Labels:text | black and white | pattern OCR: IBM TIME SHARING OPTION (ISO) - PART II Now let's create a member for ourselves. I Nick Haflinger will assume that you are using standard TSO. Entor "EDIT daname(member) ". Hopefully the dename is one that you found allocated to your I hope that everyone has experimented with the logon. Remember that donames might have to have commands we learned last time because this month apostophes around them and pick a member .name We are going to talk about SUBMITting jobs and that is not being used. This is what your screen running programs in the foreground (ie, inside should look like. the T30 ragion). Formground jobs are helpful because snoopy operators will see vezy little of "EDIT TEST (NICK) aF." (you kay this in) what goes on during your TSO session. Important note- anytime you want to stop ...