Usenet 1994 October
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C/C++ Source or Header
660 lines
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
* number
* Number is a program that counts in lots of languages.
* It was originally written during a sanity break while
* I was writing my PhD thesis. That version got left
* on a machine somewhere in upstate New York. This one
* was done while on leave in Grenoble, after realizing
* that I hadn't written a computer program in over two
* months.
* Number is inspired, of course, from /usr/games/number, but
* it uses a series of grammars that define counting in
* different languages. The language that is used to
* write the grammars is described below, in evalrule().
* If you write any new grammars, I'd greatly appreciate
* having them. Grammars aren't very hard to write, if
* you know how to count in something that isn't defined
* here. The longest grammar (french) only has 30 rules
* and 5 macros, and correctly pronounces any number less
* 1,000,000,000,000. The shortest is for cantonese, which
* has 14 rules.
* A note on the output of number:
* The characters that are output conform to the TIRA
* character representation standard. Essentially, strings
* in anything except the latin alphabet (what you're reading
* now) are preceded by an indication of the alphabet that
* they are part of. The exceptions to this are mandarin,
* cantonese and japanese. These three are written in
* pin-yin, roughly Wade Giles, and romanji, respectively.
* The only other thing special about this format is that
* accents and tone markings are given in [] brackets
* before the letter to which they are attached.
* TIRA stands for Textual Information Retrieval and Analysis
* research group, and is a research group at the University
* of Chicago containing computer and information scientists,
* literary scholars and linguists. TIRA is working on a
* research environment for doing textual research. Watch
* this space.
* Copyright 1987, Scott Deerwester.
* This code may be freely distributed and copied, provided
* that a copy of this notice accompanies all copies and
* that no copy is sold for profit.
* Constants for array bounds. Both of these are overkill.
#define MAXRULES 100
#define MAXSPECIALS 50
* Structure to hold macro definitions.
struct {
char c;
char *rule;
} specials [MAXSPECIALS];
int nspecials = 0;
int maxdigits;
* Definition of a grammar rule.
struct {
int base;
#ifdef COND
int cond;
#endif COND
char *rule;
} rule[MAXRULES];
int nrules;
char *lang = "english"; /* You can change this if you like */
char *malloc ();
unsigned long parsenumber();
long atol(), random();
int dbgflag = 0;
main (argc, argv)
char *argv[];
int errflg = 0;
chkdbg ();
srandom (getpid ());
domaxdigits ();
* Someday, maybe, I'll enable this to take a number
* on the command line.
switch (argc) {
case 1: break;
case 2: lang = argv[1]; break;
if (errflg)
fprintf (stderr, "Usage: number [language]\n");
exit (0);
* read_grammar finds the grammar for the language and
* reads it in. It exits if it can't find the grammar.
read_grammar (lang);
* Main loop. Read in numbers. Make sure that the input
* is a number, and spell it in the requested language.
while (1)
char lbuf [512];
register i, l;
unsigned long u;
long n;
if (isatty (0))
printf ("> ");
if (!gets (lbuf))
if ((l = strlen (lbuf)) > maxdigits)
printf ("My limit is ");
for (i = 0; i < maxdigits; i++)
putchar ('9');
putchar ('\n');
} else if (l == 0)
n = 0;
if (sscanf (lbuf, "%ld", &n) != 1)
printf ("%s is not a non-negative integer.\n", lbuf);
if (n < 0)
printf ("I don't handle negative numbers.\n");
sscanf (lbuf, "%ld", &u);
spell (u, 0);
outchar ('\n');
outchar ('\n');
domaxdigits ()
unsigned long maxint = 0;
register i;
char str [128];
for (i = 0; i < sizeof (long) * 8; i++)
maxint |= 1 << i;
sprintf (str, "%lu", maxint);
maxdigits = strlen (str) - 1;
dbg ("domaxdigits computes %lu as %d reliable digits.\n", maxint, maxdigits);
* read_to_eol is equivalent to fgets, except that it
* reads the string into a temporary buffer, allocates
* enough space for it, and copies the string into the
* allocated space. In other words, it does what fgets()
* would do if C had proper memory management. :-)
char *read_to_eol (fp)
FILE *fp;
char *tmpbuf, *cp;
char rbuf [512];
register l = 0;
cp = rbuf;
while (1)
fgets (cp, sizeof (rbuf) - l, fp);
l = strlen (rbuf);
if (rbuf [l - 2] != '\\')
cp = rbuf + l - 2;
if (getc (fp) != '\t')
fprintf (stderr, "read_to_eol didn't find a tab\n");
exit (0);
if (l >= sizeof (rbuf))
fprintf (stderr, "rule too long in read_to_eol\n");
exit (0);
tmpbuf = malloc (l = strlen (rbuf));
rbuf [l - 1] = '\0'; /* get rid of the newline */
strcpy (tmpbuf, rbuf);
return (tmpbuf);
static char filename[128];
* Cutesy error messages. They all say the same thing.
char *errorfmt[] =
"No se habla \"%s\". Se habla:\n",
"I don't speak \"%s\". I speak:\n",
"On ne parle pas \"%s\" ici. On parle plut[^]ot:\n",
"Ich kann nicht \"%s\" sprechen. Ich spreche:\n",
"Ng[?]o [_]m s[^]ik g[']ong \"%s\" w[`]a. Ng[?]o s[^]ik:\n",
"W[?]o b[`]u hu[`]e \"%s\". W[?]o hu[`]e:\n",
"\CYR'Ya' n'ye' govor'yu' po-\"%s\". 'Ya' govor'yu':\n",
"Nt[`]e \"%s\" kan m[`]en. N[`]e be:\n"
#define nerrfmt 8
rand (n)
return (random () % n);
* read_grammar depends on a set of grammar files being
* found in GRAMMARDIR. It expects to find a file with
* the name of its parameter, which it opens and reads.
* If it can't find one, it prints out a message saying
* that it doesn't speak the language, and lists the
* known languages by exec'ing /bin/ls. Note that this
* is equivalent to exitting. It simply puts each of
* the rules and macros into arrays. The format of the
* rules in the grammar files is:
* n \t rule
* where "n" is the base unit of the rule, and "rule"
* conforms to the syntax described below in evalrule().
* Macros definitions are of the form:
* / \t c \t rule
* where "c" is the character to be expanded. The character
* must not be a reserved character.
* Grammars may also contain comment lines, which begin with
* a '#'.
read_grammar (lang)
char *lang;
register i, c;
FILE *fp;
strcat (filename, GRAMMARDIR);
strcat (filename, lang);
if ((fp = fopen (filename, "r")) == NULL)
if ((fp = fopen (lang, "r")) == NULL)
printf (errorfmt [rand (nerrfmt)], lang);
execl ("/bin/ls", "number-ls", GRAMMARDIR, 0);
for (i = 0; !feof (fp);)
#ifdef COND
rule[i].cond = 0;
#endif COND
if ((c = getc (fp)) == '/')
register j;
while ((c = getc (fp)) == '\t')
j = nspecials++;
specials[j].c = c;
while ((c = getc (fp)) == '\t')
ungetc (c, fp);
specials[j].rule = read_to_eol (fp);
dbg ("macro '%c': %s\n", specials[j].c, specials[j].rule);
} else if (c == EOF)
} else if (c == '\n')
} else if (c == '#')
while (getc (fp) != '\n')
} else if (!isdigit (c))
printf ("Read a '%c' in rule %d\n", c, i);
} else
ungetc (c, fp);
if (fscanf (fp, "%d", &rule[i].base) != 1)
if ((c = getc (fp)) != '\t')
#ifdef COND
rule[i].cond = c;
#endif COND
while (getc (fp) != '\t')
rule[i].rule = read_to_eol (fp);
dbg ("rule %d: %d %s\n", i, rule[i].base, rule[i].rule);
nrules = i;
* spell is the function called to spell a number. It
* is initially called with condition 'I' (init). This
* is a hack to get around the problem of when to pronounce
* 0. Spell essentially just figures out what the appropriate
* rule is, and calls evalrule() to do the work.
spell (n, level)
unsigned long n;
register i;
if (n == 0 && level)
for (i = nrules - 1; rule[i].base > n; i--)
evalrule (rule[i].rule, rule[i].base, n, level);
* next
* This is a simple function to bounce around in strings
* with a syntax that includes balanced parens and double
* quotes. There's something like this in Icon, but this
* program is in C, so...
char *next (s, c)
char *s, c;
register char *e;
for (e = s; *e != c; e++)
if (*e == '"')
e = next (e + 1, '"');
if (*e == '(' && c != '"')
e = next (e + 1, ')');
return (e);
* evalrule does the dirty work. It takes a rule, a
* base, and a number, and prints the number according
* to the rule. Rules may use the following characters:
* B the base
* % n % base
* / n / base
* , no-op
* "..." for strings
* conditionals are of the form:
* (L C R \t rule)
* where L and R are either a special character or a
* number, and C is one of '>', '<', '=' and '~', meaning,
* of course, less than, greater than, equal, and not equal.
* Conditionals are evaluated by doconditional(), which
* evaluates the condition, and, if it is true, evaluates
* the rule.
* To give an example of a rule, taken from the grammar
* for mandarin:
* 10 / "sh[']i" %
* means that if the largest number that is smaller than
* the number we're trying to say is 10, then we say the
* number by saying the number divided by 10, followed
* by the word "sh[']i", followed by the remainder of the
* number divided by ten. In other words, to say 23,
* you say (23 / 10) = 2, then "sh[']i", then (23 % 10) = 3,
* or 2 "sh[']i" 3. After evaluating the rules for 2 and
* 3, the string "e[`]r sh[']i s[^]an" is printed.
evalrule (rule, base, n, level)
char *rule;
unsigned long n;
int base, level;
register j, c;
dbg ("evalrule (\"%s\", %d, %ld)\n", rule, base, n);
while (c = *rule)
if (isdigit (c))
spell (atol (rule), level + 1);
while (isdigit (*++rule))
} else switch (c) {
case ',': break;
case 'B': spell ((long) base, level + 1); break;
case '%': spell (n % base, level + 1); break;
case '/': spell (n / base, level + 1); break;
case '"': while ((c = *++rule) != '"')
outchar (c);
case '(': docondition (rule, base, n, level);
rule = next (rule + 1, ')');
default: for (j = 0; j < nspecials; j++)
if (specials[j].c == c)
evalrule (specials[j].rule, base,
n, level);
if (j == nspecials)
outchar (c);
* docondition evaluates conditionals, which are delimited
* by parentheses, and which contain two parts: a very
* simple Boolean expression and a rule. The Boolean
* expression can, at the moment, only be a simple comparison.
* OR's (if the conditions are exclusive) can be done by
* putting multiple conditions in a row, and AND's by
* making the rule a conditional. docondition calls
* parsecond (parse conditional) to pick out the various
* parts of the conditional, evaluates the comparison,
* and calls evalrule with the rule as an argument if the
* comparison evaluates to true.
* Two additional special characters that are accepted here
* are:
* L Current recursion level
* # The number itself
docondition (rule, base, n, level)
char *rule;
unsigned long n;
int base, level;
char subrule [128];
unsigned long leftside, rightside;
int truth;
char comparator;
* This is to check for bad grammars or buggy parser.
if (!parsecond (rule, base, n, level,
&leftside, &comparator, &rightside, subrule))
printf ("Gagged on rule \"%s\"\n", rule);
switch (comparator) {
case '>': truth = leftside > rightside; break;
case '=': truth = leftside == rightside; break;
case '<': truth = leftside < rightside; break;
case '~': truth = leftside != rightside; break;
dbg ("docondition (%d, %d, %d %c %d) -> %s\n",
base, n, leftside, comparator, rightside,
truth ? subrule : "FAILS");
if (!truth)
evalrule (subrule, base, n, level);
* parsecond parses the rule according to the base,
* and assigns the parts to the variables passed
* as arguments.
parsecond (rule, base, n, level, lp, cp, rp, subrule)
char *rule, *cp, *subrule;
unsigned long *lp, *rp, n;
int base, level;
char *index(), *rindex();
register char *start, *end;
char leftstring[20], rightstring[20];
if (sscanf (rule, "(%s %c %s", leftstring, cp, rightstring) != 3)
dbg ("parsecond failed sscanf (\"%s\", ...)\n", rule);
return (0);
*rp = parsenumber (rightstring, base, n, level);
*lp = parsenumber (leftstring, base, n, level);
if (!(start = index (rule, '\t')))
dbg ("parsecond couldn't find a tab in \"%s\"\n", rule);
return (0);
end = next (++start, ')');
while (start < end)
*subrule++ = *start++;
*subrule = '\0';
return (1);
* parsenumber figures out the numerical value of the
* string that it is passed, based on the base and the
* number n.
unsigned long parsenumber (s, base, n, level)
unsigned long n;
char *s;
if (isdigit (s[0]))
return (atoi (s));
switch (s[0]) {
case '/': return (n / base);
case '%': return (n % base);
case '#': return (n);
case 'L': return (level);
case 'B': return (base);
default: fprintf (stderr, "bad number string \"%s\"\n", s);
return (-1);
* outchar is a slightly clever version of putchar. It
* won't put a space at the beginning of a line, and it
* won't put two spaces in a row.
outchar (c)
static lastspace = 0,
bol = 1;
if ((lastspace || bol) && c == ' ')
if (c == '\n')
bol = 1;
bol = 0;
if (c == ' ')
lastspace = 1;
lastspace = 0;
putchar (c);
* Well, see, I had this bug, and I left my debugger in
* Chicago, and...
dbg (fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9)
char *fmt, *a1, *a2, *a3, *a4, *a5, *a6, *a7, *a8, *a9;
int tmpdbgflag = dbgflag;
if (dbgflag > 0)
dbgflag = 0;
fprintf (stderr, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9);
dbgflag = tmpdbgflag;
chkdbg ()
extern char *getenv ();
register char *cp;
if ((dbgflag == 0) && (cp = getenv ("DEBUG=")))
dbgflag = atoi (cp);