Usenet 1994 January
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524 lines
* $Header: unctime.y,v 2.1 89/06/09 12:25:42 network Exp $
* Conversion of ctime-style date string back to a time_t.
* This module is in a different style from the rest of deliver
* because Chip Salzenberg didn't write it.
* $Log: unctime.y,v $
* Revision 2.1 89/06/09 12:25:42 network
* Update RCS revisions.
* Revision 1.3 89/06/09 12:24:01 network
* Baseline for 2.0 release.
/* time_t
char *s;
Convert s, which may be in almost any reasonable date format, to
a time_t integer suitable for consumption by ctime(3). Coincidentally
destroys the contents of s. Return -1 if s is not a recognizable legal date.
Any parts of the time left unspecified take on the current values.
"4 CST + 23[:10]" adds 23 minutes and optionally 10 seconds to the correction.
"# nnnnnn" forces exactly nnnnnn seconds GMT since Jan. 1, 1970.
Copyright 1988, Michael J. Haertel. Use this routine at your own risk.
You may redistribute verbatim copies of this file. You may redistribute
modified versions of this file so long as (1) you state who last changed
it, and (2) this copyright notice appears unmodified.
Some debugging by W. Anthony Smith.
Bug fix, minor enhancements, and non-BSD modifications by David MacKenzie.
Several changes by Chip Salzenberg for use with deliver:
Include "deliver.h".
Handle military timezones as per RFC822.
Elimination of "#if FTIME" in favor of "#if !USG".
Don't modify input string.
Consider extra junk in date string an error.
#include "deliver.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#ifdef BSD
# include <sys/time.h>
# include <time.h>
# ifndef USG
# include <sys/timeb.h>
# endif
extern long atol();
/* Delta is correction to turn specified time into GMT. */
/* if (zoneflag), a timezone was explicitly specified. */
static year, month, day, hour, minute, second, delta, zoneflag, errorflag, iflag;
static long iresult;
#define YYSTYPE long
day time year
| day year time
| time day year
| time day
| day time
| day year
| day
| time
| '#' NUM { iflag = TRUE; iresult = $2; }
; /* previous line forces exact time in seconds GMT */
NUM MONTH { month = $2; day = $1; }
| MONTH NUM { month = $1; day = $2; }
| NUM '/' NUM { month = $1; day = $3; }
',' NUM { year = $2; }
| '/' NUM { year = $2; }
| NUM { year = $1; }
clock AM { hour %= 12; }
| clock PM { hour = hour % 12 + 12; }
| clock
NUM ':' NUM ':' NUM { hour = $1; minute = $3; second = $5; }
| NUM ':' NUM { hour = $1; minute = $3; }
/* Return true if s is a prefix of t; e.g. prefix("mar", "march") = true.
Note that comparison is case-insensitive. */
char *s, *t;
while (*s && *t && tolower(*s) == tolower(*t))
s++, t++;
return *s == 0;
static char *lexptr;
static void
char *s;
lexptr = s;
static char *
months[] =
struct zonename
char *name; /* Name of the time zone. */
int delta; /* Correction to add to GMT (in minutes) */
static struct zonename zones[] =
"gmt", 0,
"ut", 0,
"est", -5 * 60, /* North American time zones */
"edt", -6 * 60,
"cst", -6 * 60,
"cdt", -7 * 60,
"mst", -7 * 60,
"mdt", -8 * 60,
"pst", -8 * 60,
"pdt", -9 * 60,
"z", 0, /* Military time zones */
"a", -1 * 60,
"b", -2 * 60,
"c", -3 * 60,
"d", -4 * 60,
"e", -5 * 60,
"f", -6 * 60,
"g", -7 * 60,
"h", -8 * 60,
"i", -9 * 60,
"k", -10 * 60,
"l", -11 * 60,
"m", -12 * 60,
"n", 1 * 60,
"o", 2 * 60,
"p", 3 * 60,
"q", 4 * 60,
"r", 5 * 60,
"s", 6 * 60,
"t", 7 * 60,
"u", 8 * 60,
"v", 9 * 60,
"w", 10 * 60,
"x", 11 * 60,
"y", 12 * 60,
0, 0
/* Lexical analyzer. Gather alphabetics into tokens; if they are unknown
strings ignore them, and if they are months return the appropriate value.
If the token is the name of the time zone set delta = correction and
zoneflag = TRUE, and skip ahead to the next token (the parser itself
never sees time zones).
If the token is a number, return its value.
If it is a punctuation mark, return the character code.
Ignore white space. */
register i;
char token[40]; /* Probably paranoid. */
for (;;)
while (isspace(*lexptr))
if (*lexptr == 0)
return 0;
else if (isalpha(*lexptr))
i = 0;
while (isalpha(*lexptr))
token[i++] = *lexptr++; /* Null termination is automatic. */
for (i = 0; months[i]; i++)
if (prefix(months[i],token))
yylval = i + 1;
return MONTH;
for (i = 0; zones[i].name; i++)
if (prefix(zones[i].name,token))
int oper, next;
zoneflag = TRUE;
delta = zones[i].delta;
oper = yylex();
/* Syntax: "4 CST + 23[:10]" adds 23 minutes and
optionally 10 seconds to delta (the correction). */
if (oper == '+' || oper == '-')
(void) yylex();
delta += (oper == '+' ? 60 : -60) * yylval;
next = yylex();
if (next == ':')
(void) yylex();
delta += (oper == '+' ? 1 : -1) * yylval;
return next;
return oper;
if (prefix("pm",token) || prefix("p.m.", token))
return PM;
if (prefix("am",token) || prefix("a.m.", token))
return AM;
else if (isdigit(*lexptr))
i = 0;
while (isdigit(*lexptr))
token[i++] = *lexptr++;
token[i] = '\0';
yylval = atoi(token);
return NUM;
return *lexptr++;
char *s;
errorflag = TRUE;
/* Is y a leap year? */
#define leap(y) (((y) % 4 == 0 && (y) % 100 != 0) || (y) % 400 == 0)
/* Number of leap years from 1970 to y (not including y itself) */
#define nleap(y) (((y) - 1969) / 4 - ((y) - 1901) / 100 + ((y) - 1601) / 400)
/* This macro returns the "day" number of the sunday immediately
preceding or equal to the argument in the current year. */
#define FIRST_SUNDAY 3
#define dayofepoch(day) ((day) + (year - 1970) * 365 + nleap(year))
#define sunday(day) ((day) - (dayofepoch(day) + 7 - FIRST_SUNDAY) % 7)
/* correction()
returns the daylight savings correction in seconds to ADD to GMT
to get correct local time.
Since we are converting local back to GMT, we SUBTRACT this later on
(local = gmt + correction(); gmt = local - correction()).
While we're at it, we also add the longitude correction for minutes
west of Greenwich. To do this, we have all these fascinating tables
here . . . */
#ifdef BSD
struct dstinfo
int year; /* Info is for this year, or default if zero. */
int start; /* DST begins sunday before this day. */
int end; /* DST ends sunday before this day. */
/* USA. */
static struct dstinfo
usa_dst[] =
1974, 5, 333,
1975, 58, 303,
0, 119, 303
/* Australia. */
static struct dstinfo
aus_dst[] =
1970, 999, 0,
1971, 303, 0,
1972, 303, 58,
0, 303, 65
/* Western Europe. */
static struct dstinfo
weur_dst[] =
1983, 89, 296,
0, 89, 303
/* Middle Europe (also used for Eastern Europe, for lack of better
information). */
static struct dstinfo
meur_dst[] =
1983, 89, 296,
0, 89, 272
/* Canada is same as US, except no early 70's insanity. */
static struct dstinfo
can_dst[] =
0, 119, 303
struct dst_rules
int magic; /* Gettimeofday magic number for rule type */
struct dstinfo *entry; /* Pointer to struct dstinfo array. */
int correction; /* Correction in minutes to GMT. */
static struct dst_rules
dstrules[] =
DST_USA, usa_dst, 60,
DST_AUST, aus_dst, -60, /* Southern hemisphere */
DST_WET, weur_dst, 60,
DST_MET, meur_dst, 60,
DST_EET, meur_dst, 60,
DST_CAN, can_dst, 60,
-1, 0, 0
int day; /* Day number in current year. */
struct timezone *tz;
int i, correc = 0;
struct dstinfo *dst;
/* Did the user specify in the input string a timezone correction to use? */
if (zoneflag)
return delta * 60;
/* Since no correction was explicitly specified, we use local time zone and
DST, as returned by gettimeofday() earlier . . . */
if (tz->tz_dsttime)
for (i = 0; dstrules[i].magic != -1; i++)
if (dstrules[i].magic == tz->tz_dsttime)
dst = dstrules[i].entry;
while (dst->year != year && dst->year)
if (sunday(dst->start) <= day && day <= sunday(dst->end)
/* For some reason, DST starts/ends at 2 am sunday mornings. */
&& !(day == sunday(dst->start) && hour < 2)
&& !(day == sunday(dst->end) && hour >= 2))
correc = dstrules[i].correction;
correc -= tz->tz_minuteswest;
return correc * 60;
#else /* !BSD */
#ifdef USG
extern long timezone;
struct timeb tb;
/* Did the user specify in the input string a timezone correction to use? */
if (zoneflag)
return delta * 60;
/* Since no correction was explicitly specified, we use local time zone. */
#ifdef USG
return (int) -timezone;
return tb.timezone * -60;
#endif /* !BSD */
static short
monthlens[] =
31, /* January */
28, /* February */
31, /* March */
30, /* April */
31, /* May */
30, /* June */
31, /* July */
31, /* August */
30, /* September */
31, /* October */
30, /* November */
31 /* December */
char *s;
#ifdef BSD
struct timeval tv;
struct timezone tz;
time_t now;
struct tm *tm;
int dayofyear;
#ifdef BSD
(void) gettimeofday(&tv,&tz);
/* The cast is required to shut lint up. Berkeley goes to all the effort
to define time_t, why don't they use it? */
tm = localtime(&(time_t) tv.tv_sec);
(void) time(&now);
tm = localtime(&now);
year = tm->tm_year;
month = tm->tm_mon + 1;
day = tm->tm_mday;
hour = tm->tm_hour;
minute = tm->tm_min;
second = tm->tm_sec;
zoneflag = FALSE;
errorflag = FALSE;
(void) yyparse();
if (errorflag)
return -1;
/* If garbage beyond valid date, that's an error. */
while (*lexptr && isspace(*lexptr))
if (*lexptr)
return -1;
/* User forced the exact time in seconds GMT, no further work necessary. */
if (iflag)
return iresult;
/* Try to keep the year reasonable (i.e., within the domain of ctime()). */
if (year < 1970)
year += 1900;
if (year < 1970)
year += 100;
/* Check for preposterous months/days/times. */
if (month < 1 || month > 12 || day < 1 ||
day > monthlens[month - 1] && !(month == 2 && day == 29 && leap(year))
|| hour > 23 || minute > 59 || second > 59)
return -1;
/* Mostly for convenience in sunday() macro, we use zero-origin days. */
dayofyear = day - 1;
if (month > 2 && leap(year))
while (--month > 0)
dayofyear += monthlens[month - 1];
/* Wow! */
return 86400 * (dayofyear + 365 * (year - 1970) + nleap(year))
+ 3600 * hour + 60 * minute + second
#ifdef BSD
- correction(dayofyear,&tz)
- correction()