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- From: plus5!hokey
- Subject: New NIC domain request form
- Newsgroups: mod.sources
- Keywords: rfc920
- From: Mary Stahl <SRI-NIC.ARPA!STAHL>
- Subject: Re: Domain registration
- OK, here is the domain registration questionnaire. - Mary
- To establish a domain, the following information must be provided to
- the NIC Domain Registrar (HOSTMASTER@SRI-NIC.ARPA):
- Note: The key people must have computer mail mailboxes and
- NIC "Handles", unique NIC database identifiers. If they do not
- at present, please remedy the situation at once. A NIC Handle may
- be established by contacting REGISTRAR@SRI-NIC.ARPA.
- 1) The name of the top level domain to join.
- For example: EDU
- 2) The name, title, mailing address, phone number, and organization
- of the administrative head of the organization. This is the contact
- point for administrative and policy questions about the domain. In
- the case of a research project, this should be the Principal
- Investigator. The online mailbox and NIC Handle of this person should
- also be included.
- For example:
- Administrator
- Organization USC/Information Sciences Institute
- Name Keith Uncapher
- Title Executive Director
- Mail Address USC/ISI
- 4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 1001
- Marina del Rey, CA. 90292-6695
- Phone Number 213-822-1511
- Net Mailbox Uncapher@USC-ISIB.ARPA
- NIC Handle KU
- 3) The name, title, mailing address, phone number, and organization
- of the domain technical contact. The online mailbox and NIC Handle of
- the domain technical contact should also be included. This is the
- contact point for problems with the domain and for updating
- information about the domain. Also, the domain technical contact may
- be responsible for hosts in this domain.
- For example:
- Technical Contact
- Organization USC/Information Sciences Institute
- Name Craig Milo Rogers
- Title Researcher
- Mail Address USC/ISI
- 4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 1001
- Marina del Rey, CA. 90292-6695
- Phone Number 213-822-1511
- Net Mailbox Rogers@USC-ISIB.ARPA
- NIC Handle CMR
- 4) The name, title, mailing address, phone number, and organization
- of the zone technical contact. The online mailbox and NIC-Ident of
- the zone technical contact should also be included. This is the
- contact point for problems with the zone and for updating information
- about the zone. In many cases the zone technical contact and the
- domain technical contact will be the same person.
- For example:
- Technical Contact
- Organization USC/Information Sciences Institute
- Name Craig Milo Rogers
- Title Researcher
- Mail Address USC/ISI
- 4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 1001
- Marina del Rey, CA. 90292-6695
- Phone Number 213-822-1511
- Net Mailbox Rogers@USC-ISIB.ARPA
- NIC Handle CMR
- 5) The name of the domain (up to 12 characters). This is the name
- that will be used in tables and lists associating the domain and the
- domain server addresses. [While technically domain names can be
- quite long (programmers beware), shorter names are easier for people
- to cope with.]
- For example: ALPHA-BETA
- 6) A description of the servers that provides the domain service for
- translating name to address for hosts in this domain, and the date
- they will be operational.
- A good way to answer this question is to say "Our server is
- supplied by person or company X and does whatever their standard
- issue server does".
- For example: Our server is a copy of the server operated by
- the NIC, and will be installed and made operational on
- 1-November-84.
- 7) Domains should provide at least two independent servers for the
- domain. A description of the server machine and its back-up, including:
- (a) hardware and software (using keywords from the Assigned
- Numbers)
- (b) host domain name and net addresses (what host on what net for
- each connected net)
- (c) any domain nicknames
- For example:
- (a) hardware and software
- VAX-11/750 and UNIX, or
- IBM-PC and MS-DOS, or
- DEC-1090 and TOPS-20
- (b) host domain name and net address
- (c) domain nicknames
- 8) Planned mapping of names of any other network hosts, other than
- the server machines, into the new domain's naming space.
- For example:
- 9) An estimate of the number of hosts that will be in the domain.
- (a) initially,
- (b) within one year,
- (c) two years, and
- (d) five years.
- For example:
- (a) initially = 50
- (b) one year = 100
- (c) two years = 200
- (d) five years = 500
- 10) A date when you expect the fully qualified domain name to
- become the official host name.
- -------