attempted after carrier drops.
.h=Do normal output processing, inserting delays, etc.
.h=Send output characters without any processing.
.h=pass 8th bit.
.h=strip off 8th bit.
.h=Send hangup signal to control process group when carrier drops.
.h=Do not send hangup signal if carrier drops.
.h=Input is pending after a switch from cbreak to cooked.
.h=Input is not pending.
.h=This is compatible with DEC vendor supplied systems.
.h=After output is suspended, any char will restart it.
# Process variable returned #
. $tmpfile
/bin/rm -f $tmpfile $sttyfile
tt_even=`[ $tt_even = "Yes" ] || echo -`even
case $tt_mode in
cooked) tt_raw='-raw'; tt_cbreak='-cbreak';;
cbreak) tt_raw='-raw'; tt_cbreak='cbreak';;
raw) tt_raw='raw'; tt_cbreak='-cbreak';;
tt_nl=`[ $tt_nl = "No" ] || echo -`nl
tt_odd=`[ $tt_odd = "Yes" ] || echo -`odd
tt_echo=`[ $tt_echo = "Yes" ] || echo -`echo
tt_lcase=`[ $tt_lcase = "Yes" ] || echo -`lcase
tt_tandem=`[ $tt_tandem = "Yes" ] || echo -`tandem
tt_tabs=`[ $tt_tabs = "Yes" ] || echo -`tabs
tt_crtbs=`[ $tt_crtbs = "Yes" ] || echo -`crtbs
tt_crterase=`[ $tt_crterase = "Yes" ] || echo -`crterase
tt_ctlecho=`[ $tt_ctlecho = "Yes" ] || echo -`ctlecho
tt_crtkill=`[ $tt_crtkill = "Yes" ] || echo -`crtkill
tt_tostop=`[ $tt_tostop = "Yes" ] || echo -`tostop
tt_tilde=`[ $tt_tilde = "Yes" ] || echo -`tilde
tt_flusho=`[ $tt_flusho = "Yes" ] || echo -`flusho
tt_mdmbuf=`[ $tt_mdmbuf = "Yes" ] || echo -`mdmbuf
tt_litout=`[ $tt_litout = "No" ] || echo -`litout
tt_pass8=`[ $tt_pass8 = "Yes" ] || echo -`pass8
tt_nohang=`[ $tt_nohang = "No" ] || echo -`nohang
tt_pendin=`[ $tt_pendin = "Yes" ] || echo -`pendin
tt_decctlq=`[ $tt_decctlq = "Yes" ] || echo -`decctlq
tt_noflsh=`[ $tt_noflsh = "Yes" ] || echo -`noflsh
# Output stty command to file (or stdout if no arg) #
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
cat > $sttyfile << cat_eof
set noglob
stty $tt_discipline speed $tt_speed \\
$tt_even $tt_odd $tt_raw $tt_nl $tt_echo $tt_lcase \\
$tt_tandem $tt_tabs $tt_cbreak \\
$tt_crtbs $tt_crterase $tt_crtkill $tt_ctlecho $tt_tostop \\
$tt_tilde $tt_flusho $tt_mdmbuf $tt_litout $tt_pass8 \\
$tt_nohang $tt_pendin $tt_decctlq $tt_noflsh \\
erase "$tt_erase" rprnt "$tt_rprnt" lnext "$tt_lnext" \\
werase "$tt_werase" flush "$tt_flush" \\
kill "$tt_kill" eof "$tt_eof" \\
intr "$tt_intr" susp "$tt_suspd" stop "$tt_stop" \\
quit "$tt_quit" susp "$tt_suspd" start "$tt_start"
unset noglob
# 1) new tty, speed 1200 baud, 24 rows, 80 columns
# 2) even odd -raw -nl echo -lcase -tandem tabs -cbreak
# 3) crt: (crtbs crterase crtkill ctlecho) -tostop
# 4) -tilde -flusho -mdmbuf -litout -pass8 -nohang
# 5) -pendin decctlq -noflsh
# 6) erase kill werase rprnt flush lnext susp intr quit stop eof
# 7) ^? ^U ^W ^R ^O ^V ^Z/^Y ^C ^\ ^S/^Q ^D
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11