Labels:book | cabinet | daily | earth | rotogravure | silver screen | sky OCR: SOF 510 SOM Ftrst settied 179% Porulation in 1830, SOMERFIELD, Soneraet cvunty 1,830 hy I-r. 17 miles V. DV SMYRNA, formerly Duck ciesk BBOID roads, SOMERS, p.t. Tolland coanty Conn. 22 56 on Duck creek K county. Delaw Hartford. miles Springfield, 19 miles Littlo Dover, and pr. miles Providence ASB. and 102 niles fard county nearly level with few SMYRNA p.v county, Ohio, but withr somo emincaces p-r 106 miles litte Colimbus which vicw of Hartford and the RBDSEORO' on Yalkin river, and valley or Com. Orchard grass Hour- the nglo una couaty, N fishes well, and it crossed LFy Scantic tiver p-r. uir Wadestory th and streams Popr. E830, 1,429 and 134 Raleigh SOMERS p-t Westehestor cannty SNICK GRAFII part Loudon 5i niles 120 miles AliM county Virginia, by D-E nE WeilWard ny lies Putnam county w ...