Usenet 1994 October
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;;; tst-equal.el -- A number of definitions of equality
;;; Lorri Menard, Wang Institute of Graduate Studies
;;; Don Zaremba, Wang Institute of Graduate Studies
;;; Copyright 1987 Wang Institute of Graduate Studies
(provide 'tst-equal)
(defvar tst-equ-log-all-compares "t"
"* If not nil then all comparisons are logged into the buffer
(defvar tst-equ-max-line-diffs "15"
"* Maximum number of different lines to log when comparing
buffer contents line-by-line. "
(defvar tst-equ-state-functions '(tst-equ-session
"* A list of functions to be executed when comparing objects
of type state."
(defvar tst-equ-buff-state-functions '(tst-equ-point
"* A list of functions to be executed when comparing objects
of type buffer-state."
(defconst tst-equ-indent 3)
(defmacro tst-equ-level1 ()
(insert "*") (indent-to tst-equ-indent))
(defmacro tst-equ-level2 ()
(insert "**") (indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 2)))
(defmacro tst-equ-level3 ()
(insert "***") (indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 3)))
(defmacro tst-equ-level4 ()
(insert "****") (indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4)))
(defmacro tst-equ-level5 ()
(insert "*****") (indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 5)))
(defmacro tst-equ-level6 ()
(insert "******") (indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 6)))
(defmacro tst-equ-level7 ()
(insert "*******") (indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 7)))
(defmacro tst-equ-level8 ()
(insert "********") (indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 8)))
(defmacro tst-equ-level9 ()
(insert "*********") (indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 9)))
; A number of equality testing functions follow. Each is of the
; form tst-equ-state-component (state1 state2). Each compares a particular
; component from the two states and returns t if equal, else nil.
; As a side effect the buffer *equal-log* is updated with the results
; of the comparison
(defun tst-equ-state (tst-equ-state1 tst-equ-state2 name)
"Compares for equality the complete state of a pair of sessions.
The two parameters STATE1 and STATE2 must be complete states
as returned by tst-reg-capture-state. The results of the comparison
are written into buffer *equal-log*. NAME is used to identify the test.
Four major components are compared: session, buffers, windows, and
processes. "
(interactive "XState variable 1:
XState variable 2:
sName of this test:")
(let (ss-fun-vector function-name tst-equ-result tst-equ-startpoint temppoint)
(message "Comparing states...")
(setq ss-fun-vector tst-equ-state-functions)
(setq tst-equ-result t); let's be optomistic
; set up the log buffer
(get-buffer-create "*equal-log*")
(set-buffer "*equal-log*")
(setq tst-equ-startpoint (point)) ;save "here"
(insert "State comparison: " name)
(while ss-fun-vector
(setq function-name (car ss-fun-vector))
(setq ss-fun-vector (cdr ss-fun-vector))
;;; (insert " " (prin1-to-string function-name))
(if (not (funcall function-name tst-equ-state1 tst-equ-state2))
(setq tst-equ-result nil); set return value if failed
); fi
); ngrop
); elihw
; if we failed and a hook exist then run iot
(if (and (not tst-equ-result) 'tst-equ-state-hook)
(run-hooks 'tst-equ-state-hook))
(if (not tst-equ-result)
(setq temppoint (point))
(goto-char tst-equ-startpoint)
(insert "?")
(goto-char (1+ temppoint))
); ngorp
(message "Comparing states... done")
); tel
); nufed tst-equ-state
(defun tst-equ-session (state1 state2)
"Compares the session components from two states. The
two parameters STATE1 and STATE2 must be complete states
as returned by tst-reg-capture-state. The session components
include: global-bound-syms. "
(interactive "P")
(let (sess1 sess2 syms1 syms2 ss-startpoint ss-gs-startpoint temppoint el1 el2)
(message "Comparing state of sessions...")
(goto-char (point-max)) ; .. of output buffer
(setq ss-startpoint (point))
(insert "Sessions state")
(setq sess1 (cadr (assoc 'session state1)))
(setq sess2 (cadr (assoc 'session state2)))
(setq ss-gs-startpoint (point))
(insert "Global symbols")
(setq syms1 (cadr (assoc 'global-bound-syms sess1)))
(setq syms2 (cadr (assoc 'global-bound-syms sess2)))
(if (not (setq tst-equ-result (equal syms1 syms2)))
(while (and syms1 syms2)
(setq el1 (car syms1))
(setq syms1 (cdr syms1))
(setq el2 (assoc (car el1) syms2))
;; (debug "nil" el1 el2)
(if el2
(setq syms2 (delq el2 syms2))
;; (list 'setq syms2 (list 'delq (list 'assoc (car el1) syms2)
;; syms2))
(progn ;else ..
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert "?")
(insert (prin1-to-string (car el1)) " not found in second state")
); ngorp
); fi
(tst-equ-diff-element el1 el2)
); wlihw
(if syms1
(while syms1
(setq el1 (car syms1))
(setq syms1 (cdr syms1))
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert "?")
(insert (prin1-to-string (car el1)) " not found in second state")
); elihw
); ngorp
); fi
(if syms2
(while syms2
(setq el2 (car syms2))
(setq syms2 (cdr syms2))
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert "?")
(insert (prin1-to-string (car el2)) " not found in first state")
); elihw
); fi
); ngorp
; else .. nevermind.
); fi
(if (not tst-equ-result)
(setq temppoint (point))
(goto-char ss-startpoint)
(insert "?")
; if ever there are more things in a session, these two lines need to
; be separate.
(goto-char ss-gs-startpoint)
(insert "?")
(goto-char (1+ temppoint))
); fi
); tel
(defun tst-equ-buffers (tst-equ-buffers1 tst-equ-buffers2)
"Compares the buffers components from two states. The
two parameters STATE1 and STATE2 must be complete states
as returned by tst-reg-capture-state. Compares each buffer for
equality with its corresponding buffer (by name) in the other
state. tst-equ-buffer-state is called for each pair of buffers. "
(interactive "P")
; Local Variables
(let (buffers1 buffers2 buff1 buff-name buff2 tst-equ-result buf1names
bs-startpoint temppoint)
(message "Comparing state of buffers...")
(setq tst-equ-result t)
(setq buffers1 (cadr (assoc 'buffers tst-equ-buffers1))); get the first value
(setq buffers2 (cadr (assoc 'buffers tst-equ-buffers2))); get the second value
; set up the log buffer
(goto-char (point-max))
(setq bs-startpoint (point))
(insert "Buffers state")
(while buffers1
(setq buff1 (car buffers1))
(setq buffers1 (cdr buffers1))
; get the name of the 1st buffer and use it to find the second
(setq buff-name (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-name buff1)))
(setq buf1names (cons buff-name buf1names))
; create a log entry for this buffer
; now locate the second buffer
(setq buff2 (tst-equ-find-buffer-with-name tst-equ-buffers2 buff-name))
(if (not buff2)
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 2))
(insert "?")
(insert buff-name " not found in second state")
(setq tst-equ-result nil)
); ngorp
; else
; now compare them and set tst-equ-result
(if (not (tst-equ-buffer-state buff1 buff2))
(setq tst-equ-result nil)
) ; fi
) ; ngorp
); fi
); ngrop
); elihw
;;; now that we have checked for everything from the first state,
;;; want to see if there are any buffers in the second state that are
;;; not in the first one. Remember the list "buf1names" that was built
;;; during the first while loop? Well, we'll member this list instead
;;; of "tst-equ-find-buffer-with-name"ing it, because this seems more efficient.
(while buffers2
(setq buff2 (car buffers2))
(setq buffers2 (cdr buffers2))
(setq buff-name (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-name buff2)))
(if (not (member buff-name buf1names))
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert "?")
(insert buff-name " not found in first state")
(setq tst-equ-result nil)
); ngorp
); fi
); ngorp
); elihw
; if we failed and a hook exist then run it
(if (and (not tst-equ-result) 'tst-equ-buffers-hook)
(run-hooks 'tst-equ-buffers-hook))
(if (not tst-equ-result)
(setq temppoint (point))
(goto-char bs-startpoint)
(insert "?")
(goto-char (1+ temppoint))
); nprog
); fi
) ; let
) ; defun tst-equ-buffers
(defun tst-equ-windows (tst-equ-windows1 tst-equ-windows2)
"Compares the window components from two states. The
two parameters STATE1 and STATE2 must be complete states
as returned by tst-reg-capture-state."
(interactive "P")
; Local Variables
(let (window1 window2 tst-equ-result start-point saved-point)
(message "Comparing state of windows ...")
(setq window1 (cadr (assoc 'windows tst-equ-windows1)))
(setq window2 (cadr (assoc 'windows tst-equ-windows2)))
(setq tst-equ-result t)
(setq start-point (point))
(insert "Window state")
(setq tst-equ-result (tst-equ-wstates window1 window2 ))
; if we failed and a hook exist then run iot
(if (and (not tst-equ-result) 'tst-equ-windows-hook)
(run-hooks 'tst-equ-windows-hook))
; if we still fail the out a ?
(if (not tst-equ-result)
(setq saved-point (point))
(goto-char start-point)
(insert "?")
(goto-char (1+ saved-point))
); ngorp
); if
) ; let
); defun
(defun tst-equ-wstates (wstate1 wstate2)
"Check the equality of two windows"
(let (sibling leftc-edges start-point tst-equ-result tresult obj1 obj2 assoc-list
label-list component label childs1 childs2 cl1 cl2 cr1 cr2)
(setq tst-equ-result t)
; check for spilt windows
(if (assoc 'split wstate1)
(setq childs1 (cadr (assoc 'children wstate1)))
(setq childs2 (cadr (assoc 'children wstate2)))
; Save the children
(setq cl1 (car childs1))
(setq cl2 (car childs2))
(setq cr1 (car (cdr childs1)))
(setq cr2 (car (cdr childs2)))
; Now do the comparisons
(setq tresult (tst-equ-wstates cl1 cl2))
(setq tst-equ-result (and tresult (tst-equ-wstates cr1 cr2)))
); progn
); if split
; else not spilt so compare windows
; first set up the assoc and label list
(setq assoc-list '(window-edges window-buffer window-start window-point
(setq label-list '(edges buffer start point current))
; setup *equal-log* buffer
(setq start-point (point))
(insert "window")
; loop thru the full assoc list
(while assoc-list
(setq component (car assoc-list))
(setq assoc-list (cdr assoc-list))
(setq label (car label-list))
(setq label-list (cdr label-list))
; now get the two objects and compare them
(setq obj1 (cadr (assoc component wstate1)))
(setq obj2 (cadr (assoc component wstate2)))
(setq tresult (equal obj1 obj2))
(if (not tresult)
(insert "?")
(setq tst-equ-result nil)
); ngorp
; else
(insert " ")
); if
(insert (prin1-to-string component) ": ")
(tst-equ-log-diff tresult obj1 obj2)
); progn after the while
); while assoc-list
); progn
); let
); defun
(defun tst-equ-processes (state1 state2)
"Compares the process components from two states. The
two parameters STATE1 and STATE2 must be complete states
as returned by tst-reg-capture-state. The session components
include: command exit-status filter name sentinel status. "
(interactive "P")
; Local Variables
(let (proc1 proc2 p1 p2 c1 c2 tst-equ-result proc-list component start-point
(message "Comparing state of processes...")
(setq proc-list '(command exit-status filter name sentinel status))
(setq proc1 (cadr (assoc 'processes state1)))
(setq proc2 (cadr (assoc 'processes state2)))
(setq tst-equ-result t)
(setq start-point (point))
(insert "Processes state")
(while proc1
(setq p1 (car proc1))
(setq proc1 (cdr proc1))
(setq p2 (car proc2))
(setq proc2 (cdr proc2))
(setq proc-list '(command exit-status filter name
sentinel status process-mark))
(while proc-list
(setq component (car proc-list))
(setq proc-list (cdr proc-list))
(setq c1 (cadr (assoc component p1)))
(setq c2 (cadr (assoc component p2)))
(setq cresult (equal c1 c2))
(if (not cresult)
(insert "?")
(setq tst-equ-result nil)
); ngorp
; else
(insert " ")
); fi
(insert (prin1-to-string component) ": ")
(tst-equ-log-diff cresult c1 c2)
); ngorp
); elihw
); ngorp
); while proc1
; if we failed and a hook exist then run iot
(if (and (not tst-equ-result) 'tst-equ-processes-hook)
(run-hooks 'tst-equ-processes-hook))
(if (not tst-equ-result)
(setq saved-point (point))
(goto-char start-point)
(insert "?")
(goto-char (1+ saved-point))
); ngorp
); fi
); tel
); nufed
(defun tst-equ-buffer-state (buff-state1 buff-state2)
"Compares two buffers for equality. The two parameters
BUFFER1 and BUFFER2 must be buffer states as returned
by tst-equ-find-buffer. The following components are
compared by default: point mark contents file local-variables.
This can be modified by changing the elemetns in the variable
tst-equ-buff-state-functions. "
(interactive "P")
; Variables
(let (bs-fun-vector function-name tst-equ-result saved-beg msg
saved-end tst-equ-buffer-state-startpoint)
(get-buffer-create "*equal-log*")
(set-buffer "*equal-log*")
(goto-char (point-max))
(setq tst-equ-buffer-state-startpoint (point))
(insert "Comparison of buffers named: " )
(insert (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-name buff-state1)))
(setq msg (concat "Comparing state of buffer "
(cadr (assoc 'buf-state-name buff-state1))))
(message msg)
(setq bs-fun-vector tst-equ-buff-state-functions)
(setq tst-equ-result t) ; let's be optomistic
(while bs-fun-vector
(setq function-name (car bs-fun-vector))
(setq bs-fun-vector (cdr bs-fun-vector))
(setq saved-beg (point))
(setq fname (prin1-to-string function-name))
(setq fname (substring fname (match-end
(string-match "tst-equ-" fname)) nil))
(insert fname ": ")
; (newline)
(if (not (funcall function-name buff-state1 buff-state2))
(setq tst-equ-result nil) ; set return value if failed
(setq saved-end (point))
(goto-char saved-beg)
(insert "?")
(goto-char (1+ saved-end))
); ngorp
); fi
); progn
); while
(if (not tst-equ-result)
(setq temppoint (point))
(goto-char tst-equ-buffer-state-startpoint)
(insert "?")
(goto-char (1+ temppoint))
); ngorp
); fi
) ; let
) ; defun tst-equ-buffer-state
(defun tst-equ-contents (buff-state1 buff-state2)
"Compares the contents component from two buffer states. "
(interactive "P")
; Local Variables
(let (tst-equ-contents1 tst-equ-contents2 tst-equ-result)
(setq tst-equ-contents1 (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-contents buff-state1)))
(setq tst-equ-contents2 (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-contents buff-state2)))
(setq tst-equ-result (string-equal tst-equ-contents1 tst-equ-contents2))
; if a hook exist and we failed the compare then run the hook ..
(if (and (not tst-equ-result) 'tst-equ-contents-hook)
(run-hooks 'tst-equ-contents-hook))
(if (not tst-equ-result)
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert "contents not equal")
); ngorp
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert "contents equal")
); ngorp
); fi
) ; let
) ; defun tst-equ-contents
(defun tst-equ-contents-region (buff-state1 buff-state2)
"Compares the contents component from two buffer states between
point and mark. "
(interactive "P")
; Local Variables
(let (tst-equ-contents-region1 tst-equ-contents-region2
buf-point buf-mark tst-equ-result)
(setq tst-equ-contents-region1 (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-contents buff-state1)))
(setq buf-point (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-point buff-state1)))
(setq buf-mark (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-mark buff-state1)))
(setq tst-equ-contents-region1
(substring tst-equ-contents-region1 buf-point buf-mark))
(setq tst-equ-contents-region2 (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-contents buff-state2)))
(setq buf-point (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-point buff-state2)))
(setq buf-mark (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-mark buff-state2)))
(setq tst-equ-contents-region2
(substring tst-equ-contents-region2 buf-point buf-mark))
(setq tst-equ-result (string-equal
tst-equ-contents-region1 tst-equ-contents-region2))
; if a hook exist and we failed the compare then run the hook ..
(if (and (not tst-equ-result) 'tst-equ-contents-region-hook)
(run-hooks 'tst-equ-contents-region-hook))
(if (not tst-equ-result)
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert "contents not equal")
); ngorp
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert "contents equal")
); ngorp
); fi
) ; let
) ; defun tst-equ-contents-region
(defun tst-equ-contents-line (buff-state1 buff-state2)
"Compares the contents component from two buffer states. Comparison
is performed line by line. Will run a hook named 'tst-equ-line-hook
that can access the strings tst-equ-line1 and tst-equ-line2. Hook is
called only if the comparison fails but can set tst-equ-result to t if
it wants."
(interactive "P")
; Local Variables
(let (c1 c2 tst-equ-line1 tst-equ-line2 tst-equ-result more1 more2
start1 end1 start2 end2 final-result found-so-far)
(setq c1 (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-contents buff-state1))); get the first value
(setq c2 (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-contents buff-state2))); get the second value
(setq final-result t more1 t more2 t)
(setq start1 0 start2 0 found-so-far 0); starting index in strings
(while (and more1 more2)
(setq end1 (string-match "\n" c1 start1))
(if (not end1)
(setq more1 nil); we hit end-of-contents
; else
(setq tst-equ-line1 (substring c1 start1 end1 ))
(setq start1 (match-end 0))
); ngorp
); fi
(setq end2 (string-match "\n" c2 start2))
(if (not end2)
(setq more2 nil); we hit end-of-contents
; else
(setq tst-equ-line2 (substring c2 start2 end2 ))
(setq start2 (match-end 0))
); ngorp
); fi
; now do the comparison if we have two lines
(if (and more1 more2)
(setq tst-equ-result (string-equal tst-equ-line1 tst-equ-line2))
; if a hook exist and we failed the compare then run the hook ..
(if (and (not tst-equ-result) 'tst-equ-line-hook)
(run-hooks 'tst-equ-line-hook))
; but test again in case hook modified result
(if (not tst-equ-result)
(setq final-result nil)
(tst-equ-log-diff-line tst-equ-line1 tst-equ-line2)
(setq found-so-far (+ 1 found-so-far))
(if (>= found-so-far tst-equ-max-line-diffs)
; i want to just get out of here.
(setq more1 nil)
(setq more2 nil) ;fake 'em into leaving
); ngorp
); fi
); ngorp
); fi
); ngorp
); fi
); ngorp
); elihw
) ; let
) ; defun tst-equ-contents-line
(defun tst-equ-point (buff-state1 buff-state2)
"Compares the point component from two buffer states. "
(interactive "P")
; Local Variables
(let (tst-equ-point1 tst-equ-point2 tst-equ-result)
(setq tst-equ-point1 (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-point buff-state1)))
(setq tst-equ-point2 (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-point buff-state2)))
(setq tst-equ-result (equal tst-equ-point1 tst-equ-point2))
; if a hook exist and we failed the compare then run the hook ..
(if (and (not tst-equ-result) 'tst-equ-point-hook)
(run-hooks 'tst-equ-point-hook))
(tst-equ-log-diff tst-equ-result (int-to-string tst-equ-point1)
(int-to-string tst-equ-point2))
) ; let
) ; defun tst-equ-point
(defun tst-equ-mark (buff-state1 buff-state2)
"Compares the mark component from two buffer states. "
(interactive "P")
; Local Variables
(let (tst-equ-mark1 tst-equ-mark2 tst-equ-result)
(setq tst-equ-mark1 (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-mark buff-state1)))
(setq tst-equ-mark2 (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-mark buff-state2)))
(setq tst-equ-result (equal tst-equ-mark1 tst-equ-mark2))
; if a hook exist and we failed the compare then run the hook ..
(if (and (not tst-equ-result) 'tst-equ-mark-hook)
(run-hooks 'tst-equ-mark-hook))
(tst-equ-log-diff tst-equ-result tst-equ-mark1 tst-equ-mark2)
) ; let
) ; defun tst-equ-mark
(defun tst-equ-modified (buff-state1 buff-state2)
"Compares the modified component from two buffer states. "
(interactive "P")
; Local Variables
(let (tst-equ-modified1 tst-equ-modified2 tst-equ-result)
(setq tst-equ-modified1 (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-modified buff-state1)))
(setq tst-equ-modified2 (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-modified buff-state2)))
(setq tst-equ-result (equal tst-equ-modified1 tst-equ-modified2))
; if a hook exist and we failed the compare then run the hook ..
(if (and (not tst-equ-result) 'tst-equ-modified-hook)
(run-hooks 'tst-equ-modified-hook))
(tst-equ-log-diff tst-equ-result tst-equ-modified1 tst-equ-modified2)
) ; let
) ; defun tst-equ-modified
(defun tst-equ-file (buff-state1 buff-state2)
"Compares the file component from two buffer states. "
(interactive "P")
; Local Variables
(let (tst-equ-file1 tst-equ-file2 tst-equ-result)
(setq tst-equ-file1 (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-file buff-state1))); get the first value
(setq tst-equ-file2 (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-file buff-state2))); get the second value
(setq tst-equ-result (equal tst-equ-file1 tst-equ-file2))
; if a hook exist and we failed the compare then run the hook ..
(if (and (not tst-equ-result) 'tst-equ-file-hook)
(run-hooks 'tst-equ-file-hook))
(tst-equ-log-diff tst-equ-result tst-equ-file1 tst-equ-file2)
) ; let
) ; defun tst-equ-file
(defun tst-equ-diff-element (el1 el2)
" Logs differences between the two elements based on the type of
element that it is. (keymap, vector, string, list)"
(let ()
(cond ((keymapp (cdr el1)) (tst-equ-log-keymap el1 el2))
((syntax-table-p (cdr el1)) (tst-equ-log-syntable el1 el2))
((stringp (cdr el1)) (tst-equ-log-string el1 el2))
((atom (cdr el1)) (tst-equ-log-atom el1 el2))
((arrayp (cdr el1)) (tst-equ-log-array el1 el2))
(t (tst-equ-log-fubar el1 el2))
); dnoc
); tel
); defun tst-equ-diff-element
(defun tst-equ-log-fubar (el1 el2)
" Generic equal-comparer for elements of a symbol"
(let ()
(if (not (equal el1 el2))
; (debug nil "in fubar" el1 el2)
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert (prin1-to-string (car el1)))
(if (cdr el1)
(insert ": "(prin1-to-string (cdr el1)) " "
(prin1-to-string (cdr el2)))
); fi
); ngorp
); fi
); tel
); defun tst-equ-log-fubar
(defun tst-equ-log-string (el1 el2)
(let ()
(if (not (equal el1 el2))
; (debug nil "In string" (car el1))
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert (prin1-to-string (car el1)))
); ngorp
); fi
); tel
); defun tst-equ-log-string
(defun tst-equ-log-atom (el1 el2)
(let ()
(if (not (equal el1 el2))
; (debug nil "in atom" el1 el2)
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert (prin1-to-string (car el1))
" " (prin1-to-string (cdr el1))
" " (prin1-to-string (cdr el2)))
); ngorp
); fi
); tel
); defun tst-equ-log-atom
(defun tst-equ-log-syntable (a1 a2)
" Outputs the differences between two syntax tables in the form:
element_number : value1 value2"
(let (e1 e2 index)
; (debug nil "In syntable" (car el1))
(if (not (equal a1 a2))
(while (not (= index 256))
(setq e1 (aref a1 index))
(setq e2 (aref a2 index))
(if (not (equal e1 e2))
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert (prin1-to-string index) ": "
(prin1-to-string e1) " " (prin1-to-string e2))
); fi
(+1 index)
); elihw
); fi
); tel
); defun tst-equ-log-syntable
(defun tst-equ-log-keymap (a1 a2)
" Outputs only the fact that two keymaps do not match. Has the potential
for future enhancements (like, describing which keys don't match"
; (debug nil "in keymap" (car el1))
(if (not (equal a1 a2))
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert (prin1-to-string (car a1)))
); ngorp
); defun tst-equ-log-keymap
; (let (e1 e2 index)
; (while (not (= index 256))
; (setq e1 (aref a1 index))
; (setq e2 (aref a2 index))
; (if (not (equal e1 e2))
; (progn
; (indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
; (insert (prin1-to-string index) ": "
; (prin1-to-string e1) " " (prin1-to-string e2))
; (newline)
; );ngorp
; ); fi
; (+1 index)
; ); elihw
; ); tel
;); defun tst-equ-log-syntable
(defun tst-equ-log-diff (equal-flag v1 v2)
"Logs differences in *equal-log* buffer. "
(let ()
(if (or tst-equ-log-all-compares (not equal-flag))
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert (prin1-to-string v1) " " (prin1-to-string v2))
); ngorp
) ; let
) ; defun tst-equ-log-diff
(defun tst-equ-log-diff-line (line1 line2)
"Logs differences in *equal-log* buffer. "
(let ()
(goto-char (point-max))
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert "1: " line1)
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert "2: " line2)
) ; let
) ; defun tst-equ-log-diff-line
(defun tst-equ-find-buffer-with-name (state name )
"Return a buff-state of the buffer from STATE with name NAME."
; Variables
(let (buffers buff-state buff-name found)
(setq found nil)
(setq buffers (cadr (assoc 'buffers state)))
(while (not found)
(setq buff-state (car buffers))
(setq buffers (cdr buffers))
(setq buff-name (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-name buff-state)))
(if (equal buff-name name)
(setq found t)
; else
(if (not buffers)
(setq found t)
(setq buff-state nil)
); progn
); fi
); ngrop
); if
); progn
); while
) ; let
) ; defun tst-equ-find-buffer-with-name
(defun tst-equ-named-buff-states (state1 name1 state2 name2)
" Compares, from STATE1, the state of the buffer who's name is
NAME1 with, from STATE2, the state of the buffer who's name
is NAME2. If STATE2 is nil, then a buffer of NAME2 is expected
in STATE1. "
(interactive "P")
; Variables
(let (buff-state-1 buff-state-2)
; first locate the buffers
(setq buff-state-1 (tst-equ-find-buffer-with-name state1 name1))
(if state2
(setq buff-state-2 (tst-equ-find-buffer-with-name state2 name2))
; else
(setq buff-state-2 (tst-equ-find-buffer-with-name state1 name2))
) ; if
(tst-equ-buffer-state buff-state-1 buff-state-2)
) ; let
) ; defun tst-equ-named-buff-states
(defun tst-equ-local-vars (b1 b2)
" Compares the values of the local variables in two buffers and
logs the ones that are different."
(interactive "P")
(let (vars1 vars2 var1 var2 tst-equ-result firsttime)
(setq tst-equ-result t) ;default to "all equal "
(setq firsttime nil) ;still just my first time ...
(setq vars1 (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-local-vars b1)))
(setq vars2 (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-local-vars b2)))
(while vars1 ;go through the b1 vars first.
(setq var1 (car vars1)) ;get the next variable
(setq vars1 (cdr vars1)) ;.. and set the list to the tail
(setq var2 (assoc (car var1) vars2)) ; find this variable in b2
(if var2
(if (not (equal var1 var2))
(if (not firsttime)
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 3))
(insert "local variables not equal ")
(setq firsttime t)
); ngorp
); fi
(setq tst-equ-result nil)
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert (prin1-to-string (car var1))
" " (prin1-to-string (cdr var1))
" " (prin1-to-string (cdr var2)))
); ngorp
); ngorp
; else
(setq tst-equ-result nil)
(if (not firsttime)
(insert "?")
(indent-to (* tst-equ-level 3))
(insert "local variables not equal ")
(setq firsttime t)
); ngorp
); fi
(indent-to (* tst-equ-level 4))
(insert (prin1-to-string (car var1)) "not found in second buffer ")
); ngorp (of else)
); fi [if vars2]
); elihw
(setq vars1 (cadr (assoc 'buf-state-local-vars b1)))
(while vars2
(setq var2 (car vars2)) ;get the next variable
(setq vars2 (cdr vars2)) ;.. and set the list to the tail
(setq var1 (assoc (car var2) vars1))
(if (not var1)
(setq tst-equ-result nil)
(if (not firsttime)
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert "local variables not equal:")
(setq firsttime t)
); ngorp
); fi
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert (prin1-to-string (car var2)) " not found in first buffer " )
); ngorp (of else)
); fi
); elihw
(if tst-equ-result
(indent-to (* tst-equ-indent 4))
(insert "local variables are equal ")
); ngorp
); fi
tst-equ-result ;return the tst-equ-result
); tel
); defun tst-equ-local-vars